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No. Question
1 In the Skull the brain case or Claviria is made up of ---number of bones.
2 The suture placed at the Junction of Parietal and Occipital bones of the Skull is
3 It is a Median elevation connecting two Supercilliary arches of Skull
4 The meeting point between the coronal and sagittal suture is called as..
5 It is an area locted in the floor of Temporal fossa of Skull marked by H shaped Suture
6 Is is a Tooth like Projection Placed in the Anterior cranial fossa on cribriform plate of Ethamoid bone
7 It is an oblique line placed on Outer surface of Body of Mandible
8 Which of the following Vertebra shows presence of Odontoid process?
9 It is the only Vertebra in the body which has got no body.
10 Which layer of the Scalp is called dangerous area of Scalp?
11 Which of the following Artery does not Supply Scalp ?
12 Which muscle of facial expression helps to express Horror,Terror and Fright?
13 Which Muscle of facial expression is responsible for Whistling?
14 Infranuclear lesions of which Cranial nerve results in Bell's Palsy ?
15 Which clinical condition is produced due to Inflammation of Tarsal gland of Eye lid
16 What is the length of Nasolacimal Duct of Lacrimal Apparatus?
17 All of the following are layers of Deep Fascia of neck except.......
18 Which of the following is not the content of Carotid Sheath?
19 Which layer of Deep fascia of neck forms Roof of Posterior triangle of Neck?

20 Which layer of Deep fascia of neck forms Floor of Posterior triangle of Neck?

21 It is the Tent shaped fold of Dura matter forming roof of Posterior Cranial Fossa
22 Which Sinus is enclosed in the fold of Dura matter called Falx Cerebelli?
23 It is the large Venous Space situated in the middle cranial fossa on either side of body of Spenoid bone ?
24 Which of the following structure does not lie in the lateral wall of Cavernous Sinus ?
25 What is the weight of Pituitary gland is about?
26 Which part of Pituitary gland is responsible for secretion of Melanocyte stimulating Harmone?
27 Which of the following muscle of Extraoccular group is Supplied by Abducent Nerve?
28 Which of the following muscle of Extraoccular group is not Supplied by Occulomotar Nerve?
29 In which triangle of neck the Submandibular Salivary gland is Located?
30 Which of the following branch of External Carotid Artery is given outside the Carotid Triangle ?

31 Which of the following artery is one of the Terminal branch of External Carotid Aretry?

32 All of the following Structures lies within the substance of Parotid gland except...
33 Which Parasympathetic ganglion is responsible for relaying secretomotar fibres to Parotid Gland?
34 Which of the following muscle is helping to depress mandible to open the Mouth?
35 Which structure is related with the Posteriolateral surface of each lobe of Thyroid gland ?

36 Which of the following is not the branch of Subclavian Artery?

37 Which Muscle is supplied by Special visceral efferent component of Glassopharyngeal Nerve?

38 Which of the following muscle of Tongue is not supplied by Hypoglossal Nerve?

39 Which of the following muscle of Soft Palate is Supplied by Mandibular Nerve?
40 What is the length of pharynx is about?
41 For which pathologically enlarged Tonsils the Term 'Ádenoid' is used?

Rockstar Pandya
Option Correct
A B C D Option

Twenty two Fourteen Eight twenty eight C

Coronal Sqamosal Sagital Lambdoid D
Nasion Frontal tuber Glabella Supercilliary arches C
Vertex Lambda Bregma Obelion C
Pterion Asterion Jugular fossa Incisive fossa A
Anterior clinoid Crista galli Tuber sellae Posterior clinoid process B
Mylohyoid line Masseteric line Temporal line Buccinator line D
Atlas vertebra Axis Vertebra 7 th Cervical Typical Cervical B
Sacrum Axis Vertebra 12th Thoracic Atlas Vertebra D
Pericranium Epicranial Aponeurosis Dense fibrous tissue Loose aeolar Tissue D
Occipital Superior labial Supraorbital Superficial Temporal B
Mentalis Risorius Platysma Zygomaticus Major C
Zygomaticus Major Platysma Buccinator Procerus C
Trigeminal Facial Vagus Glassopharyngeal B
Conjuctivitis Hordeolum Chalazion Blepharitis C
10 mm 18 mm 15 mm 25 mm B
Pretracheal Fascia Prevetebral Fascia Sibson's Fascia Pharygobasilar Fascia C
Vagus nerve Internal Jugular Vein External Jugular Vein Common Carotid Artery C
Prevetebral Fascia Pretracheal Fascia Pharygobasilar Fascia Investing layer of Deep D
Pretracheal Fascia Pharygobasilar Fascia Prevetebral Fascia Investing layer of Deep C
Falx Cerebri Falx Cerebelli Tentorium Cerebelli Diaphragma Sellae C
Straight Sinus Occipital Sinus Transverse Sinus Cavernous Sinus B
Cavernous Sainus Transverse Sinus Occipital Sinus Straight Sinus A
Trochlear nerve Occulomoter nerve Opthalmic Nerve Abducent Nerve D
100mg 200 mg 500mg 250mg C
Anterior lobe Infundibulum Posterior lobe Intermediate lobe D
Superior Oblique Inferior Oblique Lateral Rectus Medial Rectus C
Inferior Oblique Medial Rectus Inferior Rectus Superior Oblique D
Muscular triangle Submental Triangle Diagastric Triangle Carotid Triangle C
Occipital Artery Lingual Artery Superior Thyroid Artery Posterior Auricular D
Maxillary Artery Lingual Artery Facial Artery Ascending Pharyngeal A
External carotid Artery Facial Nerve Internal Jugular Vein Retromandibular Vein C
Sphenopalatine Cilliary Otic Genicular C
Masseter Temporalis Lateral Pterigoid Medial Pterygoid C
Trachea Carotid Sheath Oesophagus Recurrent laryngeal B
Vertebral Artery Thyrocervical Trunk Costocervical Trunk Acromiothoracic Artery D
Salphingopharygeus Stylopharyngeus Palatopharyngeus Superior Constrictor B
Hyoglossus Styloglossus Palatoglossus Genioglossus C
Musculus Uvulae Tensor veli palatini Levator veli palatini Palatopharyngeus B
08 cm 25 cm 12 cm 10 cm C
Nasopharyngeal Tubal Palatine Lingual A

Rockstar Pandya
42 In which part of the Pharynx Pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube open?
43 Which air sinus opens in posterior part of Hiatus semilunaris of lateral wall of Nose?
44 Which part of nasal septum is known as Little's Area?
45 What is the length of Larynx in an adult Male is about ?
46 Which intrinsic muscle of Larynx is not supplied by Recurrent laryngeal nerve ?
47 Which of the following group of nodes is called as Node of Tongue?
48 Which nerve carries taste sensation from anterior two third of tongue?
49 It is an oval opening Posteriorsuperior to the Promontary in the medial wall of middle Ear.
50 Which nerve is injured when there is loss of 'CORNEAL BLINK REFLEX' ?
51 Which of the following nerves does not traverse through Superior orbital fissure ?
52 Which of the following nerve supplies Cornea
53 Which muscles are responsible for Abduction of Vocal Folds?

54 Which part of Internal Carotid Artery does not give any Branch?
55 What is the type of Median atlantoaxial joint is?
56 Which Muscle crocess the Subclavian Artery to divide it into three Parts?
57 At which point the Parotid duct opens in the Vestibule of Mouth?
58 Injury to which nerve results in a condition called Hyperacusis?

