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Role of de Broglie waves on origination of non-linear phenomena in torsion field

and spin-to-spin interaction experiments

Conference Paper · May 2013

DOI: 10.1109/LISAT.2013.6578248


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2 authors, including:

Mark Krinker
New York City College of Technology


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Role of de Broglie Waves
On Origination of Non-Linear Phenomena in Torsion Field
and Spin-to-Spin Interaction Experiments

Mark Krinker, Aron Goykadosh Telecommunication Engineering Technology

New York City College of Technology CUNY, New York
Department of Electrical and

Abstract— “Nature is reach in examples of nonlinear behavior. It employs special instruments, where features of nonlinearity
turns out that nonlinearity is the rule rather than the exception; manifest themselves in the utmost way.
the world must be described mathematically by equations that
exhibit critical points and novel orders of behavior and cannot
always be analyzed or decomposed into simpler forms. F. David
Peat, SYNCRONICITY There is a new class of electromagnetic-based instruments
which have unusual capabilities to interact with traces of an
Plenty of experimental facts of non-linear phenomena in the object which is not at a site of measurement, and communicate
experiments related to spinning/rotational processes have been to each other over distances where electromagnetic signal has a
accumulated thus far. Universality of all spin–related noise level, as well as developing an object-correlated output
processes, disregarding the carrier of the process – either signal even before the object was activated or after its
mechanical, electrical or others, enable us to discuss them as activation is over, and demonstrate other phenomena
one group, based on Torsion Field Hypothesis, theoretically contradicting with a classical electromagnetic cause-effect
introduced back in 20s of the past Century. Since 70’s there paradigm.
have been a lot of experiments with non-electromagnetic fields
which revealed their specific nonlinear behavior. The operation of the instruments is based on non-linear
quantum phenomena as well as properties of Physical Vacuum
In particular, a very strange property of these kinds of the [1].
experiments has been noted - first measurements phenomena -
where the results of the first measurements look more 1. Role of De Broglie Waves in New Measurements
convincing than their repetitions. Another remarkable Technology
manifestation of this class of phenomena was the Triad Effect
noted first in Russia in torsion-related experiments. The Triad Back in 90’s, one of the first instruments of Geomagnetic
effect is: the observation of incoming non-electromagnetic Anomalies Meter was developed by Russian inventor Yurij
event can occur before the event itself was initiated as well Kravchenko [2], the instrument was called IGA-1 Indeed,
as some time after the real event took place. IGA-1 can measure fields over geo-faults, detect pipe-lines and
do other similar work. In addition, the instrument can register a
The authors discuss the origination of this class of phenomena phantom of an object, and develop a signal which correlates
with regards to quantum phenomena, including superposition with celestial events like eclipses, full Moon and other events
of de Broglie waves. of this type. Although the operation of the instrument within 5-
15 kHz band is based on measuring the point-to-point phase
I. INTRODUCTION shift of electric field induced by corresponding Earth field, the
Nonlinearity is encountered frequently in a macro-world. same basis allows measuring non-linear quantum phenomena
Generally, nonlinearity is a property of events where cause and like phantoms. This raised the question of what is being
effect are not proportional to each other. Water is a well- measured by this class of instruments.
known example of nonlinear behavior: even insignificant
additives or external events can provoke changes in its various An important hint of this came when Y. Kravchenko noted
substructures and properties. This is due to universal spinning that polishing a metal sensor-electrode of his instrument
processes, irrelevant of the carrier – mechanical, electrical… increases its sensitivity and stability of operation.
the roots of this phenomenon is associated with Torsion Fields, Another important moment was a report of V. Shkatov, who
TF, as a universal agent of any rotation and spinning. established an unusual fact of elaboration of an object by his
Although majority of scientists are still skeptical about TF, this series of instruments. He reported a speed of elaboration as 1-3
concept gradually is gaining more followers. TF detection mm/s [3].
The third important moment was experiments of L. Kish instrument and object as ~ 103 m / s (revealed by V.T .
who raised a question about possible variation of a mass of
Shkatov), then we get the field strength E  0.8  10 V / m .
information carriers depending on the volume of imprinted
information [19], however not firmly proved. Once again, this value of the field corresponds both to that of
Speaking of Kravchenko’s finding, it has to be said that Earth at low frequencies as well as produced by a human body.
polishing electrodes of electrometric high-impedance We see that concept of de Broglie wave based on mentioned
instruments are known to reduce the leakage of nano-amps above experimental findings brings to real physical values
currents. But in this case, the polishing revealed the clue to a involved in this class of measurement processes.
principally new effect.
This effect is definitely nonlinear at least due to the fact that It has to be stressed here, that the discussed above de
polishing is an attribute of the optical band, while the Broglie wave is a wave of the combined object-operator-
instrument operates at kHz frequencies. instrument system.

