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 Chapter- The Rise of Nationalism in Europe

By- Maheswar Mahal
Email- Maheswarmahal74at the rate
The Chapter at a Glance
 Theme of Frederic Sorrieu painting- 1848
 French revolution and – idea of Nationalism
 Hindrances for the rise of Nationalism
 Conservatism after 1815- Vienna Agreement
 The Revolutionaries—Mazzini-Carbonari
 Greek war of Independence
 Romantic Imagination
 Revolution of Liberal- 1848
 Unification of Germany /Italy/ Britain
 Visualizing the Nation- Allegory
 Balkan crisis Nationalism and Imperialism
The Dream of Worldwide Democratic and
Social Republic-The Pact Between Nations
Theme of the Print
 The Print was prepared by Frederic Sorrieu in 1848
 His dream was –A world made up Democratic and
Social Republic
 The first print of the series-shows the people of Europe
and America- men and women of all ages and social
classes marching in a long train and offering homage to
the statue of Liberty.
 Artist of the French revolution personified Liberty as a
female figure
 She bears Torch in one had – symbolize enlightenment

 The charter of the Rights of man in other hand
 On the Ground of the image lie the shattered
remains of the symbols of Absolutist Institutions
 Absolutist-a form of monarchical govt. that was
centralized , militarized and repressive
 Utopian Vision-a vision of a society that is so ideal
that it is unlikely to actually exist.
 The people of the world identified through their
flags, and national costumes….
 USA Leading the procession – way past the statue
of Liberty followed by Switzerland, France with
tricolor Flag, Germany bearing black , gold and red
 Germany followed by Austria, the Kingdoms of
Two Sicilies, Lombardy, Poland England. Ireland
Hungary and Russia
 From the haven Christ,saints and angels gaze upon
the scene
 It symbolizes Fraternity.
Europe in 1830s
Europe at Present
Modern state Nation -State
 Centralized power  A Sovereign country
 Sovereign control  A sense of common
 Clearly defined territory Identity
 Shared history
 Commonness
French Revolution of 1789
 France was a full-fledged territorial
state in 1789 under the monarch
 With French revolution ,power
transferred from monarch to a body of
French citizens.
 The French revolution proclaimed that it
was the people who would henceforth
constitute the nation and shapes its
France Created Collective Identity
 Various measures and practices followed
 The ideas of –La patrie- The fatherland
 Le citoyen- the citizens- emphasized the notion of a
united community enjoying equal rights.
 A new French flag-the tricolor-replaced the royal
 The Estate General was elected by the active
citizens and renamed the National Assembly
 New hymns were composed – martyrs were praised
 Centralized administration was formed…….
 Uniformed laws was made for all citizens within
the territory
 Internal customs duties and dues were abolished
 Uniform system of weights and measures was
 Regional dialects were discouraged and French
became the common language of the nation.
 The French declared that it was the mission and the
destiny of the French nation to liberate the people
of Europe from despotism- help the people of
Europe to become a nations
French Armies began to carry the
idea of Nationalism Abroad
 With the changes of France ,the students ,
educated middle caste began setting up
Jacobin clubs

 The French armies moved to Holland

,Belgium, Switzerland and to Italy in 1790s

 The idea of Nationalism spread to other

parts of Europe
Impact of Napoleon Reforms
 Though Napoleon introduced monarchy and
destroyed democracy in France – in the
administrative field he had remarkable change
to make it rational and efficient.
The Civil Code of 1804
 It is also known as Napoleonic Code
 It did away with all privileges based on birth
 Established equality before law
 Secured right to property
 The code also implemented in Dutch Republic,
Switzerland in Italy and Germany
 Napoleon abolished the feudal system and freed the
peasants from serfdom and manorial dues
 In towns guilds restrictions were removed.
 Transport and communication system were improved
 Peasants ,artisans workers and new
businessmen enjoyed freedom
 Businessmen and small producer began to
realize that uniform laws, standardized weights
and measure and a common national currency
would facilitate the goods and service across the
Defeat of Napoleon in 1815
 The areas conquered by Napoleon had mixed reaction
 Initially in many places like Holland , Switzerland and
in the cities like Brussels, Mainz, Milan and Warsaw
the French armies were welcomed
 But the new administration did not go hand in hands
with political changes and freedom , increased taxation
, censorship forced conscription into the French army
made Napoleon unpopular
 At last Napoleon was defected by the European army
in the battle of Water Loo in 1815.
The Making of Nationalism in
Europe( The Mid 18th Century)

