I'm Robot

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I’m Robot (Demo Version) Setting: The Galaxy!

By Shane Hosea
You are an Android stationed aboard the G.U.S. _______ (you
Hark Forsooth Games get to name it), a mid-sized a Factotum-Class ship designed
as a workhorse for the Galactic Union.

Androids are a new species created by a mysterious spacial

What Is this? anomaly that ripped through the galaxy 20 years ago. Machines
built by other species across the galaxy suddenly gained
sentience after being bathed in a shimmering silver light.
This is a 1-player journaling RPG. If you’ve Why did this happen? Who knows! But suddenly governments
never played one before, it basically means that across known space had to deal with billions of new citizens.
instead of a Game Master telling you what
happens next, you’ll get a series of randomly You were awoken in the Galactic Union, a coalition space-
drawn prompts and write down your choices. This faring nations focused on exploration and diplomacy. In an
effort to ease Androids into Union society, a new position
gives you the freedom to connect narrative dots, was created on every ship in the fleet. Those Androids that
learn about your character and tell a long-form didn’t want to just stay a food processor or whatever, could
story that you can enjoy later. serve a period of time on a ship. There they could learn
about the world, and the species that populate it, until they
I’m Robot uses a deck of cards to generate its ultimately decide what they want to do with their newfound
characters and story prompts, so be sure you
have one- freshly shuffled and at the ready!
Otherwise you’ll need some paper or a notebook The Galactic Union
and something to write with.
The Union was founded centuries ago after a long and painful
conflict between the Ranna Alliance and the Lacerine Empire
You’ll start by creating your Android, and some was ended after diplomatic intervention by the Plasmodi
Key Crewmates that will play important roles in Collective. These three great star-nations united under a
your story. Then you’ll play out the Premier single banner of cooperation and protection. Eventually other
Episode, acting as your first official Log entry. planets and species would join, including the adaptable and
This will establish your primary relationships quick moving Humans of the planet Earth.
to the Key Crewmates.
The Galactic Union is dedicated to protecting its boarders,
and exploring unknown space- extending the hand of friendship
Afterward you’ll generate a number of Episodes, to new forms of intelligence wherever it is found. Prominent
each consisting of an A Plot (more adventure member species include-
focused) and a B Plot (more character focused).
You’ll determine which one you’re primarily
involved in, and play it out. This demo version The Ranna- An amphibious
has enough for 4 of these Episodes. species known for their
territorial nature, and flashy
ceremonial combat rituals. The
Finally you’ll play through a special two-part backbone of the Galactic Union
Season Finale in which the status-quo will be military, they’re excellent
shaken up and you’ll have an opportunity for weapon designers. ~7 feet
your character to move on from their position tall, and broad.
and take anew place in the galaxy!

Get ready to tell YOUR story, You Robot!

