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Line Surge Arresters for Switching Overvoltages in UHV Transmission Systems By, Puneeth Bhurat M: 87623 15680 Email: | MIQIUTGIENSS Bangalore, INDIA. ‘Welistien PRReetHBHacat aes Vijaya Sales Corporation, Outline * Introduction * Literature review * Observations from literature review * Objective of the research work * Modelling of UHV system * Computation of switching over-voltages * Application of line surge arresters * Conclusion tat, Introduction * Developing countries started analysing the possibility of upgrading their transmission line voltage higher in the range of 1000-1500 kV. The reason for the countries to consider UHV transmission system can be summarised as follows: * The possible need for transmission of large power blocks between generating sites and relatively distant load areas. * The need to limit the density of electric installations over the national territory, thus limiting interference with the environment att, Introduction * The economical advantage (taking into account the capital cost, losses and reliability) of this systems over other. * The need to overcome stability problems. Introduction * The various UHV projects by utilities around the world were carried out individually. In order to standardise the UHV technology, CIGRE constituted working groups to perform pre-standardisation activities. * The technical brochures published by CIGRE on UHV systems are: © TB85, WG 04: Ultra High Voltage Technology, June 1994. © TB 362, WG A3.22: Technical Requirements for Substation Equipments Exceeding 800 kV, December 2008. © TB 456, WG A3.22: Technical Specifications for Substation Equipments Exceeding 800 kV AC, April 2011. © TB570, WG A3.28: Switching Phenomena for EHV and UHV Equipment, February 2014. Em Literature Review * The technical brochures provided the state of art of various UHV projects carried out around the world. It also addresses the various technical issues faced by utilities. 9 Italy’s 1050 kV Transmission System Project. © BPA’s 1200 kV Lyons R&D project. o Russia’s 787-1200 kV interconnected grid. © TEPCO 1100 kV project. © China’s 1100 kV project. 0 India’s 1200 kV project. tal, Observations from Literature Review * The inferences obtained from the measures taken by the utilities and improved techniques being studied by UHV researchers around the world are mentioned below. © Switching overvoltages are considered severe for UHV system since their magnitude is directly dependent on the system voltage. Switching overvoltages also carry large energy in it. It is important to provide protection against these over-voltages. ata, Observations from Literature Review © Pre-Insertion Resistors (PIR) along with surge arresters are used to suppress switching overvoltages occurring during the circuit breaker switching operations. PIR can absorb excessive energy during the transient processes of the system and reduce SOV level. Reduction in SOV level leads to a reduction in tower height and dimensions of open-air parts in substation. However, PIR’s have two shortcomings. These are, it is highly expensive and it has a high failure rate. These two drawbacks have prompted researchers to analyse the use of MOSA and controlled circuit breakers to suppress switching overvoltages in UHV Systems. etal, Observations from Literature Review © Utilities developed the sophisticated design of insulation coordination by means of accurate computer aided calculation and simulation. The impact of severe conditions can be seen accurately using computer simulation. This helps in differentiating most severe conditions from the other conditions. © The use of Line Arresters along the overhead lines to control the overvoltage profile along the line. Line surge arresters for a UHV transmission line are connected to all the three phases at the selected points along the transmission line. The optimal number of points along the line is decided by simulation studies. =e Observations from Literature Review * Example from TEPCO’s 1100 kV Project o Use of sophisticated transient analysing softwares helped utilities in Japan to optimise the tower configuration. o Use of transmission line surge arresters (LSA) also helped in reduction of air gap distance. Compact design of UHV Tower taal, Objective of Research Work * To model the Indian 1200 kV transmission system in an Electro- Magnetic Transient Program (EMTP) software and perform transient analysis on the system. * To compute switching over-voltages occurring during energisation and re-energisation of the UHV transmission line. * To perform statistical switching operations of the UHV circuit breaker to obtain the most severe conditions of over-voltages occurrence. * To obtain the overvoltage profiles along the transmission line with PIR and conventional surge arrester protection against the switching over-voltages and calculate the switching impulse withstand values for this system. =e Objective of Research Work * To compare the switching impulse withstand values obtained with the values provided by the Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL). * To obtain the overvoltage profiles along the transmission line with low residual voltage transmission Line Surge Arrestor (LSA) protection against the switching