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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d.

1. Situation: Hana gets difficulties doing her math homework. She asks for Lina’s help.
Hana : ........................
Lina : My pleasure. Come to my house, I will explain it for you.
The suitable utterance for the blank is.....
A. Will you like any help with your math homework?
B. Could you help me with my math homework?
C. Would you mind doing my math homework?
D. Can I have no more Math homework?

2. Situation : A customer is looking for the men’s wear department

Clerk : May I help you?
Customer : Yes, Could you tell me where the men’s wear department is?
Clerk : ................................
The suitable utterance for the blank is.........
A. Maybe this is the way, sir, err, but I’m not so sure.
B. I have no idea where the men’s wear department is.
C. Go right ahead and you will see many departments there.
D. The men’s wear department is over there, next to the shoe department.
3. Tia and Nadine are talking on the phone.
Tia : Hello? Tia’s speaking.
Nadine : Hi, Tia. This is me, Nadine. Are you free tomorrow?
Tia : Yes, what’s up?
Nadine : Tomorrow I will go to the public library. Do you want to join?
Tia : Wow! It must be so much fun there. You know, I like reading so much.
Nadine : Well, I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 10 a.m.
Tia : I’ll be ready.
Nadine : .....................
Tia : See you.
The suitable utterance for the blank is.........
A. Nice to see you again.
B. Have a nice day.
C. Take care
D. Bye.

4. Situation: Mrs. Gea is taking a very heavy baggage and Harry comes to help her.
Harry : ..............................
Mrs.Gea : Sure. What a kind boy you are.
Harry : That’s alright, Ma’am. Dom’t mention it.
The suitable utterance for the blank is.........
A. Can you help me?
B. Could you do something for me?
C. May I give you a hand?
D. Would you like to help me?

5. Dian and Farah are in the canteen.

Dian : Do you want to eat something?
Farah : Yes, I’m hungry.
Dian : Oke, I will treat you today. How about Bakso? Do you like it?
Farah : That sounds nice. Thanks.
Dian : Anytime.
The sentence “That sounds nice.” expresses....
A. refusing a help
B. agreeing to help
C. declining an offer
D. accepting an offer

6. Andy : Do you agree that we are going to spend the holiday in Puncak next week?
Caca : Yeah, that’s a good idea. I think it will be interesting to have camping in Puncak.
Andy : I am happy if you agree. We’ll have fun there.
Caca : It must be fun. Refresh our mind.
The dialog above shows....
A. asking and giving an opinion
B. asking and offering something
C. asking and giving agreement..
D. asking and giving information

7. Maya : .................................?
Susan : I think it is a very good idea because it can make the school environment shadier
and more beautiful.
The suitable utterance for the blank is................
A. What do you think of “Go Green” program for our school?
B. Do you agree to hold a cleanliness contest in our school?
C. What do you think of joining green school environment contest?
D. Do you think it will be okay to keep the school environment clean?

8. Farhan : Do you think we are at the end of the rainy season now?
Nunung : I think so. Rain doesn’t fall very often now. Rainy season usually starts
from November and ends in April, and it means this month.
Farhan : The weather is unpredictable now. Maybe we should prepare well for the
dry season.
Nunung : Yeah, you’re right.
The underlined utterances express Nunung’s .....
A. agreement
B. opinion
C. suggestion
D. information

9. Manda : ....................................?
Ratna : Thanks, anyway, I think I can do it myself.
Manda : Alright.
The suitable utterance for the blank is.........
A. Would you like to do something for me?
B. Would you like to help me?
C. Would you like something?
D. Would you like any help?

10. Merry : Could you show me the way to the hospital?

Mr. Han : Of course. Please go straight this way until you find the T junction. Then,
turn right for about 300 meters and you will find the hospital.
Merry : Thank you so much.
Mr. Han : You are welcome.
The dialog above shows......
A. Asking and giving information
B. Asking and giving suggestion
C. Asking and giving agreement
D. Asking and giving opinion

Read the Invitation for number 11-12!

Mr. And Mrs. Albert Evans

Request the pleasure of your company
At the marriaage of their daughter
Elizabeth Anne
Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett
Saturday, the seventh of June 2018
At seven o’clock in the evening
The Hampton’s Country Club
Richfield, VA
And afterwards a reception
In the Grand Ballroom
RSVP by 22nd May 2018
Britney 262-5566

11. What should an invitee do if he/she is not able to come to the party?
A. He/She must send Anne and Ryan a message.
B. He/She must text Mr and Mrs. Albert.
C. He/She should tell Elizabeth soon.
D. He/She should contact Britney.

