What Is A Grammatical Category

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1. What is a grammatical category?

Name as many grammatical categories in

English as you can.
We may define gramatical categories as classes or group of items ( including
morphemes and lexical item) which fulfill the same or similar grammatical function
in particular language
aspect, case, mood, gender, person , number tense and voice
2. Case is a familiar grammatical category. What grammatical functions does
case indicate? Give examples in English to illustrate.
Case shows the grammatical functions of a noun or noun phrase (agency,
possession, naming, location, motion towards or from, etc.) in a sentence.
Nominative Case:
 Grammatical Function: Marks the subject of a verb.
 Example: "She sings well."
 Here, "she" is in the nominative case, functioning as the subject of the
verb "sings."
Accusative (or Objective) Case:
 Grammatical Function: Marks the direct object of a verb.
 Example: "He saw her."
 In this sentence, "her" is in the accusative case, functioning as the
direct object of the verb "saw."
Genitive Case:
 Grammatical Function: Indicates possession or association.
 Example: "Jane's book"
 "Jane's" is in the genitive case, indicating possession (the book
belonging to Jane).
Dative Case:
 Grammatical Function: Marks the indirect object or recipient of an action.
 Example: "I gave him a gift."
 Here, "him" is in the dative case, representing the recipient of the gift.
Vocative Case:
 Grammatical Function: Used for direct address.
 Example: "John, come here!"
 "John" is in the vocative case, indicating that the speaker is directly
addressing John.
Ablative Case:
 Grammatical Function: Indicates movement away from something.
 Example: "She ran away from the dog."
 "Dog" might be inflected in the ablative case to show movement away
from it.
1. What is transfer?Can you predict which part of Vietnamese
phonetics will likely cause difficulties for American/British
learners? Why?
Transfer (迁移) is the psychological hypothesis that the learning of task A
affect the subsequent learning of task B.
Positive transfer (正迁移) is also known as facilitation (易化作
用). It is transfer which helps or facilitates language learning in another later
situation, and may occur when both the native language and the target
(目标语) have the same form.
Negative transfer (负迁移), also known as interference (干扰作用), is one that
interferes with language learning in another later
situation. Specifically, it refers to the use of a native-language pattern or rule
which leads to an error or inappropriate form in the target language.
Vietnamese Phonetics for American/British Learners:
Tones: Vietnamese is a tonal language with six distinct tones. The 6 tones in
particular are very challenging.” sắc” huyền hỏi ngã nặng
Vowel ( 11 vowel, many dipthong + thriphthong) probably most difficult ones : ư ơ â
ưa ươ ưu
3 Consonant : kh and intial ng

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