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“ Properties of Angles in Polygons”

Demonstrator: REGINA S. OMNOS

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. (C) Understand and apply the properties of angles in polygons

2. (P) Measure and classify angles in polygons accurately.; and
3. (A) Appreciate the importance of angles in real-world applications
A. Topic: Properties of Angles in Polygons
B. References:
• Textbook: "Geometry Concepts" by Laurie Boswell
• Supplementary materials: Geometric shapes, whiteboards, markers, projector for
multimedia presentations.
C. Values Integration:
• Emphasize the value of collaboration and respect for diverse perspectives during the


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Preparation `

1. Prayer
May I request Ms. Jessa Macabinguil to please (Jessa leads the prayer)
lead the prayer?

Thank you, Jessa! You’re welcome, Ma’am!

2. Greetings
A pleasant morning class! Good morning, Ma’am!

How are you this morning? We’re good!

Well, that’s good to know!

I hope that you are all doing well. This morning, we

will have a new lesson.

The teachers will introduce themselves.

3. Checking of Attendance
Let us first check your attendance. Is anyone
absent? (Everyone will respond)

4. Review
Before we formally start our lesson for this
afternoon, who can give us a recap of our activity last
meeting? (Student answers)

Awesome. This afternoon, we’ll have a new one.

B. Motivation

Today, we're going to dive into the fascinating world Student 1: (raising hand) Um, I think there
of angles. But before we jump into our lesson, let's are angles in the corners of the whiteboard.
start with a little exploration. I want you to take a
look around the room and think about where we
might find angles in our everyday surroundings.

Excellent observation! Indeed, the corners of the

whiteboard form right angles. What about Student 2: The windows! The frames make
angles too.

Fantastic! Windows are great examples. What

type of angles do you think those are?
Student 3: (thinking) I think those are acute
angles because they are less than 90 degrees.
Great job! And what about the desks? Do they
have any angles?
Student 4: (looking at the desks) Oh! The
legs of the desks form angles too.
Exactly! Now, let's take it a step further. What
about angles outside the classroom? Where can
we find them in the real world? Student 5: (raising hand) I saw angles on
the stop sign when I was coming to school
Excellent observation! Stop signs are a perfect
example. What about traffic lights?

That's the beauty of angles – they're all around Student 6: The traffic lights have angles
us! Whether it's in the classroom, on the streets, too! I never really thought about it before.
or even at home, angles play a crucial role in our
Student 7: (curious) Why are we learning
about angles? What's the big deal?
Ah, that's a fantastic question! Understanding
angles helps us make sense of shapes, patterns,
and even solve real-world problems. Today,
we're going to explore the properties of angles in
polygons, and by the end of the lesson, you'll see
just how important angles can be. So, are you
ready to dive into the world of angles?

Students: (in unison) Yes!

C. Presentation

Today, we're going to unravel the mysteries of angles

within polygons. So, let's jump right into our lesson. Students take out their notebooks and pens,
I'm going to use some visuals to present the topic, and ready to engage with the presentation.
I encourage you to take notes as we go along.

(using the projector to display an image of a polygon

on the board) Here's a polygon, a closed figure with
straight sides.

Can anyone tell me what makes this shape different

from other geometric figures? Student 1: (raising hand) It has straight
sides, and it's closed.
Absolutely! Now, let's focus on the interior of the
polygon. What do you notice about the angles inside?
Student 2: (thinking) The angles seem to be
Great observation! In a polygon, the angles can different sizes.
indeed vary. Let's take a closer look at the properties
of these angles.

(drawing on the board) Now, consider this polygon.

I'll label the vertices A, B, C, D, and E.

Students follow along, sketching the

polygon and labeling the vertices in their

(pointing to angle ABC) Let's focus on angle ABC.

This is an interior angle because it's inside the
polygon. Now, what do you notice about its size?

Exactly! In a polygon, each interior angle is less than

180 degrees. But can it be any size?
Student 3: (raising hand) It looks like less
than 180 degrees.
Spot on! An interior angle in a polygon is always
greater than 0 degrees. Now, let's explore some
specific types of polygons and their angle properties.
Student 4: (thinking) No, it has to be more
than 0 degrees, right?
(displaying images of different polygons) Here are
some common polygons: triangles, quadrilaterals,
pentagons, and hexagons. Let's discuss the sum of
interior angles for each.

Students follow the discussion, jotting down

notes on the sum of interior angles for
triangles, quadrilaterals, and other polygons.

(summarizing) So, in any triangle, the sum of interior

angles is always 180 degrees. Similarly, for a
quadrilateral, it's 360 degrees. Can anyone venture a
guess for a pentagon or a hexagon? Student 5: (raising hand) Is it 540 degrees
for a pentagon and 720 degrees for a
Brilliant! You're right on target. The sum of interior
angles follows a pattern, and we can use it to find the
sum for any polygon. Now, let's practice a few
examples together.

