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The gingerbread men and gingerbread women are everywhere! How many
are there? Can you spot them all? Don’t just point! You have to say/explain
where they are!
Working down from the top of the picture to the bottom, and from left to right:

Tick the gingerbread people as you find them:

1. There are two gingerbread people holding on to each side of the Merry Christmas
2. There is a gingerbread man on the top shelf in the kitchen.
3. There is one on the top shelf of the dresser (big blue kitchen unit).
4. There is one popping out of the lamp.

There is/there are:

5. One on the top of the Christmas tree.

6. Two outside on the roof.
7. Two beside the oven.
8. One on the chair at the kitchen table.
9. One at the circular window.
In the living room
10. One on the unit, beside the white cat.
11. One on the yellow lamp above the table.
12. One between the glasses. (The couple are clinking glasses)
13. One in front of the table. And another on the coffee table, beside the cat which is on
the red sofa.
14. One on the window ledge outside and one behind the children at the window.
Down a floor
15. One in a jar.
16. One in a box. One in a Christmas stocking.
17. One at the front, between two people.
18. One in a tray, holding another, who is upside down.
On the ground floor
19. two on the Christmas tree.
20. One on a ladder and one holding the ladder. One squeezing the Christmas foam/fake
21. One at the foot of the tree.
22. One on a car.
23. One giving the dog a bone.
24. One who is wearing a Santa hat.
25. One opening the middle door.
26. Three beside the red car.
27. One in the red car.
28. One in a blue hat holding the blue pipe.
29. Look up! Two at the top of the window. They are sitting on the shutters, holding the
decorative (star) tape.
30. One holding the green and white scarf.
31. One in the snow on top of the tree.
32. One feeding the squirrel.

So, how many are there altogether? A lot. 41? Did I miss any???

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