59 The Cranial root of Accessory nerve arises from which nucleus?

60 What is the length of External Auditory Canal is about ?

61 Coronal Suture is placed in between .....

62 Lambdoid Suture is placed in between ....

63 Which of the following Structure is passing through the Foramen Ovale?

64 The Foramen Magnum transmits all of the following, EXCEPT -

65 The muscle inserted on the Coronoid process of Mandible is -

66 The total number of Cervical Vertebrae are .....
67 Which layer of Scalp is known as the Dangerous area of Scalp?
68 All the muscles of facial expression are supplied by .........

69 The facial excpression of Surprise is produced by........

70 The muscle which helps in Whistling is.......

71 Sternocleidomastoid muscle is supplied by......

72 All of the following are the contents of Carotid Sheath, Except -

73 Which muscle divides the Posterior triangle of Neck into Occipital part and Supraclavicular part?

74 All of the following muscles form the floor of Posterior triangle of Neck, EXCEPT -
75 All of the following are Infrahyoid muscles, EXCEPT -
76 The Anterior triangle of neck is bounded by all, EXCEPT -

77 Which of the following muscle divide the side of the Neck into 2 Anterior and Posterior triangles?
78 Which of the following nerve is NOT the content of Carotid triangle?

79 Which of the following is NOT the branch of External Carotid Artery?

Rockstar Pandya
Oropharynx Nasopharynx Laryngopharynx None of above B
Frontal Anterior ethamoidal Maxillary Middle ethamoidal C
Anteroinferior Posterosuperior Anterosuperior Posteoinferior A
36 mm 54mm 44mm 50mm C
Cricothyroid Thyroarytenoid Aryepiglotticus Thyroepiglotticus A
Submental nodes Jugulo-Diagastric Jugulo-omohyoid Submandibular nodes C
Lingual nerve Vagus nerve Glassopharyngeal nerve Chorda-tympani nerve D
Sinus tympani FenestraVestibuli Fenestra cocchlea Tympanic antrum B
Opthalmic nerve Optic nerve Occulomotar nerve Maxillary nerve A
Nasocilliary Maxillary Abducent Trochlear B
Supraorbital Lacrimal Infraorbital Short cilliary D
Cricothyroid Muscle Aryepiglottic Muscle Lateral Cricoarytenoid Posterior Cricoarytenoid D
Cerebral Petrous Cervical Cavernous C
Plane Condyloid Pivot Ellipsoid C
Longus colli Scelenus Anterior Pectoralis Minor Sternocleidomastoid B
Upper second Molar Lower first Molar Upper third Molar Upper Second Premolar A
Vagus nerve Facial Nerve Glassopharyngeal nerve Vestibulo-Cocchlear B
Dorsal nucleus of Spinal Nucleus Nucleus Ambiguus Nucleus of Tractus C
Vagus Solitarius
10 mm 24 mm 30 mm 16 mm B
Two Parietal bones Parietal and Occipital Frontal and Parietal Parietal and Temporal C
bones bones bones
Frontal and Parietal Two Parietal bones Parietal and Occipital Parietal and Temporal C
bones bones bones
Mandibular Nerve Internal Carotid Artery Hypoglossal Nerve Internal Jugular Vein A
Medulla Oblangata Spinal Accessory Hypoglossal Nerve Meninges C
Medial Pterygoid Lateral Pterygoid Temporalis Masseter C
5 7 12 4 C
Skin Superficial fascia Epicranial Aponeurosis Loose Areolar Tissue D
Facial Nerve Hypoglossal Nerve Glossopharyngeal Nerve Optic Nerve A

Risorius Platysma Depressor Anguli Oris Frontalis D

Buccinator Levator Labii Superioris Depressor Anguli Oris Levator Anguli Oris A

Facial Nerve Spinal Accessory Nerve Vagus Nerve Phrenic Nerve B

Common Carotid Internal Jugular Vein Vagus Nerve Sympathetic Trunk D

Anterior belly of Posterior belly of Superior belly of Inferior belly of D
Digastric Digastric Omohyoid Omohyoid
Splenius Capitis Levator Scapulae Sternohyoid Scalenus Medius C
Mylohyoid Sternohyoid Sternothyroid Thyrohyoid A
Anterior median plane Sternocleidomastoid Trapezius Base of Mandible C
of the neck
Trapezius Sternocleidomastoid Omohyoid Digastric B
Vagus Nerve Spinal Accessory Nerve Hypoglossal Nerve Glossopharyngeal Nerve D

Superior Thyroid Facial Artery Maxillary Artery Submental Artery D


Rockstar Pandya
80 Weight of the Parotid gland is about…...
81 Parotid duct open in vestibule of mouth opposite the crown of -
82 All of the following structures pass through the Parotid Gland, EXCEPT -
83 All of the following are muscles of mastication, EXCEPT -
84 Muscles of mastication are supplied by -
85 Which of the following is NOT the Suprahyoid muscle?
86 Which muscle divides the Submandibular gland into Superficial and Deep parts?
87 Submandibular gland is located in -

88 The Thyroid gland is placed at the level of -

89 Isthmus of Thyroid gland lies opposite to…..
90 Parathyroid glands are placed on the ……..

91 Thyroidea ima artery is a branch of -

92 All of the following are the branches of Subclavian artery, EXCEPT -

93 Superior Sagittal Sinus lies within -

94 Which of the following fold of Dura mater divides the Posterior Cranial fossa into 2 parts?
95 All of the following are paired Dural Venous Sinuses, EXCEPT -
96 All of the following structures passes in the lateral wall of Cavernous sinus, EXCEPT -
97 Cavernous sinus drains into Internal Jugular vein through -
98 Weight of Pituitary gland is -
99 Which of the following is the involuntary Extraocular muscle?
100 All of the following Extraocular muscles are supplied by Oculomotor Nerve, EXCEPT -
101 Lateral rectus muscle is supplied by -
102 How much is the length of Auditory tube is ?
103 Which of the following bone is NOT present in the lateral wall of Nose?

104 Which of the following opens in the inferior meatus of the lateral wall of Nose?
105 All of the following opens in the middle meatus of lateral wall of Nose, EXCEPT -
106 Which air sinus is most commonly infected?
107 One of the following is the paired cartilage of Larynx -
108 Muscle which tense the Vocal cord is -
109 Which of the following papillae are situated immediately infront of Sulcus Terminalis on Tongue?
110 Which of the following is NOT the extrinsic muscle of Tongue?
111 Cavernous sinus is located on each side of which bone?
112 What is the length of External acoustic meatus?
113 In which bone Hypophyseal fossa is iocated?
114 Meeting point of Coronal and Sagittal suture is called as -
115 The anterior fontanelle of the skull closes at the age of -
116 Occipital sinus is enclosed in -
117 Which of the following artery ia not present in Parotid Gland?
118 A triangle of side neck which lies behind Sternocleidomastoid is
119 Which of the following is Muscle of Mastication?
120 Which of the following is Unpaired cartilage of Larynx?
121 All are the anterior branches of external carotid artery except
122 Which of the following is not palpable artery in Head & Neck?
123 All of the following are ossicles of Ear EXCEPT
124 Which of the following is not the part of internal Ear ?
125 White portion of eyeball is called as What?

