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Document Title

Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan

Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:





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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:



01 Purpose 03
02 Scope 03
03 Responsibility 03
04 Definitions 03
05 Instructions 04
06 Medical Surveillance 07
07 Special Consideration During Ramadan 08
08 Training 10
09 Control Measures 11
10 COVID19 Communication Guidelines 13
11 Emergency Response & Emergency Contact Numbers 17
12 Personal Protective Equipment 17

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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

This procedure establishes safety and health guidance to prevent heat related injury to employees
working with PBFPL.

02: SCOPE:
This procedure applies to all personnel, including Subcontractors and visitors to the Project.



 To ensure that personnel under their control are educated in recognizing and understanding the
treatment for the various forms of Heat stress, and that supervision are actively monitoring the
work force for signs and symptoms of Heat stress.

 Planning the work activities in accordance with the regional/local weather condition

 Implement adequate control measures to mitigate adverse effects of heat stress.

Co-operate and follow all reasonable instructions in relation to heat stress and immediately notify
management, the HSE representative, HSE Manager and a designated first aid provider of any suspected
incidence of heat stress at the site.



 A physical response by the body to the total heat burden resulting due to work being performed
by both external (elevated temperatures, air movement, humidity and radiant heat from
surroundings) and internal (metabolic heat load from physical or chemical activity) factors which
could result in fatigue, heat exhaustion, heat cramps and heat stroke. The contributory factors
may also include a decrease of natural body ventilation by protective clothing e.g. chemical &
impervious suits.

 Note: If the body's physiological processes fail to maintain a normal body temperature because
of excessive heat, a number of physical reactions can occur ranging from mild (such as fatigue,
irritability, anxiety, and decreased concentration, dexterity, or movement) to fatal. Because heat
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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

stress is one of the most common and potentially serious illnesses that construction workers
confront in areas where high temperatures are normally encountered, regular monitoring and
other preventative measures are vital.


 A systematic approach shall be followed to minimize or reduce the risk of heat stress by
identifying the thermal discomfort for employees exposed to.

 Ensure certified First Aider and First Aid kits must be available at site office/ work location

 All of the below conditions must be reported to the medical Centre and treated as soon as
possible, medical staff will send regular communications on the subject of heat stress and inform
management of any concerns.

 The contents of this procedure must be communicated and emphasized to site supervision during
training sessions and at regular safety meetings.

 Ensure certified First Aider and First Aid kits must be available at site office/ work location


There are 4 different categories of heat stress which define how dangerous weather conditions
are and how the situation has to be faced: caution, extreme caution, danger and extreme danger.
The heat stress category shall be used to determine control measures to put in place at site as
specified in section 6 of this Plan “Heat Stress Prevention Plan”. To determine the heat stress
category we should refer to heat index as shown in attachment 01. The heat index is the relation
index that combines air temperature and relative humidity in an attempt to determine the human-
perceived equivalent temperature—how hot it feels. The result is also known as the "felt air
temperature" or "apparent temperature". Thereby the temperature and humidity shall be
periodically measured (every hour when heat warning is activated, daily the remaining days) at
the work site using calibrated weather monitoring equipment. A register shall be filled in and the
determination of heat index shall be communicated to SUBCONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager
so that he can establish the control measures according with heat stress category. Heat warning
is activated when heat index exceeds 29 during noon. A log of the temperature/humidity (heat
index) shall be kept along the PROJECT duration.

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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

Heat Stress Category Colour of Flag Heat index

Extreme Danger >54 Degree C

Danger 41-53 Degree C

Extreme Caution 32-41 Degree C



Heat stroke is an acute and dangerous reaction to heat stress caused by a failure of the heat regulating
mechanisms of the body, e.g. a breakdown of the employee's temperature control system that causes
sweating. Body temperature rises so high that brain damage and death will result if the person is not
cooled quickly.

Red, hot, dry skin, although the person may have been sweating earlier; nausea; dizziness; confusion;
extremely high blood pressure, rapid respiratory and pulse rate; unconsciousness or coma.