12. What is the writer’s intention to write the text?

A. To invite people to attend the wedding party.
B. To tell about Elizabeth Anne’s wedding party
C. To inform people about Anne and Ryan’s wedding party.
D. To tell about the time and the place of the wedding party..
Read the Invitation for number 13-15!

SMP Taruna Maju


English Conversation Club (ECC) Anniversary

Storytelling Contest

The winner will grab of Rp 1,250.000 in cash, courtesy of Naruto Bank.

The top three winners will also get an electronic dictionary each!
Check out further information about this to:

Halim class VIII C

Alfi class IX C

13. What will the first winner get?

A. Money from ECC
B. Money from Naruto Bank
C. Money and electronic dictionary
D. Money from SMP Taruna Maju

14. What should the students do if they want to register for the competition?
A. They should buy dictionary.
B. They should meet Halim or Alfi.
C. They should go to Naruto Bank.
D. They should be the members of ECC.

15. “The winner will grab of Rp 1,250.000 in cash, courtesy of Naruto Bank.”
The word bold typed word has similar meaning to...
A. money
B. price
C. prize
D. exchange

Read the Invitation for numbers 16-17!

To: Ridwan

Ridwan, I’m sorry that I cannot teach at your class this afternoon. I have to attend
an urgent meeting.
I left an assignment for your class. Ask for the assignment to Miss Elly. Do the
assignment well. Collect your works and put them on my desk.
Thank you for your help, Ridwan.
Mr. Albert Gany

16. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To inform someone about his absence.
B. To give someone an order to do.
C. To ask an assignment to someone.
D. To thank someone for his help.

17. Why should Ridwan meet Miss Elly?

A. To ask for the assignment.
B. To hand in the students’ work.
C. To do Mr. Gany’s assignment.
D. To ask about Mr. Gany’s absence

Read the text below for numbers 18 – 21!

One day, my English teacher asked me to demonstrate how to sharpen a pencil in front of the
class. I walked quickly to the front of the classroom. Then, my teacher handed me a sharpener and a
pencil. I was very nervous. I held the pencil in my right hand and the sharpener in my left hand. After
that, I tried to insert the pencil into the hole. But I missed the hole because my hands were trembling
nervously. I tried again. Still, I missed it. My friends laughed at me. I became more and more nervous.
My teacher smiled and said, ‘’ Relax! Don’t be nervous!’’
I finally could finish it and I felt relieved. When I wanted to go back to my seat, my teacher
gave me her right hand. I quickly took it and shook her hand. But then she said, ‘’No, Adi, I want you to
give me back the pencil and the sharpener.’’ My face turned red for the second time and my friend
could not stop laughing at me.
I was so embarrassed.

18. Why did the writer fail to insert the pencil into the hole?
A. He could not find the hole.
B. The pencil was dull.
C. His hands were trembling
D. He was sick.

19. Why did the writer’s friends laugh at him? Because ....
A. he was embarrassed and trembling.
B. his hands were trembling and nervous.
C. he was so nervous and embarrassed in front of the class.
D. he was nervous and unable to do the teacher’s order correctly.

20. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell his embarrassment in practising something.
B. To share one’s experience in doing something.
C. To give information how to sharpen the pencil.
D. To demonstrate how to sharpen a pencil in front of the class.

21. What did the teacher give to the writer?

A. A pencil and a pencil case.
B. A pencil and a book.
C. A sharpener and a pencil
D. A sharpener and a book.
Read the letter below for the number 22 – 23.
Dear Maria,

Yesterday, Uncle Tumijo took me and my cousin to the beach. It’s called Parangtritis
Beach and we had the most thrilling view. Its large wave was really awesome.
Unfortunately, we could not swim at this beach. There were so many deep hollows along
the beach. People can easily be drowned. We played beach volleyball in the afternoon.
Then, we took a traditional cart called andong and enjoyed the sunset. It was fun!
22. Why
Wish was the
you were writer prohibited to swim at the beach?
A. Because people can easily be drowned.
B. Because of the thrilling view. Yours,
C. Because of the deep sea water. Annette
D. Because the wave was so big.
24. “Its large wave was really awesome.”
The underlined word refers to....
A. The beach
B. The view
C. The cart
D. The sunset

Text for number 24 – 26. Fill in the blank spaces with the correct form of past verbs.
Last week, my family and I ....(24) Sigandu beach. We took a car and arrived there at 9 a.m. Then,
we rolled out the mat and ....(25).........breakfast together.
After having breakfast, I and my bother played the ball while my sister built the sand castle. After lunch
time, we ........(26).... at the beach and enjoyed the warm beach water. We went home at 3 p.m.
We were really very happy enjoying our time there.

