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1. What are agent-based models (ABM)?

● Answer:
Agent-Based Models (ABM) are computational models that simulate the interactions of
autonomous agents (individual entities such as people, animals, or cells) to assess their effects
on the system as a whole. These models are useful for studying complex systems with
heterogeneous and interacting components.

2. In what fields are modeling and simulation commonly used?

● Answer:
Modeling and simulation are widely used in various fields including:
● Engineering: For testing designs and processes.
● Healthcare: For disease modeling and treatment simulations.
● Economics: For market and policy analysis.
● Environmental Science: For studying climate change and ecosystem dynamics.
● Defense: For strategic planning and training simulations.
● Social Sciences: For understanding social behaviors and interactions.

3. What are the advantages of using simulations over real-world

● Answer:
The advantages include:
● Safety: Allows experimentation in hazardous scenarios without real-world risks.
● Cost: Reduces the need for expensive physical prototypes and trials.
● Time: Accelerates the process of testing and analysis.
● Control: Provides a controlled environment to isolate and test specific variables.
● Replicability: Ensures consistent and repeatable experiments for validation.

4. What role does software play in modeling and simulation?

● Answer:
Software plays a critical role by providing the tools and platforms needed to develop, run, and
analyze models and simulations. This includes:
● Modeling Tools: For creating the mathematical or logical representations.
● Simulation Engines: For running the simulations and performing computations.
● Visualization Tools: For interpreting and presenting results.
● Data Management: For handling input and output data efficiently.

5. What is discrete-event simulation (DES)?

● Answer:
Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) is a type of simulation that models the operation of a system
as a discrete sequence of events in time. Each event occurs at a specific instant and marks a
change of state in the system. DES is commonly used for systems where changes occur at
distinct points in time, such as manufacturing processes, service systems, and computer

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