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Breaking The Tags

For the course


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the award of the degree


Shubham Gupta 21CE02027

Aniket Anand 21CE02032
Kushal Bansal 21CE02008
Aryan Singh 21EE01035
Jatin Sahu 21CE02010
Deepanshu Choudhary 21CE02021


The touching and thought-provoking short film "Breaking The Tags" explores the transformative power
of love and compassion in the face of prejudice and negativity in society. At its core, the film revolves
around the experiences of the main character, who becomes a living canvas for derogatory remarks,
portrayed through tags pinned to their shirt. These tags symbolize for the burden of social criticism and
the labels that people who don't fit the mold are frequently subjected to.

Viewers are given the opportunity to put themselves in the protagonist's shoes throughout the movie
and experience their emotional journey as they make their way through a hostile and discriminatory
world. The disparaging tags serve as a metaphor for the labels and assessments that people receive
from society, which have an impact on their wellbeing and sense of self. The character's resilience in
bearing such a heavy load is reminiscent of the struggles that many people encounter in real life when
they deal with prejudice and social stigma.

The turning point in the movie occurs when the lead character gets a tag with the word "loved" written
on it during the film's climax scene. This powerful moment signifies a shift from darkness to light, from
isolation to connection. It signifies the transforming and healing effect of love and acceptance, which
has the capacity to heal emotional scars and free people from the shackles of prejudice. The removal of
the disparaging labels represents the character's release from social pressure and the discovery of their
true selves, free from the burden of prejudice.

"Breaking The Tags" has a deep message that emphasizes the value of compassion, empathy, and
understanding in a society where these qualities are frequently overshadowed by prejudice,
stereotypes and negativity. It acts as a potent reminder that have the ability to conquer hatred and
discrimination The movie invites viewers to engage in self introspection by considering their own
prejudices, assessments, and the effects of their words and deeds on other people. It challenges
individuals to strive for a more compassionate and inclusive society where diversity is celebrated, and
every individual is treated with respect and dignity. The film advocates for a culture of kindness, urging
people to reach out and uplift those who carry the weight of societal judgement.

In essence, the film's theme revolves around the potential for change on both an individual and societal
level. It makes an assertion that everyone has the power to make a difference through acts of kindness
and understanding. It forces viewers to actively choose kindness over prejudice and to be more aware of
their own behaviour and the effects of their words on society as a whole and individuals living in it.

“Breaking The Tags” delivers a profound message of the triumph of love, acceptance, and compassion
over prejudice and discrimination. The film conveys several essential messages:

 The Transformative Power of Compassion: The film's central message of the film is the ability of
empathy and compassion to transform and heal. It serves as an example of how deeds of
kindness can lift the spirits of people who are subjected to disparaging remarks and eventually
result in a positive transformation in their lives.

 Consequences of Societal Judgment: The film emphasizes the harmful effects due to weight of
societal judgement and prejudice on the dignity and the mental and physical well-being of an
individual. It urges viewers to recognize and challenge the damaging effects of discrimination
and prejudice, promoting empathy and respect.

 The Ripple Effect of Kindness: In the final scene of film where the main character gives a
“loved” tag to other person marked with derogatory remarks, symbolizes the ripple effect of
kindness and compassion. This shows that even a small positive change carries a potential to
foster a significant positive change in an individual and in the society as a whole.

 Embracing Diversity: “Breaking The Tags” encourages viewers to embrace diversity and treat
every individual with respect and kindness. It emphasizes that society should acknowledge the
humanity in every person, regardless of their differences, and promote a culture of inclusion.

 A Call to Action: The film serves as a call to action, urging viewers to reflect on their own
judgments and biases, and to consider the impact of their words and actions on others. It
inspires individuals to be the catalysts of change, to break the cycle of negativity, and to choose
compassion over prejudice.

 The Unmasking of Authenticity: The falling of the derogatory tags signifies the unmasking of the
character's authentic self, liberated from societal judgment. This underscores the importance of
allowing individuals to express their true selves, unburdened by discrimination and prejudice.

In summary, “Breaking The Tags” is a deeply moving narrative that explores the themes of societal
judgment, discrimination, and the redemptive power of love and acceptance. Through its powerful
storytelling, it inspires us to break free from the labels we place on ourselves and others and advocates
for a world where compassion and understanding prevail over prejudice and discrimination. It is a
reminder that love has the capacity to shatter the tags that confine us and lead us toward a path of
greater humanity and connection.

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