Who Am I

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Hello! Let me introduce myself, my name is Anggina Rahayu Pulungan, people usually call me
Anggi or Gina. I am the 14th of 14 children, on July 2 2005 I was born in Padangsidimpuan City,
currently I am 19 years old. I was born to loving parents, even though they did not live long
enough to accompany me in every process I had, I still have many siblings who I really hope can
be a home after my parents are gone forever.

I really like calm, silence and a little darkness, why a little?, because most of the time I am at one
with the darkness, apart from that I also don't really like crowds, there is no specific reason for
this, it's just that I often feel my energy is drained I run out if I'm constantly in a crowded
environment, and this always makes me dizzy and nauseous. Apart from liking a little darkness,
my favorite colors are also not far from dark colors.

In terms of friendships, I also don't really like crowded friendships, from elementary school,
middle school, high school, until now in college, I have never had more than four friends that I
consider close, one of the reasons is that I don't like things that involve crowds.

I am currently studying at the undergraduate level at Aufa Royhan Padangsidimpuan University

with the Fashion Design Vocational Education study program. Talking about fashion design,
before becoming a student I was a student at SMKN3 Padangsidimpuan. Maybe people who first
meet me will think that I have a hobby of drawing, even though drawing has always been an
activity that I avoided, I much prefer reading books in a quiet place to drawing, but as time goes
by drawing is not that scary. Even though it's not easy, at least I can. Everything will be possible
as long as there is the will to do it.

That's all and thank you.

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