Rockstar Pandya
10grams 25grams 50grams 100grams B
Upper 2nd molar teeth Lower 2nd molar teeth Upper Incisor teeth Lower Incisor teeth A
External Carotid Artery Retromandibular Vein Internal Carotid Artery Facial Nerve C
Masseter Medial Pterygoid Lateral Pterygoid Zygomaticus major D
Mandibular Nerve Maxillary Nerve Facial Nerve Spinal Accessory Nerve A
Digastric Stylohyoid Omohyoid Mylohyoid C
Mylohyoid Digastric Hyoglossus Genioglossus A
Posterior triangle of Digastric triangle Muscular triangle Carotid triangle B
C1, C2, C3, C4 C3, C4, C5, C6 C5, C6, C7, T1 C7, T1, T2, T3 C
1st to 3rd tracheal rings 2nd to 4th tracheal rings 2nd to 3rd tracheal rings 3rd to 4th tracheal rings B
Anterior border of Posterior border of Superior border of Inferior border of B
Thyroid gland Thyroid gland Isthmus Isthmus
Superior Thyroid Inferior Thyroid Artery External Carotid Artery Brachiocephalic trunk D
Vertebral Artery Superior Thyroid Inferior Thyroid Artery Internal Thoracic Artery B
Upper margin of Falx Lower margin of Falx Posterior end of Falx Anterior end of Falx A
Cerebri Cerebri Cerebri Cerebri
Falx Cerebri Tentorium Cerebelli Diaphragma Sellae Falx Cerebelli B
Cavernous sinus Superior Petrosal sinus Transverse sinus Straight sinus D
Oculomotor nerve Mandibular nerve Trochlear nerve Ophthalmic nerve B
Superior Petrosal sinus Inferior Petrosal sinus Emissary veins Sphenoparietal sinus B
100mg 200mg 500mg 1000mg C
Superior Tarsus muscle Superior Rectus muscle Inferior Rectus muscle Lateral Rectus muscle A
Superior Rectus muscle Inferior Rectus muscle Lateral Rectus muscle Inferior Oblique muscle C
Trochlear Nerve Abducent Nerve Optic Nerve Oculomotor Nerve B
4cm 6cm 8cm 10cm A
Frontal process of Lacrimal bone Labyrinth of Ethmoid Lateral Pterygoid plate D
Middle ethmoidal sinus Nasolacrimal duct Frontal air sinus Maxillary air sinus B
Middle ethmoidal sinus Frontal air sinus Maxillary air sinus Sphenoidal air sinus D
Maxillary air sinus Frontal air sinus Sphenoidal air sinus Ethmoidal air sinus A
Thyroid Cartilage Cricoid Cartilage Cuneiform Cartilage Epiglottis C
Thyroepiglottic Aryepiglottic Cricothyroid Vocalis C
Vallate papillae Fungiform papillae Filiform papillae Foliate papillae A
Mylohyoid Genioglossus Styloglossus Hyoglossus A
Temporal Parietal Sphenoid Occipital C
12mm 24mm 36mm 48mm B
Ethmoid bone Body of Sphenoid Occipital bone Temporal bone B
Lambda Pterion Bregma Inion C
6 - 12 months 12 - 18 months 18 - 24 months 24 - 30 months C
Falx Cerebri Tentorium Cerebelli Falx Cerebelli Diaphragma Sellae C
External carotid Internal carotid Superficial temporal Maxillary D
Anterior Posterior Both a&b None of these B
Orbicularis oris Temporalis zygomtic major frontalis B
Thyroid Arytenoid Corniculate Cuneiform A
Occipital Superior Thyroid Lingual Facial A
Common Carotid Facial Lingual Superficial Temporal B
Malleus Incus Promontory Stapes C
Cochlea Vestibule Semicircular canal Tympanic membrane D
Sclera Cornea Choroid None of these A

Rockstar Pandya
126 To which of the following structure Labyrinth belongs to ?
127 By how many openings do the semicircular canals opens in vestibule ?
128 Retina is composed of how many layers?
129 Which of the following is ring like cartilage of Larynx ?
130 All are paranasal air sinuses EXCEPT
131 Nasolacrimal duct opens in to which of the following meatus of Nose
132 To which structure Auditory tube connects middle ear with ?
133 All of the following arteries gives blood supply to Scalp EXCEPT
134 Maxillary air sinus opens in which meatus of nose?
135 All are extraoccular muscle of eyeball EXCEPT

2) upper EXTREMITY
1 Which muscle is inserted on posterior border of lateral 1/3 of Clavicle?
2 The conoid tubercle of clavicle gives attachement to.........ligament
3 Which muscle is inserted on costal surface of Medial border of Scapula
4 Which Muscle arises from Infraglenoid Tubercle of Scapula ?
5 Which Muscle is Inserted on lesser tubercle of Humerus?
6 Which nerve is Closely related with surgical neck of Humerus?
7 The tuberosity of Radius gives attachement to ................Muscle.
8 The Tuberosity of Ulna gives attachement to ------------Muscle.
9 Vertically Mammary gland extends from-------------Ribs.
10 Which of the following Muscle does not lie in deep relations of mammary gland ?
11 The parenchyma of Mammary gland consist of--------------number of Lobes
12 which group of lymph nodes drains about 75% of lymph from Mammary gland ?
13 It is one of the developemental anamoly of Breast where there is abscence of Nipple.
14 Which of the following Muscle is responsible for forward rotation of Scapula ?
15 What is the Root value of Brachial Plexus?
16 Which nerve arrises as a branch of Upper Trunk of Brachial Plexus?
17 All of the following nerves are branches of Posterior cord of Brachial Plexus except...
18 All of the following are groups of Axillary lymph nodes except...
19 Which of the following neve roots are involved in Erb'sParalysis?
20 Which Muscle lies in the floor of Triangle of Auscultation?
21 It is the Preaxial Vein of the Upper limb homologus with Great saphenous Vein
22 Which of the following Muscle does not get inserted on Greater tubercle of Humerus ?
23 Which of the following Muscle is supplied by Axillary nerve?
24 Which of the following structure passes through Quadrangular Space?
25 It is the Nerve which supplies muscles of Anterior compartment of Arm.
26 Which Structure leaves the Cubital Fossa by passing through two heads of Pronator Teres ?
27 Which of the following Muscle forms Floor of Cubital Fossa?
28 Which of the following structure passes through Spiral groove of Humerus?
29 Which of the following muscle is not supplied by Median Nerve
30 Which of the Following Structure passing through Flexor Retinaculum of Wrist?
31 All the Muscles of Thenar group are supplied by Median nerve except.....
32 Which nerve of Superior extremity is called as Musician's Nerve ?
33 Which muscles are responsible for Adduction of Fingers?
34 Which intrinsic muscles of Hand are called as Writter's Muscle?
35 Injury to which nerve results in Ape thumb deformity ?
36 Which nerve is commonly involved in Carpal tunnel Syndrome?
37 Which deformity is resulted due to Injury to Radial Nerve?
38 Injury to which nerve results in Claw Hand deformity ?
39 Which compartment of Extensor Retinaculum Posterior Interosseous nerve passes through ?
40 Which is the first bone in the body to complete its ossification?

