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DIGITAL MARKET: An Ecommerce Website



March 2023


DIGITAL MARKET: An Ecommerce Website



March 2023
We hereby declare that the report of the project entitled “DIGITAL MARKET:
AN ECOMMERCE WEBSITE” which is being submitted to the Department of
Computer Engineering, Lalitpur Engineering College, in the partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Engineering in
Computer Engineering, is a bonafide report of the work carried out by us. The
materials contained in this report have not been submitted to any University or
Institution for the award of any degree and we are the only author of this complete
work no sources other than those listed here have been used in this work.


ASMIT OLI (076/BCT/043)

The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Department
of Computer Engineering, Lalitpur Engineering College, a minor project work
Nischal Maharjan, Sakshyam Aryal, Amrit Sapkota, and Asmit Oli in partial
fulfillment for the award of Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Engineering. The
Project was carried out under special supervision and within the time frame
prescribed by the syllabus.

We found the students to be hardworking, skilled, and ready to undertake any

related work to their field of study and hence we recommend the award of partial
fulfillment of a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering.

Project Supervisor
Mr. Binod Sapkota
Department of Computer Engineering, Lalitpur Engineering College

Project Co-Ordinator
Ms. Bisikha Subedi
Department of Computer Engineering, Lalitpur Engineering College

Head of Department
Mr. Praches Acharya
Department of Computer Engineering, Lalitpur Engineering College

The author has agreed that the library, Department of Computer Engineering,
Lalitpur Engineering College, may make this report freely available forinspection.
Moreover, the author has agreed that the permission for extensive copying of this
project work for scholarly purpose may be granted by the professor/lecturer, who
supervised the project work recorded herein or, in their absence, by the head of the
department. It is understood that the recognition will be given to the author of this
report and to the Department of Computer Engineering, Lalitpur Engineering
College in any use of the material of this report. Copying of publication orother use
of this report for financial gain without approval of the Department of Computer
Engineering, IOE, Lalitpur Engineering College and the author’s written
permission is prohibited.
Request for permission to copy or to make any use of the material in this project in
whole or part should be addressed to Department of Computer Engineering,
Lalitpur Engineering College

First and foremost, we would like to thank our supervisor, Er. Binod Sapkota, who
guided us in doing this project. He provided us with invaluable advice and helped
us in difficult stages. His motivations helped tremendously in the successful
completion of the project.
We are really grateful to our project coordinator, Er. Bisikha Subedi, for advising
us and introducing the project to us in an easy-to-understand way which has helped
us to complete our project easily and effectively on time. We would like to express
our special thanks of gratitude to IOE as well as our principal, Mr. Lallan Tiwari,
who gave us the golden opportunity to do this wonderful project on the topic,
DIGITAL MARKET: An Ecommerce Website, which also helped us in doing a lot
of research and we came to know about so many new things. We are really thankful
to them. Besides, we would like to thank all the teachers who helped us by advising
us and providing the equipment we needed. We are overwhelmed in all humbleness
and gratefulness to acknowledge our depth to all those who have helped us to put
these ideas, well above the level of simplicity and into something concrete. Also,
we would like to thank our family and friends for their support. Without their
support, we wouldn’t have succeeded in completing this project. Last but not the
least, we would like to thank everyone who helped and motivate us to work on this

Our project is Digital Market. This is a website that helps customers to buy and sell
products from different multivendor on the internet. It is useful in the way that it
makes an easier way to buy and sell products online. Digital Market is an interactive
e-commerce solution providing the user with an opportunity to buy and sell
products through an online platform. Digital Market is an online platform that deals
with selling and buying goods. On this website, we have 2 modules. The first
module includes the customer module and the second module includes the admin
module. The customer has to register for any inquiry related to products. The
registered customer can view details of the product and he/she can buy or sell
products of his/her need. He/she has to pay and will get home delivery. The admin
module contains access to the admin page on the website. The admin can change
everything on the website. He can add, delete, and update any information
regarding the product.

