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U.P. Zamindari abolition and Land reform act 1950.The salient features of the U.P.

Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act are summarised

below : (1) Abolition of Zamindari system (2) Payment of compensation (3) Payment of Rehabilitation grant (4) Cultivating rights
maintained (5) Land-tenure-system simplified (6) Prohibition of letting (7) Prohibition for the accumulation of land (8) Prohibition for the
creation of uneconomic holding (9) Uniform rule of succession (10) Establishment of village Republics(11) Wells, trees and buildings
settled with the existing owner thereof
GAON FUND• S.68/ All sums received under this Code By Gram Sabha, Gram Panchayat or Bhumi Prabhandhak Samiti Credited to Gaon Fund/
Damages or compensation recovered under S. 67- Credited to Consolidated Gaon Fund CONSOLIDATED GAON FUND S. 69 Established for
each district/ Following amounts are credited in it: Damages or compensation recovered under S. 67/ S. 67- Damage, misappropriation and
wrongful occupation Of Gram Panchayat property/ Contributions received by Collector U/S. 69(2)/ S.69(2)- Gram Panchayat pay to Collector/
Max. 25 % amount credited U/S. 67/ Such other amounts as may be prescribed APPLICATION OF CONSOLIDATED GAON FUND: Operated
by Collector/ Lawyer’s fees and allowances U/S. 72/ Expenses – Suits, applications etc. by or against Gram Panchayat or Bhumi Samiti/
Expenses- Development of lands of common utility/ Any other payment State Government prescribe
KHUDKAST LAND KHUD- Self KAST- Cultivate/ KHUDKAST Land- "Self Cultivated" Land/ Land cultivated by the Zamindar (owner) HIMSELF/
or with the help of servants or hired labour SIR LAND It primarily emphasizes Ownership/ Refers to land directly owned by Landlord/ But does not
necessarily imply that he cultivates it personally- He might lease Sir land to Tenant farmers EVACUEE PROPERTY After the partition of India
Properties that are left behind by individuals who migrated to Pakistan Are referred to as the evacuee properties in India/ Who Manages Evacuee
Property in India?/ State Govt.

REHABILITATION GRANT Rehabilitation grant is actually a part of the payment of the compensation. Compensation and rehabilitation grant,
both are payable to ex-Zamindars whose Zamindari (estates) have been acquired. The compensation is the payment of amount in lieu of property
what the owner has been deprived of. The aim of the rehabilitation grant is to afford reasonable help to the smaller Zamindars, who have been
uprooted from their avocations, so that they may have enough to rehabilitate themselves and make fresh start in life. The rehabilitation grant takes
also into account the economic circumstances of a displaced Zamindar. That is why the rehabilitation grant is not payable to all the intermediaries
(Zamindars), and intermediaries entitled to be paid are given this grant at a graded scale. The smallest intermediary paying land revenue upto Rs.
25 annually is tobe paid 20 times of the net assets (net income) as a rehabilitation grant, While the intermediary paying land revenue upto Rs.
10,000 annually is entitled equal to the net assets only. Thus the grant is the largest for low incomes and the smallest for those with comparatively
larger incomes. Persons entitled (1) Rehabilitation grant shall be paid to those intermediaries whose annual land-revenue does not exceed Rs.
10,000. Intermediaries paying land revenue more than Rs. 10,000 annually are not entitled to get this grant. (2) Thekadars are not entitled to this
grant. (3) If the ex-intermediary is a wakf, trust or an endowment established for religious or charitable purpose, it shall be entitled to the grant
irrespective of the amount of land revenue. That is, waqf trust or endowment aforesaid 'is entitled to get this grant even if it pays land revenue of
more than rupees ten thousand. Amount of the Rehabilitation grant Rehabilitation grant to waqf, trust or endowment established for religious
and/or charitable purpose shall be paid in the shape of "annuity― which shall be equal to the net assets of all estates comprised in the waqf, etc.
But the interest on the amount of compensation payable shall be deducted from this amounts Briefly it can be said that the annual income of the
religious or charitable waqf, trust or endowment has been kept intact, and the abolition of Zamindari in our State does not affect the annual net
income of the aforesaid institutions.

