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Bangladesh University of Business &


Submitted to:
Susmita Roy Tumpa (Assistant Professor)
Department of Management
Bangladesh university of Business & Technology

Submitted by:
Group Name: Hydra
Name ID Remark
Md. Al Ahsan Mominul 22231101149
Md. Abu Anas Nidhi 22231101147
Rafsan Radi Karim 22231101181
Asma Akter Rimi 22231101144
Dola Rani Paul 22231101160

Date of Submission: 14 May 2024


The impact of AI on group behavior and
team building.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the workplace, significantly

influencing team collaboration, group behavior, and performance. This paper
investigates the multifaceted impact of AI on teams within organizational settings.
Through the analysis of empirical research and real-world case studies, we identify
both the potential challenges and the opportunities that arise from the integration of
AI into team environments.
The advent of AI in teams has led to enhanced decision-making capabilities,
optimized workflows, and a shift towards data-driven strategies. However, it also
presents unique challenges such as the need for new skill sets, the redefinition of
team roles, and the management of human-AI interaction dynamics. The paper
further explores how AI can act as a catalyst for innovation, driving teams towards
more agile and adaptive work practices.
By synthesizing current research findings, the paper provides insights into how AI
affects interpersonal relationships, communication patterns, and the overall
cohesion of teams. It also offers a perspective on the ethical considerations and the
importance of establishing guidelines for effective AI integration. The conclusion
underscores the necessity for organizations to foster a culture that embraces
continuous learning and adaptability, ensuring that teams can leverage AI to
achieve superior outcomes and maintain a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving
digital landscape.
Table of contents

1. Introduction
o Brief overview of AI’s increasing presence in organizations
o Importance of understanding its impact on team dynamics
2. Chapter 1: The Role of AI in Teams
o AI and the Personalization of Team Building
o AI Team Building Strategies
o Designing an AI Team Building Activity
o Integrating AI into Traditional Team Building Exercises
o Potential benefits and drawbacks
3. Chapter 2: AI Effects on Group Behavior
o Communication patterns: How AI influences team interactions
o Trust and collaboration: Balancing human intuition with AI
o Adaptation to AI-driven decision-making
4. Findings and Analysis (SWOT)
o Strengths: AI enhances efficiency, automates repetitive tasks
o Weaknesses: Reduced human intuition, potential resistance
o Opportunities: Improved decision-making, personalized team
o Threats: Ethical concerns, fear of job displacement
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
o Embrace AI as a complementary team member
o Invest in AI literacy and training for team members
o Foster a culture of adaptability and continuous learning
6. Source
 Brief overview of AI’s increasing presence in organizations

The rapid development of artifcial intelligence (AI) in recent years leads to an

enormous potential for the entire value creation of organizations (Russell and
Norvig 2020). High computing power and novel algorithms are used to evaluate
large amounts of data, make proftable predictions or recognize patterns (Kaplan
and Haenlein 2019). Berente et al. (2021) therefore defne AI as "the frontier of
computational advancements that references human intelligence" (p. 5), which led
to several novel AI-based systems and applications, especially recently. AI-based
systems subsequently take many forms, for example, as interactive actors with
humans. Prominent systems are for example Apple’s Siri or Amazon’s Alexa, that
are assisting users in the private sector, but also employees in organizational
processes, for example in IT support (Maedche et al. 2016; Kaplan and Haenlein
2019; Morana et al. 2019). This increased implementation, usage, and the mere
presence of such AI-based systems is changing the way we interact and co-exist
with technology (Anderson et al. 2018; Kaplan and Haenlein 2019; Seeber et al.
2020; Mirbabaie et al. 2021).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become an integral part of the modern
organizational landscape, transforming industries and business practices across the
globe. Its increasing presence is reshaping how companies operate, innovate, and
1. Enhanced Decision-Making AI systems analyze vast amounts of data to
identify patterns and insights, enabling more informed and timely decisions.
Predictive analytics and machine learning models forecast trends, customer
behavior, and market dynamics, leading to smarter strategic choices.
2. Automation of Routine Tasks AI automates repetitive and time-consuming
tasks, such as data entry, scheduling, and customer inquiries, through technologies
like Robotic Process Automation (RPA). This not only increases efficiency but
also allows human employees to focus on more complex and creative work.
3. Improved Customer Experience AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants
provide personalized customer service around the clock. They learn from
interactions to improve their responses, ensuring that customers receive quick and
accurate assistance.
4. Innovation in Products and Services Organizations leverage AI to develop
innovative products and services. For example, AI algorithms are used in
healthcare to diagnose diseases more accurately, and in finance, to detect
fraudulent activities.
5. Talent Management and HR AI tools assist in talent acquisition by screening
resumes and predicting candidate success. They also help in employee engagement
and retention by analyzing feedback and performance data to identify areas for

 Importance of understanding its impact on team dynamics

AI team builder tools represent a groundbreaking shift in how organisations

approach the development and nurturing of teams. These tools leverage machine
learning and data analytics to gain a nuanced understanding of individual team
members and the dynamics of the team as a whole. By analysing data points such
as communication styles, work habits, and personality traits, AI can identify
patterns and provide recommendations to enhance team cohesion and performance.

