BLPL-IMS-4.0 Context of The Organization-V1.0

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Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd

Context of the Organization

Doc ID: BLPL-IMS-4.0
Issue Date: 14-04-2023
Version: 1.0
Latest Date: 14-04-2023

Document Classification: Internal

Version: 1.0
Dated: 14 April 2023
Document Owner: CEO

Prepared By Reviewed By Approved By
Name Date Name Date Name Date
Mr. Muhammad 14-04-2023 Mr. Mufaddal 14-04- Mr. Feryuz Patel 14-04-2023
Ally Indorewala 2023

Revision History

Version Date Revision Author Summary of changes

1.0 14-04-2023 NA Document Creation
Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd

Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd is committed to ensuring the compliance of its quality and information security
management system and has implemented an Integrated Management System (IMS) that is compliant with
ISO 9001:2015 & ISO/IEC 27001:2013.
The purpose of this document is to describe the way the business operates, and the internal and external
factors influencing it. This will allow the most appropriate level of measures to be put in place to reduce the
level of risk and to ensure that plans are available and tested to manage the impact of any interruptions
that do occur.
This document sets out;
a. The context of the organization
b. Interested parties relevant to the IMS
c. External and internal issues relevant to the purpose of the organization

 ISO 9001:2015 & ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Clause 4
 Interested parties register
 QMS & ISMS Objectives and Plan
 QMS & ISMS Policy
 Risk assessment & treatment records
 Scope document
 Continual Improvement Process

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Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd

Context of the Organization

Given the fast-moving nature of the business and the markets in which it operates the context will
change over time, the QMS & ISMS will also be updated to cater for the implications of such changes.
The organizational context of Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd is set out in the following sections.

1.1. Activates
Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd is a Courier Services company headquartered in Mumbai, India, that
comprises of a team of expert professionals who thrive on great product ideas and exciting
projects that look to bring innovative changes in the world. We ideate, create and execute
exceptional digital products that revolutionize the face of modern business.
1.2. Functions
Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd consists of the following organizational functions:
 Courier Services
 shipping documents and parcels
 Provide Logistics Service all over India

1.3. Services/Product
Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd offers Courier Company, shipping documents and parcels all over India
Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd has policies and processes for engaging suppliers/vendors and partnering with
other organizations which complement its own offerings and bring increased benefits to its customers.
The list of suppliers, vendors and partners affiliated to Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd has been defined and
documented in the Interested parties register V 1.0 and the Supplier Database V 1.0.

3.0. Internal and External Issues

With regard to the Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd business itself, there are a number of internal factors that
create uncertainty that gives rise to risk. These general internal uncertainty factors will be considered
in more detail as part of the risk management process.

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Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd

These include:


Top Management  Lack of communication  Internal communication
 Leadership support channels Standards and
 Resource unavailability reference models
 Key skills and staff training  Existing management systems

 Pace of technologies Resource capabilities and

 Expansion of customer base knowledge

 Cash flow  Perceptions

 Employee Welfare  Policies and objectives

 Information and data
 Governance structure
Employees  Lack of communication  Internal communication
 Resource unavailability channels
 Key skills and staff training  Standards and reference
 Pace of Technologies models

 Expansion of customer base  Existing management systems

 Employee Welfare  Resource capabilities and

 Staff Attrition knowledge

 Perceptions
 Policies and objectives
 Governance structures
 Information and data

Contractors (Internal & External  Contractual relationships  Internal communication

suppliers)  Resource unavailability channels
 Cash flow  Resource capabilities and
 Health and safety Knowledge
 Standards and reference
 Perceptions
 Future opportunities
 Policies and objective

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Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd

With regards to the external environment in which Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd operates, there are a number of
external factors that create uncertainty that gives rise to risk. These general external uncertainty factors will be
considered in more detail as part of the risk management process.

These include:


Suppliers Providing Internet Service  Service Downtime  Technological
 Legal & Regulatory
 Support Issue  Communication Channels
 Breach of agreement  Supply Chains Commitment
 and Relationship
Suppliers Providing others services  Service Downtime  Service Downtime
 Support Issue
e.g Consulting  Support Issue
 Breach of agreement
 Breach of agreement  Data Protection
 Data Protection
General Public (Customers,  Data Protection  Legal and Regulatory
 Supporting Technology  Technological
Shareholders, and Investors)
 Infrastructure  Economic
 Product Awareness  Natural and Competitive
 Product Acceptance  Risk Drivers
 Supplier failure  Public perception
 Environmental risk e.g
Flood, Heavy rainfall,
 Epidemic e.g Covid

Government  Government policy changes  Political

 Government instability  Social and Cultural
 Penalty from non-
 Economic
remittance of Tax
 Public Perception
Regulators  Compliance to regulation  Legal & Regulatory
 Penalty for flouting of the  Financial
 rules governing the
 Regulatory changes
Competitors  Increasing competition  Technological
 Automation and digital  Financial
 Economic
 Competitive
 Risk drivers

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Bombax Logistics Pvt Ltd

Media  Brand Image  Public Perception
 Social and Cultural
Emergency Services  Response time delay  Risk Drivers
 Support issues  Communication Channels
Electricity Distribution Company  Support Issues  Risk Drivers
 Supplier failure  Communication Channels
Employee dependent  Response time delay  Public perception
 Unavailability  Legal and Regulatory
 Communication Channels

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