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General problem

Teachers of special needs education (SNED) in the US and the Philippines have several challenges in
providing effective instruction and support for children with a range of learning disabilities. With regards
to the SNED teacher in the Philippines transitioning to the American educational environment, both
similarities and differences in addressing these challenges become visible. Concerns about lived
experiences in SNED classrooms range from engagement on equitable possibilities and providing a
supportive learning environment to resource limitations and complex creation of curriculum. Bridging
experiences from one educational system to another provides important insights into meeting the
changing requirements of different learners and developing inclusive practices globally in this dynamic


For a number of reasons, it is essential to explore the experiences of Special Needs Education (SNED)
instructors in the US and the Philippines. It presents cross-cultural understanding of how institutional,
social, and cultural variables affect special education practices. It also provides information for the
creation of policies, influencing, professional growth, improved teamwork, and a worldwide viewpoint
on the opportunities and difficulties facing special education. Policymakers may decide more
intelligently about training initiatives, support services, and budget allocation by having a better grasp of
the experiences of SNED teachers. Additionally, it encourages cooperation between academics,
researchers, and legislators, which makes it possible to create creative solutions for children with
disabilities. Examining the experiences of SNED teachers abroad can promote collaboration and unity in
the global advancement of the inclusion and rights of people with disabilities.

Global data

As reported by Cooc (2019), nearly 50% of schools report a shortage of teachers with special needs
competency, and 27 out of 38 countries prioritize professional development in special education.
Teachers working with more disabled students require more development, while those in strong
leadership schools need less. According to this study, special education instructing teaching children
with special needs face challenges due to insufficient resources, lack of experiences, lack of professional
growth, and lesser educational credentials. Nearly half of schools lack qualified teachers, particularly for
children with disabilities.


The transition to a new culture is one of the biggest issues Filipino teachers in the United States
experience. While navigating the American educational system, teachers may experience culture shock
and feel alone during the difficult adjustment process (Macapagong et al., 2023). This study allows us to
understand the challenges faced by Filipino teachers who migrate from Philippines to another country,
more particularly in United States of America regarding educational system. Challenges like cultural
adjustments, which can lead to culture shock due to unfamiliar cultures, traditions and behaviors.
However, as educational system also presents challenges, it gives opportunities to Filipino teachers to
familiarize with new teaching methods that are more effective in an educational settings, curriculum
standards, assessment practices and administrative procedures. Moreover, based on the study Filipino
teachers may feel isolated during the coping phase or process, mentorship opportunities, language
assistance, and access to community networks or support groups.

LIkewise, with regards to SNED teachers in the Philippines, it is certain that the difficult situations of
SNED instructors in the Philippines in adapting to these changes. Teaching special needs children differs
much from teaching general education pupils (Magsambol et al., 2020). These challenges result from the
complex range of teaching children with special needs, it shows the specialized training, different
educational approaches, and the limitations of resources. By the training, SNED instructors face various
disabilities, learning styles and behavioral difficulties that might not be as relevant in regular education
settings. It is also possible that it is challenging in adapting modifications in educational procedures or
rules that prioritize consistent learning.

In recent years, a large number of professionals—among them educators—have departed the

Philippines in quest of better job possibilities abroad. This change has been influenced by a number of
social, political, and economic variables (Ospina & Medina, 2020).

Theoretical Framework

Ryba, Stambulova and Ronkainen’s Cultural Transition Theory (2016)

People adapt to new cultures through a dynamic of stress, adaptation, and growth, which is known as
cultural adaptation. Multistage models, cross-cultural learning theory, and developmental models of
cross-cultural adaptation are some of the stages it contains. According to these model, there are distinct
stages in the adaptation process, and as people step at one stage and through it, they acquire coping
skills and strategies. Other elements that affect the process are cultural intelligence, social networks,
and cultural distance. The process of adjusting to a new culture is complex and affected by personal
development, circumstance, and individual characteristics.

This theory entails that SNED teachers transitioning to new cultural contexts, such as Filipino teachers in
the United States outlines the process of adaptation, which involves changes in behaviors, attitudes,
values, and identity. Factors influencing adaptation include cultural distance, social support, and
personal characteristics. The theory emphasizes the importance of understanding cultural differences,
seeking support, and developing cultural competence to successfully navigate new cultural

Young Yun Kim’s Cross-Cultural Adaptation Theory (1995)

Cross-cultural adaptation is a complex process in which a person becomes capable of functioning

effectively in a culture other than the one he or she was originally socialized in. As people become
immersed in foreign cultures their whole being gets affected. It looks at the different variables and
processes that influence the degree tow which a person adapts to a new or unfamiliar culture.

This theory suggests that individuals go through stages of adjustment when encountering a new culture.
These stages typically include initial excitement or honeymoon phase, followed by culture shock as
individuals confront differences and challenges, and eventually adaptation and adjustment as they
become more familiar with the new culture. The theory emphasizes the importance of social support,
language proficiency, and cultural competence in facilitating successful adaptation.

Ecological Systems Theory

Developed by Urie Bronfenbrenner, this theory emphasizes the importance of understanding individuals
within the context of their environment. It emphasizes the importance of studying children in multiple
environments, known as ecological systems, in the attempt to understand their development.
Individuals typically find themselves enmeshed in various ecosystems, from the most intimate home
ecological system to the larger school system, and then to the most expansive system which includes
society and culture. Each of these ecological systems inevitably interact with and influence each other in
all aspects of the person’s lives.

In the perspective of SNED teachers, their experiences are influenced by multiple ecological systems,
including the microsystem (interactions with students and colleagues), mesosystem (interactions
between different contexts such as school and home), exosystem (external influences like policies and
societal attitudes), and macrosystem (cultural values and beliefs about disability). Examining these
systems can provide insights into how SNED teachers navigate their professional roles within complex
social and institutional contexts.

Data Analysis

Thematic Analysis

Narrative anal;ysis


The Lived Experiences and Challenges Faced by SPED Teachers Amidst the New Normal of Education

Teaching students with special needs: International trends in school capacity and the need for teacher
professional development - ScienceDirect

View of Living and Teaching Internationally: Teachers' Experiences, Prospects and Challenges |
Valley International Journal Digital Library (


(PDF) The Work of Cultural Transition: An Emerging Model (

Cross Cultural Adaptation Theory (

What is Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory? - The Psychology Notes Headquarters


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