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Scope of Public Health

1) Infectious disease Prevention to chronic disease

2) Mental health
3) Bio terrorism
4) Demography
5) Environmental health
6) health financing
7) Addressing social determinants of health and health policy

Health Promotion

Communication Scope of Public Health Monitoring

Prevention Analysis

Other scope of Public Health

1) Health promotion
2) Mass media advertisement
3) Campaigning on health issues
4) Patient education
5) Environment safety measure
6) Public policy issues
7) Physical health
8) Prevention and curative medical approach
9) Health enhancing facilities in local communities
10) Material dissemination (education)
11) Awareness program through various methods and media
12) Counselling for the affected ones.

Mental Health ( scope of public health)

1) Mental health research
2) Examine stress, anxiety, depression, self arm and suicide
3) Technology and social media and its impacts on bullying and self image issues
of loneliness and isolation.
What is Public Health?
3-dimentions of Public health
1) Health protection
2) Health improvement
3) Healthcare related public health

What is the role of Public health in India?

Public health system across Nation is a conglomeration of all organised activities
that prevent disease, prolong life and promote health and efficiency of the
people. Indian Health care system has been historically dominated by
provisioning of medical care and neglected public health.

What are the Public Health Issue in India?

01) Infectious disease such as TB, Malaria, HIV AIDS. Continue to be major threat
to Public health, especially in poor and rural areas.

02) Maternal and child health indicates continue to be worrying with high rates of
maternal and neonatal mortality and child malnutrition.

What is the biggest Public Health issue today?

Heart disease and stroke are still the leading cause of death for both US men and

Public health problems of India

4 disease viz., Heart disease, Cancer, Diabetes, & Chronic pulmonary disease
contribute nealy 80% of all death due to NCDs and they share 4 common risk
factors viz., Tobacco use, Harmful use of alcohol, Unhealthy diet, and lack of
physical activity.
Besides endemic diseases such human immuno deficiency virus infection and
AIDS/HIV, TB, Malaria and neglected tropical diseases. The communicable
diseases outbreaks will continue to challenge Public Health, a resisting high level
of readiness in terms of early.

What are the basic 6 in Public health

1) Epidemeology
2) Biostatistics
3) Environmental Health
4) Health policy & Management
5) Social behavioral sciences &
6) Occupational health
What is the concept of PH?
PH is the science of protecting & imposing the health of people & their
communication. This work is achieved by promoting healthy lifestyles, researching
diseases and injury prevention & detecting preventing & responding to infectious
Hereditary Disorder

What is hereditary disorder?

A disorder caused by mutation (changes) in certain genes or chromosomes that
are passed down from parent to child, hereditary syndrome may be inherited from
one or both parent and several closer family members (such as a mother daughter
and sister) may have the same disorder.

What are the 10 genetic disorders

01. Albinism - it is a GP of genetic condition
02. Angel man syndrome - are syndrome causing physical and intellectual
03. Ankylosing spondylitis
04. Apert syndrome
05. Charcot-maric tooth disease
06. Congenital Adrenal hyperplasia
07. Cystic fibrosis
08. Down syndrome
09. Kline delete syndrome
10. Turner syndrome
11. Trisomy 18, Trisomy 13

What are the most common hereditary disease

01. Heart disease( coronary artery diseases) followed by,
02. Asthma
03. Diabetes mellitus
04. Cancer
05. Single gene disorders

Hereditary disorders
Genetic disorder and inherited medical condition caused by DNA abnormality.
most common types
1) Down syndrome - a genetic chromosome 21 disorder causing development and
intellectual delays.
2) Cystic fibrosis - an inherited life threatening disorder the damages the lungs
and digestive system .
3) Huntington's disease- an inherited condition in which new cells in the brain
break down overtime.

Others like (more types of genetic disorder)

a) Duchen ne muscular dystrophy - an inherited disorder that causes RBC to
become misshapen and breakdown

b) Thalassemia- a blood disorder involving lower than normal amount of an

oxygen carrying protein.

c) fragile X syndrome - a genetic condition causing intellectual disability

Special care and priority for Mentally Handicapped

How to care for (mentally) patients with mental healthcare?

01. Provide emotional support.
02. Help them to manage day to day tasks.
03. Support them in challenging times.
04. Advocate for them.
05. Encourage and support them to seek help.
06. Make phone calls for them.
07. Encourage them to feed confident in making decisions.

How to take care of mentally challenged?

