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To Mrs. ………………..

Subject: Invitation letter

The undersigned …………., legal representative of the company …….., registered office in

…………………..Casablanca, Morocco, hereby invits Mrs. ………………, to our plant from

May 22nd to the 31st, 2024, in order to support and train our Quality team.

Mrs …………… has been working as Technical Manager at …………….. as

……… will be taking in charge all expenses during the stay.

Kenitra, June 7th 2023

Lot 154 Zone Industrielle Ben M’sik Sidi Othmane – Casablanca – Tél: 0522 717 676 – Email:
S.A.R.L au capital de 12 000 000 DHS – RC 172377 – IF 2860960 – TP 32795583 – CNSS 7635553 – ICE 000015295000061

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