Crop Circles Milk Hill in Wiltshire, England

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Crop Circles Milk Hill in Wiltshire,England "Crop circles - The one on the bottom right of the image (below)

was discovered at a place called Milk Hill in Wiltshire, England on the 12th of August 2001. It is one of the few formations that have now actually been identified to us as ha ving been rendered by the "Guardian Alliance" - the benevolent "ultra-terrestria l" beings who are an extension of the greater, peaceloving, "Christic/Krystic," Co-operative Co-evolution Peace Treaty - that is known multi-universally as the 'Emerald Covenant.' What follows is an excerpt from Voyagers - Vol 1 - The Sleep ing Abductees (Transcribed by Ashayana Deane on behalf of the Guardian Alliance of the Emerald Covenant) regarding this strange phenomenon! -JP "Our discussion on the phenomenon you refer to as "crop circles" will be brief at this time, eno ugh perhaps toarouse your curiosity about the nature of event, such as this, tha t you do notas yet understand. The item we are referring to in this discussion a re the land marking formation that have appeared through seemingly mysterious me ans within many areas of your global community. Our discussion excludes those "c rop circle" formations that have been fraudulently constructed by select humans who desire covert notoriety or whom purposely desire to lead you away from the v alidity of actual "crop circling." Also excluded in our discussion will be the c ircular and other formations in fields and in other locations, that are the resu lt of mechanical contact, such as that of an air craft of space craft from human or ET origins. To those of you who may balk at the concept of ET visitations, w e say to you: "Prepare yourselves-for throughout the next several decades much l earning will come your way!" ETs are real, and their visitations should by now b e obvious to you. Pay attention and you will begin to see mounting evidence sugg estive of such presence all about you. Genuine crop circles (and the many-othercircular symbol patterns) that are emerging spontaneously "over night" in your f ields, deserts and country sides are far more than you might at first glance sus pect. Those who venture to believe in the authenticity of these formations specu late that they are perhaps "landing coordinates" for ET space craft or messages "left behind" from stellar Visitors who have passed through your system. We will tell you this: These symbol formations are not all "landing pads" nor are they simply dry ET language symbols "left behind" by some long-gone Visitor. They are far more indeed...! First let it be known that the appearance of such a symbol code is the direct indication that ET and/or interdimensional Visitor presence p resently and actively taking place within the regions of its manifestation. Wher e you have crop circles, you most absolutely have active "alien" operations bein g carried out within the geography and the populace in and surrounding those are as. The crop circles will begin to fade only when the presence responsible for c reating them has left the location, so as long as a crop formation remains visib le you have active and ongoing alien presence. Just as there are ETs possessing benign intentions towards humans,and others with ill-purposed agendas, so too ar e there crop circles with benign, helpful or harmful purposes. Crop formations a re not created through the use of mechanical devices, nor are most of them forme d through "laser-like" technologies. The majority of these formations are create d through direct manipulation of sub atomic energy imprints, whereas the designs emerge as part of the organic air/land pattern of the particular geography. The y are "cast," so to speak, within the electromagnetic imprint of the organic ele ments as a result of intended multi-dimensional manipulations carried out by Vis itors. ...{Cont.}...

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