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_________ is a relevant topic which is really present in our daily life and more a more people
concerned about this. In reference to this point, we can find some advantages and

Currently, _________ affect more and more to students/people…. It is present in their daily life,
and it can be positive or negative for different reasons.


On the one hand, one of the most important advantages that we can see is __________
(decir,explicar y poner un ejemplo)

Another relevant advantage would be ___________ (decir,explicar y poner un ejemplo).

On the other hand, we also have to consider some disadvantages like for example ________
(decir,explicar y poner un ejemplo).


In conclusion, weighing ups and downs, I believed that _______ (hacer una conclusion general
sobre lo que hemos dicho en el desarrollo)


On the one hand/On the contrary/ In contrast/ in comparison/ however / alternatively/




In today's complex and interconnected world, one issue that consistently sparks debate and
raises critical questions is [tema del ensayo]. I will share my perspective on [tema] and provide
compelling reasons why I firmly believe that [tu opinión sobre el tema].


• 2nd/3rd Conditional
• Passive Voice – Perfect sentences
• Relative Clauses
• Inversions
• Modals- Advanced ones
• Formal verbs instead of phrasal verbs


1. **Conjunctions (Conjunciones):**

- Nevertheless

- Furthermore

- Nonetheless

- Moreover

- Consequently

- Nevertheless

- Nonetheless

2. **Transition Words (Palabras de Transición):**

- Subsequently

- Inevitably

- Conversely

- Accordingly

- Simultaneously

- Notwithstanding

- Conversely

3. **Cause and Effect (Causa y Efecto):**

- Hence

- Thus

- Consequently

- Owing to

- As a result

- Consequently

- On account of
4. **Comparisons (Comparaciones):**

- Similarly

- Likewise

- In comparison

- In a similar vein

- By the same token

- In a similar fashion

- On the contrary

5. **Contrast (Contraste):**

- Conversely

- On the other hand

- In contrast

- Nevertheless

- Conversely

- Conversely

- On the contrary

6. **Emphasis (Énfasis):**

- Indeed

- Notably

- Remarkably

- Significantly

- Particularly

- Especially

- Undoubtedly

7. **Qualification (Calificación):**

- To a certain extent

- In some respects

- Arguably
- Relatively

- In part

- To some degree

- With reservations

8. **Opinion Phrases (Frases de Opinión):**

- In my humble opinion

- From my standpoint

- It is my contention that

- I am of the belief that

- I am inclined to think that

- As far as I'm concerned

- To the best of my knowledge

9. **Intensifiers (Intensificadores):**

- Absolutely

- Utterly

- Completely

- Exceedingly

- Profoundly

- Remarkably

- Incredibly

10. **Speculation and Uncertainty (Especulación e Incertidumbre):**

- Presumably

- Conceivably

- Hypothetically

- Ostensibly

- Putatively

- It stands to reason

- In all likelihood
11. **Concluding Phrases (Frases de Conclusión):**

- In conclusion

- To sum up

- To recapitulate

- In closing

- All things considered

- Ultimately

- To wrap it up

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