01. Talk openly and encourage them to be honest with their friends and family
about how they are.
02. Read about their mental illness from reputable websites, such as government
or Health organisation websites or books of specialists.

How do you take care of someone with special needs?

01. Take time to understand their illness, that term disabilities is wide and varied.
02. Focus on their ability rather than their disabilities.
03. Respect their physical boundaries.
06. Think ahead.
05. Look after yourself too.

What is the necessary care for mentally ill patients?

A mental health care/nurse place a key role in evaluating the mental health needs
of the patient. A mental health nurse also encourages the patients to express
feelings and help them in handling their anger and frustration. The nurse also
helps in developing the nursing care plan for mental health patients.

What are 5 ways to take care of your Mental Health?

What matters most is what works for you so, we encourage you to explore various
ways to keep your mind help such as the following,
01. Practice gratitude.
02. Acknowledge what you feel.
03. Get enough sleep.
04. Stay physically active.
05. Eat nutritious foods.
06. Stay hydrated.
07. Find time to relax.

How to help someone with mental disabilities?

01. Listen simply giving someone space to talk and listening to how they feeling
can be really helpful in itself.
02. Offer reassurance, seeking help can feel lonely and sometimes scans.
03. Stay calm
04. Be patient.
05. Try not to make assumptions.
06. Keep social contact.
How do you manage mentally ill patients?
Try to show patience and caring, avoid being judgemental about their
expressed thoughts and actions, listen, try encouraging them to talk with a
mental healthcare practitioner or with their primary care practitioner -
wherever they might be most willing to start.

What are 12 steps of positive mental health?

01. Talk about your feelings, tell your friends and family about how you
02. Keep active.
03. Eat healthy food.
04. Drink sensibly.
05. Keep in contact with friends and loved ones.
06. Think about seeing a therapist.
07. Take a break.
08. Do something you enjoy.

What are 5 ways to reduce poor mental health?

01. Try to relax and reduce stress
02. Find ways to learn and to be creative
03. Spend time in nature
04. Connect with others
05. Look after your physical health
06. Try to improve your sleep.

What are the 7 types of mental disorder?

Many people also experience stigma discrimination and violation of
human rights,
01. Anxiety disorders
02. Depression
03. Bipolar disorder
04. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
05. Schizophrenia
06. Eating disorder
07. Disruptive behavioral and dissocial disorder
08. Neuro-developmental disorder

How can you help mentally ill person recover?

A "balanced diet, exercise and sleep" can also play a big roll in your mental
health. Meaningful social opportunities such as local drops in centres or
clubhouses and volunteer activities contribute to overall wellness and
mental health.
What are the main treatments for poor mental health?
01. Psycho therapy - it is the therapeutic treatment for mental illness provided by
a trained mental health professional.
02. Medication- Medication does not outright cure mental illness.
03. Hospitalization.
04. Support group
05. Complementary and alternative medicine.
06. Self help plan.
07. Peer support.

What are the 7 principles of mental healthcare?

Key principles of optimal mental health systems,
01. Equitable access
02. Culturally safe
03. Skilled, well resourced workforce and Clinical leadership.
04. Partnering with people with the lived experience.
05. Supported decision making.
06. Trauma - informed practice
07. Responsive, Compassionate Person - Centred care

What is the best treatment for mental illness?

Psychological therapies - can be helpful for most people affected by mental
health issues. For some mental health conditions medication can also be helpful.
Other support options include counselling, peer support and community support

How to take care of mental health?

01. Get regular exercise - just, 30 minutes of walking everyday can boost your
mood and improve your health.
02. Eat regular healthy meals and stay hydrated.
03. Make sleep a priority
04. Try a relaxing activity
05. Set goals and priority
06. Practice gratitude
07. Focus on positive
08. Stay connected.

What are the 4 C's of mental Health

It is widely used model for defining and measuring mental toughness.
It comprises 4 compartments
i) Confident
ii) Control
iii) Commitment
iv) Challenge
What are the ' 9 ' pillars of mental Health?
Mental health and Physical health
01. Sleep
02. Sunlight
03. Exercise
04. Stress management
05. Relationship
06. Nutrition
07. Oral health
08. Gut microbiome
09. Spiritual grounding addition.

8 elements of Mental Health

Wellness comprises of 8 mutually, co-dependence dimensions
01. Emotional
02. Physical
03. Occupational
04. Social
05. Spiritual
06. Intellectual
07. Environmental
08. Financial
if anyone of this dimensions is neglected overtime, it will adversely affect ones
health, wellbeing and quality health

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