 There was no nation state

 Germany, Italy and Switzerland were divided into
kingdoms, duchies, and cantons
 Eastern and central Europe were under autocratic
monarch with diverse peoples
 No collective identities , no common culture- spoke
different language – belongs to different ethnic groups
 Austria- Hungary was combination of different
regions and people
 It includes the Alpine regions-Tyrol-Austria and
Sudetenland- Bohemia- Italian speaking provinces
of Lombardy and Venetia
 In Hungary half of the population spoke Magyar
other spoke variety of dialects
 In Galicia the aristocracy spoke Polish
 A mass of subjects like –Bohemians and Slovaks,
Slovenes, Carniola,Croats Lived in this regions
 Such difference did not promote a sense of unity
 The only tie binding this groups together was a
common allegiance to the Emperor.
The Aristocracy and the New Middle
 Socially and politically a landed aristocracy was the
dominant middle class
 Members of this class were united by a common way
 They owed estate in the country and in towns
 Spoke French for purpose of diplomacy and high
 Majority of population was made of up peasantry
 Industrialization began in England but in France and
Germany it began in 19th century
 New working groups came up as middle classes-
made up of industrialist ,businessman and
 Among the educated liberals middle classes that the
idea of national UNITY gained popularity
Liberal Nationalism
 Liberalism derived from Latin root liber means- Free
 For the new middle class it stood for freedom for
individuals and equality of all before law
 Politically ,it means government by consent
 Universal adult franchise for equality
 Women did not get right to vote in France
 Economic liberalism stands for freedom of market and
abolition of state imposed restriction
 In 1834 a custom union Zolleverin was formed to
abolish trade barriers- reduced 30 currency to 2
Conservatism - 1815
 Conservatism stood for the importance of traditional
Institutions of state and society like monarchy ,social
 A modern army, efficient bureaucracy, dynamic
economy, abolition of feudalism and serfdom could
strengthen the autocratic govt. In 1815, Britain ,
Russia, Prussia and Austria defeated Napoleon
 Treaty of Vienna was signed with undoing most of
the changes during Napoleon