Keywords: Merchandise, Multi-vendor

DECLARATION...................................................................................................... i
CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL ............................................................................ ii
COPYRIGHT ......................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... iv
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................... ix
1. INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................1

1.1 Background ...............................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Statement ....................................................................................1

1.3 Scope .........................................................................................................2

1.4 Objective ...................................................................................................2

1.5 System Requirements ................................................................................2

1.5.1 Functional Requirements ................................................................... 2

1.5.2 Non-functional Requirements ............................................................ 3

2. LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................................................4

2.1 Existing......................................................................................................4

2.2 Proposed ....................................................................................................5

3. FEASIBILITY STUDY ...................................................................................6

3.1 Economically Feasibility ...........................................................................6

3.2 Operational Feasibility ..............................................................................6

3.3 Technical Feasibility .................................................................................6

4. BLOCK DIAGRAM ........................................................................................7

4.1 System Overview ......................................................................................7

4.2 Use case Diagram ......................................................................................8

4.3 Level 0 DFD ..............................................................................................9

4.4 Level 1 DFD ............................................................................................10

4.5 Activity Diagram ..................................................................................... 11

5. METHODOLOGY ........................................................................................15

5.1 Dataset Collection ...................................................................................15

5.2 Preprocessing ..........................................................................................15

5.2.1 Tokenization ..................................................................................... 16

5.2.2 Stop Words Removal ....................................................................... 16

5.2.3 Stemming ......................................................................................... 16

5.3 Feature Extraction ...................................................................................17

5.4 Content Based Filtering...........................................................................17

5.4.1 Cosine Similarity Algorithm ........................................................ 18

6. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS ...................................................................19

6.1 Software Development Tools ..................................................................19

7. RESULT AND DISCUSSION .......................................................................20

7.1 Data Analysis...........................................................................................20

7.2 Experimental Result ................................................................................20

7.2.1 Preprocessing ............................................................................... 21

7.2.2 Feature Extraction Process ........................................................... 21

7.2.3 Cosine Similarity .......................................................................... 21

7.3 Discussion ...............................................................................................22

8. EPILOGUE ....................................................................................................23

8.1 Conclusion and Future Enhancement ......................................................23

8.2 Limitation ................................................................................................23

REFRENCE ...........................................................................................................24
APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................25

Figure 4. 1 System Overview...................................................................................7
Figure 4. 2 Use Case Diagram .................................................................................8
Figure 4. 3 Level 0 DFD ..........................................................................................9
Figure 4. 4 Level 1 DFD ........................................................................................10
Figure 4. 6 Activity Diagram (Staff's perspective) ................................................12
Figure 4. 7 Activity Diagram (Vendors Perspective) .............................................13
Figure 4. 8 Activity Diagram (Admin Perspective) ...............................................14
Figure 5. 1 Data Processing ...................................................................................15
Figure 5. 2 Content Based Filtering .......................................................................18
Figure 7.1 Result of System ...................................................................................22
Figure A.1 Product Dataset ....................................................................................25
Figure A.2 Tokenized Data ....................................................................................25
Figure A.3 Preprocessed data .................................................................................26
Figure A.4 Count Vectorizer ..................................................................................26
Figure A.5 Cosine Similarity .................................................................................26
Figure A.6 Sorted Similar data...............................................................................27
Figure A.7 Register ................................................................................................27
Figure A. 9 Home Page ..........................................................................................28
Figure A.10 Search Box .........................................................................................29
Figure A.11 Product Screen ...................................................................................29
Figure A.12 Review ...............................................................................................30
Figure A.13 Payment Screen..................................................................................30
Figure A.14 Payment Successful Screen ...............................................................31
Figure A.15 User Profile ........................................................................................31
Figure A.16 User Management ..............................................................................32
Figure A.17 User Profile ........................................................................................32
Figure A.18 Django Administration.......................................................................33
Figure A.19 User Details........................................................................................33
Figure A.20 Product Details ...................................................................................34
Figure A.21 Product Adding ..................................................................................34