(presenting problems on the board) I'll work through a

couple of examples, and then I'll have you try some Students actively participate, attempting to
on your own. solve problems on their individual

(concluding the presentation) Great job, everyone!

Today, we've explored the properties of angles in
polygons. Make sure to review your notes, and don't
hesitate to ask questions. We'll be diving into some
engaging activities next to solidify our understanding.
Are you ready for the challenge?

Students: (enthusiastically) Yes!

D. Discussion
Now that we've covered the basics of angles in Students sit attentively, ready to participate
polygons, let's engage in a Socratic discussion to in the Socratic discussion. They listen
deepen our understanding. I'll pose some open-ended
closely to the questions posed by the
questions, and I encourage each of you to share your
thoughts. There's no right or wrong answer—let's teacher.
explore different perspectives.

Alright, let's start with a fundamental question: Why

do you think it's essential to study the properties of
angles in polygons? Student 1: (raising hand) I think it helps us
understand the structure of different shapes,
which can be useful in geometry and even in
real-life situations.
Excellent point! Geometry is indeed all around us.
Now, considering the sum of interior angles, why
does it follow a specific pattern in polygons? Student 2: (thinking) Maybe there's a
relationship between the number of sides in
a polygon and the sum of its interior angles?

That's a great hypothesis. Can anyone build on that

idea or provide a different perspective? Student 3: (raising hand) I think it has to do
with the fact that polygons are closed
figures. The sum of angles has to somehow
fit within the shape.

Very insightful! Now, let's consider practical

applications. How might understanding the properties
of angles in polygons be useful in real-life situations?
Student 4: (thinking) Well, architects use
geometry to design buildings and structures.
Knowing how angles work in different
shapes helps them create stable and
Exactly! Geometry plays a crucial role in various aesthetically pleasing designs.
fields. Now, let's shift our focus. Can anyone share a
challenging aspect of today's lesson, or something
they'd like to explore further?
Student 5: (raising hand) I found the
concept of the sum of interior angles
fascinating, but I wonder if there's a way to
prove why it works for any polygon.
(summing up) I appreciate your thoughtful responses.
It's clear that you've engaged deeply with the material.
Keep these questions in mind as we move forward.
Now, let's transition to the next part of our lesson.

(Students reflect on the discussion,

considering new perspectives and questions
raised by their peers. They look forward to
further exploration in the upcoming lessons.)

E. Abstraction
Now that we've explored the properties of angles in (Students have their notebooks and pens,
polygons through our presentation and Socratic prepared to synthesize the information
discussion, it's time to abstract our understanding. We'll presented.)
work together to distill the key principles and form
general rules about angles in polygons.

(drawing on the board) Let's take a step back and

think about what we've learned. In a triangle, the
sum of interior angles is 180 degrees. How would
Student 1: (raising hand) The sum of
you express this as a general rule?
interior angles in any triangle is 180 degrees.

Precisely! Now, extending this idea to

quadrilaterals, what general rule can we establish?
Student 2: (thinking) It's 360 degrees. So,
the sum of interior angles in a quadrilateral
is 360 degrees.

Excellent deduction. Now, let's generalize further. Student 3: (raising hand) For a pentagon,
What about a pentagon?
the sum of interior angles is 540 degrees.

Great job! You've caught on quickly. And how

Student 4: (confidently) It's 720 degrees.
about a hexagon?
So, the sum of interior angles in a hexagon
is 720 degrees.

Fantastic! You've successfully abstracted the

pattern. Can anyone propose a formula that relates
the number of sides in a polygon to the sum of its Student 5: (thinking) Is it
interior angles? 180∘×(n−2)180∘×(n−2), where n is the
number of sides?

Brilliant! You've nailed it. The formula

180∘×(n−2)180∘×(n−2) indeed gives us the sum
of interior angles for any polygon. Now, let's
discuss why this formula makes sense.

(facilitating discussion) Let's delve deeper into

the reasoning behind the formula. Why does
multiplying the number of sides by 180 and Student 6: (raising hand) I think it has to do
subtracting 360 give us the sum of interior with splitting the polygon into triangles.
angles? Each interior angle contributes 180∘180∘,
and we subtract 360 because there are two
triangles in a quadrilateral.
Excellent insight!

(summarizing) Today, we've not only explored

the properties of angles in polygons but also
abstracted our understanding into a formula that
can be applied to any polygon. Keep this formula
in mind as we tackle more complex problems in
the future.

F. Application
Now, let's engage in a practical activity to solidify our (Students jot down the formula and key
understanding of angles in polygons. Each group will points in their notebooks, satisfied with the
receive a large sheet of poster paper and markers. clarity they've gained. They eagerly
Your task is to create a mural that represents a real- anticipate applying this newfound
world scenario incorporating the angles of the knowledge in upcoming activities.)
assigned polygon.

