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Title: Half-Life 2 Episode 4: Reckoning

Chapter 1: Injection.

[The screen fades in to reveal Corporal Adrian Shepherd standing in a dimly lit
room. The sound of echoing footsteps fills the space as the enigmatic G-Man
approaches Shepherd.]

G-Man: [In his usual cryptic tone] Ah, Corporal Shepherd, it seems fate has brought
us... together once more. Your services are required for a.. delicate matter.

G-Man: There's a place, a...uh town shrouded in darkness, where the lines between
the living and the..uh dead blur. Ravenholm. You are to go there, Corporal, and
uncover what lies within its depths for even I am blinded by it.

G-Man: [With a faint smile] Remember, Shepherd, your actions will shape the course
of events coming forward. Choose wisely.

[Shepherd navigates through the narrow streets of Ravenholm, encountering hordes of

zombies and twisted creatures. He fights his way through, using a pipe wrench he
found to break through a boared up door and a USP Match from a corpse he

Chapter 2: Welcome to Ravenholm.

[He hears distant gunshots and follows the sound to find a familiar monk holed up
in an abandoned building and Maniacal Laughter as a headcrab zombie is shot with a

[Corporal Shepherd finds himself in the desolate streets of Ravenholm, where the
eerie presence of Father Grigori greets him.]

Father Grigori: [With a gleam in his eye] Ah, a new soul wandering into my humble
abode. Welcome, my friend. The darkness here is thick, but fear not, for I shall
guide you through it.

Shepherd: [Nods in acknowledgment]

[Shepherd loiters as Girgori fortifies the Church while rambling on about his

[An assault of Zombies occurs causing Adrian Shepherd to recieve the SPAS 12 given
by Grigori, however this assault is too powerful, causing Grigori and Shepherd to

Chapter 3: Medical Revelation.

[As Shepherd and Father Grigori navigate through the twisted alleys and abandoned
buildings of Ravenholm, they come across a former hospital overrun with Zombie
Monkeys from experiments done by Grigori.]

Father Grigori: [Drawing his shotgun] Watch your step, son. These creatures have a
taste for fresh meat.

Shepherd: [Readies his weapons, prepared for the onslaught]

Father Grigori: You know, I had initially been working to make a possible cure for
those afflicted with this Infection, yet I've come to the conclusion that the only
cure for this Pathogen is a shot to the head.
[Shepherd discovers an MP5K which aids greatly for the future fight he will face]

Father Grigori: Shepherd, I must confess something. You a

[After a fierce battle, Shepherd and Father Grigori reach the heart of the
hospital, only to discover a horrifying truth. Father Grigori begins to exhibit
symptoms of infection, slowly transforming into a monstrous Zombie.]

Father Grigori: [His voice distorted, filled with agony] Shepherd, you must...
flee. I am lost to this... darkness.

Shepherd: [Determined, but conflicted]

[Shepherd fights his way through the hordes of undead, grappling with the moral
dilemma of leaving Father Grigori behind. Eventually, he reaches the outskirts of
Ravenholm, where the Ravenholm Ports offer a slim chance of escape.]

Shepherd: [Looks back at the decaying city, steeling himself for what lies ahead]

Ending Scene:

[Corporal Shepherd steps through the threshold of the Ravenholm Ports, leaving the
horrors of the town behind. As the gates close behind him, he casts one final
glance back, haunted by the memory of Father Grigori's sacrifice.]

Shepherd: [Quietly vows to honor Father Grigori's memory]

[The screen fades to black, leaving the fate of Ravenholm and its inhabitants
shrouded in uncertainty.]

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