Combination of these factors allowed the author to suppose 2. Shkatov’s Triads and de Broglie’s waives. Role of
that what is measured by all of these instruments is de Corpuscular-Wave Dualism
Broglie waves [4].
Phenomenon of Triad was first noted few years ago in
Indeed, the improvement of reflecting properties says about experiments of Shkatov with his torsi-meters [6].
~ 1mkm involved wave. The essence of the triad is that some arbitrary event, generated
De Broglie wave is not a simple formality, but it is a during and at certain time, gets two additional twin-readings,
manifestation of some physical presence at its crests. shifted in time and space in a symmetrical way.
h h Therefore, there are both spatial and time manifestations of the
Taking the de Broglie’s wavelength    into Triad.
p mv
consideration, with the speed v, known from Shkatov’s The authors of the current publication believe that this
experiments, an equivalent mass of the probing field can be phenomenon is a superposition of de Broglie’s waves of the
estimated. For   106 m , we get studied object and the instrument with their interference,
the interference conception envisages having more than
mv  6.6  1028 kgms1 , at v  103 ms 1 , the mass three events. Their observation depends on sensitivity of
equals, m  6.6  10 kg . According to E  mc , such the special measurement instruments.

mass corresponds to 6.0  10 J of energy. Both forwarding and delayed action of the triad can be
explained in terms of interference.
What can furnish such a value of the probing field? Any originated object produces de Broglie’s wave which
It must be mentioned that human’s own electric field is occupy surrounding space.
compatible to that produced by Earth. Contribution of each of
them into this model has to be estimated separately. It’s important to take into account that the distance
We can estimate just Earth’s field, while keeping in a mind between maximums and minimums in interference fringe
that human body can produce the qualitatively similar effect. can drastically exceed the original wavelength at large
Let’s estimate the Earth’s field as a possible candidate for distances of observation.
a probe. Taking low frequency field as ~ 100V / m , we get
The de Broglie wave is described with the Schroedinger
the field E density of w  107 J / m3 according to
equation. The probability-related wave function  actually
w   0E 2 . The volume occupied by the probing field is contains an interference-like paradigm in it. Its’ one-
6.0  108 J / 107 J / m3  0.6m3 . This volume matches a dimensional presentation is
p E  p E 
space, totally occupied by a measuring instrument, an object
x.t   cos x  t   i sin x  t   ei  px Et  / 
and a human body. Conversely, this value matches the average      
volume occupied by a human aura. Moreover, it supports the
Shkatov’s concept of Torsion field feedback loop: involvement
Here p, x and E are linear momentum, coordinate and the
of an operator as an active component of a measuring system
energy of a free quazi-particle considered above. Having the
as an object-operator-instrument-object loop. If we take
objects interacting, like in the object-operator-instrument-
6.0  108 J calculated above as an energy accumulated in object loop, we have the common wave function of the system
one cubical meter of mutual operator-instrument-object space, as a product of its initial wave functions:
we get the calculated above on a base of the concept of de system  12 3 (2)
Broglie wave and the speed of mutual interaction between
Fig.2. Illustration to explanation of space-Triad: distance
As it follows from (1) this combined function (2) is relatively between extremes of interference fringe can drastically exceed
complex and comprises their combined frequencies as sums the original wavelength at large distance of observation. In this
and differences of them. Model below explains origination of example
the spatial triad. =1.0e-6 m, d=1.0e-3 m and l=1 m according to Fig.1.
Therefore, the model above explains origination of Shkatov’s
Spatial Triads can be explained as interference of de spatial Triads as an interference of de Broglie waves on an
Broglie waves. The optical interference mechanism is anthrop-compatible scale.
applicable here. Fig.1 illustrates Young’s fringes calculation
for monochromatic waves, which is an analog of superposition The time-Triads can be explained in the following way:
of de Broglie waves in nonlinear phenomena. Any object manifests itself in the world with its de Broglie
wave and the related wave function since the moment the
object appears. Let suppose, we have two independent objects,
a receiver and a transmitter on a time axis, Fig.3. At the
moment “0” they start to interact with each other. Before “0”
moment they interact like waves: interference of their wave
functions and de Broglie waves like it’s shown above. Since
the moment “0” they are the whole system with a minimal
uncertainty t of time and that for x of space. So, since this
very moment they behave themselves like a particle. However,
the experimenters see their interaction as waves before the
energizing the transmitter. This is nothing but a signal of
Fig.1. On calculation of allocation of interference fringes as an interaction of their de Broglie waves, which exist irrelevant of
analog of superposition of the transmitter being turned on or off . At the “0” moment the
de Broglie waves in nonlinear phenomena direct communication begins, they behave themselves like a
particle and the receiver records the signal from the
transmitter. After de-energizing the transmitter they again
Variation of intensity I along Y direction on a screen can be behave themselves like interfering de Broglie waves and the
found as: receiver gets the third signal as a manifestation of interference
crest of their mutual wave function.
  2d   
I  y   2 I 0 1  cos   y   (3)
We have to stress here that the interference fringe of the
   l    transmitter and receiver is not a stable picture because of
evolution of each of them, which results in variation of .
Slots S1 and S2 play the role of sources of de Broglie waves, But, by this reason, the interference fringes become moving
formula (3) shows that, in spite of very short , the distance in time, which is very important for our explanation.
between maximums along y-direction can be considerable.
Fig.1 illustrates that at =1.0e-6 m, d=1.0e-3 m and l=1 m. We
don’t forget that de Broglie waves are also called matter
waves and their crests mean presence of a matter there. This
is some idealization of course, because in reality this is an
interference of unequal wavelengths and the picture will be
more blurry.

