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Set Up External Service Profiles and

Synchronization for Data Exchange

Synchronization is the process of making files on controllers match the files in the data
synchronization area used by Trimble Business Center (TBC) and WorksManager. Use
application options to set the location where files are synchronized so that office staff and
field crews/machines are using the same (or most current) data. This is known as the ‘data
synchronization area’ (sometimes shortened to ‘data sync area’).

● TBC license; ​contact your SITECH dealer.
● Trimble Identity (TID) credentials (user name and password); ​create a new TID here​.
● WorksManager license; ​contact your SITECH dealer.
● For existing WorksManager projects, access to them (granted by the people who
created them)

To specify the data sync folder:

1. Open or start a new project in TBC.
2. On the ribbon, select ​File > Options​.
3. Under ​General​ in the left pane, click ​File Locations​.
4. Click the Browse button located next to the ​Data synchronization area​ box.

5. Navigate to the folder that you want to use for synchronization (default is ​C:\Trimble
Synchronizer Data\​), and click ​OK​ to specify that as the ‘data synchronization area’
used by TBC and WorksManager.

Trimble Set Up External Service Profiles and Synchronization for Data Exchange ​ 1
Note: ​Remember that your other Trimble software, such as Terramodel, may use this
data sync area path too.
6. Stay in the ​Options​ dialog and proceed to the next steps.

To set up an external service profile for WorksManager:

TBC allows you to establish multiple ‘external services’, as well as multiple user profiles for
each service. Each account connects to a different instance of a service (WorksManager, for
example). Use the ​Options​ command and the two ​External Services​ pages in the ​Options
dialog to create user profiles and test your settings before you sign in to WorksManager.
Otherwise, the ​Enter Login Information​ dialog will display when you attempt to access an
external service​. ​Doing this will help you connect from TBC to WorksManager.

To create a user profile and enter credentials:

1. In the ​Options​ dialog, click ​External Services - Profiles​.

2. Click ​Create​ to open the ​Create New Service Profile​ dialog.

3. In the ​Service​ list, select ​WorksManager​.

4. Give the profile a ​Name​, and click ​OK​.

Note: ​Generally, this will just be “WorksManager” unless you are setting up multiple
WorksManager profiles here.
5. In the ​Service Profiles​ list, confirm that the profile you just created is selected.
6. In the boxes below, enter your ​User name​ and ​Password​. For this, you will want to
have created a TID as mentioned in the ​Prerequisites​ section above.

Trimble Set Up External Service Profiles and Synchronization for Data Exchange ​ 2
7. Click ​Test Settings​. If you receive an error, check your credentials and try again.

8. When your settings test is successful, click ​Sign In​.

9. Click OK to close the dialog.

Next topic
● Open WorksManager and Create a Project

Also see
● Understanding Connected Construction Data Exchange
● About the VCL Design Exchange Format
● Connected Construction Terminology
● Trimble Connected Construction Community

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