Figure A.22 Result of Recommended Product ......................................................35
Figure A.23 Datasets for Recommendation ...........................................................35


1.1 Background

A website that allows people to buy and sell physical goods, services, and digital
products over the internet rather than at a brick-and-mortar location. The term
“ecommerce” simply means the sale of goods or services on the internet. In its most
basic form, e-commerce involves electronically transferring funds and data between
2 or more parties. This form of business has evolved quite a bit since its beginnings
in the electronic data interchange of the 1960s and the inception of online shopping
in the 1990s. Through an e-commerce website, a business can process orders, accept
payments, manage to ship, and provide customer service. It’s tough to imagine daily
life without e-commerce. We order food, clothes, furniture, and other online
services. We download book, music, movies and so much more. E-commerce has
taken root and is here to stay. In this project, a simple user-friendly website is
developed through which we can easily buy and sell physical goods, services, and
digital products. We can get fast, stable and secure website which will be very
helpful to boost a business. The website will be desktop and mobile friendly which
will be easier to use from any devices. There will be tracker on each and every
delivery to make sure costumers get their product safely.

1.2 Problem Statement

An e-commerce website is a platform that allows businesses to sell their products

or services online. In a project report, potential problems that may arise with an e-
commerce website include security vulnerabilities, usability issues, technical
glitches, limited payment options, slow page loading speed, difficulty in managing
inventory, shipping and logistics challenges, and intense competition from other e-
commerce sites. On the other hand, potential statements could highlight the
convenience and accessibility of online shopping, increased customer engagement,
cost savings through automation, wider market reach, and opportunities for
personalization and customization.

1.3 Scope

The proposed project is really good for a long-time online business with our e-
commerce marketplaces. Many Sellers are joining our marketplaces in order to get
more customers for their businesses. We provide the best promotion and discounts
whenever seasonal sales come. The e-commerce sector is really developing in our
countries. Product vendors can increase their business through our website. Vendor
can list the items in almost every category they are interested to sell. We provide
delivery services within 24 to 48 hours. We provide a special advertising platform
through which sellers can advertise their brand not just only products.

1.4 Objective

The following are the objectives for an e-commerce website:

• To provide a convenient and secure way for customers to make purchases
• To add products to a shopping cart.
• To sell products or services online.

1.5 System Requirements

The following is the desired functionality of the new system. The proposed
project would cover.

1.5.1 Functional Requirements Customer Module

Customers can view/search products without login. Customer can also add/remove
product to the cart without login (if the customer tries to add same product in the
cart. It will add only one) When a customer tries to purchase a product, then he/she
must log in to the system. After creating an account and login into the system, he/she
can place an order. If customers click the pay button, their payment will be
successful and their order will be placed. Customer can check their order details by
clicking on the orders button. Customers can see the order status (Pending,

Confirmed, and Delivered) for each order. Customer can download their order
invoice for each order Customer can send feedback to admin (without login) Admin Module

Admin can provide a username, email, password, and your admin account will be
created. After login, there is a dashboard where the admin can see how many
customers a registered, how many products are there for sale, and how many orders
placed. Admin can add/delete/view/edit the products. Admin can view/edit/delete
customer details. Admin can view/delete orders. Admin can change the status of
the order (order is pending, confirmed, out for delivery, delivered). Admin can view
the feedback sent by customers

1.5.2 Non-functional Requirements

It specifies the quality attribute of a software system. They judge the software
system based on Responsiveness, Usability, Security, Portability, and other non-
functional standards that are critical to the success of the software system. Availability: The system should remain operational on any day and at any
place. Accuracy: There is a need to optimize the system to ensure more accurate
results and calculations Usability: The system should provide a User-friendly user interface and
tooltips to enhance itself and be effectively responsive. Secure: The system must be able to provide security against any external
injections by using a layered security system. Implementation of user login
functionalities also ensures the system is secure from unauthorized persons. Performance of the system: Response time is very good for a given piece
of work. The system will support a multi-user environment. Reliability of the system: The system will be highly reliable and it
generates all the updated information in the correct order. Data validation and
verification are done at every stage of the activity.

