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1. What does Christmas mean to you

2. How do you prepare for the holiday
3. What traditions or customs do you have
in your family for Christmas?
4. Is there a particular Christmas dish that
you particularly like?
5. How do you usually spend Christmas
6. What gifts do you like to give for Christmas?
7. Do you prefer homemade or store-bought gifts?
8. Do you have a favorite Christmas story or movie?
9. How do you decorate your home for the holiday season?
10. What is the most beautiful Christmas song for you?
11. Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child?
12. What's the best Christmas present you've ever received?
13. How do you deal with stress that is often associated with the holiday season?
14. Have you ever celebrated Christmas in an unusual place?
15. What is the symbol of the Christmas season for you?
16. Do you prefer a snowy Christmas or a sunny holiday?
17. How do you celebrate Christmas differently in your home country than in Great Britain?
18. What would you change about Christmas if you had the chance?
19. Do you have a favorite Christmas market or special place to visit for Christmas?
20. What are your New Year's resolutions for the coming year?

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