One of the key advantages of AI team builder tools is their ability to offer
personalised insights and solutions. Unlike one-size-fits-all team-building
exercises, AI enables a tailored approach, taking into account the unique
composition of each team. This customization can lead to more effective and
engaging team-building activities, driving home the importance of diversity and
inclusivity within teams.

Moreover, AI team builder tools can facilitate ongoing development and

adjustment, continuously learning from team interactions to refine strategies and
interventions. This dynamic approach ensures that team-building efforts remain
relevant and impactful, adapting to the evolving needs of the team and the
organisation. As teams grow and change, AI remains a constant ally, guiding them
toward greater harmony and productivity.


1. Dailyhuman(2024). [online]. available at

2. Davenport, T. H., & Ronanki, R. (2018). ‘Artificial Intelligence for the Real
Chapter 1
Impact of AI in Team Building

AI and the Personalization of Team Building

The power of AI lies not just in its analytical capabilities but in its potential to
personalise team-building experiences. Recognizing the diverse backgrounds,
skills, and personalities within a team, AI can help design activities that resonate
with every member, ensuring inclusivity and maximising engagement.

Personalization goes beyond simply matching activities to skills; it involves

understanding the nuances of team dynamics and individual motivations. AI can
analyse historical data on team performance and individual behaviours to predict
what types of activities might be most effective. Whether it’s a competitive game
for a sales team or a creative brainstorming session for designers, AI ensures that
the activity aligns with the team's culture and goals.

This level of customization fosters a deeper connection among team members, as

activities are more likely to be engaging and meaningful. When team members feel
understood and valued, their motivation to participate and contribute positively to
the team’s objectives increases significantly.

AI Team Building Strategies

The digital age demands innovative approaches to foster team cohesion and AI is
at the forefront of this transformation. Employing AI in team building strategies
opens up a plethora of opportunities to engage team members in more meaningful,
productive ways. For instance, AI-driven analytics can identify team strengths and
weaknesses, enabling leaders to design activities that specifically target areas
needing improvement. Moreover, AI can simulate real-world challenges within a
virtual environment, allowing teams to practise collaboration and problem-solving
skills in a controlled, yet dynamic setting.

Another strategy involves the use of AI to monitor and enhance communication

among team members. Tools equipped with natural language processing can offer
insights into team interactions, suggesting ways to improve clarity, empathy, and
effectiveness in communication. This not only helps in smoothing out day-to-day
operations but also plays a crucial role in resolving conflicts and building trust
within the team.
The customization capability of AI also means that team-building activities can be
aligned with the individual preferences and learning styles of team members,
ensuring maximum engagement and participation. From gamified learning
experiences to collaborative project simulations, AI can tailor the team-building
process to suit the unique makeup of each team, making every activity more
relevant and impactful.

Designing an AI Team Building Activity

Crafting an AI team building activity requires a thoughtful blend of technology,

psychology, and creativity. The first step involves identifying the specific
objectives of the activity, whether it’s enhancing communication, boosting
creativity, or strengthening problem-solving skills. With goals in hand, the
selection of the appropriate AI tools and technologies becomes the next focus,
ensuring they are capable of meeting the desired outcomes.

Creating an engaging AI team building activity might involve developing scenarios

where team members must navigate through challenges using a virtual platform
powered by AI. These scenarios can mimic real-life situations the team might face,
allowing members to apply critical thinking, communication, and collaboration
skills. Feedback mechanisms built into the AI can provide immediate insights into
team dynamics and individual contributions, offering valuable lessons that can be
applied in the workplace.

Moreover, the activity should include elements of reflection and discussion, guided
by AI-generated reports or insights on team performance. This encourages team
members to openly share their experiences, insights, and suggestions for
improvement, fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation.

Integrating AI into Traditional Team Building Exercises

The fusion of AI with traditional team-building exercises offers a refreshing update

to classic activities, infusing them with new insights and capabilities. For example,
scavenger hunts can be transformed into sophisticated adventures using augmented
reality (AR), where teams solve puzzles and find items guided by AI. These
enhanced activities not only foster teamwork but also engage participants in a
technologically immersive experience.

