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At the end of the lesson, you will understand

the following

◦ Types of tenses
◦ Basic tense patterns
◦ How the tenses change with the subject
◦ When to use different tenses
Mainly there are 3 types

◦ Present Tense
◦ Past Tense
◦ Future Tense
1. Simple Present
2. Present Continuous
3. Present Perfect
4. Present Perfect


5. Simple Past 9. Simple Future
6. Past Continuous 10.Future Continuous
7. Past Perfect 11.Future Perfect
8. Past Perfect Continuous 12.Future Perfect
Verbs have mainly 4 forms
They are
V1-basic form
V2-past form
V3-past participle form
V4-present participle form

❖ I eat chocolates
❖ He eats chocolates
❖ She eats chocolates
❖ They eat chocolates
❖ We eat chocolates
❖ Ramu eats chocolates
❖ Sita eats chocolates

❖ I am eating chocolates
❖ He is eating chocolates
❖ She is eating chocolates
❖ We are eating chocolates
❖ They are eating chocolates
❖ Ramu is eating chocolates
❖ Sita is eating chocolates
❖ I have eaten chocolates
❖ We have eaten chocolates
❖ She has eaten chocolates
❖ He has eaten chocolates
❖ They have eaten chocolates
❖ Ramu has eaten chocolates
❖ Sita has eaten chocolates
❖ I have been eating chocolates
❖ We have been eating chocolates
❖ She has been eating chocolates
❖ He has been eating chocolates
❖ They have been eating chocolates
❖ Ramu has been eating chocolates
❖ Sita has been eating chocolates
❖ I ate chocolates
❖ We ate chocolates
❖ She ate chocolates
❖ He ate chocolates
❖ They ate chocolates
❖ Ramu ate chocolates
❖ Sita ate chocolates
❖ I was eating chocolates
❖ We were eating chocolates
❖ She was eating chocolates
❖ He was eating chocolates
❖ They were eating chocolates
❖ Ramu was eating chocolates
❖ Sita was eating chocolates
❖ I had eaten chocolates
❖ We had eaten chocolates
❖ She had eaten chocolates
❖ He had eaten chocolates
❖ They had eaten chocolates
❖ Ramu had eaten chocolates
❖ Sita had eaten chocolates
❖ I had been eating chocolates
❖ We had been eating chocolates
❖ She had been eating chocolates
❖ He had been eating chocolates
❖ They had been eating chocolates
❖ Ramu had been eating chocolates
❖ Sita had been eating chocolates
❖ I shall eat chocolates
❖ We shall eat chocolates
❖ She will eat chocolates
❖ He will eat chocolates
❖ They will eat chocolates
❖ Ramu will eat chocolates
❖ Sita will eat chocolates
❖ I shall be eating chocolates
❖ We shall be eating chocolates
❖ She will be eating chocolates
❖ He will be eating chocolates
❖ They will be eating chocolates
❖ Ramu will be eating chocolates
❖ Sita will be eating chocolates
❖ I shall have eaten chocolates
❖ We shall have eaten chocolates
❖ She will have eaten chocolates
❖ He will have eaten chocolates
❖ They will have eaten chocolates
❖ Ramu will have eaten chocolates
❖ Sita will have eaten chocolates
❖ I shall have been eating chocolates
❖ We shall have been eating chocolates
❖ She will have been eating chocolates
❖ He will have been eating chocolates
❖ They will have been eating chocolates
❖ Ramu will have been eating chocolates
❖ Sita will have been eating chocolates
❖ For a habitual action
He drinks milk everyday
❖ To express a truth
The sun rises in the east
❖ Sentences starting with here and there
•Here comes the bus, There he goes
❖ Future incidents of fixed time table
The train starts at 9-30 pm
❖ In the first conditional
If he studies well, he will pass the examination
❖ Usually followed by words like if, when, while,
as, as soon as, untill, unless, till etc.
Let’s wait till he finishes his work
Please ring me up as soon as he comes
❖ For currently happening actions
He is drinking milk right now
❖ For actions shortly going to happen
I am going to a movie tonight
❖ In some special cases
I am thinking of going to Nellore
She is tasting the soup to see if it
needs any salt
❖ For a recently completed actions
He has just gone out
❖ Past incidents not mentioning specified
I have never known him to be angry
Hari has been to Japan
❖ For past actions ( their effect is still
experiencing )
He has eaten all the chocolates ( There
aren’t left any )
❖ For past actions continued up to now
They have lived here for 10 years
I have known him for a long time
❖ For a completed action in the
past(usually followed by an adverb of
time )
I received a letter from him last week
He joined in the school yesterday
❖ Some times it comes with out an
adverb but the importance of time should
be there
I didn’t sleep well
❖ When expressing our old habits
She always carried an umbrella
He studied many hours a day
❖ For a continuing action in the past
We were listening to radio all evening
❖ In a continued action in the past, if
another action takes place then we use
Simple past for the new action
The light went out while I was reading
❖ For expressing long run habits
He was always smoking
❖ If two actions takes place in the past,
the one Which comes first should be in
Past Perfect and the next one should be
in Simple Past
I had written the letter before he
When I reached the station, the train
had already started
❖ For an action started in the past and
had been continuing to the moment we
are talking in the past
At that time he had been writing
novels for 5 years
When Hari came to my house
yesterday, my father had been
watching TV since morning
❖ When taking about consequences
which are not in our hands
I shall be 20 next Saturday
It will be Diwali in a week
❖ For assumed actions
I think Pakistan will win the match
I’m sure Ravi will get the first class.
❖ To express what may happen when you
are talking
It is raining, I will take an umbrella
❖ For an action which will be continued
for some time in the future
This time tomorrow it will be raining
I shall be watching a movie by 9-30
am tomorrow
❖ For programmes which are going to
start in future
He will be meeting us next week
The post man will be coming soon
❖ For an action which will be completed
some time in the future
By the end of this month I will have
worked here for 5 years
He will have left before you go to see
❖ For an action which will be continuing
for some time in the future to the
moment we are talking
By next March we will have been
living here for 4 years
I shall have been teaching for 5 years
by this date next year
Ritesh Sharma (RGS Sir)
Email: englishbyrgs@gmail.com
Mob:- + 91 7499 888 280

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