Work, Energy and Power

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Work, Energy & Power

Work Done
It is the scalar product of force and displacement. If movement is produced in an
object due to the application of force, the process is known as work done. Its S.I. unit
is Joules.

F Force (N) Workdone=F × d

d Displacement (m)

The energy used in moving an object is also known as work done.

It is the ability found in an object to do work. It is a scalar quantity and its S.I. unit

Types of Energy:
1. Kinetic Energy is the energy found in moving objects. It is denoted K.E. and
measured in joules.

m mass (Kg) K . E .= mv ²
v speed/velocity (m/s)

Calculate the kinetic energy of an object of mass 200 g travelling with a velocity of
25 m/s .
K . E .= mv ² Remember to change the mass into
2 Kg and velocity in m/s
K . E .= ×0.2 ×25²
K . E .=62.5 J

2. Gravitational Potential Energy is the energy found in an object due to its height
from the ground. It is denoted by P.E. and measured in joules.

m mass (Kg)
g gravity (10 N/Kg) P . E .=m× g× h

height above ground

Calculate the gravitational potential energy of a load of 500N raised to a height of
P . E .=m× g× h Weight=500 N
P . E .=50 ×10 ×300 W =mg
P . E .=150000 J m=50 kg

3. Internal Energy is the sum of all types of energies present in an object.

4. Chemical Energy is the energy found fuels when it is burned, e.g. coal, petrol,
diesel, gas etc.
5. Thermal Energy is the energy found in heat.
6. Geothermal Energy is the heat energy found under the surface of the earth.
7. Latent Energy is the hidden energy found in steam.
8. Wind Energy is the energy found in moving air.
9. Hydroelectric Energy is the electrical energy produced by the movement of water.

 All machines waste some input in the form of heat energy and sound energy,
therefore no machine is 100% efficient.
 If a machine is 80% efficient, then it gives useful output of 80% and waste 20%.
 If we assume that a machine is 100% efficient, then Power Output = Power Input or
vice versa or Energy Input = Energy Output.

Useful Power output Useful Energy output

Efficiency= × 100 Efficiency= ×100
Power Input Energy Input

Non- Renewable Sources of Energy

Small amounts of this substance can produce large amounts of electrical or fuel
energy. However, if used once they cannot be reused.
Natural Gas
Renewable Source of Energy
These are difficult to harness and large amounts are needed to produce only small
amounts of electrical or fuel energy.

It is described as the rate of doing work. It can also be described as the rate of energy
transferred. It is denoted by “P” and its S.I. unit is J/s or Watts (W). It is a scalar

Workdone F × d
Power= =
Time t

Power Input is the power given to the machine. If electrical energy is provided to a
machine then,

V Voltage (Volts)
Power Input=V × I
I Current (Ampere)

V Voltage (Volts)
I Current (Ampere) Electrical Energy Input=V × I ×t

t Time (s)

Power Output is the power given by a machine.

Laws of Conservation of Energy:

The law states that “Energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can be
converted from one form to another”.

 While charging a cell phone the electrical energy is converted into chemical energy.
 If the object falls from some height to ground, the gravitational potential energy at
top is converted to kinetic energy at bottom.

Block Diagrams for Energy Conversion:

Electrical energy can be produced by different methods. Following block diagrams

show the conversion of energy during the process.

1. Coal fired Power Stations

Chemical Energy of Coal Heat Energy of Boiler

Kinetic Energy of Turbine Latent Energy of Steam

Electrical Energy produced by Generator

2. Hydroelectric Power Station

Gravitational Potential Energy of Water Kinetic Energy of Water

Electrical Energy produced by Generator Kinetic Energy of Turbine

3. Wind Mill

Kinetic Energy in Air Wind Energy

Electrical Energy produced by Generator Kinetic Energy of Turbine

4. Nuclear Power Station

Kinetic Energy of Neutron Nuclear Energy of Uranium

Latent Energy of Steam Heat Energy of Boiler

Environmental problems caused during power generation
 When electricity is produced by coal fired power station, sulphur dioxide gas is
produced which may cause acid rain. Although acid is weak it can kill marine life.
 When hydroelectric energy is produced, dams are built and during the construction
land forms are disturbed.

 END 

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