Fig.3. Origination of the Time Triad on a base of Corpuscular-

Wave Dualism

3. Quantum Entanglement and Spin-to-Spin Interactions in

Nonlinear Processes

The Quantum Entanglement, QE, is a considerable

component in explanation of discussed phenomena. Question
on QE was raised in 1935 in EPR (Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen)
thoughtful experiment. A. Aspect’s experiment with correlated
photons (1982) was one of the dramatic manifestations of QE
QE is not just a prerogative of micro objects. As [8] shows, processes considered above.
this behavior can be seen in macroscopic systems. Приём первой"торсионной посылки" из Австралии, 22.05.11. Приёмник ОРЕОЛ-1-1
Момент включения устройства В.Замши, 13:00:00 GMT
QE is a very important component of the coming new 6,5
technology: Torsion Field Communications. 6

Величина, кГц
This coming technology uses very unusual technique to 5,5
connect receiver and transmitter in non-electromagnetic way: 5

image-assisted addressing. This approach was declared in [5]. 4,5

Participants of such experiments use at least one photographic 4

image let’s say the image of a transmitter located in immediate 3,5

vicinity of the receiver, next to its sensor. 3

11 11, 12 12, 13 13, 14 14, 15 15, 16 16, 17 17, 18 18, 19 19, 20 20, 21 21, 22 22, 23 23, 24
It is believed that spin-to-spin interaction plays a 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Время мировое, час
considerable role in this process due to QE phenomenon
between a transmitter and its image, carrying imprinted Fig.4 First “torsion parcel” from Australia, Pert, sent by V.
information about the transmitter. Even remote image of an Zamsha to V. Shkatov, Russia, Tomsk on 5.22.2011. OREOL-
object still has connections with the original due to spin-to-spin 1-1 receiver, by V. Shkatov, recorded this session. Horizontal
interaction on a base of QE phenomenon. axis- GMT, vertical axis – frequency kHz function of the
The great contribution in studying spin-to-spin interaction output. The original image was courteously furnished by V.
was done by Russian scientist A.V. Bobrov [9]. In particular, Shkatov and V. Zamsha.
he showed a possibility to record spin-to-spin interaction with
electric double layers [10]. Another great achievement of this The next TF communication session was conducted
scientist is that he first discovered a non-electromagnetic between New York City, USA and city of Tomsk, Siberia,
component in a laser and light-emitting diodes radiation [11]. Russia on 6.23.2011 [13,14]. The distance between them is
The experiments with electric double layers as sensors of TF about 9300 km along the earth’s chord.
were successfully repeated by other researcher in a rather Two-cells spinning field transmitter, M. Krinker, New
fundamental work [12]. As all similar studies, this research is York, is shown in Fig.5. The transmitter develops 3 MHz, 400
profuse with nonlinear effects. V/m spinning, having opposite sign in left and right cells.
Conception of spinning fields as field gyroscopes was
In nonlinear manifestations, relation between the operator developed in [15,16]
and instrument on one side and the object on other side can be
explained due to the quantum entanglement. The pilot Torsion Two very important moments of this session have to be
Field communication sessions, TFC, practiced recently by stressed: group, are also prevailing examples of the 1. AM modulated signal (1 kHz, 30%) was used in this
nonlinear processes. session in NY. Modulation develops a non-stationary
rotation, causing most profound space-time effects.
4. Torsion Field Communication Sessions The conception of non-stationary rotation for
observation space-time effects was introduced by
Fig.4 shows first torsion communication session [13]. N.A. Kozyrev for mechanical gyroscopes [17] and
The torsion transmitter by V. Zamsha, Pert, Australia, sent a transferred later by M. Krinker for the field
special torsion signal at 13:30 GMT to Tomsk, Siberia, Russia gyroscopes [15,16].
on 5.22.2011. Reception of the major signal is clearly seen at 2. The long axis of spinning field generators, shown
13:30 GMT as an output signal of V.Shkatov’s torsion receiver above, was directed to Tomsk, along the Earth’s
OREOL-1-1. After V. Zamsha’s transmitter was turned off at chord, according to their geographic coordinates.
15:00 GMT, we see kind of a “ghost” signal between 16:30-
17:30 GMT. This nonlinear phenomenon corresponds to Reception of TF signal in city of Tomsk was performed by
V.T Shkatov with his torsion receiver OREOL-001-1 in
automated mode, in the sealed laboratory. The output of this
instrument is a frequency, related to torsion field at site of