In this digital era, e-commerce websites are growing day by day by providing
services like buying and selling goods via online. This makes human life easier,
faster and more convenient.

2.1 Existing

Dewi Surya Wuisan

The growth of the internet is altering business practices, notably those in retail
establishments where company models use electronic commerce to handle
transactions. This study's goal is to investigate the best practices for online
advertising implementation and capturing consumer interest in purchasing.
Additionally, this study used a descriptive survey method with verification. With a
sample size of 96 customers, the population in this study consists of Lazada users
in the city of Bandung. The results demonstrate that the use of online advertising
has a direct influence on customers' intent to purchase through the Lazada website.
The rapid development of information technology has had an impact on the
community in supporting various business activities, both large and small so that
they can be widely recognized globally. The most obvious impact is that apart from
being known, it can also increase sales volume and profit. Digital Marketing is one
of the marketing media that has a huge impact. With using digital marketing in this
case is social media, especially in every e-commerce application to increase sales,
especially in the era of globalization social media affects so sales volume has
increased rapidly compared to the old way of selling. Digital marketing is seen as
the best media as the most effective means of promotion and efficiently and able to
increase sales volume significantly. (Wuisan, 2018) [9].
Zulkarnaen Kedah
The process of purchasing, offering for sale or transferring goods, services, and
information over computer networks is known as electronic commerce (e-
commerce). E-commerce is a subset of e-business, which has a broader definition
that includes business partners, customer support, and job openings in addition to
commercial activities. A database or database (database), e-mail or electronic mail

(e-mail), non-computer technology in the form of different delivery systems, and a
method of payment for e-commerce are additional requirements for e-commerce in
addition to networking technologies. Given that e-commerce is electronic,
customers can access and place orders from many locations. Given the current state
of modern technology, a client wishing to access online shopping need not
physically be there, as there are numerous locations in Indonesia's major cities that
offer Wi-Fi-enabled internet access via laptop, notebook, or Personal Digital
Assistant (PDA). So, this is a crucial time for businesses to establish e-commerce
services. E-commerce is still largely unused in Indonesia. Following some
background information, the author talks about the benefits of e-commerce to his
business goals. (Kedah, 2018)[3].

2.2 Proposed

In this proposed project, vendors will be able to apply for the issuer status by
sending their personal documents such as name, shop name, brand, address, and
representative’s email and phone number. Similarly, the customers will be able to
apply for the issuer status by sending their personal documents such as name,
address, and representative’s email and phone number. After manual verification,
the representative will receive login information to the website. The representative
will then be able to register as a vendor and customer, which will be verified by the
information they provided. Their details will be shown on the website after they are
verified. Admin will be able to log in to our website through provided username
and password. Vendors will be able to log in through provided username and
password and provide product details as well as their pictures. Customers will be
able to watch, buy and review the product. They will be able to see their order details
through our webpage.


3.1 Economically Feasibility

The proposed system is an e-commerce website. Python, Django, JavaScript, Git-

hub, and SQL are some of the free and open-source tools we'll be using to build
websites. In the website, there are no costs. By displaying ads, we can generate
income. In light of this, we can state that our project is economically feasible.

3.2 Operational Feasibility

Based on factors including management support, necessary training, labor

reduction, and adverse effects on users and customers, operational feasibility is
determined. The user does not require in-depth knowledge of the website because
the proposed system is interactive. Its UI is user friendly. Additionally, maintaining
this website doesn't require a lot of technical support

3.3 Technical Feasibility

There are variety of technologies available for web development. We have

HTML/CSS and JavaScript as cross-platform frameworks for front-end. For
backend development, we have used d-jango. All the technologies we've used in
our application are supported by large corporations and have a strong community.
Therefore, obtaining any technical support is always simple. The project is
therefore technically feasible.