Rockstar Pandya
External ear Middle Ear Internal ear All of these C
3 5 4 6 B
10 12 9 5 A
Thyroid Cricoid Arytenoid Epiglottis B
Superior concha Frontal Maxillary Sphenoidal A
Superior Meatus Middle Meatus Inferior Meatus None of these C
Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Larynx A
Supratrochlear Superficial Temporal Supraorbital Facial D
Superior Meatus Middle Meatus Inferior Meatus None of these B
Superior Rectus Medial Rectus Lateral Rectus Pupillary muscle D

Trapezius Deltoid Pectoralis Major Pectoralis minor A

Acromioclaviclar Coracoclavicular Sternoclavicular Humeroclavicular B
Teres Major Rhomboideus Major Serratus Anterior Trapezius C
Biceps,long head Triceps,long head Teres minor Supraspinatus B
Teres minor Supraspinatus Subscapularis Pectoralis minor C
Radial Ulnar Axillary Median` C
Brachialis Biceps brachii Supinator Anconeus B
Supinator Triceps brachii Brachialis Brachioradialis C
3rd to 5th 4th to 8th 1st to 5th 2nd to 6th D
Serratus Anterior Pectoralis minor Pectoralis Major External oblique B
10 to 12 15 to 20 25 to 30 05 to 10 B
Posterior Intercostal Internal Mammary Axillary Supraclavicular C
Amastia Athelia Polythelia Polymastia B
Trapezius Pectoralis Major Serratus Anterior Coracobrachialis C
C3 to T2 C5 to T1 C6 to T2 C4 to C8 B
Suprascapular Dorsal Scapular Thoracodorsal Axillary A
Radial Axillary DorsalScapular Thoracodorsal C
Pectoral Scapular Infraclavicular Supraclavicular D
C4 and C5 C5 and C6 C8 and T1 T1 only B
Levator Scapulae Rhomboideus Major Trapezius Rhomboideus Minor B
Basillic Vein Cephalic Vein Axillary Vein Brachial Vein B
Supraspinatus Teres Minor Suscapularis Infraspinatus C
Teres Major Subscapularis Supraspinatus Teres Minor D
Radial Nerve Axillary Nerve Ulnar Nerve Suprascapular Nerve B
Axillary Median Musculocutaneous Ulnar C
Ulnar Radial Median Axillary C
Pronator Teres Brachioradialis Brachialis Anconeus C
Musculocutaneous Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve Axillary Nerve B
Pronator Teres Palmaris longus Flexor carpi Ulnaris Flexor Carpi Radialis C
Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Palmaris Longus Ulnar Artery A
Flexor pollicis brevis Adductor pollicis Abductor pollicis brevis Opponens Pollicis B
Radial Median Ulnar Musculocutaneous C
Lumbricals Hypothenar Muscles Palmar Introssei Dorsal Introssei C
Thenar Muscles Lumbricles Introssie muscles Hypothenar Muscles B
Ulnar Median Radial Axillary B
Radial Axillary Median Ulnar C
Ape Thumb Claw Hand Wrist Drop Carpal tunnel Syndrome C
Ulnar Axillary Radial Musculocutaneous A
Second Third Fourth Fifth C
Humerus Scapula Clavicle Radius C

Rockstar Pandya
41 Which of the following muscle is attached to anterior border of lateral 1/3rd of shaft of Clavicle?
42 Which muscle have origin from the lower border of crest of Spine of Scapula?
43 All of the following muscles are attached to Coracoid process of Scapula, EXCEPT -

44 All of the following muscles are inserted on the medial border of Scapula, EXCEPT -
45 Which Muscleis attached to Supraglenoid tubercle of Scapula is?

46 Which Muscle is inserted on Lesser Tubercle of Humerus ?

47 Following muscles are inserted on Greater Tubercle of Humerus, EXCEPT - ---
48 Which of the following muscles is NOT inserted on Intertubercular Sulcus of Humerus ?
49 Which muscle is inserted into the rough area in the middle 1/3 of the medial border of Humerus?
50 Which of the following nerve is NOT closely related to Humerus?
51 Which muscle is inserted on the Radial tuberosity of Radius?
52 Which muscle arises from the anterior oblique line of Radius ?

53 Which muscle is inserted on the Ulnar tuberosity of Ulna?

54 Which muscle is inserted into superior surface of Olecranon Process of Ulna?
55 Which of the following bone is NOT present in the proximal row of carpal bones?
56 Which bone is developed in the tendon of Flexor Carpi Ulnaris?
57 Number of phalanges in each hand are...
58 All of the following are the muscles of Pectoral region, EXCEPT -
59 The Nerve to Serratus Anterior arises from which roots?
60 Winging of Scapula occursdue to paralysis of - ----
61 All of the following arteries supplies the Mammary gland except.....

62 All of the following structures forms boundaries of Apex of Axilla /Cervico-axillary canal is formed by
all, EXCEPT -
63 Anterior wall of Axilla is formed by all, EXCEPT -
64 Posterior wall of Axilla is formed by - ----
65 Axillary artery is the continuation of - -----
66 Which of the following artery is the branch of 1st part of Axillary artery ?

67 Which of the following Nerve arises from the upper trunk of Brachial plexus is ?

68 All of the following are the branches of Lateral cord of Brachial Plexus, EXCEPT -

69 Which of the following is the branch of Medial cord of Brachial Plexus ?

70 Which of the following is the branch of Posterior Cord of Brachial Plexus?

71 Which trunk of Brachial Plexus is injured in Erb's Paralysis?

72 Injury to the Lower trunk of Brachial Plexus results into-
73 Which of the follwing nerve Suoolies Trapezius - ------?

74 Which muscle is called as Swimmer's muscle?

75 Deltoid muscle is supplied by -

76 Which nerve passes through the Quadrangular space of Scapular region?

77 Which nerve passes through the Lower triangular space of Scapular region?
78 All of the Following are the muscles of Anterior Compartment of Arm, EXCEPT -----

Rockstar Pandya
Deltoid Pectoralis Major Sternohyoid Sternocleidomastoid A
Trapezius Deltoid Serratus Anterior Coracobrachialis B
Coracobrachialis Pectoralis Minor Subscapularis Short head of Biceps C
Serratus Anterior Rhomboideus Major Teres Major Levator Scapulae C
Long head of Biceps Long head of Triceps Coracobrachialis Supraspinatus A
Brachii Brachii
Supraspinatus Subscapularis Infraspinatus Teres Minor B
Subscapularis Supraspinatus Infraspinatus Teres Minor A
Pectoralis Major Teres Major Deltoid Latissimus Dorsi C
Coracobrachialis Deltoid Brachialis Latissimus Dorsi A
Axillary Nerve Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve Median Nerve D
Biceps Brachii Triceps Brachii Pronator Teres Brachioradialis A
Abductor Pollicis Flexor Carpi Radialis Flexor Digitorum Extensor Pollicis Brevis C
Longus Superficialis
Triceps Brachii Brachialis Supinator Biceps Brachii B
Triceps Brachii Biceps Brachii Supinator Pronator Teres A
Scaphoid Trapezium Lunate Triquetral B
Pisiform Scaphoid Trapezium Hamate A
12 13 14 15 C
Coracobrachialis Pectoralis Major Pectoralis Minor Subclavius A
C4, C5, C6 C5, C6, C7 C6, C7, C8 C7, C8, T1 B
Pectoralis Major Pectoralis Minor Latissimus Dorsi Serratus Anterior D
Superior Thoracic Lateral Thoracic Artery Thoracoacromial artery Anterior circumflex D
Artery Humeral Artery
Posterior surface of Superior border of Outer border of 1st rib Shaft of Humerus D
Clavicle Scapula
Pectoralis Major Deltoid Clavipectoral fascia Pectoralis Minor B
Subscapularis Teres Major Latissimus Dorsi All of the above D
Brachiocephalic trunk Common Carotid artery Subclavian artery None of the above C
Superior Thoracic Thoracoacromial artery Lateral Thoracic artery Subscapular artery A
Nerve to Serratus Dorsal Scapular Nerve Ulnar nerve Suprascapular Nerve D
Lateral Pectoral Nerve Musculocutaneous Radial Nerve Lateral root of Median C
Nerve Nerve
Ulnar Nerve Axillary Nerve Radial Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve A