over-voltages * To decide the number of LSA to be placed along the transmission line and also the locations at which they must be placed. * Calculate switching impulse withstand values for the system with LSA protection and compare the results with the conventional system. =e Modelling of UHV System Indian 1200 kV Project * India’s Power demand is expected to rise rapidly, with the rise in industrial, commercial, agricultural and domestic consumers. * Installed capacity, which is around 300 GW presently, is predicted to rise to over 1000 GW by 2040 * Indian utilities and research institutes, aware of the challenges ahead, are planning and studying the feasibility of the UHV transmission system in India. ata, Modelling of UHV System * A 1200 kV National Test Station was established at Bina in the state of Madhya Pradesh, India for research in UHV technology and field testing of equipment. * Central Power Research Institute (CPRI) had established UHV Research Laboratory (UHVRL) at Hyderabad, India in 1991 to undertake research and testing of equipment in the field of UHVAC and HVDC transmission. * The Indian 1200 kV UHV system was considered for the computation of the SOV. The system was modelled and simulated in the well-known standard software Electro-Magnetic Transient Program (EMTP). (VSL) En (VSL AYA A bundle conduct: t UHVRL CPRI, Hyderabad Modelling of UHV System The initial parameters of the proposed line, provided by Power Grid Corporation of India (PGCIL), are shown in table below a Or aos 1150 1200 4338x107 pwkm 1772x105 pwkm ery 6447x102 pwkm. Surge Impedance Loading [ULV Sree 239 Modelling of UHV System Bus A Bus B Shunt Reactor Single line diagram (SLD) of the UHV system studied atta, Modelling of UHV System > Transmission Line '¢-26m—} * The line considered for the studyisa - Zk cn single circuit 1200 kV transmission line. * The length of the line considered was 400 km. * Frequency dependent line model was used for modelling of the transmission line. Single circuit UHV tower ope Ea Modelling of UHV System * Phase conductors were bundled and consist of 8 sub-conductors. * The characteristics of the conductor data considered are shown below. 0.221 12.7 Modelling of UHV System > Source Impedance * The source impedance representing the network behind the line ends was nd modelled as a constant voltage source in series with impedance. ay Resistance 4 Sted) Reactance X, 34.64 * The impedances have been calculated Ferra Resistance R, 0.866 based on the short circuit levels. SUES) Reactance — X,_ 17.32 * Table shows the zero and positive sequence impedance calculated at Bus A end. ae Modelling of UHV System > Shunt Reactors * Each of the three-phase shunt reactors has been modelled by a reactance in series with a resistance. * Shunt reactor ratings considered. [ESTEE 60 MVar > Circuit Breakers * Circuit Breakers have been modelled as time dependent switches (with an option for statistical operation) at either end of the transmission line =e Modelling of UHV System > Surge Arresters . Surge arresters were modelled according to the nonlinear V-| characteristics shown in Table below. Sie 00) Residual Voltage (kVpeal) 1700 A surge arrester with rated voltage of 850 kVrms, energy class 5, and discharge capacity of 55 MJ was considered in the simulation Computation of Switching Overvoltages * The worst possible SOV occurs generally either during Line energisation / reclosing of the line (with trapped charge). * Thus to determine the maximum overvoltages in this study, trapped charges on the transmission line were considered. * The receiving end (Bus B) of the transmission line was kept open (open ended lines give the highest overvoltages). * The statistical switching of the circuit breaker switch was performed considering one hundred simulations * The closing was considered according to the Gaussian distribution, with a mean value of 95 ms, and standard deviation of 1.4 ms. =e Computation of Switching Overvoltages * SOV’s were computed at various locations (ten points) along the transmission line, including the line end. * Out of the hundred simulations performed, the case which showed the highest overvoltages was considered for obtaining overvoltage profile along the transmission line. Voltages waveform at the receiving end oe Computation of Switching Overvoltages 0 ° © 1 Bar chart showing absolute maximum overvoltage values observed in each iteration AY sl Peer iee ome Protection Measures Against Switching Overvoltages Conventional protection measures against SOV’s. PIR Line End Surge Arrester Both PIR and Line End Surge Arresters V ViVi * Statistical switching operation was performed for each case and the overvoltage profile along the transmission line is plotted. ata, With both PIR and Surge Arrester Protection Bus B i Shunt Shunt Reactor Reactor Source Shunt Reactor Single line diagram of the system with both PIR and SA connected. ata, Shunt Reactor With both PIR and surge arrester protection ——Overvllge with PIR and surge esters connected at rananision ine ends Overvaltage Level (pu) 8 120 160 200 240-280-320 «360400 Distance from Bus A (km) Overvoltage profile obtained with both PIR (600 Q for 10ms) and SA connected. Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) Plot * Cumulative distribution function (F(U)) of variable i.e., overvoltage level (U), evaluated at U,, is the probability that U will take the value higher than or equal to U,. F(U) = P(U 2U,) overeat evel pe) CDF for the system with both PIR and transmission line end surge arresters. = Comparison of Overvoltage Profile * 2% overvoltage value for each case is obtained from the CDF. No PIR & SA Only PIR Only SA Both PIR and SA tala, Calculation of Withstand Value * EC Standards 60071-2, Insulation Coordination Part 2: Application Guide provide the procedure to obtain the withstand voltage levels for the system. The simplified statistical method presented in the standard is considered to calculate the switching impulse withstand value. * Initially, the statistical withstand voltage (U,19), which is 10% probability of breakdown and 90% probability of withstand , is calculated using equation Unio = Kes ¥ Vez * Where, K,, is Statistical Co-ordination factor * U,, is Statistical overvoltage which has 2% probability of exceeding. ae Calculation of Withstand Value * The statistical co-ordination factor (K.,) is selected to meet the required risk of failure (R). z 3 * The typical variation of risk of failure with respect wih 2 ; 3 to K,, is shown in Figure. * The acceptable level of risk of failure according to | | standards is generally between 107! to 10~ per "|" switching operations. * Therefore K,, value considered is 1.04 and U,) = 1.51 pu is obtained from the cumulative 3] distribution function | | | 102 otL_L_|_ i *) | of 06 08 10 12 18 * Upio value obtained is equal to 1.57 pu. eae Risk of failure Vs Kes plot = Calculation of Withstand Value * The required withstand value (U,,,) is calculated by the formula Uw = Ks X Unio *Where, K, is safety factor which considers factors such as manufacturing tolerance, environmental conditions and ageing. The values to be considered for Ks are, Ks (internal insulation) = 1.15 Ks (external insulation) = 1.05 * The switching impulse required withstand value (U,,) obtained for external insulation is 1.65 pu and for internal insulation is 1.8 pu. atl, Calculation of Withstand Value * The withstand value obtained for internal insulation (1.8 pu) is very much close to the switching impulse withstand value (1.84 pu) prescribed by the Power Grid Corporation of India after their initial studies. ata, Drawbacks of PIR *Use of PIR is one of the effective ways to suppress switching overvoltages. However, there have been cases of failure of PIRs been reported in following papers > A.C. Legate, J. H. Brunke, J. J. Ray, and E. J. Yasuda, Elimination of closing resistors on ehv circuit breakers, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 3(1):223-231, Jan 1988. ® J. R. Ribeiro and M. E. McCallum, An application of metal oxide surge arresters in the elimination of need for closing resistors in ehv breakers, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 4(1):282-291, Jan 1989. tad, Drawbacks of PIR *The failures are basically a breakdown of closing resistor operating mechanism. These mechanical complexities greatly impact the reliability of the system. * A failure of such a scale, in a UHV system, leads to large cost and construction difficulties. * Therefore, a growing concern of the reliability of UHV system and possible adverse effects on the power system led to an investigation of other protection measures against switching transients. eta, Application Of Line Surge Arresters (LSA) * One of the Alternate measures to suppress switching transients, in UHV transmission system is the use of Line Surge Arresters along the transmission line system. * In this type of systems low residual voltage surge arresters are placed at various locations on the transmission line, these arresters clip the voltage to their switching impulse protection level during switching transients and also absorb large transient energy. The installing of LSA’s has following advantages, © Reducing cost of the new line by using same tower configuration for an increased operating voltage. * Simplification of breaker design without PIR. Increased line reli 'y against switching overvoltage: Ex Application Of Line Surge Arresters (LSA) * A low residual voltage surge arrester is considered as line surge arrester for the study. The V-I characteristics of the LSA considered is shown in Table below. The non-linear waveforms of the Conventional Surge Arresters (CSA) and the considered LSA is shown in Figure below. +A surge arrester with rated voltage of 850 kVrms was considered in the simulation. Genco mn sie) Current (KA) | (kV) 1180 1240 1300 1400 10 0 1 I WO Te 10 10 10 20.0 1500 V-I Characteristics of LSA and CSA oe Computation of Switching Overvoltage * The switching operations are performed as mentioned before. * The system now has LSA’s connected instead of PIR. * Initially, the LSA’s are placed at transmission line end and the overvoltages along the line are measured. 