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Great Mosque of Damascus (Courtesy: Argenberg)

● Islam is a prominent international religion that was introduced in Arabia in the seventh
century CE by the Prophet Muhammad. Literally meaning "surrender," the Arabic phrase
islām sheds light on the central Islamic doctrine that a believer must submit to Allah's will.
● This religion is the second-most widespread faith in the entire globe after Christians, with an
estimated 1.9 billion believers worldwide.

Origins of Islam

Abu Darweesh Mosque in Amman, Jordan. (Courtesy: David Bjorgen)

● Muhammad was the founder of Islam. Islam's main concept is submission to God's will; the
word "surrender" comes from this. "There is no god but God and Muhammad is his
messenger" is its primary belief.
Beliefs of Islam


Bifolium from the "Nurse's Qur'an" (Mushaf al-Hadina), c. 1019–20 C.E., ink, opaque
watercolor, and gold on parchment (Courtesy: The Metropolitan Museum of Art)

● The Qur'an is the holy book of Islam. Conventional Islamic religion is that the Prophet
Muhammad received revelations from the angel Gabriel regarding the Qurʾān in the West
Arabian towns of Mecca and Medina between the years 610 and 632 CE.


The word 'Allah' in thuluth calligraphy.

● In Islamic faith, Allah is the one God.

● The word Allah most likely derives from the Arabic al-Ilāh, which means "the God,"
according to etymology.
The Five Pillars of Islam

The final day of the Hajj. Every pilgrim leaving Mina, with many having already arrived in
Mecca to complete their final lap around the Kaaba (Courtesy: Omar Chatriwala)
● Faith (Shahada): It is the belief of every Muslim that Muhammad was the prophet and that
there is just a single God. The Quran is the religion's sacred book, and each adherent is
required to recite its verses with conviction. Faith is one of the five pillars of Islam; it frees
people and facilitates their devotion to Allah.
● Prayer (Salat): It is the custom of facing Mecca and offering five daily prayers to Allah. The
practice must be carried out by a Muslim at dawn, midafternoon, sunset, and after dark.
Reciting the first chapter of the Quran is the first step. Men congregate at the closest mosque
on Fridays for the midday prayer.
● Charity (Zakat/ Alms): This Islamic tenet requests almsgiving for the poor in good faith.
Wealthy or stable Muslims give to locals and organizations in order to construct mosques,
schools, hospitals, and other facilities that can assist the underprivileged in any way. It is a
religious obligation that bestows blessings from Allah on people.
● Fasting (Sawm): Ramadan, which falls in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, is a time
when Muslims who are in good health must abstain from food and drink throughout the day.
It represents the renewal of thanksgiving for all that God has provided, especially the sacred
● Pilgrimage (Hajj): A Muslim must perform the Hajj if they are in good health and have
sufficient money. It is the journey to Mecca, the holiest city in Saudi Arabia. The Kaaba, a
cubic building in the middle of the city's Haram Mosque, is surrounded by pilgrims. It is
thought to be Ibrahim's home, constructed for God.

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