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Title of the article/ citation: Recommendation: Proposed title:

Title: The research could explore/ The Role of

Stigma in Health Facilities: Why it Matters tackle more on the effects of Stigma Reduction
and How We Can Change it applied stigma reduction on Interventions in
healthcare facilities including Improving
Citation: its effects on the treatment, Diagnosis and
Nyblade, L., Stockton, M., Giger, K., Bond, V., diagnostics, and overall Treatment
Ekstrand, M., Lean, R. M., Mitchell, experience outcome of Outcomes in
E., Nelson, L. E., Sapag, J. C., patients within the said Health Facilities
Siraprapasiri, T., Turan, J. M., & facility.
Wouters, E. (2019). Stigma in health
facilities: why it matters and how we
can change it. BMC Medicine, 17(1).

Title: The research could also Challenges and

Community Participation in Mangrove Forest discuss the potential benefits Opportunities in
Management in the Philippines: and challenges that may rise Shifting from
Management Strategies, Influences to when implementing mangrove Government-
Participation, and Socio-Economic and forest management strategies Controlled to
Environmental Impacts in the Philippines, particularly Community-
the transition from Managed
Citation: government to a community- Mangrove Forests
Community Participation in Mangrove Forest based management approach. in the Philippines
Management in the Philippines:
Management Strategies, Influences
to Participation, and Socio-Economic
and Environmental Impacts. (2016).
[University of Michigan].
Title: The research could also aim to The Role of
The Architecture Of Mental Health: provide an understanding of Housing Quality
Identifying The Combination Of Apartment the impact of housing in Promoting
Building Design Requirements For Positive conditions, amenities, and Positive Mental
Mental Health Outcomes design on the mental well- Health: A Case
being of residents in a high- Study of High-
Citation: rise setting. It also seeks to Rise Buildings
Hooper, P., Kleeman, A., Edwards, N., explore potential strategies for
Bolleter, J., & Foster, S. (2023). The improving housing quality to
architecture of mental health: support residents' well-being.
identifying the combination of
apartment building design
requirements for positive mental
health outcomes. ˜the œLancet
Regional Health. Western Pacific, 37,


Healthcare Innovative Vision (HIV): Redefining HIV/AIDS Treatment and Research in Samar
through Organic Architecture

The Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the body's immune system,
specifically the CD4 cells (T cells), which help the immune system fight off infections, If left untreated,
HIV can lead to Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) which is the critical stage of HIV infection
(About HIV/AIDS, n.d.). At this stage, the immune system is severely damaged, making individuals
highly susceptible to severe illnesses, opportunistic infections, and cancers. There is currently no cure
for HIV or AIDS, but with proper medical care, HIV can be controlled. The Philippines is one of the
hotspots of the said virus which affects people of all ages. The lack of awareness about HIV in society,
and the lack of research facilities and health centers for its treatment, is what contributes to the
number of cases that are alarmingly rising in the country. Establishing a dedicated healthcare center
for HIV/AIDS would be a crucial step in raising awareness about the disease. Furthermore, there is an
urgent need for a research center to develop treatments, as there is currently no cure for HIV/AIDS.

Stated in the Article XIII, Section 11 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, authored by Sen.
Jinggoy Ejercito Estrada, establishes the national health policy, emphasizing an integrated and
comprehensive approach to health development. The aim is to ensure the availability of essential
goods, health services, and social services to all citizens at affordable costs. It also mandates the
provision of basic healthcare services to every Filipino through mandatory universal healthcare
coverage (Ilagan, 2019).

Despite the constitutional provisions, the Philippines is facing a significant rise in HIV cases,
highlighting concerns about the Department of Health's effectiveness in spreading awareness. There
is an urgent need to address the harsh stigmas faced by Filipinos living with HIV/AIDS, who are often
unfairly labeled as unclean or sexually unhealthy. However, addressing these issues requires an open-
minded approach to finding solutions, as there is currently no known cure for HIV/AIDS, and healthcare
facilities can only manage the symptoms of the virus. The attributed factors for the increase in infection
rate include men who have sexual intercourse with men (MSIM), the lack of sexual awareness, and
unpracticed safe sex which surged the said rate dramatically from 2010 to 2015. By November 2015,
the Department of Health reported that the prevalence rate had exceeded 5% in eight cities (Cagayan
de Oro, Davao, Puerto Princesa, Quezon City, Parañaque and Makati, and Cebu) with Cebu's prevalence
rate reaching 14% (Ilagan, 2019). In the Eastern Visayas Region, Leyte recorded the highest number of
new cases, with 39 spread across 18 municipalities. Ormoc City reported 12 cases, Tacloban City had
nine, Samar and Southern Leyte each had eight new cases, Eastern Samar had seven, and Biliran had
two new cases (Elmer Recuerdo & Elmer Recuerdo, 2023). Data from the Regional Epidemiology and
Surveillance Unit of DoH-8 indicates that 68 of the 76 new cases were male, and eight were female
(Elmer Recuerdo & Elmer Recuerdo, 2023).

Despite efforts to address HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, there is still a lack of dedicated
healthcare facilities and research centers for treatment and awareness, particularly in overlooked
regions such as the province of Samar. Existing facilities are often unable to provide adequate support
and are not designed to address the specific needs of HIV/AIDS patients which can also affect the
recovery and mental state of the patient. This study seeks to address these gaps by proposing an
innovative healthcare center with a research facility through an organic architectural approach in
Samar province. By integrating nature-based solutions and sustainable design principles, the proposed
facility aims to provide a supportive and stigma-free environment for HIV/AIDS patients while
promoting awareness and reducing stigma.


A. Gangcuangco, L. M., & C. Eustaquio, P. (2023, April 20). The State of the HIV Epidemic in
the Philippines: Progress and Challenges in 2023. National Library of Medicine.

About HIV/AIDS | HIV Basics | HIV/AIDS | CDC. (n.d.).

Elmer Recuerdo, & Elmer Recuerdo. (2023, September 22). Eastern Visayas alarmed over
rising HIV cases. Daily Tribune.

Ilagan, M. (2019). HOPE: An Innovative Development for Society(AIDS) A Proposed HIV/AIDS

Awareness Health Center with Research Facility. Batstate-u.

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