(Teacher will give the materials to be used in making

the mural and also the specific instructions for each Group 1 (Triangle):

Teacher's Guidance:

• Circulate among the groups, helping and

encouraging discussions. • Step 1: Discuss and decide on a real-
• Prompt groups to consider the stability, world scenario where triangles play a
design, or functionality associated with the crucial role (e.g., the construction of
chosen scenarios. a pyramid).
• Emphasize the connection between the angles • Step 2: Sketch the scenario on the
in the polygons and the real-world application. poster paper, paying attention to the
angles involved and how they
contribute to the stability or design.

Group 2 (Quadrilateral):

• Step 1: Brainstorm a situation in

which quadrilaterals are integral
(e.g., designing a room or
constructing a building).
• Step 2: Illustrate the scenario on the
poster, emphasizing the right angles
and their significance.

Group 3 (Pentagon):
• Step 1: Think about a context where
pentagons are commonly used (e.g.,
home décor or street signs).
• Step 2: Draw the scenario on the
poster, highlighting the interior
angles of the pentagon.

Group 4 (Hexagon):

• Step 1: Consider a real-world

application for hexagons (e.g.,
beehives or certain patterns in
• Step 2: Create a visual
representation on the poster,
showcasing the interior angles of the

(At the end of the activity, each group will

present their mural to the class, explaining
the significance of the angles in their chosen
real-world scenario. This hands-on activity
combines creativity with mathematical
understanding, reinforcing the practical
importance of angles in polygons.)
G. Generalization
Alright, each group has presented their mural,
showcasing the application of angles in different
polygons. What patterns or generalizations did
Student from group 1: (raising hand) In
you notice in the scenarios presented?
our triangle scenario, the stability of the
pyramid was dependent on the angles
formed by its triangular faces.

Great observation! The stability of structures

often relies on the angles formed by the geometric Student from group 2: (responding) For
shapes involved. What about the quadrilateral the room design, right angles were crucial in
ensuring that the furniture fits well and that
the room is aesthetically pleasing.

(encouraging discussion) Excellent point! Right

angles provide stability and order in architectural
design. Moving on to the pentagon scenario? Student from group 3: (sharing) In our
street sign example, the angles of the
pentagon contribute to its visibility and
Absolutely! The unique shape of the pentagon,
formed by its angles, can serve practical purposes
in design and signage. And how about the Student from group 4: (contributing) In the
hexagon scenario? beehive example, the hexagonal shape
maximizes space and allows for efficient
honeycomb formation.

Well said! Hexagons, with their angles, are

naturally efficient in packing and utilizing space.
Now, let's generalize these insights.

As a class, let's formulate some general principles:

• Principle 1: The stability of structures often
relies on the angles formed by the geometric
shapes involved.
• Principle 2: Right angles are crucial in
architectural design, providing stability and
aesthetic order.
• Principle 3: Unique shapes formed by
polygons, such as pentagons, can serve
practical purposes in design and signage.
• Principle 4: Hexagons, with their angles, are
naturally efficient in packing and utilizing
(Students actively participate in the
generalization process.)

(concluding) Well done, everyone! Today, we've not

only explored the mathematical properties of angles
in polygons but also connected these principles to
real-world applications. Keep these generalizations in
mind as we progress further in our geometric journey.

For our individual activity today, each of you will have

a set of questions to answer on your own. Please use
the provided worksheet to record your responses.
Ready? Let's get started. (2 pts. each)

Directions: Give the correct answer for each


Question 1: What is the sum of the interior 1: 180 degrees.

angles in a triangle?

Question 2: If the interior angle of a hexagon 2: 720 degrees.

measures 120 degrees, what is the sum of its
interior angles?

Question 3: Imagine you are an architect 3: A pentagon has interior angles that
designing a house. You want to include a room contribute to the stability and aesthetics of
with a pentagonal shape. Why might you choose the room.
this shape, considering the angles?

Question 4: How might the principles we've

learned today about angles in polygons be useful
in fields beyond geometry, such as art or 4: Understanding angles in polygons can
engineering? help artists create visually appealing
patterns, and engineers design structurally
sound buildings.
Great work, everyone! I'll review your responses to
gauge your understanding of today's lesson. Keep up
the excellent effort!


As we wrap up today's lesson, I have an exciting

assignment for each of you. This individual activity
will allow you to apply what you've learned about
angles in polygons to real-world scenarios.

Assignment Instructions:

1. Scenario Design (30 points): Choose a real-

world scenario (e.g., a park, a city block, or a
room) and design it using polygons. Include at
least three different types of polygons, and
specify the interior angles of each.

2. Justification (20 points): Write a brief

explanation of why you chose the specific
polygons and angles for your scenario.
Consider factors like stability, aesthetics, and

3. Reflection (10 points): Reflect on how this

assignment deepened your understanding of
the practical applications of angles in
polygons. What challenges did you face, and
how did you overcome them?

(This assignment is an opportunity for you to

showcase your creativity, critical thinking, and
understanding of the principles we've covered. I'm
looking forward to seeing your unique designs and
insights. The deadline for submission is at the
beginning of our next class. Have fun, and don't
hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.)

Prepared by: OMNOS, REGINA S.

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