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English vocabulary

Unit 4:
Canal: Con kênh ( A strectch of water made for boat)
Ferry: A boat or a ship for taking passenger
Petrol engine: Động cơ xăng
Public transport: a vehicle that everyone can use
Elegant: Attractive, good in behaviour
Polluted: Affected by polution
Permeable: Allow liquid or gas to go through it
Reduce: decrease
Parking lot: park for car
Boutique: A small fashionable shop (usually selling clothes)
Swinging or hot spot: a popular disco or club
Paved: put a hard, flat surface on area of ground (san bằng địa hình VD: đổ xin
măng, rải nhựa-,…)
Sceen door: A door with a wire or plastic net, it’s keep insect out but still keep air
Unit 5:
Waterproof jacket: áo khoác chống nước
Follow a path: Đi theo đường mòn
Energy: năng lượng
Vitality: sức sống (when you have many energy and strenght)
To refeshed: To feel better, fresh, vitality over long stress time
Scent: A nice smell
Ease: Be come less bad
Restore: Make some thing good exist again
Rejuvenate: made some thign young again
Investigate: try to get fact about something
Bridge the gap: reduce the different/ distance between 2 things
Rustling: sound made by leave and wind
Fragrance: a nice smell ( usually use for perfume)
Dip: make sthing down for a short time
Release: to allow something to be free
Joy: strong feeling of happiness
State of mind: your feeling in particular time
Skydiving: Jump form the aircraft as long as posible before open the parachute
Canyoning: following a fast river that is flowing a deep, narrow valley, using
methods that including climbing.
Bungee jumping: Jumping over a very high bridge, with a elastic rope which tide
you so that the rope can pull you before touch ground
Paragliding: The sport that jump out of an aircraft with a special parachute that
allow you travel a long horizontal move before you land.
Zorbing: rolls down a hill or a surfacr of water in a tranparent plastic ball
White-water rafting: move very quickly in a small boat that filled with air along
river where the current is very strong
Hiking: go to long walk in a conutryside
Kayaking: Traveling in kayak (a small boat)
Sailing: using a boat with sail
Unit 6:

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