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The Adverse Effects of Screen Time

Marybeth S. Talaro
Norquest College
COMM-1007-Written Communication-A14-2023 Fall
Dr. Hello, A. O., Ph.D., Social Work, RSW
Assignment No. __
October 22, 2023
The Adverse Effects of Screen Time

Research has shown that there are a lot of benefits that can come
from using technology (Lisa B. & Kelly L. 2019). For instance, online
shopping and online banking. However, the excessive use of screen
time has a lot of negative impacts on children's development. Using
social media for a prolonged period can affect the social, emotional,
and cognitive development of children.

Can Children use technology more healthily, with the supervision of

their parents?

It was by no means easy in a digital age where technology has become

a tool to help human resources in different fields of work. But using
those, such as cell phones, computers, and other gadgets interferes
with the screen time devoted by the end users. Health is greatly
affected. Worst, it detrimentally affects the social, emotional, and
cognitive development of children.

First, is the impact of screen time exposure on children along with

social factors. Because of their single focus on their gadgets, children
forget to communicate with other people. Even in a family set-up, if a
child focuses more on their phones, screen time exposure increases,
and the tendency is to lose focus on bonding with their family
members or even in a wider scope, the community.

Consequently, children increasingly turned to social media platforms

to socialize and stay connected with their peers. However, the use of
social media by children sparked concerns about excessive screen
time and its impact on child development (Lissak, 2018). Parents are
required to provide rigid supervision among their children to see to it
the extent of their social exposure. Because their parents will serve as
an agent to once again help them break their social barrier because of
prolonged screen time.

Secondly, the effect of screen time on the behavior of the children or

their emotional well-being.

With the luxury of time, they devote to dealing with their phones,
children forget to act properly and accordingly. Their behavior
becomes passive to actual interaction but remains active with using
their gadgets. Their attitude changes with the extent or degree of
responding to the stimulus.
Hence, Children's behavior and screen time is a complicated and
multifaceted issue. While some screen time can be beneficial for
education, excessive or inappropriate screen use can result in a range
of behavioral issues. It's crucial to take into account both the
advantages and disadvantages of screen time for kids' behavior.

For example, in the education setup, Is there a significant relationship

between the learning styles of the children and their behavioral
attributes as to their degree of screen time exposure?
Yes, there is. Learning varies depending on the acceptable or the
observed behavior.

Karivellur, U.,, (2023) conducted a study on the effects of screen

time on the behavior of children and found that the prevalence of
excess screen time was 61.5% and 72.8% in children aged 6-23
months and 24-60 months respectively.

As a result, Preschoolers had a high prevalence of excessive screen

time, which is associated with behavioral problems such as temper
tantrums and breath-holding spells in preschool children.

Lastly, is the effect of screen time on the cognitive development of the


Passive screen time (television viewing) is associated with concerns for

children’s cognitive development (Chonchaiya & Pruksananonda,
2008; Lin et al., 2015; Zimmerman & Christakis, 2005). Therefore,
cognitive development is very crucial to passive children. They will find
themselves having a hard time coping with the challenges of learning.
Inputs will not be easily grasped by them, especially in an
independent learning state. It is recommended a learning and screen
time be lessened to ensure the utilization of knowledge.

On the other hand, if children are exposed to a larger period of screen

usage, but are in an active state of screen time, definitely, they will
easily grasp the learnings being taught to them. Of all the different
developments, cognitive development is the most important, but it
takes time to tango.

Children can use technologies in a healthy manner through the

guidance of their parents. Responsible parenthood is the key to
attaining a successful social, emotional, and cognitive development.

Families and individuals should establish clear boundaries and rules

for screen time, emphasizing quality over quantity, to successfully
navigate the digital age. The potential risks can be reduced by
ensuring that screen use is purposeful, balanced with physical
activity, and complemented by healthy offline interactions. Instead of
having negative effects, screen time should be a tool for entertainment,
education, and enrichment.
Take a slice of the pie, to avoid its detrimental effects. Act! It's now, or

Karivellur, U., Serane, V.K., Ananthakrishnan, S. (2023). The Effect of
Screen Time on Growth, Development, Behavior, and Sleep in
Preschool Children: A Cross-Sectional Study. Port J Pediatr. Port J
Islam, M.A., Islam, M.R. (2023). Exploring the Impact of COVID-19 on
Children's Social Media Usage: A Pragmatic Analysis of Excessive
Screen Time and Its Effect on Child Development. Journal of
Community Positive Practices.
Hu, B.Y., Johnson, G. K., Teo, T., Wu, Z., (2020). Relationship
Between Screen Time and Chinese Children's Cognitive and Social
Development. Journal Of Research In Childhood Education.
Fang, K., Mu, M., Liu, K., He, Y (2019). Screen time and childhood
overweight/obesity: A systematic review and meta‐analysis.

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