Upper Subscapular Nerve to Latissimus Axillary Nerve All of the above D

Nerve Dorsi
Upper Trunk Middle Trunk Lower Trunk None of the above A
Erb's Paralysis Klumpke's Paralysis Winging of Scapula Waiter's Tip Position B
Spinal Accessory Nerve Thoracodorsal Nerve Dorsal Scapular Nerve Axillary Nerve A

Trapezius Latissimus Dorsi Rhomboideus major Rhomboideus minor B

Axillary Nerve Radial Nerve Median Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve A

Axillary Nerve Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve A

Axillary Nerve Ulnar Nerve Radial Nerve Median Nerve C

Triceps Brachii Biceps Brachii Coracobrachialis Brachialis A

Rockstar Pandya
79 Which of the following nerve supplies Biceps Brachii muscle ?

80 Profunda Brachii Artery is the branch of - -----

81 Medial boundary of Cubital Fossa is formed by - ------
82 Which of the following is NOT the content of Cubital Fossa?
83 What is the action of Triceps Brachii muscle?
84 Wrist drop deformity is resulted due to injury to -----

85 All of the following muscles arises from the Medial epicondyle of Humerus EXCEPT -

86 Common Interosseous Artery is the branch of -

87 All of the following muscles are supplied by Median Nerve, EXCEPT -

88 Which nerve is palpable behind the medial epicondyle of Humerus ?

89 Which of the following muscle is supplied by Ulnar Nerve?
90 Which nerve passes deep to Flexor Retinaculum of Wrist Joint?

91 All of the following structures passes deep to Flexor retinaculum of Wrist, EXCEPT -

92 Which Nerve is called as Musician's Nerve?

93 Which Nerve is called as Labourer's Nerve?

94 Which nerve is involved in the Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

95 Which of the following is the content of Anatomical Snuff Box?

96 Brachioradialis muscle is supplied by - ----

97 Posterior Interosseous Nerve is a branch of -

98 What type of joint the Shoulder Joint is?

99 Which of the following is most commonest type of Shoulder Dislocation?
100 Rotator's Cuff of Shoulder joint is formed by all, EXCEPT -
101 What is the type of Elbow Joint?
102 The carrying angle of Elbow Joint in males is about - --
103 Which of the following bone is NOT involved in the articulation of Wrist Joint ?
104 Which muscle covers Inferior angle of scapula ?
105 All are branches of axillary artery except ....

106 Which of the following is one of the branch of upper trunk of brachial plexus ?
107 Ulnar nerve is branch of which cord of Brachial Plexus ?
108 Which One of the following muscle is not supplied by median Nerve ?
109 All Structures are passing deep to flexor retinaculum except.......

110 Which muscle does not belongs to group of thenar eminance ?

111 Which nerve is Known as labourer's nerve ?

112 What is the Type of elbow joint ?
113 Which muscles are abductors of shoulder joint ?
114 Breast is which type of modified gland?
115 Which of the following Artery supplies Mammary gland?
116 which of the following nerve is branch of lateral cord of brachial plexus.
117 which of the following nerve is branch of medial cord of brachial plexus.

Rockstar Pandya
Axillary Nerve Musculocutaneous Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve B
Axillary Artery Brachial Artery Radial Artery Ulnar Artery B
Supinator Brachialis Pronator Teres Flexor Carpi Ulnaris C
Ulnar Nerve Radial Nerve Median Nerve Brachial Artery A
Flexion of Elbow Supination Pronation Extension of Elbow D
Median Nerve Musculocutaneous Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve D
Pronator Teres Flexor Carpi Radialis Palmaris Longus Extensor Carpi Radialis D
Radial Artery Ulnar Artery Brachial Artery Profunda Brachii Artery B
Flexor Carpi Radialis Flexor Digitorum Pronator Teres Brachioradialis D
Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Axillary Nerve Radial Nerve B
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris Pronator Teres Extensor Carpi Ulnaris Supinator A
Ulnar Nerve Median Nerve Radial Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve B

Tendon of Flexor Tendons of Flexor Tendons of Flexor Palmaris Longus D

Pollicis Longus Digitorum Superficialis Digitorum Profundus
Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Radial Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve B

Median Nerve Ulnar Nerve Axillary Nerve Radial Nerve A

Median Nerve Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve A

Ulnar Artery Median Nerve Radial Artery Ulnar Nerve C

Radial Nerve Ulnar Nerve Median Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve A

Ulnar Nerve Median Nerve Radial Nerve Musculocutaneous Nerve C

Ball and Socket Joint Pivot Joint Ellipsoidal Joint Hinge Joint A
Subglenoid Anterior Superior Posterior A
Subscapularis Teres Major Teres Minor Supraspinatus B
Hinge Joint Pivot Joint Saddle Joint Ellipsoidal Joint A
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B
5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 20 - 25
Scaphoid Lunate Triquetral Pisiform D
Trapzius Deltoid Latissimus dorsi Bicep brachii C
Sup thoracic A Thoracoacromial A Anterior circumflex Profunda brachii A D
Humeral A
Nerve to subclavius Axillary N Radial N Median N A
Lateral cord Medial cord Posterior cord None of Above B
Flexor carpi ulnaris Pronator teres Flexor carpi radialis Palmaris longus A
Median N Ulnar N Tendons of flexor Ulnar bursa B
digitorum superficialis
Abductor Pollicis Flexor Pollicis brevis Palmaris brevis Opponence Pollicis C
Axillary N Radial N Ulnar N Median N D
Ball & Socket Hinge Ellipsoid Pivot B
Deltoid Serratus anterior Trapezius All of above D
sweat salivary lymphatic Endocrine A
Internal thorasic artery External thorasic artery Medial thorasic artery Superior thorasic artery A
Musculocutaneous Radial Ulnar Axillary A
Ulnar Radial Axillary Musculocutaneous A

Rockstar Pandya
118 which of the following nerve is branch of posterior cord of brachial plexus.
119 Axillary artery is continuation of which artery.
120 Subscapular artery is branch of which artery.
121 Lateral thorasic artery is a branch of which artery.
122 Superior thorasic artery is branch of which artery.
123 Axillary vein is continuation of which vein ?
124 What is the root value of musculocutaneous nerve ?
125 Which nerve supplies Teres minor muscle ?.
126 Short head of biceps brachi takes origin from....
127 Long head of biceps brachi takes origin from....
128 What is the nerve supply of Deltoid ?
129 Which of the following muscle is pierced by Musculocutaneous nerve?
130 Which of the following artery is content of cubital fossa ?
131 Which of the following nerve is content of cubital fossa?.
132 Which of the following muscle forms Lateral boundary of cubital fossa?.
133 What is the nerve supply of Palmaris longus Muscle?
134 What is the type of wrist joint?
135 Which of the following muscle is responsible for Adduction of shoulder joint ?
136 Which muscle is responsible for Flexion of elbow joint ?
137 What is the type of first carpometacarpal joint?
138 Posterior interosseous nerve is branch of which nerve?
139 First carpometacarpal joint is variety of which type of joint.
140 All of the following Structures pass superficial to flexor retaniculum 0f wrist are EXCEPT