25. A. went
B. visited
C. saw
D. enjoyed
26. A. prepared
B. had
C. made
D. bought
27. A. ran
B. walked
C. took photos
D. swam

The text is for number 27 – 30!

Beach Clean Up

Yesterday our class had an excursion to Maron Beach. We left the school at six thirty. We brought
brooms, big plastic bags and other cleaning utensils. We wore wide hats and gloves to protect our body from
the sun.
We arrived at beach after a thirty minute drive. The beach was so dirty. Garbage was everywhere. It
was not beautiful at all. We looked at the dirty beach sadly.
Mrs. Sumiyati told us to get off the bus and start our program right away. She showed us how to pick
up the garbage and put it into the plastic bags. We did the cleaning up immediately. We picked up plastic,
cans, dry leaves, unused sandals and put them into the plastic bags we brought. Then, we brought the
garbage into the dumping ground.
We were very happy to see the beach clean.

28. What did they need to clean up the beach?

A. Wide hats and gloves to protect our body.
B. Brooms, big plastic bags and other cleaning utensils.
C. The garbage and the plastic bags.
D. Plastic, cans, dry leaves, unused sandals.
29. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The writer and her friends put the garbage into the plastic bags.
B. The writer and her friends brought the garbage into the camping ground.
C. The writer and her friends did the cleaning up the beach
D. The writer and her friends were very happy to see the beach clean.

30. She showed us how to pick up the garbage and put it into the plastic bags.
The underlined word has the same meaning with.....
A. buy
B. grab
C. bring
D. put

31. “.......and put them into the plastic bags we brought.”

The underlined word refers to....
A. Wide hats and gloves.
B. Plastic bags and dry leaves.
C. Big plastic bags and cleaning utensils.
D. Plastic, cans, dry leaves, unused sandals.

The text is for numbers 31-34!

The Lion and the Mosquito
A lion grumbled and growled at a mosquito which kept flying around his head as he tried to take a
nap. “Go away before I crush you under my paw,” he roared.
“I’m not afraid of you,” teased the mosquito. “You may be called the King of the Beasts, but I am
more powerful than you are. I can prove it, too. Let’s fight and see who wins.” The lion agreed.
The mosquito quickly swooped down at the lion and bit him again and again on his nose and ears.
While trying to crush the mosquito, the lion clawed himself with his sharp nails, drawing blood. “Enough,”
he finally cried. “Enough! You win!”
Unharmed, the mosquito buzzed away. He boasted of his victory over the lion to anyone who would
listen. He was so busy boasting that he flew straight into a spider’s web strung between trees. As a tiny
spider hurried towards him, the mosquito struggled helplessly in the strong threads of the web.
‘’I fought and won against the greatest of beasts,’’ he thought sadly, ‘’only to be devoured by one less
powerful than I am!’’
31. Why did the lion claw himself with his sharp nails?
A. Because he hate himself.
B. Because he wanted to crush the mosquito.
C. Because the mosquito swooped down at the lion.
D. Because he had sharp nails.

32. The writer’s aim in writing the text is....

A. To persuade the readers to read the story.
B. To tell the story of the lion and the mosquito.
C. To amuse the readers with an interesting story.
D. To show the fight between the lion and the mosquito.
33. What happened to the mosquito after boasting his victory over the lion?
A. He won against the greatest of beasts
B. He boasted of his victory over the lion to anyone
C. He flew straight into a spider’s web strung between trees.
D. He was devoured by one less powerful.

34. What can we learn from the story?

A. Victory is the best result.
B. Boasting is not good behavior.
C. We should struggled helplessly in the strong threads
D. We should escape from the problem we are facing.

The text is for numbers 35-37!

One day, Rahwana kidnapped Sinta and took her to his palace in Alengka. Rama
was so sad. He tried many efforts to save his wife. He sent his best troops to search for
his beloved wife, but Sinta remained unfound.
After four months, Hanoman, the king of white monkeys found Sinta’s crown in
the bushes. It was a clue that led them to Alengka. Rama thanked his best friend,
Hanoman, and soon they went to Alengka with thousands of troops.
The battle was unavoidable. Rahwana’s troops were very powerful giants. They
made many of Rama’s soldiers wounded. The battle took two months. Yet, after Rama
got involved in the battle, the problem solved. It was also because of Rama’s power.
Rahwana, the very powerful king of giants was killed.
Rama was so happy to see his beloved wife. They returned to Ayoda and lived
happily forever.

