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A. Fill in the gaps.


B. Complete the chart with the adjectives from part A.

-ness -ion -ence -ty


1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the word.

The ___________ person of my family is my brother; he’s always acting before thinking.
Try not to let your _____________ and irritability with others affect the rest of your day.

Nervous/ Nervousness
I am really ___________ when I’m with you, I can’t look at your eyes.
His ________________ was very clear to all those present in Mary’s birthday.

Now, is your turn. Choose 5 adjectives with their nouns and create two sentences.
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1. Choose the correct answer.
1. She (could walk / could have walked) before she was a year old.
2. The party was supposed to be a secret. You (shouldn’t say / shouldn’t have said) anything.
3. I’m not sure, but I (might leave / might have left) early tonight.
4. I’m not afraid to go alone. You (needn’t have come / needn’t come) with me.
5. It’s late. You (must be / must have been) very tired.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use a modal perfect.
1. Nobody told her anything about the argument. She ....................................... (know) about it.
2. We arrived too early. We ....................................... (be) in such a hurry.
3. She ....................................... (leave) the office because her coat and bag aren’t here.
4. I ....................................... (drive) to work, but the weather was so nice that I decided to walk.
5. It’s possible that I ....................................... (forget) to tell Joe about the meeting.
6. You ....................................... (call) her on her birthday. She never forgets to call you.

3. Rewrite each sentence using a modal or modal perfect. There may be more than one answer.
1. It isn’t necessary for them to finish the job tonight.
They ......................................................................................................................
2. It’s possible that I took your jacket by mistake.
I ......................................................................................................................
3. That man knows how to speak four languages.
That man ......................................................................................................................
4. I didn’t wear a sunhat, and now my head hurts.
My head hurts. I ......................................................................................................................
5. It rained last night so the grass is wet.
It ...................................................................................................................... . The grass is wet.
6. The man you saw wasn’t Jack. He’s been abroad since the summer.
You ......................................................................................................................


PRACTICE (Exercises p.169):
A. Choose the correct option in italics.
1. The sun’s very strong today, so if you don’t sit in the shade, you ________ badly burnt.
2. If you mix oxygen and hydrogen together, you ___________ water.
3. A lot of wild animals tend to attack if they ____________ scared.
4. When the manager is out of the office, her personal assistant ____________ all her calls.
5. ____________ the weather doesn’t improve significantly; we’ll have to postpone the
6. You ____________a fortune in the lottery unless you buy a ticket.

B. Complete the sentences with the first or second conditional form of the verbs.
1. If he____________ (be) late, we ____________ (have to) leave without him.
2. If I ____________ (be) you, I ____________ (buy) that computer.
3. If you ____________ (come) this way, the doctor ____________ (see) you now.
4. If I ____________ (have) more money, I ____________ (not be) here now.
5. Provided you ____________ (study) hard, you ____________ (pass) the exam.
6. I ____________ (buy) a new Ferrari, if I ____________ (win) the lottery.

C. Find and correct the sentences with mistakes.

1 I would sleep more peacefully if the neighbours stop having parties late at night.
2 We take a taxi to get to the hotel from the airport if our flight arrives late.
3 Babies usually only cry when they are hungry, thirsty or wet.
4 If she doesn’t go on the excursion, I will either.
5 We definitely will cancel the beach party unless it pours with rain.
6 If you weren’t so stubborn, we wouldn’t have so many rows.

D. Complete the sentences with an appropriate conditional form using the verb in brackets.
1. The current is extremely strong today, so if you don’t stay in close proximity to the coast, you
____________ (get) carried out to sea.
2. You can dehydrate and die if you ____________ (not drink) water for three or four days.
3. If you ____________ (take) a seat in the waiting room, the dentist ____________ (call) you
in a few minutes.
4. Even if I ____________ (have) loads of spare cash, I can assure you that I ____________
(not be) interested in booking one of those low-budget, package holidays. They don’t appeal to
5. Provided you ____________ (train) in a committed way, you ____________ (attain) the level
of fitness you aspire to.
6. Female bears don’t usually attack humans unless they ____________ (have) their cubs with
7. If the weather hadn’t improved, our holiday ____________ (ruin).
8. It was obvious that you ____________ (not get) the job unless you ____________ (apply) for

- You must write clear paragraphs that deal with content points and develop
straightforward ideas.
- Check again the structure of the email.
o Hi Alfred,
o Paragraph 1- How are you? Information about the last letter send by him and
mention the reason why you’re writing to them. (I’m writing this letter to tell
you how …)
o Paragraph 2 – Talk about 1st bullet point with supporting details
o Paragraph 3 – Talk about 2nd bullet point with supporting details
o Paragraph 4 – Talk about 3rd bullet point with supporting details
o See you soon
o Warm Regards
o (Your First name only)

Hi Anna,
Hope you’re doing great. I treasure the weekend spent with you. I’m filled with glee whenever I
think about the time we spent together.
You’ve got a beautiful house. I was very impressed. I loved the varying shades of red that
you’ve painted your kitchen in. The bamboo planted near the window side adds to the beauty of
the kitchen. It is believed that bamboo brings positive vibrations and I hope it does.
Also, you cook amazingly well. The cake you baked was my favourite even though I loved your
lemon tart. The icing on the cake was amazing. Having had the cake with the light of an incense
candle was beautiful. It’s a memory that I would never forget. I gobbled up about three fourths
of the cake and it was really kind of you to let me. Thank you!
I hope to meet you again, very soon. You should come stay with me in Alaska. I’ll try making
strawberry tarts, your favourite, though I am a disaster in the kitchen. Don’t hesitate to visit. I’m
eagerly waiting for your arrival.
Looking forward to seeing you
- You could include interrogative and exclamative sentences as informal elements.
- I would suggest you to not use bro (too informal and not used in written format).
- Be careful with using Spanish words such as problema.
- Too short! You must include more information.
- You need to include some complexity on your vocabulary and grammar.
- You could add connectors or linking words or even more adjectives.
- Remember to always plan and check your writing.

- You could invent the reader’s name.

- Too short again! You must include more information.
- Mistakes – If you are not completely short of a word, do not put it in your writing:
o In order to..
o States
o I would like to know …
o university. For example, (Divide your ideas into sentences)

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