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Subject: ED 229
Submitted by: Kenneth Joy E. Alviar
Submitted to: Professor Alfredo L. Ridual Jr.
Semester: Midyear SY 2022-2023
Date: August 6, 2023

The Role of Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU)

The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities (PACU), as a national, non-

political, and voluntary educational association of national and international standings, founded

in 1932 by a group of Filipino educators, stands committed to: Maintaining good international

relationship and understanding through education; Democratizing access to higher education,

especially for the middle and lower classes of Filipinos; Participatory democracy as the firm

foundation for policy formulation, decision making on basic educational issues; the attainment of

the educational goals and objectives in the Constitution; institutional excellence and quality

standards in all levels of education geared towards preparing the Filipino; educational reforms

and innovative programs for national growth and development and the right to enjoy institutional

autonomy and academic freedom

The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation

(PACUCOA) is a private accrediting agency which gives formal recognition to an educational

institution by attesting that its academic program maintains excellent standards in its educational

operations, in the context of its aims and objectives: To identify schools whose competence and

performance in a particular field warrant public and professional recognition; to guide students in

the choice of quality schools, colleges and universities that will meet their individual needs; to
help institutions of learning and professional association in the mission of advancing the interest

of education; and to enlist the cooperation of institutions of learning and professional

associations in the mission of advancing the interest of education.

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