Nhsscotland Bim Asset Lifecycle Process Map

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NHS Scotland, Building Information Modelling (BIM) Strategy – Asset Lifecycle Process Map

0 Strategic
1 Preparation
2 Concept
3 Developed
4 Technical
5 Construction
6 Handover &
7 In Use
RIBA Design Design Design Close Out
Definition & Brief

Plan of A B C D E F J K L

Appraisal Design Concept Design Technical Production Mobilisation Construction to Practical Completion Post Practical Completion
Brief Deveopment Design Information

Maps to OGC Maps to OGC Maps to OGC Maps to OGC Maps to OGC Maps to OGC
OGC Phase 0 Phase 1 Phase 2 – Procurement Strategy Phase 3 – Investment decision Phase 4 – Go Live Phase 5 – Benefits Realisation
Gateways Gateway 0 Gateway 1
Written by Health Board
Sanctioned or justification
terminated by CIG

Stage 0 Strategic Stage 1 Initial Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5

Information Agreement (IA) Outline Business Case (OBC) Full Business Case (FBC) Implementation Evaluation
SCIM & Framework
Process Business Planning & Scoping Detailed planning phase Procurement phase Construction Phase Benefits Realisation
of the investment / Prefered solution
To determine the strategic context and prepare the initial To revisit the IA in more detail and identify an option which optimis- To revisit the OBC and record the findings of
Key Stage Objectives agreement (IA) – the scoping stage of the investment including es demonstrably VFM and emphasises sustainability. It sets out the subsequent procurement. Set out
SWOT analysis on available options, risk management register affordability / funding details and supporting procurement strategy. recommendations for an affordable solution.
plus indicative costs.

Phase 0 Phase 1 Economic case (part 2) Economic case Progress Report Dashboard: Cash Flow Programme Export data to
Strategic Case Consideration of Determining value for money Procure the VFM Solution CAFM and AMS
Financial, Commercial &
Management Cases. 1st
Ascertain Draft of Economic Case Commercial case Commercial case Change management / Early Warning Internal and external audit
Scottish Capital Strategic Fit Preparing the potential deal Contracting for the deal

Investment Manual
Establish: Prepare the Financial case Management case Manage Risk Register Benefits register
Business Case Guide Current arrangements initial agreement Ascertain affordability & Funding Requirements Ensuring successful delivery
The need for change
The benefits gained
Benefits link to NHS Explore the preferred Management case Post project evaluation User Evaluation
Scotland’s Strategy way forward Planning for delivery Achievement of benefits
The Solution being
considered to deliver these
benefits Evaluation of existing

Prepare project brief Refine + Fix Confirm delivery of Brief


Design Development
Design development WP design
The attainment of
Statutory Approvals Statutory Approvals
maybe staged to meet
programme requirements

Design freeze &Target Price Agreed

Potential Enabling works

KEY DESIGN 1 2 3 4 5
Early Early Late Late Prior to
in I / A in OBC in OBC in FBC Operation

GROWTH OVER Project Information Model (PIM) Asset Information Model (AIM)
Level of definition established on a project basis set out in MIDP + BIM Proto-

Inforamation Model

Non-Graphical Data

Graphical Model


Graphical Illustration
(building project)

Project Costs
Initial project budget Feasibility cost plan Commitment Cost Contract Sum/ Contract Sum/ Final account
Plan Target Price/ Target Price/
Order of cost estimate Feasibility whole life cost Agreed Maximum Agreed Maximum Price
plan Contractor’s first Price
stage bid submission Pre-construction whole life
Pre-construction cost plan
Detailed whole life whole life cost plan
cost plan

What the model

can be relied upon for Model information Models which communicate A dimensionally correct A dimensionally correct An accurate model of An accurate A continuous record of the asset at a fixed point in time
communicating the brief, the initial response to and co-ordinated and co-ordinated the asset before and record of the incorporating any major changes made since handover,
performance requirements, the brief, aesthetic intent and model which model that can be during construction asset as a including performance and condition data and all
performance benchmarks and outline performance communicates the used to verify incorporating co-ordinated constructed information required for operation and maintenance
site constraints requirements. response to the brief, compliance with specialist subcontract at handover,
aesthetic intent and regulatory design models and including all
The model can be used for some performance requirements. associated model information
early design development, information that can be attributes. required for
analysis and co-ordination. used for analysis, The model can be operation and
Model content is not fixed and design development used as the start point The model can be used
may be subject to further and early contractor for the incorporation of for sequencing of installation
design development. engagement. specialist contractor and capture of as installed
The model can be design models and
The model can be used for used for co-ordination, can include information
co-ordination, sequencing sequencing and that can be used for
estimating purposes fabrication,
including the co-ordination,
agreement of a first sequencing and
stage target price estimating purposes,
including the
agreement of a target
price/ guaranteed
maximum price