Casualty must be cooled down and medical aid sought immediately with the person transported to the
site medical facilities, Soak clothing and skin with cool water, use a fan to create air movement etc.

Acclimatization, Close monitoring of workers, medical screening and instructing to drink plentiful


Heat exhaustion is a state of very definite weakness or exhaustion caused by the loss of fluids from the
body. This condition is much less dangerous than heat stroke, but must b`1E e treated early on to
prevent eventual deterioration to heat stroke.

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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

Pale, clammy, moist skin, profuse perspiration and extreme weakness. Body temperature is normal,
pulse is weak and rapid, breathing is shallow. The person may have a headache, may vomit, and may be

Casualty must be moved to cool place for rest and drink fluids/water.

Acclimatization, Close monitoring of workers, and instructing to drink plentiful water to prevent
Heat cramps are caused by perspiration that is not balanced by adequate fluid intake. Loss of salts,
Heat cramps are often the first sign of a condition that can lead to heat stroke.

Acute painful spasms of voluntary muscles; e.g., abdomen and extremities.

Casualty must take rest, drink plenty of water and eat more salty foods.

Casualty must drink adequate water, adequate salt intake at meals but do not use salt tablets.


Heat rash is caused by continuous exposure to heat and humid air and aggravated by chafing clothes.
The condition decreases ability to tolerate heat.

Mild red rash, especially in areas of the body in contact with protective gear.

Casualty must be moved to cool place and keep skin clean and dry.
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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

Casualty must Shower after working in hot environments and keep skin dry.


Heat fatigue is caused by continuous exposure to heat, Discomfort and stress from the heat, less than
what would result in other heat illnesses.

Decline in performance, particularly in skilled physical work, mental tasks and those requiring

Casualty must be medically treated.

The employees or work force must be acclimatized and trained.


A shade /shelter made of sound construction materials (such as scaffolding materials with adequate size
or dimension in which 50 % of all employees in a given work area/place can be accommodated. The
shelter opening shall be facing the direction of the prevailing wind. The heat stress shelter shall be
provided with:

 Benches – where employees can sit-down in a more comfortable manner.

 Mist Fan (with power supply) – to circulate the mist air in the heat stress shelter.

 Trash Can/Bin.

 Fire Extinguisher (for the Mist fan).

 Iced drinking Water or electrolytes, ORS (Oral Rehydration Salt.)

 Rest shelters shall be in clean & have green mesh

 Emergency Contact Number (i.e. Telephone number of project doctor/nurse and ambulance;
safety manager, project manager, area safety supervisor/craft supervisor and telephone number
of “Emergency Response Team”.
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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

NOTE: Rest shelters shall be provided according to the number of crews working in different
locations. Crews working in different areas shall have separate rest shelter with heat stress
preventive arrangements.


A site made stand for drinking water igloos made of scaffold materials or timber constructed in such
manner minimizing the contamination of dust/sand onto the igloos. All the sides of the stand, except
where the faucets of the igloos are facing, should be covered. The igloos shall be properly sealed, and
dated by the responsible delivery crew. Opening of drinking igloos in the work place is not
allowed. The drinking stations should be provided with:

 Paper cups (additional stock of paper cups shall be available in store)

 Trash bin
 Drinking station should be reasonably away from chemical, toilets and safe from danger of
overhead works and vehicle /equipment movement.

 Telephone numbers and pictures of people responsible for the supply and delivery of iced
drinking water.


PBFPL shall provide two trained first aiders at site.

First aiders shall be

 Trained to identify heat related illness / symptoms

 Knows how to treat heat related illness

Subject to Human Rights and Privacy provisions, all workers likely to be exposed routinely to hot
working conditions should be medically fit to confirm their ability to carry out such work without risk of

This should be a comprehensive examination. conducted by a hospital upon newly arrival in PBFPL
company on the following factors:

 Obesity.

 Lack of physical fitness.

