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SectionA[5 nturksf, er all t1u e.s tion s .

Inclic:ute lhe correct unsv'er on the Multiple-choice Ansv,er Sheet provicled.

I In an experiment. l0 cmr of gas W requires 30 cmt of O, for a complete colnbustion. Both

gases are at the same temperature and pressure. What is the molecular formula of gas W?


2 In one hydrogen atom. an electron is at the energy' level n:4. Which is true about the hydrogen

A The hl,drogen atom is in the ground state.

B The electronic configuration of the hydrogen atorn is 1s'.

C The electron fonns the third line in the Lyrnan series.

D The electron fonns a red line in the emission spectrum.

3 Which atom has the most number of unpaired electrons in the ground state?
4 Two orbitals are shown in the diasraln belorv.

What is represented by both orbitals?

A s orbital B p orbital C sp orbital D .spr orbital

5 SOCI. is a chlorinating agerrt. Which staternent is true about the chlorinating agent?
A SOCIr is a non-polar molecule.
B SOCI, has atrigonal planar.

C The bond angle of SOCI. is 109.5'.

D The sulphur atom in SOCI. uses .rpr hybridised orbitals.

6 Which phenornenon is not affected by hydrogen bond?

A lce has lorver derrsity than water.
B HF has higher boiling point than HCl.
C 2-Nitroplrenol is rnore volatile than 4-nitrophenol.
D The boiling point of alcohol increases when the relative rnolecular mass increases.

srPM - e62ll (u r ) 2020. e62t | 2021

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the erarnination is over. CONFIDENTIAL*

Which property of graphite does not correspond correctly to its uses?

Prolterty (Jse,s

A Inefi Electrode

B Slippery Lubricant

C Good electrical conductor Neutron moderator in Ituclear reactors

D F{igh rnelting point Furnace lining

A phase diagram of H.O is shown belolv.

Pressurei Pa

273.16 Temperature/K

Which is true about the above plrase diagrarn?

A An increase in pressure will decrease the fieezing point of H.O.
B An increase in pressure rvill decrease the boiling point of H.O.
C lce sublirnes at a pressure higher than 6l 1 Pa.
D H.O exists as liquid at 6ll Pa and 298 K.

9 The reaction equation betrveen Br. and HCOOH is given below.

Br.(aq) + fJCOOH(aq) ----> 2HBr(aq) + CO,(g)

The rate of disappearance of Br, at 50 s is 3 .52 " 10

rnol drn t s '. Which is true about the

A The rate of fonnation of HBr at 50 s is 7.04 x l0 i rnol dltt 's '.

B Tlte rate of disappearatlce of Br. at 100 s is 7.04 x l0 mol dtn 's
C The concentration of HCOOH decreases by 3,52 x l0 mol dm '.

D The concentratior-rs of reactants and products remain unchatrged at equilibirum.

srPM - 9621 l (U 1 ) 2020, 96211 2021

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDEI\TIAL*

l0 A student carries out a series of experiments to study the kinetic of the reaction,

x + Y--------> z.

The data of the experiment at 360 K is given in the table below.

Experiment [,!/rnol drn []l/mol dm ' Initial rutelmol dm' S I

0.10 0.50 0.053

1 0.20 0.30 0.127

3 0.30 0.40 p
a 0.40 0.30 0.509

Which is not true about the kinetic of the reaction?

A The reactiorr is second order with respect to -K.

B The overall reaction is secorrd order.

C t
The rate constant of the reaction is 10.6 drno tnol s '.

D J'he value of p is 0.38 rnol drn t s '.

1l Tlie equation of a reaction is given below.

P+ ? +kl R+ S LH: negative

What would happen if a catalyst is added to the reaction?

A The entalphy change becomes more negative.

B T[e ratio of ! iltcreases.


C The yield of R and S increases.

D The activation enersv decreases.

12 The equation fbr the reactior"r between hydrogen and bromine is given belou,.

H.(g) + Br,(g)
=- 2HBr(g) L,H: -12.4kJ

Which statement is true about the reaction?

A A catalyst increases the value of A^H.

B The equilibriurl position shifts to the right at lorver pressure.

C The valLre of K. increases rvith temperature.

D The values of K. and Kn are equal.

STPM - 96211(U r ) 2020, 96211 2021

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CON{FIDEI\TIAL*

13 A rnixture of 2.0 mol SO. and 1 .0 mol O. reacts in the presence of a solid catalyst in a closed
vessel at I I l0 K and 9.0 kPa. The equation of the reaction is given below.

2SO,(g) + O.(g) 2SO,.(g)

If at equilibriurn. 0.67 mol of SO, is convefted to SO.., what is the value of 4 for the

A 0.ll kPa ' B 0.22kPa' c 0.33 kPa ' D 9.0 kpa I

14 The liquid-vapour phase dia-{ram for a mixture of CHCI. and CH.COCH., is shown belor,v.

Boiling point/ "C




55 Liquid


Mole fi'action CHCI.