 The Bourbon dynasty restored to France

 A series of states were set up on the boundaries of
 Kingdom of Netherland was set up in North ,
Germany confederation was untouched
 Russia was given a part of Poland , Prussia was given
 They imposed censorship on on news
papers,books,songs, reflecting idea of liberty and
The Revolutionaries
 Following 1815, fear of repression drove many
liberals nationalist to go underground
 Secret societies were formed to train the
 Believed creation of nation state
 Giuseppe Mazzini became member of Carbonary
 Secret societies were formed in
Germany,France,Switzerland and Poland
 Mazzini founded Young Italy in Marseilles and
Young Europe in Berne
The Age of Revolution:1830-1848
 Liberalism and Nationalism were associated with
revolutions in many regions of Europe
 Liberal Nationalist – educated middle
class,professors,school teachers, clerks and
 In July 1830 Bourbon dynasty was overthrown by
liberal revolutionaries, Set up constitutional monarchy
with Louis Philippe as head
 Metternich said-when France sneezes the rest of
Europe catches cold
 The July Revolution sparked an uprising in Brussels
which led to Belgium breaking away from the United
Kingdom of the Netherland
 Greece had been a part of Ottoman Empire since 15th
century became independent with the support of
 Poets and artist described Greek as the cradle of
European civilization
 The English poet Lord Byron organized funds and
fought in the war –died of fever-1824
 1832- The treaty of Constantinople recognized Greece
as an independent Nation
The Romantic Imagination and
National Feeling
 Romanticism a cultural Movement – sought to develop
 Nationalist sentiments
 Romantic artists focused on emotion rather than reason
and science
 Wanted to create shared collective heritage
 German philosopher Johann Gottofried Herder felt
German culture can be discussed from common folks
 Emphasis was given on vernacular language,, local
 Poland was partitioned and divided amongst Russia,
Prussia and Austria
 The armed revolt Poland in 1831 against Russia
 Many polish bishops were put in jail for using polish
 Russia suppressed the polish Language
Hunger ,Hardship and Popular Revolt
 1830s year of economic hardship in Europe
 population increased, more seeker of jobs,
 Stiff competition from machine made goods from
England to small producers
 Peasants struggled under of burden of feudal dues
 1848- food shortage unemployed came to street
 A national assembly proclaimed a republic , granted
suffrage to all adult male and provide right to work
 In 1845 wavers in Silesia had revolt against contractors
1848- The Revolution of Liberals

 1848, a revolution led by educated middle class-

demanded for the creation of a nation state on
Parliamentary Principles
 In Germany regions All German National Assembly
was formed
 In 1848. 831 elected representative came to
Frankfurt decided to vote for an all German
National Assembly
 It was convened in the church of St. Paul- drafted a
constitution for German nation- Headed by
Monarchy subject to Parliament
 Friedrich Wilhelm IV , King of Prussia rejected it
and joined with other monarch to opposed it
 Troops were called to disband the Assembly
 Women were denied the political rights, in Frankfurt
Parliament women were in visitors gallery
 In 1848 n autocratic monarch began to introduce
Germany Unification
 Nationalist feelings were widespread among the
middle –class Germans who tried in 1848to unite
the different regions of German confederation in to
a nation state.
 The liberal initiative to nation building was
represented by the combined force of the monarchy
and the military supported by the large land owner
called –Junkers of Prussia
 Prussia took on the leadership of the movement for
national unification
 Prussia Chief Minister Otto Von Bismarck was the architect
of the this process carried out with the help of Prussian
Army and bureaucracy.
 Three wars over seven years with Austria, Denmark and
France ended in Prussia victory and completed the process of
 In January 1871, the Prussian King William I was
proclaimed the German emperor in a ceremony held at
 On the bitter cold morning of 18 Jaunty 1871, an assemblies
comprising of the princes of the German states ,
representatives of the army , Prussian ministers including the
chief minister Otto von Bismarck gathered in the Hall of
Mirror in the palace of Versailles to declare the new German
empire headed by Kaiser William I of Prussia
Germany Nation Building Process
 In the nation building process Prussia dominated

 The New state placed a strong emphasis on

modernizing the currency, banking,legal and
judicial system in Germany.

 Prussian measures and practice often became a

model for the rest of Germany.
Italy Unified
 Italian were scattered over several dynasties states as
well as the multi-national Hapsburg Empire.
 During the middle of the 19th century ,Italy was divided
into seven states ,of which only one Sardinia- Piedmont
was ruled by an Italian princely house
 The north was under Austrian Habsburg, the Centre
was ruled by the Pope and the southern region were
under the domination of the Bourbon King of Spain,
 Italian Language had not acquired one common form
and still had many regional and local variations
 During 1830s Giuseppe Mazzini had sought to put
together a coherent program for Unitary Italian
 He formed a secret society called Young Italy for
the Dissemination of his goals.
 The revolutionary uprising in 1831 and 1848 was
 Sardinia Piedmont under its ruler King Victor
Emmanuel II took initiative to unified Italy
 Chief Minister Cavour who led the movement to
unify the Region of Italy was neither a
revolutionary nor a democrat. Spoke French much
better than Italian
 Through a tactful diplomatic alliance with France
engineered by Cavour , Sardinia- Piedmont
succeeded in defeating the Austrian forces in 1859.
 with troops and volunteers Mazzini in 1860,
marched into south Italy and the Kingdom of the
Two Sicillies succeeded wining the support of the
local people derived the Spanish rulers .
 In 1861 Victor Emmanuel II was proclaimed king
of united Italy.