141 Which of the following Structures are passing through Radial Groove of Humerus?

142 Which of the following bone does not belongs to distal row of Carpal Bone ?
143 Which of the following nerve is called as Labourer's Nerve?
144 Which of the following nerve supplies Brachialis Muscle ?
145 Which of the following artery is content of Anatomical Snuff box?
146 Which of the following muscle is attached to lateral lip of Bicipital groove
147 Rotator cuff is formed by all muscles EXCEPT
148 Which of the following nerve is compressed in Carpel Tunnel syndrome?
149 Which of the following nerve is known as 'Musician' nerve?
150 Injury to upper trunk of Brachial plexus at Erbs point is called as
151 Which of the following is not the branch of posterior cord of Brachial plexus?
152 Posterior wall of Axilla is formed by all the following muscles EXCEPT
153 Winging of Scapula is the deformity occurs as a result of in paralysis of which Muscle?
154 Which of the following bone is first one to start ossification ?
155 All carpal bones are present in proximal row EXCEPT
156 Blood pressure is universally recorded by auscultating which atery at elbow?
157 Which vein in cubital fossa is choice for intravenous injection ?
158 How many number of Lumbrical muscle are present in hand ?
159 Superficial Palmar arch in the hand is formed as direct continuation of which artery?
160 From which of the following part of Scapula Long head of Triceps Brachi arises from ?
161 Which of the following is most common site for fracture of Humerus?
162 Which of the following muscle divides the Axillary artery in to three parts ?
163 Beyond the lower boeder of insertion of Teres Major Axillary artery continues as……...
164 All are the muscles of anterior compartment of arm except
165 Root value of musculocutaneous nerve is
166 Lateral boundary of cubital fossa is formed by

Rockstar Pandya
Axillary Ulnar Lateral pectoral medial pectoral A
Brachial Subclavian ulnar Radial B
Brachial Axillary Radial Ulnar B
brachial Axillary Radial Ulnar B
Brachial Axillary Radial Ulnar B
Cephalic Basilic Median cubital Internal thoracic B
C5,C6,C7 C5,C6 C4,C5 C6,C7 A
Axillary Radial Median Ulnar A
Coracoid process Radial tuberosity supraglenoid tubercle Infraglenoid tubercle A
Radial tuberosity Coracoid process supraglenoid tubercle Infraglenoid tubercle C
Radial Ulnar Axillary Median C
Deltoid Triceps brachi Biceps brachi Coracobrachialis D
Axillary Brachial Internal thoracic artery
Superior thoracic artery B
Ulnar Median Lateral pectoral Musculocutaneous B
Deltoid Biceps brachi Brachioradialis Triceps brachi C
Ulnar Axillary Median Radial C
Hinge Ellipsoid ball & socket pivot B
Deltoid Triceps brachi Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor C
Brachialis Triceps brachi Anconeus Deltoid A
Saddle hinge Ellipsoid Pivot A
Ulnar Radial Median Axillary B
Pivot Saddle Condyloid Ellipsoid B
Palmaris longus Ulnar Artery Flexor carpi ulnaris flexor digitorum D
Radial Nerve & Radial Artery& Brachial Artery& Ulnar Radial Artery & A
profunda brachii profunda brachii Nerve nerve. Median nerve
Trapezium Capitate Triquetral Hamate C
Radial Ulnar Median Musculocutaneous C
Radial Musculocutaneous Both a&b None C
Brachial Radial Ulnar Axillary B
Pectoralis Major Pectoralis Minor Teres Major Lattissimus Dorsi A
Suprapinatus Infraspinatus Teres Major Subscapularis C
Radial Ulnar Axillary Median D
Ulnar Radial Axillary Median A
Klumpke's paralysis Erb's paralysis Both a&b None of these B
Radial Axillary Suprascapular None of these C
Teres Major Teres Minor Lattissimus dorsi Subscapularis B
Pectoralis major pectoralis minor Latissimus dorsi Serratus anterior D
Ulna Scapula Clavicle Humerus C
Scaphoid Triquetral Hamate Pisiform C
Radial Brachial Ulnar Axillary B
Brachial Radial Ulnar Median Cubital D
5 4 6 2 B
Ulnar artery Radial artery Brachial artery Both a&b A
Supraglenoid Tubercle Infraglenoid tubercle Coracoid process Spine of Scapula B
Anatomical Neck Surgical Neck Trochlea Capitulum B
Pectoralis minor Teres Minor Pectoralis Major Teres Major A
Brachial artery Radial artery Ulnar artery Subclavian artery A
Biceps brachi Triceps Brachi Coracobrachialis Brachialis B
C5-T1 C5-C8 C5-C8 & T1 C5-C7 D
Pronator teres Brachioradialis Both a&b None of these B

Rockstar Pandya
167 Medial boundary of cubital fossa is formed by
168 Which of the following muscle is present in floor of cubital fossa
169 Which artery is used for filling pulse at wrist?
170 All are the muscles of Thenar eminince except
171 Number of Carpel bones present in one hand are……….

1 Who is known as "FATHER OF ANATOMY"


3 "WILLIUM HARVE" was an English physician who discovered the….........

4 Which anatomical plane divides the body in to the right and left halves ?
5 Any plane of the human body parallel to the median plane is known as
6 Which artery in the following carries deoxygenated blood ?
7 Bony nodules found embedded in the tendons or joint capsules ,they have no priosteum & ossify after
birth are called as
8 The end and the tip of the bones which ossify from secondary centers are called
9 The branch of anatomy which deals with the study of ligaments & related joints is called as
10 Which one of the following is the function of pneumatic bones ?

11 Which one of the following given bone ossify in membranocartilaginous type ?

12 The ends & tips of a bone ,which ossify from secondary centres are called as…...
13 The elongated shaft of a long bone, which ossifies from a primary center is called as…...
14 The artery supplies the blood to the long bone commonly it is called as …...
15 Which part of the long bone is the zone of active growth ?
16 All are Peculiarities of cartilage EXCEPT ….......

17 Which of the following is not the type of cartilage ?

18 All of the following cells belong to bone EXCEPT….....
19 Ball and sockets variety of joints is also called as ….........
20 The end of the skeletal muscle ,which remains fixed during its contraction is called as…......
21 The end of the skeletal muscle ,which moves during its contraction is called as…......
22 All the characteristic of sinusoids EXCEPT…....

23 Circulation through the anastomosis is called

24 Which of the following is the function of lymph node ?

25 Define ligaments

26 Which of the following type of joint is seen in between socket of gum and Tooth?
27 Which law states that a motor nerve to muscle acting on joint trends to give a branch to that joint
(capsule) & another branch to the skin covering the joint
28 The large arteries are supplied by the some small arteries and those arteries are called as …...
29 A precapillary or post capillary communication between the neighbouring vessels is called as …......
31 Arteries which do not anastomose with their neighbours are called as…...

