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Family & relationships

Exercise 1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. There are more
words than needed.
newlyweds single divorced near
anniversary adopted former close

1. It’s my parents’ wedding today – they’re celebrating 20 years of

2. Paul is my cousin – our mums are sisters.
3. Lucy is a mother, so she does everything for her two
4. After the wedding ceremony, the thanked all their guests
for coming.
5. Mr Williams lives on his own – he was married, but is now
6. Tom and Kay have four children – two are biological and two are

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letters are
1. My sister’s son Liam, who is 15, is my oldest n__ __ __ __ __.
2. Mrs Brown is a w__ __ __ __ – her husband died many years ago.
3. Dean’s mum got married again and his new s__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ is a
very nice man.
4. My g__ __ __ __ -grandfather was born in 1920, in the north of England.
5. The b__ __ __ __ and groom received a lot of presents on their
wedding day.
6. Carla’s son was married last week and her new d__ __ __ __ __ __-in-law is
called Sally.

Exercise 3. Read the sentences. Then match the underlined phrasal verbs with
their meanings.

1. Max fell for Stella as soon as he was A. ended a relationship or

introduced to her. marriage
2. Do you get along with all of your cousins, B. have a disagreement or
or just a few of them? argument with someone
3. Have you heard the news? Tony and Anna C. developed romantic feelings

Source: Pearson Education

have split up!
4. Harry fell out with Tim last week and they D. become angry or lose one's
haven’t spoken for a while. self-control due to frustration,
5. Try to stay calm, Jenny, and don’t lose your E. have a positive and
temper. harmonious relationship with

Exercise 1.
1. anniversary 2. close 3. single
4. newlyweds 5. divorced 6. adopted

Exercise 2.
1. nephew 2. widow 3. stepmother
4. great 5. bride 6. daughter

Exercise 3.
1. C 2. E 3. A
4. B 5. D

Word Pronunciation Meaning
anniversary (n) / ˌænɪˈvɜːsəri/ lễ kỉ niệm
single mother (n) /ˈsɪŋɡl ˈmʌðə(r)/ mẹ đơn thân
newlywed (n) /ˈnjuːli wed/ người mới cưới
divorce (v) /dɪˈvɔːs/ li hôn
adopt (v) əˈdɒpt/ nhận nuôi
nephew (n) /ˈnefjuː/ cháu trai (con của anh/chị/em)
widow (n) /ˈwɪdəʊ/ goá phụ
stepmother (n) /ˈstepmʌðə(r)/ mẹ kế
great-grandfather (n) /ˌɡreɪtˈɡrænfɑːðə/ ông cố/ cụ
great-grandmother (n) /ˌɡreɪtˈɡrænmʌð.ə/ bà cố/ cụ
bride (n) /braɪd/ cô dâu

Source: Pearson Education

daughter-in-law (n) /ˈdɔːtər ɪn lɔː/ con dâu
son-in-law (n) /ˈsʌn ɪn lɔː/ con rể

Source: Pearson Education

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