The Lacerine- A cold blooded The Astro Conglomerate- When the Humans
bipedal species covered in of Earth voted to join the Galactic
brilliant scales and feathers. Union, the independent Mars colony
Balance the fire of the other disagreed- vehemently. Instead it used
Union members with considered its considerable wealth to contact
rationality. Utilitarians at disparate small star-nations from across
heart, they maintain their Union Space and make them an offer- join
membership mostly for security with them, and live a freer, more
purposes. ~5-6 feet tall, lean laissez-faire life. From that point they
builds. reorganized themselves behind a powerful
Human CEO, and have been in a state of
cold war with the Union ever since. Sees
The Plasmodi- A fungal the Union as its greatest rival.
species, resembling an
amorphous slime. Work in The Hortus Empire- A quickly
colonies, some as large as ¾ expanding empire of a photosynthetic
of a planet’s surface. Work in species that discovered its various
much smaller groups aboard pollens and pheromones create an
Union ships, as many of them intoxication (and highly addictive)
are designed by Humans. Use effect on most sentient species-
specialized exo-suits to especially the amphibious Ranna.
interact with machines Using a combination of subterfuge,
designed for less slime-based espionage, and their unique biology,
organisms. Sizes/builds vary, they have spread their influence wide.
psionic. They pose little military threat, but
often hire mercenaries when needed.
The Humans- A warm blooded, Sees the Union as a potential target.
quick-reproducing species, Minor Powers
somewhat hairless for
mammalians. Passionate and
decisive, most follow a strong The Roswell Greasers- A nomadic band of pirates, hot-rodders
personal code. Their homeworld and daredevils. Once a society dedicated to science and quiet
has joined the Union, but not observation until they encountered a specific subculture of
all Human planets have been as Earth in the 1950’s. Now their pale gray skin is covered in
amenable. ~5-6 feet tall, leather, their large black eyes hidden behind sunglasses, and
various builds. their bald heads adorned with slicked-back, midnight black
hair. Sees the Union as a bunch of squares, in need of a kick
in the pants.
Other Galactic Powers
The Cult of Diodenysus- A quickly growing cult of
The Union is not without its enemies, however. Some are other cybernetically augmented lifeforms dedicated to lives of
system-spanning governments, others are smaller unruly pleasure seeking. Notorious throughout known space for raging
factions, moving from planet to planet causing trouble. parties, body modification and ever escalating thrill-seeking.
Notable opposing factions include Rumors of Diodenysians capturing unsuspecting ships and
putting them through elaborate games to the death have spread
in recent years. Sees the Union as a potential recruiting
The Saxums- A feudal society of ground.
silicon based life forms,
largely apathetic toward organic The Order of Orion- A society of aliens that look almost
life. Their colonization efforts exactly like older Humans wearing long robes and wide-brimmed
are usually disastrous for all hats. Wield an advanced form of technology they insist is
non-Saxum life, as the process “Magic”. Their ships resemble ancient seafaring vessels, and
involves individuals impacting a are not enclosed to the vacuum of space. They primarily focus
new planet from orbit. It is one on seeking ancient “Relics” from lost civilizations, and will
of the few powers in open largely ignore anyone who doesn’t interfere with this.
conflict with the pacifistic However, have no respect of galactic boarders or local
Plasmodi Sees the Union as an governments or… laws. Sees the Union as it sees all others, a
inconvenience. mild annoyance.
First draw (1 card) You were originally a _____

Character Creation Spade = Security Equipment or A Weapon (choose 1)

Durability +1
Security- You feel compelled to monitor others and keep
Stats them safe, how does this manifest?
Weapon- Your main function has been peace-bonded, how
Through character creation you’ll mark bonuses and negatives does this affect your day-to-day life?
do the below five stats. Certain events will have you make
check against your specific stats to determine the final Diamond = A Terrestrial Vehicle or A Starship (choose 1)
outcome Speed +1
Vehicle- You used to follow pre-planned routes, how does
Durability (Spades)- Your body’s sturdiness, used your new found freedom sit with you?
to test taking damage, feats of strength, and
mitigating various environmental hazards Starship- You no longer move freely though space, how
have you adjusted to this?
Speed (Diamonds)- Your body’s agility, used to test
moving quickly, balance, and reaction time Club = A Sensor Array or A Database (choose 1)
Computing +1
Computing (Clubs)- Your body’s mental power, tested Sensor- You are used to reporting things as you
to recall knowledge, come up with novel ideas, or experience them, how has this changed with your
interact with other technology. sentience?
Database- What was your previous area of expertise?
Interface (Hearts)- Your body’s user Friendliness,
tested to engage with organic life, ease social Heart = A Household Appliance or Universal Translator
tension, or convince someone of your position’s (choose 1) Interface +1
merit Appliance- You’re accustomed to domesticity, how do you
try and make people comfortable?
Reputation (Rep)- A special stat that will fluctuate Translator- What nuance of organic communication do you
wildly as your adventure progresses. Keep a still struggle with?
separate tracker for each of your 4 primary
crewmates (Best Friend, Friendly Acquaintance,
Coworker and Antagonist), as well as the General
Crew (everybody else)

Second Draw (Draw 3 Cards, redraw any duplicate) What special

Testing stats enhancements do you have, and why do you have them?