Rockstar Pandya
Pronator teres Brachioradialis Both a&b None of these A
Brachialis Supinator Both a&b None of these C
Radial artery Ulnar artery Brahial artery Axillary artery A
Abductor pollicis Adductor pollicis flexor digiti minimi Flexor pollicis brevis C
7 5 8 14 C

Hippocrates of cos Herophilus of Galen of Pergaman Leonardo da vinci of B

Chalcedon Haly
Hippo crates Herophilus Vesalius Mandinus C
Crculation of blood Gaseus exchange in Blood groups Digestion of protein ,Fat, A
alveoli Carbohydrates
Horizontal plane Coronal plane Sagittal plane Median plane D
Coronal plane Transverse plane Sagittal plane Median plane C
Umbilical Artery Internal iliac artery Coronary artery Coeliac artery A
Sesmoid bones Pneumatic bones Short bones Accessory bones A

Epiphysis Diaphysis Metaphysis None of the above A

Osteology Embryology Radionatomy Syndesmology D
It helps in the It acts as an air It is economical & All the above D
resonance of the conditioning chamber by makes the bones lighter
vibration of sound adding humadity & temp
to the inspired air
Calvicle & occipital Mandible & temporal Sphenoid bone All the above D
bones bones
Diaphysis Metaphysis Epiphysis None of above C
Diaphysis Epiphysis Metaphysis None of above A
Nutrient artery End artery Medullary artery Periosteal arterior A
Epiphysis Diaphysis Metaphysis All the above C
Cartilage has no blood Cartilage has no nerves Cartilage is surrounded Cartilage is not replaced D
vessels or lymphatics by a fibrous membrane by bone
called perichondrium
Hyaline cartilage Fibro cartilage Membranous cartilage Elastic cartilage C
Osteoblasts Osteocytes Osteomites Osteoclasts C
Hinge joint pivot joint Condylar joint Spheroidal joint D
Origin Insertion Belly Tendon A
Belly Insertion Tendon Origin B
Their lumen is wider & Their walls are thicker The are present only in They may connect C
irregular & incomplete human beings arteriole with venule
End circulation Direct circulation Indirect circulation Collateral circulation D
Lymph node filter the Produce lymphocytes Plasma cells of the All the above D
lymph primary follicles
produce antibodies
These are fibrous bands Are cartilagenous parts These are coverage of These are connective A
which connect the of bone ? joints tissues around the joint
adjacent bones
Syndesmosis Gomphosis Synovial joint Suture B
Hilton`s law Wolff`s law Newton`s law None of the above A

Vasa nervosum Vasa vasorum Arteriole All the above B

Collateral circulation Anastomosis Portal circulation Arcade B
Single arteries End artery Last arteries Capilleries B

Rockstar Pandya
32 Which system is called as a chief controlling & coordinating system of the body ?
33 What are the protoplasmic extension of the nerve cells from the neural pathways called as ?
34 Asingle long efferent process which may give off occasional branches & is of uniform diameter is called
35 Junction between the two or more neurons is called as what?
36 Which is the basic functional unit of nervous system which can perform an integreted neural activity ?
37 All are the appendages of skin EXCEPT
38 what is the cytoplasmic sheath of schwann cells is commonly called as?
39 Which is the superficial avascular layer of stratified squamous epithelium , it is ectodermal in origin &
gives rise to the appendages of the skin ?
40 The deep fascia in relation to some joints e.g wrist & ankle, modified to form thickened bands known as
41 Which of the following is not the type of connective tissue ?

42 Who discovered X-Rays accidentally on 8/11/1895 ?

43 It is the branch of Systemic Anatomy which deals with study of Vascular System.
44 It is the Study of Prenatal and Postnatal developemental changes in an Individual.
45 It is a lying down position with face facing downwards
46 A vertical plane at right angles to the Median Plane is called as...
47 It is the Rotation of the forearm so that the palm is turned backwards
48 It is fibrous band made up of interdigitating fibres of the tendons or Aponeurosis.
49 It is the suffix used to indicate removal of part or organ from the body
50 Number of bones present in Appendicular Skeleton (both sided) is ....
51 Which of the following is an example of Saesamoid bone in Human body
52 Which of the following is Pnematic bone in Human body
53 Which type of bone is characterised by Presence of Haversian System
54 Which o the following is an example of Hyaline cartilage?
55 Which o the following is an example of Fibro cartilage?
56 Which of the following is an example of Elastic cartilage ?
57 All of the following are subtypes of Fibrous Joints except..
58 All of the following are examples of secondary cartilagenous Joints except….
59 The term Synchondrosis is used to describe the anatomical configuration of….. Joint
60 Which of the following is classified as Biaxial variety of Synovial Joint?
61 The avarage diameter of Capillary is about................ Micron
62 Which type of Muscles in living human body are supplied be Cerebrospinal nerves?
63 Circulation maintained through anastomosis is called as........
64 Which of the following works as central lymphoid tissue in the Body?
65 The neurogial cells having Star shape because of their numerous processes are called as......
66 Which cells are concerned withexchange of materials between Brain and CSF ?
67 Which cells are responsible for take up and storing of Neurotransmitters?
68 Which cells are responsible for production of Histamine?
69 Which of the following Cell is Phagocytic in nature?
70 Wharton's jelly of Umbilical cord is an example of ..................tissue.
71 Which fibres of connective tissue are responsible for formation of supporting framework of Organs ?
72 The Skeletal muscle which brings about desired movement is called as...........


1 All are the parts of the forebrain, EXCEPT -
2 All are the parts of the Hindbrain, EXCEPT -
3 Occipital sinus is enclosed in -
4 Cerebrospinal fluid is formed by -
5 The total quantity of Cerebrospinal fluid is -
6 The extent of Spinal cord in an adult is -
7 The number of spinal nerves arising from the cervical part of Spinal cord is -

Rockstar Pandya
Gastrointestinal system Renal system Nervous system Endocrine system C
Nerves Tendons Stem Veins A
Axon Dendrites Myelin Nodules A
Synapse Neuroglia Anastomosis Reflex arc A
Reflex arc Synapse Oligodendrocyte None of the above A
Hair Nails Sweat glands Superficial fascia D
Neuropil Mesaxon Neurilemma Neuroglia C
Epidermis Dermis Corium Papillary layer A

Sheath Retinacula Capsule Bursae B

Loose connective tissue Dense irregular Adipose tissue Muscles D
connective tissue
Wilhelm Roentgen William harve`s law William Hunter John Hunter A
Osteology Angiology Myology Neurology B
Histology Radiology Embryology Myology C
Supine Lithotomy Anatomical Prone D
Median Sagital Coronal Transeverse C
Pronation Flexion Adduction Supination A
Ligament Belly Sheath Raphae D
ostomy otomy ectomy oma C
80 126 206 216 B
Rib Patella Sternum Vertebra B
Maxilla Vomer Lacrimal Mandible A
Cancellous Fibrous Compact Trabecular C
Costal Intervertebral Ear Pinna Auditoy tube A
Menisci Articular Auditoy tube Broncheal A
Auditoy tube Menisci Costal Tracheal A
Suture Symphysis Gomphosis Syndesmosis B
Symphysis Intervertebral Gomphosis Manibrio- C
Primary cartilagenous Fibrous Secondary cartilagenous Synovial A
Pivot Saddle Ellipsoid Spheroidal C
50- to100 25 to 30 06 to 08 40 to 50 C
Smooth Cardiac Skeletal All of them C
Pulmonary Systemic Portal Collateral D
Spleen Bone Marrow Lymph node Epithelio- B
Microglia Glioblast Astrocytes Oligo- C
Glial Ependymal Astrocytes Microglia B
Glioblast Microglia Glial Astrocytes C
Plasma cell Mast Cell Macrophages Adipocytes B
Mast cell Lipocytes Plasma Cell Macrophages D
Mucoid Adipose Pigment Fibrous A
Actin Collaen Reticulin Elastin C
Fixator Synergists Agonists Antagonists C