 The peasants mass who had supported Garibaldi

in southern Italy had never heard of Italia, and
believed that LaTalia was Victor Emmanuel's wife.
Britain Became Nation State
 Britain was a model of Nation State
 There was no British nation prior to the 18th
 The various ethnic composition of Britain were-
English,Welsh,Scot or Irish having own cultural
and political Traditions.
 The English Nation steadily grew in wealth,
importance and power and became able to
extend its influence over the other nations of the
 The English Parliament ,which had seized
power from the monarchy in 1688 became the
centre for the formation of nation state.
 The Act of Union in 1707 between England
and Scotland resulted in the formation of
United Kingdoms of Great Britain
 England was able to impose its influence on
 The British parliament was dominated by the
English Members
 Scotland culture systematically dismantled
 The revolt by the Catholics Scottish Highland was
 The Scottish Highlanders were forbidden to speak
their Gaelic language or wear their national dress
and large numbers were forcibly driven out of their
 Ireland was a country deeply divided between
Catholics and Protestants
 Catholic revolts against British dominance were
 After a failed revolt led by Wolfe Tone and his …
 United Irishmen in 1798. Ireland was forcibly
incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801.
 A new British nation was forged through the new
Britain-The British Flag( Union Jack),the national
anthem(God save Our Noble King) the English
language actively promoted and the older nations
survived only as subordinate partners in this union.
Visualizing the Nation
 Artist in the 18th century and 19th century found a way
out by personifying a nation.
 Nations were then portrayed as female figures
 Object was to give the abstract idea of the nation a
concrete form
 The female figure became the allegory of the nation.
The French artist used the female allegory to portray
idea such as Liberty, Justice and the Republic.
 The attributes of Liberty are the red cap, or the broken
chain, while Justice is generally a blindfolded women
carrying a pair of weighing scales.
 To represent the Nation – Female Allegory was christened
Marianne, a popular Christian name, which underlined the
idea of a people’s nation
 Her characteristic were drawn from those of Liberty and the
Republic-the red cap, the tricolor, the cockade.
 Marianne images were marked on coins and stamps and
erected in public places.
 Germania became the allegory of the German nation. In
visual representations, Germania wear a crown of oak, as
the German oak stands for heroism.
Nationalism and Imperialism
 In the last quarter of the 19th century nationalism no
longer retained its idealistic liberal – democratic
sentiments – became ready to go for war
 The most serious nationalist tension in Europe erupted
in 1871, in Balkan regions
 The Balkan was a region of geographical and ethnic
variation comprising modern – day
osnia-Herzegovina,Slovenia,Serbia and Montenegro
was under the control of Ottoman Empire
 The idea of romanticism and nationalism in the Balkan
together with the disintegration of the Ottoman
Empire made this region very explosive.
 the modernization and the internal reforms by
ottoman ruler had little success
 One by one European subjects broke away from its
control and declared independence.
 The Balkan people used history to prove that they had
once been independent but had subjugated by the
foreign power and tried to brought their lost glory.
 The Balkan areas became an area of intense conflict ,the
Balkan states were fiercely jealous of each other and hoped
to gain territory at the expense of the others
 Balkan became the scene of big power rivalry
 The rivalry were very evident in the way the Balkan problem
 Each power Russia, Germany, England Austro-Hungry
were keen on contesting the hold of other powers over the
Balkans that led to series of wars in the other regions finally
the first world war in 1914CE.
 Thanks

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