Similarly, role-playing exercises can benefit from AI by incorporating dynamic,

evolving scenarios that adapt based on the team's decisions and interactions. This
level of responsiveness ensures that each exercise presents a unique challenge,
pushing teams to develop creative solutions and adapt their strategies in real-time.

By integrating AI into traditional exercises, organizations can breathe new life into
their team-building initiatives, making them more relevant and appealing to a
workforce accustomed to digital interaction. This blend of old and new encourages
greater participation and enthusiasm, leading to more effective and enjoyable team-
building experiences.


1. Dailyhuman(2024). [online]. available at
Chapter 2
AI Effects on Group Behavior

Communication Patterns: How AI Influences Team Interactions AI is

significantly altering team communication patterns. Research indicates that mixed
human-AI teams can outperform all-human teams in certain scenarios, particularly
in terms of situational awareness and team performance. However, these mixed
teams may experience a decrease in perceived team cognition, which suggests that
while AI can enhance certain aspects of team dynamics, it may also impact the
team’s collective understanding and processing of information.
AI-augmented tools are reshaping team collaboration by enhancing coordination,
knowledge sharing, and supporting decision-making. Virtual collaboration tools
powered by AI are facilitating remote team collaboration and improving
communication efficiency. However, there are concerns related to social
interaction with machine teammates, design, privacy, and ethics that require further
research to fully harness AI’s benefits in team collaboration.

Trust and Collaboration: Balancing Human Intuition with AI

Recommendations The integration of AI into organizational processes
necessitates a balance between human intuition and AI recommendations. While
AI can process vast amounts of data and provide valuable insights, human intuition
adds creativity, authenticity, and personalization to the decision-making
process. Trust in AI is built on understanding its capabilities and limitations, and
knowing when to rely on AI’s recommendations and when to apply human
judgment is crucial.
Striking this balance involves creating a mix of technology and humanity, where
AI assists in processing data and humans apply judgment, culture, value, and
context to the decision options. This approach ensures that AI is used as a catalyst
to connect people on a human level, scaling personalization and identifying
interaction opportunities that may not have been previously seen.

Adaptation to AI-Driven Decision-Making Organizations are transitioning from

data-driven to AI-driven workflows, which allows them to overcome human
limitations such as low throughput and cognitive bias. Adaptive AI systems adjust
their algorithms and decision-making processes when encountering changes in
input data or the context in which they operate, making them practical and relevant
even in dynamic situations.
The effective use of AI in strategic decision-making is becoming one of the biggest
determinants for future competitiveness. The interaction between humans and AI,
as well as the ability to choose which decisions to delegate to AI, will be among
the most important skills for decision-makers. Trust, access, and integration will
shape the scale and speed of AI adoption in future decision-making processes.


 Sanders, N.R. and Wood, J.D., (2023). The Skills Your Employees Need to Work
Effectively with AI.
 Jacobs, M., He, J., Pradier, M.F., Lam, B., Ahn, A.C., McCoy, T.H., Perlis, R.H., Doshi-
Velez, F. and Gajos, K.Z., (2021). Designing AI for Trust and Collaboration in Time-
Constrained Medical Decisions
 Colson, E., (2019). What AI-Driven Decision Making Looks Like.
Findings and Analysis

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into organizational structures has

brought about a paradigm shift in operational efficiency and decision-making

Strengths AI’s primary strength lies in its ability to enhance

efficiency and automate repetitive tasks. McKinsey research suggests that
generative AI could automate up to 70% of business activities across almost all
occupations by 2030, adding trillions of dollars to the global economy (McKinsey,
2023). The transformative power of AI is evident in its widespread adoption and
importance, leading to enhanced operational efficiency, improved decision-making
through analytics, and a boost in economic growth and job opportunities (Osum
Blog, 2023).

Weaknesses Despite its strengths, AI presents certain weaknesses, such as

the reduction of human intuition in decision-making and the potential
resistance from employees fearing job displacement. The World Economic Forum
(2023) highlights that AI creates a complex and uncertain environment for
organizations to operate in, with Chief Risk Officers expressing concerns over the
opaque nature of AI algorithms and the potential for bias and privacy violations.
Simplilearn (2023) also notes the lack of human-like creativity and empathy as
significant drawbacks of AI.
Opportunities AI opens up numerous opportunities for organizations,
including improved decision-making and personalized team experiences.
Deloitte’s research identifies the top benefits of AI implementation as enhancing
current products, optimizing operations, and liberating workers to be more creative
(Forbes, 2022). Furthermore, AI can help leaders make better decisions, thus
driving organizational agility (Forbes, 2022).