4.1 System Overview

Figure 4. 1 System Overview

The system typically consists of a front-end interface where customers can browse
products, add to a cart, and complete a purchase, as well as a back-end interface
where administrators can manage products, orders, and customer information. The
system may also include features such as search functionality, user accounts,
payment processing, shipping and tracking, and customer support. Overall, This
system is designed to provide a convenient and user-friendly shopping experience
for customers while allowing businesses to efficiently manage their online sales

4.2 Use case Diagram

Figure 4. 2 Use Case Diagram

4.3 Level 0 DFD

Figure 4. 3 Level 0 DFD

4.4 Level 1 DFD

Figure 4. 4 Level 1 DFD

4.5 Activity Diagram

Figure 4. 5 Activity Diagram (Customer’s Perspective)

Figure 4. 6 Activity Diagram (Staff's perspective)

Figure 4. 7 Activity Diagram (Vendors Perspective)

Figure 4. 8 Activity Diagram (Admin Perspective)


5.1 Dataset Collection

In this project, product data is collected and entered individually in a manual

method, it consists of a CSV file. Our data set has 12 columns and about 200
individual data entries: name, image, brand, category, description, rating, product,
user_id, and price.

5.2 Preprocessing

Data preprocessing is a process of preparing the raw data and making it suitable for
a machine-learning model. It is the first and crucial step while creating a machine-
learning model. A real-world data generally contains noises, missing values, and
maybe in an unusable format, which cannot be directly used for machine, learning
models. Data preprocessing is required tasks for cleaning the data and making it
suitable for a machine-learning model, which also increases the accuracy and
efficiency of a machine-learning model.

Figure 5. 1 Data Processing

5.2.1 Tokenization

Tokenization is the process of dividing text into a set of meaningful pieces. These
pieces are called tokens. For example, we can divide a chunk of text into words, or
we can divide it into sentences. Filtering techniques uses white space (blank)
removal and removal of punctuation symbols in tokenizing. All contiguous strings
of alphabetic characters are part of one token; likewise with numbers. Whitespace
characters, such as a space or line break, or by punctuation characters, separate
tokens. Punctuation and whitespace may or may not be included in the resulting list
of tokens. The list of tokens becomes input for further processing such as parsing
or text mining. Tokenization is useful both in linguistics (where it is a form of text
segmentation), and in computer science, where it forms part of lexical analysis.

5.2.2 Stop Words Removal

Stop words are a part of natural language that does not have so much meaning in a
retrieval system. The reason, for removing stop-words from a text is that they make
the text look heavier and less important for analysts. Removing stop words reduces
the dimensionality of term space. The most familiar words are in text documents
are prepositions, articles, and pro-nouns etc. that does not provide the meaning of
the documents. These words are treated as stop words. Example for stop words: the,
in, a, an, with, etc. Stop words are eliminated from documents because those words
are not considered as keywords in text mining applications.

5.2.3 Stemming

Stemming is the process of producing morphological variants of a root/base word.

Its main use is as part of a term normalization process that is usually done when
setting up information retrieval systems. Stemming programs are commonly
referred to as stemming algorithms or stemmers. A stemming algorithm used is
Porter Stemming. This porter-stemming algorithm reduces the words “chocolates”,
“chocolatey”, “choco” to the root word, “chocolate” and “retrieval”, “retrieved”,
“retrieves” reduce to the stem “retrieve”. Stemming is an important part of the

pipelining process in Natural language processing. The input to the porter stemmer
is tokenized words.

5.3 Feature Extraction

Feature Extraction aims to reduce the number of features in a dataset by creating

new features from the existing ones (and then discarding the original
features). These new reduced set of features should then be able to summarize most
of the information contained in the original set of features. In this way, a
summarized version of the original features can be created from a combination of
the original set.