The major detail of the protocol was that the image of the
NY transmitter was used for addressing: the picture was sent
(via Internet) to V.T. Shkatov, who directed a laser beam of the
probe of his receiver along a vertical axis on the image of the
transmitter. It has to be mentioned here that a non-
electromagnetic component of a laser beam was discovered
earlier by A.V. Bobrov and perhaps its torsion nature makes a worry about technical condition of the transmitter, M.
this probing images possible. Krinker prematurely turned it on for few minutes somewhere
between 13:30-13:50 GMT. This event left an imprint on the
record. The original image was courteously furnished by V.T
Shkatov and edited in English by M. Krinker.

According to a mutual protocol of the session, Spinning Field

transmitter had to be turn on in New-York at 14:00 GMT, June
23, 2011. The sequence of the transmission: 14:00-14:10 –
right spinning cell, 14:10-14:20 –pause, 14:20-14:30 – left
spinning cell.

The protocol was partially violated by M. Krinker who,

Fig.5. Two-cells Torsion transmitter on a base of spinning moved by a worry about technical condition of the transmitter,
electric fields, employed in the in New York-Tomsk turned it on for a short time of 3 minutes somewhere between
communication session. Its image, placed next to the receiver 13:30-13:50 to see an ellipse of the spinning on a screen of the
in Tomsk and probed with a laser probe, was used to entangle oscilloscope and then turned it off. Then everything was done
wave functions of the transmitter and receiver for establishing according to the protocol.
remote connection between them.
The record of the session was sent to M. Krinker by V.T.
Shkatov few days later.
The analysis of the diagram revealed very dramatic example of
nonlinear events in this communication session, Fig.6. The
bend at 11:45 GMT (7:45 NY) exactly corresponds to coming
M. Krinker to the office with the de-energized transmitter. The
second bend at and a spike at 13:30 GMT, Figs.6 and 7
correspond to premature powering the transmitter. An interval
between 14:00-14:30 GMT, marked between green and red
dots in Fig.6, exactly corresponds to the protocol of
Fig.6. Panoramic record of New York-Tomsk TF communication. Detailed analysis of the output signal of
communication session. V. Shkatov’s TF receiver was turned transmitter was done by V.T Shkatov in Fig.7. It clearly shows
on before the experiment and left energized after the session, a spike at 13:30 GMT (premature powering the transmitter). It
marked with green, white and red dots. This allowed recording is also notable, that after the pause P, activating the left
some unexpected events before and after the session. The spinning develops a new band on the diagram. At 13:30 GMT
black arrows show NY time when M. Krinker came and left the transmitter was off, but looking at Fig.6 we see that leaving
the laboratory. This exactly matches bends on the remote the office by the experimenter at 20:45 GMT (16:45 NY)
diagram. The TF transmitter in New-York was de-energized at causes the new bend on the diagram.
that time. The original image was courteously furnished by
V.T Shkatov and edited in English by M. Krinker. From here we see some correlation of events related to de-
energized transmitter that looks pretty unrealistic. On the other
hand, experimental facts of stable remaining spinning after
removal torsion field generators were observed back in 2006
by one of the authors.
It has to be added, that experiments on Torsion
communication are in progress inside second-physics group, . New torsion sessions brought
convincing results of feasibility of this technology as well as
demonstrated a great potential of nonlinear effects. In
particular, experiments on torsion communication between
Australia and Russia, continued by V. Shkatov and V. Zamsha
demonstrated phenomenon of a distant psycho-kinesis,
performed on a base of image-assisted addressing with a light
wooden frame: rotation of the light frame in Tomsk was
Fig.7. Correlated signal of New-York Tomsk communication controlled by the operator in Australia. They report rotation of
session. According to the initial protocol, TF transmitter had to the frame in Tomsk up to 190 degrees for 230 seconds under
be turned on in New-York at 14:00 GMT. However, moved by