 Cardiovascular system,
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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

 Respiratory system, assessed clinically and by spirometry,

 Thermoregulatory system


Appropriate planning and heat stress mitigation measures shall be incorporated into the specific work
plan (e.g., Job Safety Analysis) for workers who are fasting during Ramadan if it occurs during the
summer. Supplies of cool drinking water shall be made available for workers as needed during Ramadan
(e.g., for a worker experiencing symptoms of a heat related illness). When the heat index is high, stay
indoors in air conditioned areas when possible. Following precautions shall be mandatory to work
outdoors or non-condition working areas

 NO WATER - NO WORK Policy shall be fully enforced.

 Adequate number of rest shelters shall be provided. Crew working in different locations shall
have separate rest shelter with mandatory heat stress preventive facilities.
 Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing.

 Keep in mind that heat-related illnesses are not only caused by high temperatures and a loss of
fluids, but also a lack of salt in the body.

 A calibrated handheld anemometer shall be used for temperature monitoring. Temperature

monitoring shall be done by HSE Supervisor & recorded.

 Flag system shall be implemented to indicate the heat stress category. Flag colors are mentioned
above in Section 5. Flag pole must be provided to raise the flag, ensure that pole is properly
secure from bottom to avoid fall.

 Drinking water provision ratio shall be 5:1 (e.g. 5 liters water for 1 person).

 Quantity of water cooler jugs shall be decided according to number of manpower (as now we
have 2 water cooler jugs of 30 liters for 15 workers & reserved stock of bottled water).

 Additional water cooler jugs shall be provided if manpower will increase. Same ratio shall be
followed 5:1 (5 liters water / person).

 Minimum 8 bottles of 15 liters shall be in reserved stock at all the times.

 Paper cups shall be available at site for drinking water. Workers shall not drink water in used
bottles & by hands.

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Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

 Cooler box shall be available in rest shelter to store ice. 6 ice bags shall be provided every day in
the morning.

 Avoid beverages that contain caffeine, such as tea, coffee and soda. Caffeine is a diuretic and
stimulates faster water loss through urination

 Rest shelter shall be cleaned at all the times & have shade net.

 Cooler packs shall be available in the rest shelter & with first aid facilities.

 No work under direct sunlight between June 15 till Sep 15.

 A three months ban on working under the direct sun between 12 pm till 3 pm for employees of
all companies.

 Those employees fasting should essentially consume 2 to 4 liters of water during Sohour and
Iftaar. Recognizing the warning signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses and using preventive
and control measures can reduce the frequency and severity of heat illness while increasing our
 HSE leadership’s commitment to protecting the health and safety of all employees, including
exposure to any health hazards.



Personnel shall be adequately trained and experienced in their work, especially as applied to operating
above ground level.

Heat related hazard and mitigation action will also be covered in Mass tool box talk

Training should include information about:

 Heat related illness/symptoms

 Preventive measures of heat stress

 Understand the work place hazards to which they are exposed and follow the Instructions.

 Appropriate systems or control measures put in place

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Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

 The employees not only need to protect themselves from the hazard but also protect their co-

 Immediately notify management or HSE representative regarding any suspected incidence of

heat stress at the site and co-operate

 The correct type of personal protection to be worn.

 Physical fitness and other personal factors

 Emergency procedures.

Post training session all employees must be understood Heat Related



Prevention is foremost in combating heat stress disorders. Therefore, Site Safety Department shall lead the
required training and education of key personnel (supervisors /foremen) and employees pertaining to prevention,
control and management of heat stress. Reading materials, signboards and pictograph will be posted in the heat
stress shelters for employees to read (in different languages, i.e. English, Hindi and local languages). During the
entire period of summer, “Heat Stress related” topics should be highlighted / discussed in daily toolbox safety
To arrange for ‘Heat Stress Awareness’ campaign or to educate all employees on the project regarding
heat stress prevention, control and management. This is usually done thru toolbox/safety meetings,
disseminating reading materials, posting signage and pictograph boards at project site, etc.



 Heat stress awareness training shall be provided to all employees. (Post training session all
employees must be familiar with heat related illness/symptoms & controls).

 Pocket size Heat Index cards shall be distributed to all employees.

