Format Jawaban Tugas Tatap Muka: Fakultas Keguruan Dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Terbuka 2023.1

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Kode & nama mata kuliah : PDGK4304/Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD

Nama mahasiswa : Lasri Tiara Astika
NIM : 859780983
Prodi : Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (PGSD)
UPBJJ : 18-Palembang

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Terbuka

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Kode MK/SKS : PDGK 4304
Nama Tutor : Dinda Rahmayani, S.Pd.M.Pd
Deskripsi Singkat : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris untuk memahami dan menerapkan ketrampilan
produktif (menulis, berbicara) dan ketrampilan reseptif (menyimak,
membaca) dalam kegiatan sehari-hari guna menunjang profesionalitas
dan produktivitas berbahasa Inggris tahap pemula
Kompetensi Umum : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris untuk SD memahami dan menerapkan
Personal Information and Introduction,Jobs and Routines, Family
Relationships, Telling Time and Telephone Communications, Food and
Transportation, Leisure Activities, Clothing and Fabrics,
Kompetensi khusus: Personal Information and Introduction,Jobs
and Routines, Family Relationships

Ben and Ruth Miller Live in Chicago. Ruth is a chemist in a laboratory there, and Ben
works in an advertising agency. Ben often takes business trips, Ruth stays in Chicago alone, but
she is never bored. She finds many interesting things to do.
Next week Ben is going to Atlanta on business. He is going to leave on Monday and
come home on Friday. Ruth is planning many activities for next week. She is going to do things
that Ben does not enjoy. Ruth’s favorite sport is volleyball, but Ben does not like it. So Ruth is
going to play volleyball on Monday.
Ruth loves German food but Ben does not. So on Tuesday she is going to eat in a German
restaurant with some friends. On Wednesday she is going to a symphony concert. She enjoys
classical music but Ben only likes jazz. She likes foreign films too, but Ben prefers American
films. Therefore, she is going to see a Japanese film on Thursday. On Friday she is going to see
Ben at the airport. They are going to eat in an Indonesian restaurant. They like very different things
but they both love Indonesian food.
1. Where do Ben and Ruth work?
Answer : Ben works in an advertising agency, while Ruth works in a laboratory
2. Who takes business trip?
Answer :Ben
3. Is Ruth bored when Ben takes a trip?
Answer : Ruth isn't bored
4. How long is Ben going to go to Atlanta?
Answer : three days
5. What is Ruth going to do on Monday?
Answer : Ruth is going to play volleyball
6. Where is she going to eat on Tuesday?
Answer : At a German restaurant
7. Does Ben enjoy classical music?
Answer : No , Ben doesn't enjoy classical music
8. What is Ruth going to do on Thursday?
Answer : Yes, she is going to watch a Japanese movie
9. Does Ben like German food?
Answer : No, Ben doesn't like German food
10.Where are they going to eat?
Answer : At an Indonesia restaurant

II. Answer the following questions in English

1. What’s your name?
Answer: My name is Lasri Tiara Astika
2. When were you born?
Answer : I was born in Prabumulih
3. Where do you live?
Answer : I live in Jl. Pemuda RT.03/RW.02 Kel. Muara Dua
4. How many children have you got?
Answer : I still don't have kids
5. What’s your spouse’s occupation?
Answer : I am still single
6. What’s your hobby?
Answer : My hobbies are readings a book and watching TV
7. What time do you get to school everyday?
Answer : I go to school at 06.00 a.m
8. How do you get to school?
Answer : I go to school by motorcycle with my friend
9. What’s your phone number?
Answer: My number phone is 085216995949
10. What’s your religion?
Answer : My religion is islam

III. Draw a diagram of a family-tree from the text.

I am Bambang. My father’s name is Mr. Hanafi. My mother’s name is Mrs. Tri Hanafi. I have
two sisters and one brother. My sisters are Tina and Utami, and my brother is Budi. Tina is
married to Tatang and they have three children: Ali, Andik and Anita. Utami is married to
Wawan and they have no children. I am still single, but my brother Budi has two wives. They are
Nita and Nila. With Nita, Budi has one child. He is Dawud. With Nila, Budi has two daughters.
They are twins, their names are Sari and Santi. We are happy with our family.

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