DIVISION OF STATE INTO REVENUE AREAS S.5 State shall be divided into revenue areas/ Comprising of divisions/ Which may consist of two
or more districts/ Each district may consist of/ Two or more Tahsils/ Each Tahsil may consist of/ One or more parganas/ Each pargana may
consist of/ Two of more villages CONSTITUTION OF REVENUE AREAS S. 6 State Government may specify- The districts which constitute a
division- The tahsils which constitute a district- The villages which constitute a tahsil/ State Government may alter the limits of any revenue area
by: Amalgamation, re-adjustment, division or in any other manner- Abolish any such revenue area- May name and alter the name of any such
revenue area/ Collector may by an order arrange- Villages in a tahsil into Lekhpal circles- Lekhpal circles into Revenue Inspector circles- Specify
the headquarter of each Revenue Inspector within his circle REVENUE COURT All or any of the following authorities: Board and all its members-
Commissioners, Additional Commissioners- Collectors, Additional Collectors, Assistant Collectors- Chief Revenue Officers- Settlement Officers,
Assistant Settlement Officers- Record Officers, Assistant Record Officers- Tahsildars, Tahsildars (Judicial) and Naib- Tahsildars REVENUE
OFFICER It means: Commissioner, Additional Commissioner- Collector, Additional Collector, Assistant Collector- Chief Revenue Officer-
SubDivisional Officer- Settlement Officer, Assistant Settlement Officer- Record Officer, Assistant Record Officer- Tahsildar, Tahsildar (Judicial)
and Naib- Tahsildars- Revenue Inspector/ Lekhpal is NOT a Revenue Officer JURISDICTION S. 206 No Civil Court shall entertain any suit,
application or proceeding/ To obtain a decision or order on any matter Which the State Govt., the Board, any Revenue Court or Revenue Officer
Is empowered to determine, decide or dispose of S. 206 expressly bars the jurisdiction of civil courts in the revenue matters FIRST APPEAL S.
207 To the court or officer specified in Column 4 of Third Schedule SECOND APPEAL S. 208 To the Court specified in column 5 of Third
Schedule PROCEDURE To every suit, application or proceedings under this code The provisions of the CPC and Limitation Act will apply Unless
otherwise expressly provided by or under the Code POWERS REVISION S. 210 Board or the Commissioner REVIEW S. 211only The Board may
Grounds for review: Discovery of any new and important matter or evidence/ Some mistake or error apparent on the face of record/ Any other
sufficient reason/ Orders passed on review shall not be reviewed TRANSFER BOARD May transfer from one Revenue Officer to another of equal
or superior rank/ If it appears to it that it will be expedient for the ends of justice to do so COMMISSIONER, COLLECTOR OR SUB-DIVISIONAL

BOUNDARY MARKS- MEANING Village is the smallest unit of revenue administration S. 20 Boundaries of all villages in the State and▪ All survey
numbers in a village Shall be fixed and demarcated by boundary marks/ S. 21 Every tenure holder and Gram Panchayat shall be responsible To
maintain and repair at his cost The boundary marks lawfully erected in his holding or on the boundary BOUNDARY DISPUTES AND THEIR
SETTLEMENT S. 24 Sub-Divisional Officer(SDO) has the power to settle boundary disputes He may on his own motion or on an application
made by an interested person/ Decide by summary inquiry, any dispute regarding boundaries On the basis of existing survey maps or revised
maps In accordance with the provisions of UP Consolidation of Holding Act/ Where it is not possible, fix boundary on the basis of actual
possession• In the course of inquiry , if he is unable to satisfy himself as to which party is in possession or If it is shown that possession has been
obtained by wrongful dispossession of lawful occupant• He shall: In the first case-Ascertain by summary inquiry Who is the person best entitled
to the property▪ And shall put such person in possession- In the second case- Put the person so dispossessed in possession For that purpose
use or cause to be used such force As may be necessary And shall fix the boundary accordingly Proceedings under this section shall be
completed within Three months from the date of application/ Appeal- before Commissioner within thirty days of date of order/ Order of
Commissioner shall be final DESTRUCTION OF BOUNDARY MARKS Destroyed, Removed or Damaged Lekhpal, report the matter to Naib
Tahsildar/ Naib Tahsildar inquire and submit recommendations to Sub-Divisional Officer/ SDO on recommendation or otherwise/ Require Gram
Panchayat or Tenure holder/ To erect, restore, repair or replace it/ If they don't do- Cause to be erected, restored, repaired or replaced And
Recover the cost from them PENALTY If someone wilfully destroys, injures or removes (without lawful authority) Tahsildar may order/ Maximum
Rs. 1000 for each marks/ Recovery not debars prosecution under Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS)
Mutation MEANING Change of previous entry by new one In Record of Rights (Khatauni)/ Mutation proceedings start with change in possession
of land/ Which can occur due to succession or by way of transfer/ Under it Khatauni is altered/ Applicant’s name is entered/ In place of a person
whose name was earlier entered or existed/ It is popularly known as Dakhil Kharij Mutation may arise in any of the following two ways: By
succession/ By transfer Mutation in cases of successionS.33 Every person who obtains possession of any land by succession Shall submit
report of such succession to the Revenue Inspector/ On receipt of such report or on facts otherwise coming to his knowledge/ The Revenue
Inspector shall: If the case is not disputed/ Record such succession in the khatauni/ In any other case/ Make such inquiry as may appear to him to
be necessary/ And submit his report to the Tahsildar/ Any person whose name has not been recorded by Revenue Inspector/ Or who is aggrieved
by the order passed by Revenue Inspector/ May move an application before Tahsildar Mutation in cases of transferS.34 It imposes duty upon
every person/ Obtaining possession of any land by transfer/ To report such transfer to the Tahsildar/ On receipt of report under S.33 or S.34 or
upon facts otherwise coming to his knowledge/ Tahsildar shall issue a proclamation/ And make such inquiry as appears to be necessary and If the
case is not disputed Direct the Khatauni to be amended accordingly If the case is disputed/ Decide the dispute and direct, if necessary to amend
the Khatauni/ Appeal- Aggrieved can appeal to Sub- Divisional Officer within 30 days of order Consequence of failure to reportS. 37 Person
shall be barred from filing a suit or other proceeding/ No suit or other proceedings shall lie in any revenue court/ At the instance of any person/
Obtaining possession of any land by succession or transfer/ Until he has made a report under S. 33 or S. 34, as the case may be