Here, for this project Count Vectorizer is being used for extraction of product. This
model converts a collection of text documents to a vector of term/token counts and
enables the pre-processing of text data prior to generating the vector representation.

5.3.1 Count Vectorizer

Count Vectorizer is a great tool provided by the Scikit-learn library in Python. It is

used to transform a given text into a vector based on the frequency (count) of each
word that occurs in the entire text. This is helpful when we have multiple such texts,
and we wish to convert each word in each text into vectors (for using in further text
analysis). Count Vectorizer creates a matrix in which each unique word is
represented by a column of the matrix, and each text sample from the document is
a row in the matrix. This matrix is called sparse matrix. The value of each cell is
nothing but the count of the word in that particular text sample.

5.4 Content Based Filtering

The concept of content-based filtering algorithm. Firstly, the quality of item is

analyzed and after that the properties of product are matched, for this the present
database is used. In Content based filtering techniques, the product are described
with the help of keywords. Content-based filtering algorithms predict the product
that the user liked in the past and according to the rating of user, the product are
recommended. In Content based filtering the quality of the product or services are
utilized for recommendation. In content-based filtering the system compares the

profile of the user with the product, then find similar product, and suggest to the

Figure 5. 2 Content Based Filtering

5.4.1 Cosine Similarity Algorithm

Cosine similarity is a metric used to measure how similar the documents are
irrespective of their size. It measures the similarity using the cosine of the angle
between two vectors in a multidimensional space. It determines whether two vectors
are pointing in roughly the same direction and is often used to measure document
similarity in text analysis.


6.1 Software Development Tools

We have used Software Development Tools like Python, JavaScript, Pandas,

PostgreSQL, Redux, React and HTML/CSS in developing our website.


7.1 Data Analysis

This is the explanation of Figure A.1 as we mentioned in the appendix. Data analysis
is the process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the
goal of discovering useful information, drawing conclusions, and supporting
decision-making. The first step in data analysis is to define the problem or question
that needs to be answered. Then, data is collected and cleaned to ensure that it is
accurate and relevant to the problem at hand. The data is then explored and
visualized to gain insights into the patterns and trends within the data. Statistical
analysis and machine learning techniques are then used to build models that can be
used to make predictions or identify relationships between variables. There are
many tools and techniques that can be used in data analysis. For data analysis, we
have used python software packages and the Scikit-learn machine library. We have
analyzed all these data using a Jupyter notebook.

7.2 Experimental Result

Firstly, dataset is entered individually in the manual method. Before progressing to

perform any operation on the text data, the data must be pre-processed. Various
processes such as: tokenization, stop word removal, and stemming, have been
carried out to obtain the preprocessed data. After this feature extraction process has
been done, in which Count Vectorizer model has been used. In this model, a column
of the matrix represents each unique word, and each text sample from the document
is a row in the matrix. Now, the Cosine Similarity Algorithm comes into play.
Cosine Similarity is a metric used to measure how similar two items are. The matrix
created using Count Vectorizer is subjected to this metric which computes the most
similar product among all, based upon the product user looked after.

7.2.1 Preprocessing

This is the explanation of Figure A.2 as we mentioned in the appendix of Tokenized

Data. As a first step, the dataset is tokenized into words then, stop word has been
removed. As a stemmer, porter stemmer has been used. While working with porter
stemming, dataset is split according to its attributes. From entire dataset, each
attribute with different tuples is made string without any whitespaces. After that, all
the processed values under different attribute names are combined together. Then,
data named as tags and is saved. Below is the snapshot of tags of dataset after
preprocessing related to this project.
This is the explanation of Figure A.3 as we mentioned in the appendix of
Preprocessed Data. Now, the tag undergoes different encoding processes like
converting each word into lower case word and all. The tags is defined and the data
is processed, which looks like below:

7.2.2 Feature Extraction Process

This is the explanation of Figure A.4 as we mentioned in the appendix of Count

Vectorizer. Once preprocessing has been done, the dataset has been changed into
numerical matrix form, which is realizable for computers. In the Count Vectorizer
process, the words in “tags” are not stored as strings. Rather, they are given a
particular index value. Just like, word ’eat ’would have an index 0, ‘star ’would have
index 1, ‘four ’would have index 2 and so on, in array of matrix.

