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Operational Plan with Marketing -

1. Facility Setup and Maintenance-

- Ensure the wellness center is well-maintained and clean.

- Regularly inspect and maintain equipment, yoga mats, and props.

2. Staffing and Training-

- Hire qualified yoga instructors and wellness experts.

- Provide ongoing training to keep staff updated on Patanjali products and wellness techniques.

3. Inventory Management-

- Maintain a well-organized inventory of Patanjali products.

- Implement a system to track product expiration dates and restock as needed.

4. Customer Service-

- Develop clear customer service standards and protocols.

- Train staff in effective communication and problem-solving.

5. Appointment Scheduling-

- Implement a scheduling system to manage appointments and classes.

- Ensure that customers can easily book online or in person.

6. Health and Safety Protocols-

- Establish health and safety guidelines, especially in light of COVID-19.

- Regularly sanitize and disinfect common areas and equipment.

7. Billing and Payment Processing-

- Set up a streamlined billing and payment system.

- Offer multiple payment options for customers’ convenience.

8. Record Keeping-

- Maintain records of customer information, appointments, and purchases.

- Ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

9. Marketing and Promotions Execution-

- Coordinate with the marketing team to implement promotional campaigns.

- Monitor the results of marketing efforts to adjust strategies accordingly.

10. Class and Workshop Scheduling-

- Plan and schedule yoga classes, wellness workshops, and events in advance.

- Ensure instructors and resources are available as needed.

11. Customer Feedback and Improvement-

- Establish a feedback mechanism for customers to provide input.

- Use feedback to make operational improvements.

12. Vendor and Supplier Relationships-

- Maintain good relationships with Patanjali product suppliers.

- Negotiate favorable terms and timely deliveries.

13. Financial Management-

- Keep accurate financial records and budgets.

- Monitor expenses and revenue regularly.

14. Waste Management and Sustainability-

- Implement eco-friendly practices such as recycling and reducing waste.

- Promote sustainability in operations.

15. Emergency and Contingency Planning-

- Develop plans for handling emergencies or unexpected events.

- Ensure staff is trained in emergency procedures.

16. Regulatory Compliance-

- Stay up-to-date with local regulations related to wellness centers.

- Ensure compliance with licensing and health codes.

17. Technology Integration-

- Utilize technology for booking, inventory management, and customer communication.

- Invest in software that streamlines operations.

18. Monitoring and Evaluation-

- Regularly assess key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the center’s success.

- Make data-driven decisions to improve operations.

19. Continuous Improvement-

- Encourage staff to suggest improvements in operations.

- Regularly review and refine operational processes.

20. Long-term Strategy-

- Develop a long-term growth strategy for the wellness center.

- Consider expansion, additional services, or partnerships.

Adapting and refining your operations management plan as your center grows and customer needs
evolve is crucial for long-term success. Regularly review and update your plan to ensure that it remains
aligned with your business goals and customer satisfaction.

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