DevRel Assignment 1

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Assignment: Bitquery API Analysis

Task Overview: In this assignment, you will use the Bitquery APIs to conduct a
data-driven analysis of one of the following topics in the blockchain space. Please
prepare a write-up of 400-500 words.

Topic Selection: Choose a recent newsworthy event or a scam in the past year or so in
the blockchain space. Use on-chain data to understand and explain this event in your
own words.

Why You're Doing This: The main goal here is to see how well you can dig into
blockchain data and make sense of it. It's okay to start with ready-made queries
(prebuilt queries from docs/blogs), but you should also add your own touch. Explain why
you chose to look at the data in a certain way.


● Use the Bitquery APIs to conduct your analysis. You can access both V1 and V2
versions of the APIs. Documentation is available at Bitquery v2 Docs and
Bitquery v1 Docs.
● Develop your queries using our GraphQL IDE. Ensure you save your query in the
IDE. Check
● In your assignment, include the link to your saved queries in the GraphQL IDE.
● In your assignment, please refrain from directly copying and pasting content from
blogs or documentation. Instead, use these resources to build queries for your

For any queries related to the assignment, reach out to and cc

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