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Aryo Bimo Sakti


Bahasa Inggris

The first time I hold someone’s hand

Hi.My name is Bimo.I want to tell about story when the first I held someone’s hand.Holding
someone's hand for the first time is an experience filled with wonder and intimacy. The gentle touch
of interlocking fingers, the sudden quickening of the heartbeat, and the warmth spreading from the
palms make this moment so special. There is a sense of comfort and safety that is hard to express in
words. In an instant, personal boundaries fade, replaced by a feeling of togetherness and deep
connection. This moment is not just about physical touch, but also about a feeling of mutual trust
and profound connection, leaving an unforgettable memory.


Memegang tangan seseorang untuk pertama kalinya adalah pengalaman yang penuh dengan
keajaiban dan keintiman. Sentuhan lembut dari jari-jari yang saling terkait, detak jantung yang tiba-
tiba berdebar lebih cepat, dan kehangatan yang menyebar dari telapak tangan membuat momen ini
begitu istimewa. Ada rasa nyaman dan aman yang sulit diungkapkan dengan kata-kata. Dalam
sekejap, batasan pribadi memudar, digantikan oleh perasaan kebersamaan dan koneksi yang
mendalam. Momen ini bukan hanya tentang sentuhan fisik, tetapi juga tentang perasaan saling
percaya dan koneksi yang mendalam, meninggalkan kenangan yang tak terlupakan.


1.Present Continuous Tense:

"Holding someone's hand for the first time is an experience filled with wonder and intimacy."

"The gentle touch of interlocking fingers, the sudden quickening of the heartbeat, and the warmth
spreading from the palms make this moment so special."

2.Simple Present Tense:

"There is a sense of comfort and safety that is hard to express in words."

"In an instant, personal boundaries fade, replaced by a feeling of togetherness and deep

"This moment is not just about physical touch, but also about a feeling of mutual trust and profound
connection, leaving an unforgettable memory."

3.Present Participle (used in a descriptive manner):

"Holding someone's hand for the first time..."

"... the warmth spreading from the palms..."

"... leaving an unforgettable memory."


1. Introduction of the Experience

"Holding someone's hand for the first time is an experience filled with wonder and intimacy."

2. Detailed Description

"The gentle touch of interlocking fingers, the sudden quickening of the heartbeat, and the warmth
spreading from the palms make this moment so special."

3. Emotional Response

"There is a sense of comfort and safety that is hard to express in words."

4. Change and Impact

"In an instant, personal boundaries fade, replaced by a feeling of togetherness and deep

5. Conclusion

"This moment is not just about physical touch, but also about a feeling of mutual trust and profound
connection, leaving an unforgettable memory."


1.Wonder - Keajaiban, menekankan rasa takjub dan kekaguman.

2.Intimacy - Keintiman, mengisyaratkan kedekatan emosional yang mendalam.

3.Gentle touch - Sentuhan lembut, memberikan kesan kelembutan dan kasih sayang.

4.Interlocking fingers - Jari-jari yang saling terkait, menggambarkan kedekatan fisik.

5.Quickening of the heartbeat - Denyut jantung yang semakin cepat, menekankan respon fisik dan

6.Warmth - Kehangatan, menyiratkan rasa nyaman dan kedekatan.

7.Comfort - Kenyamanan, mencerminkan rasa aman dan tentram.

8.Safety - Keamanan, menambahkan dimensi perlindungan dan ketenangan.

9.Personal boundaries fade - Batas pribadi memudar, menggambarkan hilangnya jarak emosional.

10.Togetherness - Kebersamaan, menekankan hubungan dan koneksi.

11.Deep connection - Koneksi yang mendalam, memperkuat perasaan kedekatan emosional.

12.Mutual trust - Kepercayaan bersama, menunjukkan adanya kepercayaan timbal balik.

13.Profound connection - Koneksi yang mendalam, lagi-lagi memperkuat intensitas hubungan.

14.Unforgettable memory - Kenangan yang tak terlupakan, menunjukkan dampak jangka panjang
dari pengalaman tersebut.

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