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My spending habits

Hi! My name is Daniela and I am 16(?) years old. I attend the 11th grade in Ferreira da Silva

I consider myself a conscious consumer as I rarely spend money on things I don´t need. Besides
I also like to save money for a rainy day because it is important to understand the value of
money and how important it is to have it in case of need.

My parents normally give me some money so that I have money on me in case I need it to buy
something in school or when I go out, but I also get money from my relatives in my birthdays.

I spend my money mostly on clothes or sneakers, but I only buy them when I need and not in
the spur of the moment. I may sometimes buy one or two things just for the pleasure of it (for
example, chocolates) but I would never spend lots of money in something I don’t really need.

I usually go to the shopping centre as there are more shops there and, therefore, more places
for me to choose something I really like. I believe most brand-name products have better
material quality and last normally longer than other brands. However, I don’t think they are
worth the price as they are extremely expensive and, for the same amount, I can buy more
products that can also be of good quality. Therefore, I don’t think brands are important and I
certainly don’t buy something just to keep up with the latest trends. For me the most
important is that I like the product and feel good with it.

In conclusion, I think it is important to control our spending habits and make sure that we buy
something because we need it and not because it is the latest trend or because all our friends
have it.

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