7.2.3 Cosine Similarity

This is the explanation of Figure A.5 as we mentioned in the appendix of Cosine

Similarity. After the computer realize the dataset, the Cosine Similarity algorithm
is used. The cosine similarity function between a pair of text documents depends
upon the word frequency and number of common words in both text documents. A
longer document has higher word frequencies and higher number of unique words
than shorter documents producing higher similarity to user queries than shorter
documents. So, the cosine similarity values of two text documents in the training
dataset are found. In this, the similarity between two products are calculated with
the help of cosine function. The products are said to be similar if the cosine angle

between two products is smaller. The derived similarity of products in dataset are
shown below:
This is the explanation of Figure A.6 as we mentioned in the appendix of Sorted
Similar Data After, calculating similarity of each product and sorting them properly.
The products with similar context to the product, user has preferred is

7.3 Discussion

Figure 7.1 Result of System

The above result showed the list of similar products in reference to product named
"Men's shoes". This recommender system can be used efficiently as it sorts products
according to the cosine angle. The main objective of this system is to provide the
user with the best recommendation of products. For this, a product similar to all
products in the dataset is determined. The dataset contains 195 products and among
all this products, four are selected. This four products have similarity nearly or equal
to one.
Here, at first dataset is taken, and then it is tokenized. The processed data is
converted into vectors. The vector contents the context of products on which cosine
similarity algorithm is performed. Now, four products among all is selected and
recommended to the user.


8.1 Conclusion and Future Enhancement

This system is concerned with recommendation of products according to user's

product selection. So, it is mainly concerned with the recommending people,
products of their choice with wish list option to keep the track of the products to be
purchased next. The system has some basic functionalities like rating and
reviewing, searching as well as adding products to cart. This system is designed for
easy availability of products in online platform based on its context. From the result,
it came in conclusion that the result are correct as it can be seen for a product name
Men's Shoes, all products related to it has arrived as its results. In the future, other
functionality can be added too. Like, Product recommendation based on reviews,
locations, etc. which focuses on collaborative filtering can be implemented.
Alternatively, a platform for user-user interaction i.e, Chatbot, etc. can be added for
better user interface. Enhancement of work will help the system with increased
performance as well.

8.2 Limitation

Our system doesn’t have offline buying and selling services. We (users) can’t pay
through other services except e-Sewa/Khalti and cash on delivery. It is not suitable
for perishable commodities like food items.

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Data Analysis

Figure A.1 Product Dataset

Preprocessing Tokenized Data

Figure A.2 Tokenized Data

Preprocessed Data

Figure A.3 Preprocessed data

Count Vectorizer

Figure A.4 Count Vectorizer

Cosine Similarity

Figure A.5 Cosine Similarity

Sorted Similar Data

Figure A.6 Sorted Similar data


Figure A.7 Register

Sign In

Figure A. 8 Sign In

Home Page

Figure A. 9 Home Page

Search Box

Figure A.10 Search Box

Product Screen

Figure A.11 Product Screen

Review Place

Figure A.12 Review

Payment Screen

Figure A.13 Payment Screen

Payment Successful Screen

Figure A.14 Payment Successful Screen

User Profile

Figure A.15 User Profile

User Management

Figure A.16 User Management

User Profile

Figure A.17 User Profile

DJango Administration

Figure A.18 Django Administration

User Details

Figure A.19 User Details

Product Details

Figure A.20 Product Details

Product Adding

Figure A.21 Product Adding

Result of Recommended Product

Figure A.22 Result of Recommended Product

Datasets for Recommendation

Figure A.23 Datasets for Recommendation


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