BIM opportunity grading
BIM PROCESS Requirements
Develop BIM Strategy
Compile + issue
EIR 1. Capability to deliver PAS 91 and ITT requirements OIR = Organisational Information Requirements NHS Board decision point and information exchange
Appoint Soft Landings
Champion Defined information requirements
Supply chain BIM Including: Proprietary 3D Domain BIMs AIR = Asset Information Requirements
Define BIM and Soft capability assessment Interim PSCP information exchanges
Landing Success Measures PAS 1192-4 COBie
Pre Contract BIM 2D PDFs put from models EIR = Employers Information Requirements
Execution plan developed
by PSCP Federated Record Model
Model outputs also set on protocol Appendix 2 MIDP = Master Information Delivery Plan
Compile BIM MIDP developed by
protocol PSCP 2. Right to use data: BIM Protocol
3. Defined Process for delivery PAS 1192-2 / Information PIM = Project Information Model
Information manager
Post contract BIM
Execution Plan developed Management
4. Agreed Data Exchange: BIM Protocol Appendix 2 PLQ: Plain Language Question
Issue any existing survey or other apposite data P.I.M

Domain + Federated Model (s) Creation + Management Export Data to AMS / CAFM

PLQ PLQ PLQ PLQ Record Model(s)

Client information exchanges (supporting decision making process)

Common Data Environment Established set out in E.I.R including simulation

Model tested against Brief and Operational Strategy

Define Archive Storage Solution Maintain + Adapt AIM



0 Strategic
1 Preparation
2 Concept
3 Developed
4 Technical
5 Construction
6 Handover &
7 In Use
RIBA Design Design Design Close Out
Definition & Brief

Plan of A B C D E F J K L

Appraisal Design Concept Design Technical Production Mobilisation Construction to Practical Completion Post Practical Completion
Brief Deveopment Design Information




STAGE: Late in the IA process when a capital investment STAGE : Early in the OBC process an informal consulta- STAGE: Late in the development of the OBC, when the design is becoming formed but is still open to influence –
project appears to be a serious possibility. tion on site selection and strategic briefing considering: consultation and response to use in Business Case Stage.

Methodology: One of the following – as advised in the response to IA submission.

Methodology: Desktop assessment based on submitted infor- • Site Feasibility Studies or Masterplan • Desktop assessment based on submitted information, supplemented by conversations with project team to clarify any matters.
mation, supplemented by conversations with project team to clar- • ( ≤1:1000). Where a project is one of a series, or a major • Panel assessment, based on submitted information and supplemented by presentation by, and discussion with, project team
ify any matters. development, being considered for a site, a masterplan is • including designers.
required to demonstrate the potential interaction on other
services. Submission requirements
Submission requirements • Analysis of site option(s) ( ≤1:500). in terms of potential for • For all projects
achieving the project’s non-negotiables criteria and bench- • Completed submission proforma identifying key contacts and dates.
• Completed NDAP submission proforma identifying key contacts marks established in the design statement and the inherent • Design Statement , with any updates in benchmarks highlighted.
and dates. design risks (i.e. where the site presents difficulties in achiev- • Evidence of completion of self assessment on design in line with the procedures set out in the design statement.
• Design Statement in line with the enclosed guidance, and a ing the benchmarked standards). • Completed AEDET review at current stage of design development.
note of the persons (name and role) involved in the develop- • List of relevant design guidance to be followed – SHPNs, • Evidence of consultation with Local Authority Planning Department on their approach to site development and alignment with
ment of the statement – i.e. those stakeholders represented in SHTMs, SHFNs, HBNs, HTMs, HFNs, (see section 1.1). Local Development Plan.
the development of both the agreed non-negotiables and the Including a schedule of any key derogations. • Extract from draft OBC detailing benefits and risks analysis (appendix 3 in SCIM).
benchmarks. • Evidence that Activity Data Base (ADB) will be fully utilised • Photographs of site showing broader context.
• Commitment to BREEAM Healthcare during the preparation of the brief and throughout the design • BREEAM Healthcare pre-assessment.
• Initial list of relevant design guidance to be followed – SHPNs, and • Evidence that relevant DDA, Dementia, Health Promotion and Equality requirements has been incorporated.
SHTMs, SHFNs, HBNs, HTMs, HFNs, Activity Data Base (see commissioning process. • Evidence that Activity Data Base (ADB) is being fully utilised during the preparation of the brief and throughout the design and
section 1.1). commissioning process •
• Initial NHS Scotland AEDET or equivalent healthcare Design Information to be provided in an electronic format: • Updated list of relevant design guidance to be followed (see section 1.1) Including a schedule of derogations in relation to these.
Quality Indicator (DQI) to assess /benchmark the existing
facilities, where current clinical service is being delivered. Geometric models: proprietary 3D BIMs with 2D PDFs cut from For capital investment schemes and projects likely to go through Frameworks, HUB or traditional procurement, the following
the models to the above noted levels of definition / scales. information
Information to be provided in an agreed electronic format e.g. • Developed brief.
Word / PDF Non-graphical information to be provided in an agreed • Outline design study showing proposals considered and favoured development option (RIBA Stage 2: Concept design, plus key
electronic format elements at Stage 3: Developed design; e.g. ≤1:200, plus key spaces ≤1:50 ).. Plans should be rendered to distinguish between
main use types (circulation, consult, etc) so that orientation and aspect of areas can be considered.
Info • Outline Design study should be coordinated and include relevant multi-discipline input, including but not limited to: Architecture,
Drop 1 Info Building Services, Structural, Fire, Landscape design concepts; including diagrams and sketches demonstrating the key
Drop 2 proposals to assess alignment with brief.
• BREEAM Healthcare assessment (including relevant energy model information e.g. BRUKL)
• 3D models of design intent for key spaces identified in Design Statement.

