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This engagement is designated as an independent consultancy agreement. The compensation will be
remitted directly to the consultant. The consultant acknowledges and accepts the responsibility for
any associated tax obligations or social contribution fees stemming from the remuneration received
under this agreement. Either party can terminate this agreement with a 30 day notice period during
which the mutual obligations of this contract will remain in effect.

• The compensation will consist of one fixed and two variable parts, or, in other words, a
fixed salary with two separate bonuses.
• The fixed portion will increase with each major milestone in subscription signup,
according to the following schedule (Full disclosure: We are currently at 152 paid
subscribers and 933 free subscribers, amassed during the almost 60 days we have had our
Substack and paywall up and running, so that has been the current growth rate):
◦ Starting level: 200 USD per episode

◦ 300 subscribers: 300 USD per episode

◦ 400 subscribers: 350 USD per episode

◦ 500 subscribers: 400 USD per episode

◦ After surpassing 500 subscribers, or after the first six months, whichever happens first,
we will renegotiate the fixed salary.
• The first bonus will be based on direct sign-ups related to the podcast, i.e. the member
sign-ups that result from the sign-up link in the YouTube description of each episode, or
from the article page for the free or paid segment of each episode, and will consist of 5 USD
per paid membership.
• The second bonus will be sales-based. We will pay a 10% kickback on all web shop
orders placed with a promo code of your choice that will also give the customer a 10%
• The bonuses are designed to make the podcast host invested in the overall success of Arktos.
Not just the journal, but the overall sales as well.
• For transparency purposes, the podcast host will get invited to participate in monthly
management meetings and also have access to all available statistics pertaining to the
• Any additional regular episodes and member-exclusive videos beyond the stipulated videos
per month will be compensated at the same rates, and should be communicated to Arktos in
advance. Payment to the podcast host shall be processed and disbursed within five (5)
business days following the conclusion of each calendar month.

The Podcast Host will be responsible for the following work activities:
• Interregnum will broadcast every 14 days for the first three months and then, if
everything progresses according to plan, we will increase frequency to a weekly show with
four episodes per month.
• Every episode should be 90-120 minutes, with the first half free and published on
YouTube/Rumble, and the second half (where paid subscribers can also ask questions via
live chat) will be behind the paywall on Substack.
• The episodes shall be delivered a minimum of 24 hours before the scheduled air time,
to ensure our team have time to make all the necessary preparations.
• Our audio and video tech specialist (Tor Westman) will be able to help with professional
intros and outros, and other advanced editing. Basic editing will be handled by the podcast
• Engage with the audience through various channels (such as social media or website
comments) to gather feedback and ideas for future episodes.
• Coordinate promotional activities for the podcast episodes with the Arktos team to maximize
reach and increase the listenership.
• Work closely with the Arktos team on other related activities that might be beneficial to the
growth of the Arktos podcast and its community.

Date: December 19, 2023 Date: December 19, 2023

____________________________ ____________________________

Daniel Friberg Joel Davis

CEO of Arktos Media Ltd.

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