Cerebrum Thalamus Hypothalamus Pons D

Pons Cerebellum Thalamus Medulla Oblangata C
Falx Cerebri Tentorium Cerebelli Falx Cerebelli Diaphragma Sellae C
Choroid plexuses Arachnoid Villi Dural venous sinus Arachnoid Granulations A
50ml 100ml 200ml 150ml D
C1 to L1 C1 to L2 C1 to tip of Coccyx C1 to L5 A
6 7 8 10 C

Rockstar Pandya
8 The name of the 1st Cranial Nerve is -
9 Which of the following is the largest cranial nerve?
10 Motor nucleus of Facial nerve lies in the -
11 Bell's palsy is the paralysis of which nerve?
12 All of the following supply Extraocular muscles, EXCEPT -
13 Following are the parts of Brainstem, EXCEPT -
14 Following are the cerebellar nuclei, EXCEPT -
15 Foramen of Magendie is located in -
16 Motor area is located in -
17 Broca's area (motor speech) is located in -
18 Visual area is located in -
19 The auditory area is located in -
20 The thickest part of the Corpus callosum is -
21 The orbital surfaces of 2 frontal lobes are connected by -
22 The Forceps major connects the -
23 The corpus callosum connects all parts of Cerebral cortex, EXCEPT -

24 What type of fibres form the Internal capsule?

25 Cerebellum is separated from Pons and Medulla Oblangata by -
26 Circle of Willis is formed by -

27 Which of the following is the nerve of sight?

28 The only cranial nerve which emerges from the dorsal aspect of the brainstem is -
29 Ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid) results from paralysis of which nerve?
30 All of the following are parts of Basal ganglia, EXCEPT -
31 It is a Sickle shaped fold of meningeal layer of Dura matter placed in between two Cerebral Hemisphere.
32 Through which foramen CSF passes from Lateral Ventricle to Third Ventricle?
33 What is the length of Spinal Cord?
34 Which of the following cranial nerve arises from Pons?
35 Which nerve arises from Mid-Brain at the level of Superior Colliculus?

36 In which part of Brain Inferior Olivary nucleus is Located?

37 Which of the following nucleus is not located in grey matter of Cerebellum?
38 Which part of Cerebellum controls the axial musculature and the bilateral movements used for
locomotion and maintenance of equilibrium?
39 Through which communication Third ventricle communicates with fourth Ventricle?
40 On which surface of Cerebral hemisphere Cingulate gyrus is located ?
41 In which lobe of Cerebral Hemisphere the Acoustic Area is Located ?
42 In which lobe of cerebral Hemisphere the Psychomotar Area is located?
43 Which of the following area of Cerebral Hemisphere is called as Broca's Area ?
44 Which of the following part does not belongs to Diencephalon?

45 Which part of the brain functions as Biological Clock of the Body ?

46 Which of the following harmone is synthesised and secreted by Pineal gland or Body?
47 Which part of the Diencephalon is formed by Medial and Lateral Geniculate Body?
48 These are the fibres of white matter of cerebrum which connect different cortical areas of the same
49 Which part of the Internal capsule allows fibres of Auditory radiation to pass through?
50 Which part of the Internal capsule allows fibres of Optic radiation to pass through?
51 What is the Cavity of Diencephalon is called as?
52 Which of the following Nucleus is responsible to receive impulses of Taste?

Rockstar Pandya
Olfactory nerve Optic nerve Oculomotor nerve Trochlear nerve A
Optic nerve Facial nerve Trigeminal nerve Hypoglossal nerve C
Pons Medulla oblangata Midbrain Cerebellum A
Optic nerve Facial nerve Trigeminal nerve Oculomotor nerve B
Optic nerve Trochlear nerve Oculomotor nerve Abducent nerve A
Medulla oblangata Cerebellum Midbrain Pons B
Caudate nucleus Nucleus dentatus Nucleus Globosus Nucleus emboliformis A
Lateral ventricle Third ventricle Fourth ventricle Terminal ventricle C
Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal lobe A
Superior frontal gyrus Middle frontal gyrus Inferior frontal gyrus Superior temporal gyrus C
Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Temporal lobe Occipital lobe D
Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Temporal lobe Occipital lobe C
Genu Rostrum Trunk Splenium D
Rostrum Forceps minor Forceps major Tapetum A
Two frontal lobes Two parietal lobes Two occipital lobes Two temporal lobes C
Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Lower part of Temporal D
Projection fibres Commissural fibres Association fibres All of the above A
Lateral ventricle 3rd ventricle Cerebral aqueduct 4th ventricle D
Posterior Cerebral Anterior Cerebral Anterior and Posterior All of the above D
arteries arteries communicating arteries
Optic nerve Olfactory nerve Oculomotor nerve Opthalmic nerve A
Oculomotor nerve Trochlear nerve Vagus nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve B
Optic nerve Oculomotor nerve Trochlear nerve Abducent nerve B
Caudate nucleus Lentiform nucleus Claustrum Thalamus D
Falx Cerebelli Falx Cerebri Tentorium Cerebelli Diaphragma Sellae B
Foramina of Megendi Foramina of Lushka Foramina of Monro Foramina of Winslow C
18 inches 10 inches 15 inches 12 inches A
Trochlear nerve Vagus Nerve Trigeminal nerve Glassopharyngeal nerve C
Occulomotar nerve Facial Nerve Trochlear nerve Vestibulo-Cocchlear A
Mid Brain Pons Cerebellum Medulla Oblangata D
Dentate nucleus Globose nucleus Ambiguus nucleus Emboliform nucleus C
Pyramid and Uvula Folium and Tuber Culmen and Declive Flocculonodular lobe D
and Lingula
Foramina of Megendi Foramina of Lushka Cerebral aqueduct Central Canal C
Medial Surface Inferior Orbital Inferior Tentorial Superolateral surface A
Temporal Lobe Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe A
Frontal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal Lobe Parietal lobe A
Prefrontal area Premotar area Motar speech area Parietal area C
Pineal body Thalamus Subthalamus Superior and Inferior D
Thalamus Cerebellum Hypothalamus Metathalamus C
Melatonin Vasopressin Oxytocin Mammotrophin A
Epithalamus Metathalamus Hypothalamus Thalamus B
Commisural fibres Projection fibres` Association fibres Anterior Commisure C

Anterior limb Posterior limb Retrolentiform part Sublentiform part D

Posterior limb Sublentiform part Anterior limb Retrolentiform part D
Lateral ventricle Third Ventricle Fourth Ventricle Cerebral Aqueduct B
Dorsal nucleus of Nucleus Ambigus Nucleus of tractus Spinal nucleus of C
Vagus solitarius Trigeminal nerve

Rockstar Pandya

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