Which is true about the phase diagrarn?

A The rnixture shorvs positive deviation from Raoult's law.

B The volume of the rnixture is greater tharr the total volume of pure liquids.

C The forces of attraction in pure liquids are r.l,eaker than that of in the mixture.

D The product of the fractiorral distillation for the rnixture at composition,K is pure CHC1,.

15 Tlte cotnposition of 960/o ethanol and 4o/o of water made up an azeotropic mixture. Which
procedure should be used to obtain an absolute ethanol from the mixture?

A The rnixture is repeatedly distilled.

B The rnixture is fractionally distilled.

C The rnixture is added with excess calciurn oxide.

D The rnixture is separated using a separating funnel.

STPM - 9621r (U I ) 2020. 962t | 2021

*Tlris question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDENTIAL*

SectionB[5 murksf

Ansu, er all que s liorr s.

Itrf ite the unsv,ers in lhe spaces provided.

16 A reaction between 8.3 g of an irnpure sarnple of barium peroxide, BaO,with 1.0 drn'of
dilute sulphuric acid. H.SO+, produces hydrogen peroxide. H.O,. solution. The solution is filtered.
Then. 24.85 cl.nt of a solution containing 3.0 g of potassiurn manganate(VII) in 1.0 dmr of water
is required to complete the reaction rvith 25 crnt of the filtered product.
(a) Write achemical equation forthe reaction befween BaO. and dilute H,SO*. tl]

(b) The reaction between the manganate(Vll) ion and the H,O, is given belorv. t3l

2MnO + 5H.O. + 6H --------------> 2M'r' + 8H.O + 50.

Calculate the concentration of H.O. in mol drn t.





(c) Calculate the percentage pLrrity of BaO. in the sample. [3] AJ


STPM - 96211 (U r ) 2020. 96211 2021

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDEI\TIAL*

17 Sulphuric acid is an oxidising agent. The Lewis structure of H.SO* is shown belorv.


.. ll


(a) Cornplete the orbital diagram for oxygen arrd sulphur atoms of H.SOr in the excited state
below with valence electrolts. l2l
0 atorn:




(&) State the type of hybridisations of oxygen and sulphur atoms in H.SO*. l2l

(c) Identili a'
the strongest covalent bond in H.SO,. lll a\



(rf State two fvpes of intennolecular forces in H.SO.,. l2l

(e) Why H.SOl is not suitable as a reducing agent? tll

STPM - 962t r (U I ) 2020. 962t 1 2021

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the examination is over. CONFIDENTIAL*

Section C [30 mark,sf

Ansv,er t:,vo clttestiotts only.

knt ntuv ut?,swer ull the cluestion,s but. onl1, the first two urt,yv,ers v,ill be markecl. trVrite the
(ttl:iv'ers on the ons\r)er sheet.s provided. Begin each unsv:er on u nev) puge o./'the (msy.,er.shee/.

l8 (a) The Lyman series of ernission spectrum of hydrogen atorn is shown in the diagrarn below.


Draw an energv level diagram to show transitions of electrons for the first four lines of l-yman
series which emit light of high energies. On the energy level diagrarn, indicate the transition of
electron which ernits light with the shortest r,vave length. Explain your answer. t6l
(b) Explain horv electrorls are filled in the orbitals of a sulphur atom by using AufbaLr principle.
Pauli exclusion principle and Hund's rule. tsl
(c') Calcium" cltromiurn and cobalt are elements of Period 4 of the Periodic Table. Write the
valence electroltic configuration of the three elements. State two elements which are present in the
same block. t4l

19 A mixture of I .25 g nitrogen and I .75 g krypton gas is placed in a 0.50 drn3 flask at 45 oC.
(rr) Calculate the total pressure in the flask and determine r,vhich gas would exert greater parlial
pressure. Explairr your answer. lll
(b) Sketch a graph to shorv how each gas affects the distribution of rnolecular speeds. t3]
(c) Which gas deviates the most from the ideal gas behavior at low temperature and high
pressure? E,xplain your answer. [5]

20 (a) H.O' decornposes to O. and H.O. The rate equation fbr the decomposition of H"O. at
50'C is rate: fr[Hro.]. where k: 1.8 ^ l0 j s'. The equation wlrich relates the rate constant
rvith the activation energy is fr:4.8 x 198. E:'Rr.

[Gas constant. R is 8.31 J K ' rnol ']

(i) the half-life of H.O. at 50 oC, [41
(ii) the activation energy of the decornposition of H.O. at 50 oC.
(6) The rate equation for the decomposition of H"O. in the presence of I is rate : frlH.O.]tl l
(i) Explairr the role of I in the decomposition of H"O.. t6l
(ii) Compare the amount of O. obtained from the decornposition of H"O. in the presence
and absence of | . I tl

STPM - 9621r(U l) 2020.962fi 2021

*This question paper is CONFIDENTIAL until the exarnination is over. COI{FIDENTIAL*

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