Threats The threats posed by AI are multifaceted, encompassing ethical

concerns and the fear of job displacement. The risks of AI to cybersecurity are
expected to increase rapidly, with tools becoming cheaper and more accessible,
leading to potential brute force, denial of service (DoS), and social engineering
attacks (Malwarebytes, 2024). Additionally, the dangers of AI include automation-
spurred job loss, deepfakes, privacy violations, and algorithmic bias caused by bad
data (Built In, 2024).


 Osum Blog. (2023). Pioneering Excellence: Uncovering the Strengths of the

AI Industry. [online] Available at:
 Simplilearn. (2023). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial
Intelligence [AI]. [online] Available at:
 Forbes. (2022). How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Organizational
Decision-Making. [online] Available at:
 Malwarebytes. (2024). Risks of AI & Cybersecurity | Risks of Artificial
Intelligence. [online] Available at:
security .
Conclusion and Recommendations

Embracing AI in the Workplace

In the contemporary organizational environment, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not
just a technological innovation; it represents a fundamental shift in how teams
operate and evolve.
Embrace AI as a Complementary Team Member AI should be viewed as a
partner that complements the capabilities of human team members. Deloitte’s 2021
report suggests that organizations can create “superteams” by pairing humans with
AI, leveraging their complementary strengths to achieve better outcomes (Deloitte,
2021). AI can enhance human judgment and creativity, leading to more innovative
solutions and improved productivity (Dellermann et al., 2019).
Invest in AI Literacy and Training for Team Members Organizations must
prioritize AI literacy and training to ensure that their workforce can effectively
collaborate with AI. DataCamp (2023) emphasizes the importance of AI literacy,
advocating for training programs that cover the basics of AI, its applications, and
ethical considerations. Such investment in AI education will empower employees
to leverage AI for improved decision-making and innovation (DataCamp, 2023).
Foster a Culture of Adaptability and Continuous Learning A culture of
adaptability and continuous learning is essential for organizations to thrive in an
AI-driven world. Forbes (2021) highlights the need for companies to encourage a
growth mindset, where learning and improvement are continuous processes. By
fostering such a culture, organizations can remain agile and responsive to the rapid
changes brought about by AI and other technological advancements (Forbes,
In conclusion, the integration of AI into the workplace presents a unique
opportunity for organizations to enhance their operations, decision-making, and
innovation. By embracing AI as a complementary team member, investing in AI
literacy and training, and fostering a culture of adaptability and continuous
learning, organizations can position themselves for success in the AI era.

1. Deloitte. (2021). Building the AI-powered organization. Deloitte Insights.

Available at:
and-the-future-of-work/building-ai-powered-organization.html [Accessed 13
May 2024].
2. Dellermann, D., Ebel, P., Söllner, M., & Leimeister, J. M. (2019). Hybrid
Intelligence. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61(5), 637-643.
DOI: 10.1007/s12599-019-00600-8.
3. DataCamp. (2023). The Importance of AI Literacy in the Workplace.
DataCamp Blog. Available at:
[Accessed 13 May 2024].

1. Dailyhuman(2024). [online]. available at
2. Davenport, T. H., & Ronanki, R. (2018). ‘Artificial Intelligence for the Real

3. Dailyhuman(2024). [online]. available at
4. Sanders, N.R. and Wood, J.D., (2023). The Skills Your Employees Need to Work
Effectively with AI.
5. Jacobs, M., He, J., Pradier, M.F., Lam, B., Ahn, A.C., McCoy, T.H., Perlis, R.H., Doshi-
Velez, F. and Gajos, K.Z., (2021). Designing AI for Trust and Collaboration in Time-
Constrained Medical Decisions
6. Colson, E., (2019). What AI-Driven Decision Making Looks Like.
7. Osum Blog. (2023). Pioneering Excellence: Uncovering the Strengths of the
AI Industry. [online] Available at:
8. Simplilearn. (2023). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial
Intelligence [AI]. [online] Available at:
9. Forbes. (2022). How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Organizational
Decision-Making. [online] Available at:
10.Malwarebytes. (2024). Risks of AI & Cybersecurity | Risks of Artificial
Intelligence. [online] Available at:
security .
11.Deloitte. (2021). Building the AI-powered organization. Deloitte Insights.
Available at:
and-the-future-of-work/building-ai-powered-organization.html [Accessed 13
May 2024].
12.Dellermann, D., Ebel, P., Söllner, M., & Leimeister, J. M. (2019). Hybrid
Intelligence. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61(5), 637-643.
DOI: 10.1007/s12599-019-00600-8.
13.DataCamp. (2023). The Importance of AI Literacy in the Workplace.
DataCamp Blog. Available at:

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