For NPD schemes, the following information

• Developed Conventionally Procured Asset Model in line with guidance.
FULL BUSINESS CASE (FBC) Information to be provided in an electronic format:

STAGE : Late in the development of the FBC, when the design is becoming formed but is still open to influence. Geometric models: proprietary 3D BIMs with 2D PDFs cut from the models to the above noted levels of definition / scales. Feder-
Methodology: One of the following – as advised in the NHSScotland Design Assessment Process’s response to the OBC submission: ated model in an agreed format e.g. Industry Foundation Class
• Desktop assessment based on submitted information, supplemented by conversations with project team to clarify any matters.
• Panel assessment, based on submitted information and supplemented by presentation by, and discussion with, project team including Non-graphical information to be provided in an agreed electronic format e.g. COBie as per PAS1192-4
Submission requirements
For all projects
• Completed submission pro-forma identifying key contacts and dates. Info
• Design Statement , with any updates in benchmarks highlighted. Drop 3
• Evidence of completion of self assessment on design in line with the procedures set out in your design statement.
• Extract from draft FBC detailing benefits and risks analysis (appendix 3 in SCIM).
• Completed AEDET review at current stage of design development.
• 3D models of design proposals for key spaces identified in Design Statement.
• Updated list of relevant design guidance to be followed (see section 1.1) and schedule of any derogations in relation to these.
• BREEAM Healthcare assessment (including relevant energy model information e.g. BRUKL)
• Evidence that relevant DDA, Dementia, Health Promotion and Equality requirements has been incorporated.
• Evidence that Activity Data Base (ADB) is being fully utilised during the preparation of the brief and throughout the design and KEY DESIGN INFORMATION EXCHANGE
commissioning process
For capital investment schemes and projects likely to go through all procurement, the following information is required to allow the panel to
establish that the developed proposals are living up to the promise of the outline proposals at OBC stage and that the technical matters are Information as set out in the Employers Information Requirements (EIR)
being addressed.
• Final Design study showing developed proposals (RIBA Stage Stage 3: Developed design, plus key elements at Stage 4: Technical STAGE: Prior to operation
design; e.g. ≤1:200, majority of spaces ≤1:50, plus key elements ≤1:20 ).. Key drawings, (construction details/specs need not be
submitted) including Geometrical models, federated models and linked data e.g. operation and maintenance manuals plus
• Site layout showing wider context and landscape proposals relevant record survey (e.g. point clouds) all with agreed classification.
• Plans rendered to distinguish between use types (circulation, consult)
• Elevations/ Sections showing design in context Non-graphical data – cleansed and mapped to AMS / CAFM systems
• Building Services Report and Layouts
• Structural/ Civil Report and Layouts
• Landscape Report and Layouts Information to be provided in an electronic format:
• Specialist Report and Layouts
• 3D visualisations of the building in context – including key approaches perspectives from a human eye height Geometric models: proprietary 3D BIMs with 2D PDFs cut from the models plus federated model in an agreed format e.g. Industry
• Confirmation of Planning Permission and Building Regulation compliance. Foundation Class

For NPD schemes, the above information, should be partially submitted prior to preferred bidder status to allow an NDAP pre-assess- Non-graphical information to be provided in an agreed electronic format e.g. COBie as per PAS1192-4
ment. This may be used by client and bidders to assist in their selection process of the preferred bidder. Following selection, a FBC Associated record information eg. point cloud surveys.
assessment will be carried out on the preferred bidder’s Final Design Study. However it is anticipated, this could simply be a confirmation
or minor adjustment of the pre-assessment report.
Information to be provided in an electronic format: Info
Drop 5
Geometric models: proprietary 3D BIMs with 2D PDFs cut from the models to the above noted levels of definition / scales. Federated
model in an agreed format e.g. Industry Foundation Class
Non-graphical information to be provided in an agreed electronic format e.g. COBie as per PAS1192-4

Drop 4

Copyright © 2016 D. Philp

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