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You will answer and rationalize this by yourself. This will be recorded as your quiz. One (1) point will be given to the correct
answer and another one (1) point for the correct ratio. Superimpositions or erasures in your answer/ratio is not allowed.

1. The basic building blocks for protein are:

a. side groups.
b. amino acids.
c. glucose units.
d. saturated bonds.
ANSWER: ___B_____
RATIO:__ Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to form proteins ________________________________

2. Enzymes are proteins that, among other things:

a. defend the body against disease.
b. regulate fluid and electrolyte balance.
c. facilitates chemical reactions by changing themselves.
d. help assemble disaccharides into starch, cellulose, or glycogen.
ANSWER: __D______
RATIO:_ Proteins called enzymes aid in the conversion of disaccharides into starch, cellulose, or glycogen.___

3. Functions of proteins in the body include:

a. supplying omega-3 fatty acids for growth, lowering serum cholesterol, and helping with weight control.
b. supplying fiber to aid digestion, digesting cellulose, and providing the main fuel source for muscles.
c. protecting organs against shock, helping the body use carbohydrate efficiently, and providing triglycerides.
d. serving as structural components, supplying hormones to regulate body processes, and maintaining fluid and electrolyte
ANSWER: ____D____
RATIO:__ Protein provides hormones to control bodily functions, serves as structural elements, and maintains fluid and
electrolyte balance. __________________________________________________________________

4. The swelling of body tissue caused by the leakage of fluid from the blood vessels into the interstitial spaces is called:
a. edema.
b. anemia.
c. acidosis.
d. sickle-cell anemia
ANSWER: __A______
RATIO:_ Edema is swelling of soft tissues due to increased interstitial fluid.________________________________

5. Marasmus can be distinguished from kwashiorkor because in marasmus:

a. only adults are victims.
b. the cause is usually an infection.
c. severe wasting of body fat and muscle are evident.
d. the limbs, face, and belly swell with edema.
ANSWER: __C______
RATIO:__ The condition marasmus, which results from severe calorie deficiency leads to wasting and significant fat and
muscle loss.________________________________________________________________________

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