JavaScript Interviews

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** javascript interview questions **

1- What’s the difference between let , var , const?

2- What’s the difference between ECMAScript & java script?

3- javascript single or multiy ? Why JavaScript is a single-thread language that can

be non-blocking ?

4-The Difference Between Regular Functions and Arrow Functions ?

5- What’s the call in js ?

6- What’s the hoisting ?

7- What’s the promise ?

8- What’s the async in js ?

9- What’s the self invoke in js ?

10- What’s the SDLC ?

11- get maximum length of JavaScript array element => ["aa","aaa","sklla","s"] ?

12- what is the difference between slice & splice ?

13- what is the spread operator ?

14- what is the difference between .forEach(), .map(), .filter() ?

15- Find duplicates in an array using javaScript => [1,2,3,1,4,3] ?

16- How to make this array aunique in one line => [1,2,2,5,2] ?

17- What is Object and How to create it?

18- What is a Scope and How Many are There?

19- What Do You Mean by “this“?

20- What is Anonymous Function?

21- What Do You Know About BOM?

22- What is DOM and its Usage?

23- How To Return a Character From a Specific Index?

24- Difference between “==” and “===”

25- What are the Different Data Types in JS?

26- What is Prototype Property?

27- What is Closure?

28- How to Write “Hello World” in JavaScript?

29- How Can You Use an External JS file?

30- Asynchronous Programming and Its Importance

31- Usage of Window Object

32- How different is client-side JavaScript from the Server side?

33- Why Debugging is Required in JavaScript?

34- What is function hoisting?

35- Naming Conventions for Variables in JavaScript

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