GRAM PANCHAYATS. 59 State Government may entrust all or any of the things specified in S. 59(2)/ Which vest in the State Government/ To a
Gram Panchayat or local authority/ For the purposes of/ Superintendence, preservation, management and control In accordance with the
provisions of this Code THINGS WHICH MAY BE ENTRUSTED S. 59(2) Lands/ Grove/ Forests and Fisheries/ Trees/ Hats, bazaars, melas/
Tanks, ponds, water-channels, private ferries/ Pathways and abadi sites/ Subject to the provisions of Treasure Trove Act, 1878/ Any properties
specified in S. 55/ And belonging to State Govt, UP Panchayat Raj Act S. 28-A Gram Panchayat shall also be the Bhumi Prabandhak Samiti
LAND MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE/ CONSTITUTION Each member of Gram Panchayat is also the member of BPS/ Pradhan is the Chairman/
Lekhpal is its Secretary FUNCTIONS S. 60 Superintendence, preservation, management and control of/ All lands and other things entrusted to
Gram Panchayat/ Settlement and management of land/ Preservation, maintenance and development of forests, trees and pastures/ Maintenance
and development of abadi sites and village communications/ Management of hats, bazaars and melas/ Maintenance and development of fisheries
and tanks/ Development of cottage industries/ Development and improvement of agriculture/ Conduct and prosecution of suits and proceedings
by or against Gram Panchayat/ Such other matters as may be prescribed POWERS Letting of village tanks/ With the previous approval of Sub-
Divisional Officer/ Tanks whose area exceeds 0.5 acres/ Conduct of suits and legal proceedings/ For and on behalf of Gram Panchayat/
Allotment/ Allot various classes of land for building houses/ With the previous approval of Sub-Divisional Officer

BHUMIDHAR WITH TRANSFERABLE RIGHTS S. 75/ Superior most tenure-holder/ His rights are: Transferable, Permanent, Heritable
BHUMIDHAR WITH NON-TRANSFERABLE RIGHTS S. 76/ Inferior to bhumidhar with transferable rights/ But superior to an asami/ His rights
are: Non-transferable/ Permanent/ Heritable ASAMI S. 78/ Inferior most tenure- holder/ His rights are: Non-transferable/ Not permanent/ Only
heritable WHO IS AN ASAMI? A person Who was an Asami Before the Code Commenced Who acquired rights as Asami by Law Admitted as
Asami by Land Management Committee Admitted as Lesse by Bhumidhar RIGHTS OF BHUMIDHAR WITH TRANSFERABLE RIGHTS Right to
TRANSFER/ Right to EXCLUSIVE POSSESSION of land & USE if for any purpose/ Right to get a DECLARATION & use the land for NON-
AGRICULTURAL purposes/ Right to LEASE/ Right to EXCHANGE LAND/ Right to BEQUEATH his interest by will/ Right to SUCCESSION/ Right
TRANSFERABLE RIGHTS Right to EXCLUSIVE POSSESSION of land and USE it for any purpose connected with agriculture/ Right to MAKE
Right to lease/ Right to exchange land/ Right to sue for division/ Right to surrender/ Right to abandonment/ Right to get declaration through
declaratory suit RIGHTS OF ASAMI Right to EXCLUSIVE POSSESSION of land and USE it for purposes connected with agriculture/ Right to
SURRENDER/ Right to get declaration through DECLARATORY SUIT/ Right to SUE FOR POSSESSION & COMPENSATION/ Right to file for
fixation of rent

DATE OF VESTING 1ST JULY 1952 Sections 4 to 26 of the U.P. Zamindari Abolition and Land Reforms Act deal with acquisition of the interests
of intermediaries (Zamindars) and its consequences. The Act came into force on January 26, 1951. Notification under section 4 has been issued
by the State Government on July 1 1952, and all the estates in Uttar Pradesh has been vested in the state. This date in the land law is known as
the ‘date of vesting’ Consequences of vesting (1)Abolition of Zamindari (2)Grants and confirmation of titles (3)Rights relating to rent
(4)Arrears if revenue and Government dues (5)Attachment and Sale (6)Mortgagee in possession of an estate (7)Suits and Proceedings
(8)Mahals, etc (9)Certain contracts entered into after August 8, 1946

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