When an event instructs you to test a stat draw 4 cards, plus 2- A built-in self-defense weapon (+1 Durability)
or minus your bonus in that stat. If at least 1 card’s suit 3- A short range scanner (+1 Computing)
matches the suit of the tested stat (as noted above) then the 4- Realistic skin, it really feels! (+1 Interface)
check is a success! Otherwise, it is a failure. 5- 360 joint rotation (+1 Speed)
6- Armor Plating (+1 Durability)
When testing Rep, the above rules apply, but instead of a 7- A system interface cable (+1 Computing)
specific suit, you are looking for ANY face card. 8- Humor Subroutines (+1 Interface)
9- Magnetic feet (+1 Speed)
10- Extreme Environment Shielding (+1 Durability)
Android Creation J- A True Random number generator (+1 Computing)
Q- Specialized Debate Software [Premium Edition]
Its time to SHUFFLE YOUR DECK! In the next few sections (+1 Interface)
you’ll draw cards to determine your Androids origins, special K- Solid State nerve network (+1 Speed)
enhancements, and drawbacks. Think about what each thing A- Choose one of the above
tells you about how your Android might behave and feel about
their role on the ship. What are they hoping to find out there
in space?
Third Draw (1 Card) The process of manufacturing several
Crew Creation
billion Android bodies wasn’t the smoothest… as a result most
of one eccentricity or another. What do you struggle with, Its time, once again, to SHUFFLE YOUR DECK! In the next
and how are you trying to overcome it? section you’ll create 4 crew mates. This means you’ll go
through the following draws 4 times, generating each Role,
Goal, Species, Skills and Quirk. Consider how each might see
One thing is- you, and even each other.
Spade- structural damage from a previous misadventure
(-1 Structure)
First Draw (1 Card) What is this crewmate’s role on the ship?
Diamond- an unreliable glitched limb (-1 Speed)
Spade A-10- Security or Medical
Club- An outdated operating system (-1 Computing)
Diamond A-10- Pilot or Away Team
Heart- A feature that others have described as
“Unsettling” (-1 Interface) Club A-10- Science or Engineering

Heart A-10- Diplomat or Support Role (Cook,

And the other is- bartender, etc.)
2- Temperature Sensitivity (-1 Structure) Any Face Card (J,Q,K)- First Draw- Capitan!
3- Hypersensitive Sensors (-1 Computing) Subsequent draws, as suit above, but in a
4- Aware of the limitations of Biotic Intelligence Senior Officer capacity
(-1 Interface)
5- Top-heavy design (-1 Speed)
6- Substandard frame material (-1 Structure) Second Draw (1 Card) Why did they join the Galactic Union?
7- AI hates you (-1 Computing) 2- To meet new people
8- Unable to properly modulate voice (-1 Interface) 3- To discover new worlds
9- Nanosecond Visual Delay (-1 Speed) 4- To protect those back home
10- Accident Prone (-1 Structure) 5- To discover new species
J- Strict adherence to Galactic Union rulebook (-1 6- To prove themselves to someone
Computing) 7- Caught up in a recruitment campaign
Q- Unmoving face (-1 Interface) 8- To escape something
K- Tank Tread Legs (-1 Speed) 9- To find excitement!
A- Choose one of the above 10- To follow tradition
J- To break tradition
Q- To climb socially
Record all of this on the first page of your Log book, include K- To pad the ol’ resume
any notes you think tie things together. Feel free to write a A- Its a secret…
short biography about your past before joining the Union, or
even what time you spent training to be on a ship.
Third Draw (1 Card) What species are they?
Do you remember anything from before the anomaly?
Spade A-10- Ranna
Where are you hoping to land when all this is over?
Diamond A-10- Human

Club A-10- Lacerine

Heart A-10- Plasmodi

Any Face Card (J,Q,K)- Other

(draw 3 cards) and refer to the
table on the next page
First Card Second Card Third Card

2- Insectoid
3- Birdlike
2- Extra Arms
3- Quadrupedal
2- Cybernetic limb
3- Special Breathing
Episode Guide
4- Rodent 4- Extra Eyes/One Apparatus Now we get to the meat (or rather, circuity) of the game.
Big Eye 4- Mobility Device Each Episode you generate below will represent one Log entry
5- Canine 5- Bowl Haircut
5- Over 7’ tall in your Log book. This could be a paragraph, a page, or
6- Feline 6- Visor several pages- its up to you. Make sure to shuffle you deck
7- Simian 6- Under 4’ tall 7- Mildly Empathic between each episode!
7- Armored Skin 8- Regenerative
8- Aquatic
8- Tentacles Healing Let’s begin at one of four premier episodes (pg.12-13). This
9- Octopoid 9- Protective Suit
9- Hairy/Hairless will show how you and your crew crew handles a crisis, and
10- Ungulate 10- A Ceremonial also will form the foundation of your relationship with the
J- Ursine 10- Wings Weapon primary 4 crewmates. There are fewer choices you’ll need to
J- Gills J- Battle Scars make that involve testing a stat, just a single one at the
Q- Gaseous Form Q- Vest with many
Q- Bio-luminescent resolution. This should get you used to the idea.
K- Silicon-Based pockets
A- Humanoid (weird K- Prehensile Tail K- A specialized
omni-tool Next you’ll play through 2-4 of regular episodes (pg.14-21)
facial prosthetic/ A- Prehensile to flesh out your adventure. There are 4 A plots (more action
wig) Tongue A- “Played By” a 21st
Century Celebrity oriented) and 4 B plots (more character focused). Draw 2
cards to determine the episode’s A and B plots. Draw a 3rd
card to determine which you’ll be involved with primarily-
black=A plot, red=b plot
Fourth Draw (3 Cards, redraw any duplicate) What are their
specialized skills and flaws? (Draw 2 skills and 1 Flaw)
A Plots B Plots
Special Skills Flaws

