AC3155 - Subject - 10863 - Control System Engineering - 6 ME 03 - Year - B.E. Sixth Semester (Mechanical Engineering) (CGS) Winter 2022

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Sixth Semester (Mechanical Engineering) (CGS) Winter 2022

10863 : Control System Engineering - 6 ME 03
P. Pages : 3 AC - 3155
Time : Three Hours *1984* Max. Marks : 80
Notes : 1. All question carry equal marks.
2. Answer three question from Section A and three question from Section B.
3. Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
5. Retain the construction lines.
6. Illustrate your answer necessary with the help of neat sketches.
7. Use of slide rule logarithmic tables, Steam tables, Mollier's Chart, Drawing
instrument, Thermodynamic table for moist air, Psychrometric Charts and
Refrigeration charts is permitted.
8. Use of semi log & graph paper is permitted.
9. Use of pen Blue/Black ink/refill only for writing the answer book.


1. a) What is transfer function? Explain its significance. 6

b) Obtain the transfer function of the signal flow graph as shown in Fig. 1. 7

G1 G2 G3 G4

-H3 Fig. 1


2. a) Distinguish between open loop system & closed loop system. Give at least two examples of 6
each system.

b) Using block diagram reduction techniques, find the transfer function of the system as shown 7
in Fig. 2.

R(s) + + C(s)
G1 G2 G3
+_ + _ _ +



AC - 3155 1 P.T.O
3. a) What are the effects of adding derivative control action on system performance. 4

b) Sketch & explain pneumatic proportional controller. Derive its transfer function & draw its 9
block diagram.


4. Sketch & explain Hydraulic PID controller. Draw its block diagram & find its transfer 13

5. a) The open loop transfer function of ufb system is given by – 9

G (s ) =
s ( TS + 1)
i) By what factor should amplifier gain K be multiplied so that damping ratio increases
from 0.25 to 0.75?
ii) By what factor should k be multiplied so that maximum overshoot of step response is
reduced from 80% to 25%?

b) The control system is having 5

G (s ) =
s (1 + 4s )(1 + s )
Determine static error coefficient.


6. a) Derive an expression for unit step response of a second order system with transfer function. 8
c (s) w 2n
R ( s ) s 2 + 2  w n s + w n2
when 0    1 .

b) A second order system is given by- 6

c (s) 25
R ( s ) s + 6s + 25

Find its rise time, peak time, peak overshoot & settling time if subjected to unit step input.


7. a) For a unity feedback system the open loop transfer function is given by 13
G (s) =
( )
s ( s + 2 ) s2 + 6s + 25

i) Sketch root locus for 0  k   .

ii) At what value of ‘k’ the system becomes unstable.

iii) At this point of instability determine the frequency of oscillation of the system.


AC - 3155 2
8. Sketch the root locus for 13
G (s ) H (s ) =
s ( s + 2 )( s + 4 )
Evaluate the value of ‘k’ at which system becomes unstable. Also find frequency at that
value of k.

9. Draw the Bude plot for the transfer function 14

16 (1 + 0.5s )
G (s) =
(1 + 0.125s )(1 + 0.1s )
from the graph determine.
i) Phase cross over freq.
ii) Gain cross over freq.
iii) Phase margin
iv) Gain margin &
v) Stability of the system.


10. Draw the Bode plot of the system having transfer function 14
G (s) =
s ( 2 + s )(1 + 0.2s )(1 + 0.25s )
determine gain margin & phase margin & stability of the system.

11. Sketch & explain speed control system for prime movers. Draw its block diagram & find 13
its transfer function.


12. Explain armature controlled D.C. motor with neat sketch. Draw its block diagram & find 13
its transfer function.


AC - 3155 3 P.T.O
AC - 3155 4

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