action from Australia [18]. The video of this experiment was 2. Operation of this new class of instruments is
demonstrated on the Conference. associated with Torsion Fields as a universal agent of
any spinning/rotational process, no matter what is a
physical nature of the carrier is: mechanical, electrical
5. Torsion Reception and SEVA-Technology and so on.
Spinning Electric Vector Analyzer, SEVA, by M. Krinker, 3. Triad phenomenon, discovered by V.T. Shkatov, has
was successfully employed as a receiver in TF communication its spatial and time manifestation. In the first case, the
sessions in 2011. The results of employing SEVA as receiver instrument detects presence of the object at site of its
for TF communication are being processed and will be physical absence, usually measured by fraction of a
published later. meter from the real object on both sides of it. For
time-Triads, the events manifest themselves 3 times:
SEVA is a first instrument where electric spinning was before they really occur, at the time of real origination
declared as a major purpose of the measurement. and some time after they vanish. (This should not be
Based on relation of all spinning processes, electric spinning confused with particular case of Electric Precursors of
is a good representative of TF processes. The experiments an earthquake however Triads are sensitive to them as
show that spinning can seriously influence space-time well).
processes [20]. Electromagnetic spinning and related TF 4. The spatial-Triad is explained in this paper as an
always accompany cosmic processes. In particular, SEVA was interference of de Broglie waves. An observer, having
employed for observation of celestial events like Full Moon a special instrument, sees a phantom of the object on
and Lunar Eclipse [21]. its left and right.
In all SEVA-related publications, a role of modulation is 5. The time-Triad is explained here on a base of
specially stressed. Corpuscular-Wave dualism: since the moment any
The modulation is a way to develop non-stationary process. objects origin, they are interrelated with de Broglie
Namely non-stationary was stressed by N.A. Kozyrev as a waves and both behave like a wave in their
major condition to achieve space-time variation effects. This is interaction. The natural evolution of the wavelength
applicable to field gyroscope. The modulation, being a makes the interference fringe moving in time.
nonlinear process, develops origination of field gyroscopes, Receiver and transmitter are actually connected since
causing a chain of considerable nonlinear effects. Fig.8. shows the moment they origin. The time uncertainty of their
electromagnetic spinning in vicinity of the antenna produced interaction t is maximal. At the moment the
by non-modulated RF-generator (left), and that for the same receiver is turned on, (while the transmitter is off), it
carrier, amplitude-modulated (1 kHz, 30%). It has to be said, receives a wave signal of their earlier interaction like
that there actually was no difference between background a signal from future. This is a first element of time-
spinning in the room and that for non-modulated signal [22]. Triad. When the transmitter is turned on, no more
uncertainty t of time of their interaction, t=0,
and they are one particle since now on. The
transmitter receives a real signal, which is a second
element of the time-Triad. When the transmitter is
off again, (with the energized receiver), the systems is
a wave again, and this time the receiver gets one more
signal of their previous wave interaction –the third
element of Triad.
Fig.8. Left- Background electromagnetic spinning in a room. 6. TF communication sessions were successfully
Right - Modulation-developed electromagnetic spinning. conducted between Australia and Russia and USA
and Russia. The session revealed nonlinear Triad
Conclusions related effects.
1. De Broglie waves, also known as matter waves, are 7. Spin-to-spin interaction and quantum entanglement
shown as a physical mechanism, explaining operation take active participation in TF communication as a
of new class of nonlinear instruments, sensitive to base of image-assisted addressing. Both the spin-to-
fundamental events. spin interaction and the quantum entanglement can be
explained with interference of de Broglie waives.

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