3-phase Single Circuit Transmission Line be A 4 B '¢— 400 km - Pa ee vanaf Asschematic representation of LSA’s placed at line end a Computation of Switching Overvoltage * The maximum overvoltage recorded is 1577.40 kVp. (2.59 pu). This is observed at line length between 280 km and 320 km. * Therefore, the next LSA is placed at 280 km (70%) of the line length. + Overoagy wih LSA conned st rasmina eonds o © © 1 We 20 20 mo mo mo HO Distance tom Bes Ahn) ‘onnected at li ile along the transmission line with L Computation of Switching Overvoltage * The statistical switching operation is performed with third LSA (LSA3) placed at distance of 280 km (70 %) from BUS A. 3-phase Single Cireuit Transmission Line Bus A Bus B '¢ 400 kam ——+ le 260 km —>} A schematic representation of LSA’s placed at 280 km from Bus A and at line ends Ea Computation of Switching Overvoltage * The maximum overvoltage value is observed at 200 km (midpoint) of transmission line length. The maximum overvoltage observed is 2102.33 kVpoa4 (2.15 pu). Distance frm Ba (em) Overvoltage profile along the transmission line with LSA’s at 280 km from Bus A and at line ends oe Computation of Switching Overvoltage *The statistical switching operation is performed with another LSA (LSA4) placed at distance of 200 km (50 %) from BUS A along with LSA’s placed at 280 km and transmission line ends 3-phase Single Circuit ‘Transmission Line Bus A ‘00 sn ——+} Bus B '— 280 em 5} S200 kam 9] : tT A schematic representation of LSA’s placed at 200 km, 280 km from Bus A and at line ends Ea Computation of Switching Overvoltage * The maximum overvoltage observed is 1855.20 kV,,.,, (1.89 pu) SIN ita Bes Ahm) Overvoltage profile along the transmission line with LSA’s at 200 km, 280 km from Bus A and at line ends is seer * For further reduction in the overvoltage levels another LSA is connected to the line at 120 km distance from BUS A (30 % of transmission line length). done to maintain the symmetry of distribution of LSA’s at 30%, 50% and 70% of line length. oe Computation of Switching Overvoltage * The statistical switching operation is performed with another LSA (LSAS) placed at distance of 120 km from BUS A along with LSA’s placed at 200km, 280 km and transmission line ends. 3-phase Single Circuit Transmission Line Bus'A, Bus B A schematic representation of LSA’s placed at 120 km, 200 km, 280 km from Bus A and at line ends ae Computation of Switching Overvoltage * The maximum overvoltage value is observed at 240 km from BUS A. * The maximum overvoltage observed is 1821.33 kV)... (1.86 pu). —-OrovagrthLSA nec ain 8,20 tm Bak 200 10 z = 10 : 2 uso © 100 m0 160 200 240280 320-360 400 ° 0 Distance from Bus A (kn) Overvoltage profile along the transmission line with LSA’s at 120 km, 200 km, 280 km from Bus A and at line ends. Comparison of all the stages Dietance fom Bue A em) Graphical representation of voltage levels along the transmission line for all the cases considered. se Cumulative Distribution Function Plot of all the cases Probability of eccurnceF(D) Overvottage tevel (0) in pu Cumulative distribution function of overvoltage level at transmission line end for all the cases considered. Calculation of withstand values * Switching impulse withstand values are calculated for the case with LSA connected at 120 km, 200 km, 280 km and transmission line end. *The simplified statistical method discussed before is considered. * The switching impulse required withstand value (U,,,) obtained for external insulation is 1.5 pu and for internal insulation is 1.64 pu. tad, Conclusion * Switching overvoltages are stressing events that have a key influence on the insulation coordination of extra and ultra- high voltage transmission lines. * The comparison of these overvoltages and surge arrester specification shows that, as the utilities analyzed the UHV system it was found possible to reduce the protection levels of surge arrester. * With reduced protection levels the withstand values of various equipments in the UHV systems could be optimised. ata, Conclusion * By the use of computer simulation tools, UHV systems can be designed and studied more precisely. *Line end surge arresters along with pre-insertion resistors provide effective protection against switching overvoltages. But considering the drawbacks of use of PIR the alternate measures to suppress switching overvoltages were considered. *Line surge arresters were placed at 30%, 50%, 70% of the transmission line length in addition to those at line ends and statistical switching operations were performed. taal, Conclusion * The switching impulse withstand values for both the conventional system and the LSA connected system is calculated by the simplified method proposed in standard IEC 60071-2. * For the conventional system i.e., with PIR and CSA protection against SOV’s, the required withstand value (U,,;) obtained is 1.8 pu (for internal insulation). * Similarly, for the system with LSA’s connected at 30 %, 50 %, 70 % of the transmission line and at line ends the required withstand value (U,wa) obtained is 1.64 pu. * The percentage reduction obtained in withstand value is found to be 8.89 %. Conclusion * The required withstand values for external insulation also reduces from 1.65 pu (for the conventional system) to 1.5 pu (for a system with LSA’s) with 9 % reduction. * This reduction in withstand value gives the opportunity to UHV system equipment manufacturers to reduce the insulation used in their equipment and test the system with the reduced withstand value. * The lower the insulation requirement in an equipment, lower will be the cost of the equipment. atta, Q Kodaikanal TN, INDIA

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