Saurabh Patil Resume

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Saurabh D.

GitHub-saurabhpatilgithub Contact No.-7350489726
Address- Pune, 411002

Object Oriented Programming, Data structure and Algorithm, SOLID Principles, Design Patterns, Spring boot, Junit,
Lombok, Mockito, Git, Gradle, Jackson, Docker, Computer Network, REST API, JSON, SQL, MongoDB, Java, Hibernate
Tata Consultancy Services Pvt. Ltd. (Software developer) (February 2022-Present)
• Contributed in more than 30 REST API using spring boot and refactor the code using OOP and SOLID principles.
• Improved unit test coverage to more than 80% in Sonar Lint by using Junit and Mockito to ensure code reliability
and functionality.
• Actively contributed to various aspects of the development lifecycle in Agile
• Involved in IT-OT carve out project for a business operating in Health and life science domain

Crio Fellowship Backend Engineering program (Part time-October 2021-January 2023)

• Contributed in various projects using latest technology stack while simultaneously expanding my skill set and
knowledge as a software developer as part of the Crio Fellowship program
Food Ordering Application: 🔗
Skills Used: - Spring Boot, Spring Data, REST API, Jackson, Mockito, JUnit, MongoDB, Redis, and Jmeter
• Built different parts of the QEats food ordering app backend which is a Spring Boot application use to retrieve list of
restaurants from MongoDB based on a user location.
• Implemented Several REST API endpoints to query restaurant information based on different search parameters.
• Improved the app performance under large load scenarios by implementing Redis as a cache.

LLD of Ride sharing Service: 🔗

Skills Used: - Java, Object oriented Design (OOPS), Clean code Mockito, JUnit, Gradle
• Scored 82% in Geektrust Low Level Design challenge that focuses on clean, maintainable and well object modeled

Stock Portfolio Analyzer: 🔗

Skills Used: - Java, Design Patterns, Jackson, Rest API, Exception Handling, Multithreading, And Unit Testing
• QMoney is a visual stock portfolio analyzer. It helps portfolio managers make trade recommendations for their
• Built library to fetch stock data using third party REST API that can be used by frontend.
• Improved the code quality by refactoring the code to add support for multiple third-party stock data providers
• Implemented feature that calculate Annualized and Total return on stock based on Purchase date and selling data
following object oriented design paradigm.

• B.Tech in Mechaical Engineerig (CGPA-7.43) MIT Academy of Engineering(2017-2021)
Product Design Internship at MIT institute of Design (June, 2019-July, 2019)
• Class 12th (2017) Board-Maharashtra State Board Percentage-76.13
Class 10th (2015) Board-Maharashtra State Board Percentage-92.80

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