35. What is the main idea of paragraph 2 ?

A. Hanoman found a clue of Sinta’s existence
B. Rama got his wife’s crown in the bushes
C. Alengka had thousands of troops to fight
D. The king of white monkeys went to bushes

36. “ They returned to Ayoda and lived happily forever “

The word they refers to....
A. Rama and Rahwana
B. Rama and Hanoman
C. Rahwana and his wife
D. Rama and his beloved wife

37. “ He sent his best troops to search for his beloved wife, but Sinta remained unfound “
The synonym of the underlined word is ...
A. find
B. get
C. seek
D. have
38. wrote – to – her – Jane – a letter - friend – best
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The best arrangement of the jumbled words above is ....
A. 4 – 1 – 2 – 6 – 7 – 5 – 3
B. 4 – 2 – 6 – 7 – 1 – 5 – 3
C. 4 – 2 – 5 – 1 – 7 – 3 – 6
D. 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 – 3 – 7 – 6

39. had – we – garage – kept – car – the – in - our

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
The best arrangement of the jumbled words above is ....
A. 2 – 4 – 6 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 1 – 3
B. 2 – 1 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 4
C. 2 – 1 – 4 – 8 – 5 – 7 – 6 – 3
D. 2 – 1 – 5 – 7 – 3 – 8 – 4 – 6

40. Arrange these jumbled sentences into a good order!

1. I went there with George and Tina.
2. On Saturday night, I went to Sarah’s birthday party.
3. The party started at 7 pm.
4. First, we sang “Happy Birthday” song
5. We wore red costumes
6. Then, Sarah blew the candles.
7. After that, we had some food and soft drinks.

A. 2–1–4–6–7–3–5
B. 2–4–6–7–5–3–1
C. 2–4–3–5–1–6–7
D. 2–1–5–3–4–6–7

41. Read the short message then answer the questions!
To: Indri
[Bacalah pesan pendek berikut dan jawablah pertanyaan – pertanyaannya]
Indri, please forgive me, I cannot go to the bookstore with you and the others this
afternoon. I and my brother have to pick up my aunt at the airport. She is going to
spend her holiday with us. Have a good time at Matahari supermall, girls! Send my
best regards to Joanna and Maria.

a. Why does Vera apologize to Indri?
b. She is going to spend her holiday at my house. The underlined word refers to ....

42. Complete the dialog with the suitable provided expression !

( Lengkapi percakapan dengan ungkapan yang tersedia yang sesuai )
Santi :
- Can you pick me up tomorrow ? - No problem
Diana, are
- Will you help me doing it ? - No, I can’t
you free
now ?
Diana : Yes, what’s up ?
Santi : I have English homework and it is very difficult. ( a )….
Diana : Sure. When will we do it ?
Santi : Tomorrow at about 5 p.m.
Diana : Okay. ( b )….
Santi : Alright. I’ll pick you up at about 4.30 p.m.
But, I don’t have a dictionary. Please lend me your dictionary !
Diana : ( c )…
Santi : Thanks. You are really a good friend.

43. Fill in the blank spaces with correct past form of the verbs!
[Isilah rumpang dengan bentuk kata kerja lampau yang sesuai]
Last week, my friends and I.......1.(go) Dieng plateau. We....2.(want)..... to spend the holiday
enjoying the cold weather, the fresh air and also the beautiful scenery. There, we...3.(take).....many
pictures. The wonderful view makes the pictures more interesting. We also ...4.(see)...many tourists
enjoying the view.
We were really happy and enjoyed that day.

44. Arrange these sentences into a meaningful paragraph !

[Susunlah kalimat acak dibawah menjadi paragraf yang bermakna]
a. The Crow was so proud to hear that and she started to open her beak to sing for the Fox. And, as
soon as she opened her beak, the cake fell down.
b. One day a hungry fox was walking alone in the jungle.
c. The cunning fox caught the cake happily and ran away. And, the crow? At the end the Crow had
nothing because of her foolishness.
d. The fox got a good idea and said, “Oh… beautiful Crow ! You’re the best singer I’ve known in
the world. I really want to hear your melodious voice. Please… sing me a song now!”
e. He saw a crow with a piece of cake on her beak perch on a branch of a tree.

45. Arrange these sentences into a good recount text!

[Rangkailah kata – kata acak ini menjadi kalimat yang runtut]
a) We also watched the dancing dragon performance.
b) It was memorable holiday ever.
c) Last month, my family and I visited Sam Po Kong Museum in Semarang.
d) We took some pictures there.
e) There, I learnt the story how Sam Po Kong sailed from China to Semarang for trading and
spreading Islam religion.

<<<<< Good Luck! >>>>>

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