 Urine charts shall be displayed near toilet in visible condition.

 The risk to be assessed as per the demand of all jobs and monitored with control strategies for
hot days.

 Increase the frequency and length of rest breaks.

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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

 Working hours will be staggered and re-schedule hot jobs to cooler times of the day.

 Provide adequate amount of wholesome drinking water near work place.

 Reduce work activity levels to reduce the amount of metabolic heat internally generated by a
worker. e.g. confined space, welding, working at height etc.

 To minimize the impact of the hot summer months, banned working in direct sunlight
between 12:00 noon and 3:00PM (3 hours); this ban is applicable during the period local
site situation every year.

 The site nurse/doctor should instruct workers to salt their food well, particularly while they are
acclimatizing to a hot job.

 Workers with a medical condition should discuss working in the heat with their nurse/doctor.


 Provisions for well-ventilated rest rooms with adequate shall be made during hot days.

 Provide air movers inside buildings to maintain the ventilation.

 Calibrated anemometer devices should be used.


PBFPL will provide potable water storage facility and continued supply water in mobile area such as lay
down area, fabrication shop, Inlet facility, etc.

The sufficient number of water thermos will be located near to the rest shelter. The water will be
supplied to the site in 35 liters water thermos. This water thermos will be sealed and dated. The
frequency of water distribution shall be arranged as per requirements of site areas. Drinking water
quality shall be complied with Client requirements.


Employees will be allowed to take rest frequently and PBFPL flagging system will be used to intimate
the temperature, consumption of water and work stoppage. As indicated here. PBFPL will provide
WBGT (Wet Bulb Globe Temperature) to site safety supervisors to monitor the temperature and record
in log book. The site safety supervisor along with site superintendent will ensure that the flagging
system implemented and effectively followed on site.

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Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

Preventive measures against Corona Virus

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Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:


10.1 To prevent the spread of Corona Virus (COVID19)

 Maintain at least 1 metre (3 feet) distance between yourself and others in shelter & prayer
 No physical contact.
 Use new water cup at every drink, do not use water cups/bottles of others.
 Water jugs shall be cleaned on daily basis by using sodium bicarbonate. Nozzles shall be
free from dust & cleaned on daily basis.
 Mouths shall be covered with masks when resting in shelter & offering prayers.
 Clean your hands often. Use soap and water, or an alcohol-based hand rub.
 Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
 Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth.
 Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
 Conduct the COVID19 awareness frequently in the shape of smaller groups/crew and
maintain 1 meter distance (symptoms & preventive measures should be known by all
 Stay home if you feel unwell.
 If you have a fever, a cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention.
 COVID 19 posters shall be displayed in multilingual in rest shelter & prayer rooms.
 Workers shall be updated to further directions from Local Health Authority (MoH).

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Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

9.2 COVID19 Awareness Communications

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Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
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Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:


11.1 ERT (Emergency Response Team):

A composite team of Craft Supervisor, HSE Representatives and Medical Staff to organized for the
purpose of efficient respond to “Heat Stress Emergency”. In order for efficient respond, the whole
project site will be subdivided into areas (the safety manager will arrange the subdivision) and an ERT
for each area will be formed and trained on speedy response to ‘Heat Stress Emergency”. The
recommended Composition of the ERT is;

 HSE Representatives

 Site Supervisor

 Site Foreman

 First Aiders

 Then the collaboration of the project medical staff (Nurse, Ambulance Driver)


Description Name Mobile Location

Company name
PBFPL First Aider

HSE Supervisor

Project Manager

Site Medical Response

HSE Manager


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Document Title
Pentagen Biofuels Pvt. Ltd Heat Stress Plan
Document Ref No:
PBFPL/HSP/000/REV00 Date of Issue:

 The employees shall be instructed to wear Light & full covered clothing to allow free air
movement, sweat evaporation and to protect from radiative heat and sun burn.
 Reflective clothing shall be used in a high radiant heat situation.

 Ice vests and vertex cooling system shall be used in extreme hot conditions.

 Eye Protection shall be provided from UV radiations.

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