2- Master of Jerry-Rigging Spade- Bandits from Beyond Spade- A Triangle… of

2- Lovesick the Stars! (pg.14) LOVE!? (pg.15)
3- Computer Whisperer 3- Won’t stop talking about
4- Doctorate in Cosmic their niche 21st Diamond- The New Kids In Diamond- Forget Me Lots?
Anomalies Century interest Town (pg.16)) (pg.17)
5- The Perfect Diplomat 4- Short-Tempered Club- A Thaw in the Ice? Club- Master of
6- Has Memorized the Galactic 5- An absolute doormat (pg.18) Ceremonies (pg.19)
Union Handbook 6- Standoffish and Guarded Heart- A Distressing Heart- Virtual Insanity
7- Skilled Hand-To-Hand 7- Habitual Rule Breaker Development (pg.20) (pg.21)
Combatant 8- Young and inexperienced
8- Weapon-master 9- Obsessed with personal
9- Xeno-Linguist gain Each Plot consists of 3 Primary events, and 1 Secondary. Use
10- Ace Pilot 10- Lying about their past the Primary events if you’re directly involved in this plot,
J- Calm Leader J- Averse to hard work and the secondary if you’re not. Each event will have you
Q- Brilliant Doctor Q- By The Book test a stat, or your reputation with somebody/group of
K- Seductive K- Plagued by Anxiety somebodies. Based on that you’ll be rewarded… or punished.
A- Former Spy A- Naive
After you finish the regular episodes its time for the Season
Finale (pg. 22-23) There are only 2 in this demo, draw 1 card
Record these on the second page of your Log book, as well as to determine which one you’ll play.
space to record your relationship, and current Rep you have
with each crewmate. Leave enough space to keep updated notes Red Card Black Card
as your relationship might evolve. “The Machine Planet” “Heatwave”
Do any of these people seem like they’d have an immediate
opinion of you? Or you of them? These cliffhanger episodes will have drastic ramifications on
the galaxy at large, and will offer you the opportunity to
This would be a good place for the General Crew rep tracker end your time on the ship. Stay tuned to harkforsooth.itch.io
as well! for more future episode packs!
Premier Episode Club- The energy from the anomaly makes the ship’s
computer go haywire!
First Draw (1 Card) On your first mission with the ship, you • You find yourself trapped in an elevator with someone.
encounter a mysterious green energy wave. In a flash, How do you escape with them? They acknowledge you’re
something catastrophic happens! What is the nature of the pretty handy to have around (coworker)
crisis? • You come upon someone fighting off some malfunctioning
machinery. What is attacking them, and how? They
Spade- Ship shakes violently, taking massive damage, power dismiss you as another broken machine and tell you to
is down ship wide! keep your distance (antagonist)
• You save the life of someone immediately, who and how? • Someone calls for help from behind a wall panel. How
They will never forget this (best friend) do you get them out? They explain they were grabbed
• You assist someone in fixing some critical damage, who by the ship’s wiring, and they owe you big time!
is it and what are you fixing? They are impressed with (best friend)
your skill (Friendly acquaintance) • A crewmate comes to find you, they think you’re the
• You work with the previous two to free a group of key to solving this. Why do they think that? Its nice
trapped crew members. How were they trapped? One joins to be included (friendly acquaintance)
your team (coworker) • Resolution- You’re taken to the computer core, time
• Someone has taken charge at a critical station. Who and to see if you can calm this thing down. Test
why? Something you do rubs them the wrong way Computing -Or- Speed.
(Antagonist) • Success! You clear the computer of the negative energy through
direct interfacing/speed typing, +1 Rep with General Crew.
• Resolution- The engine is about to go critical, and the • Failure! The anomaly’s energy feeds back into you! It
chamber is flooded by radiation! You’re the only one who dissipates from the main computer, but you take a hit -1
could possibly fix it. Test Durability -Or- Computing. Computing
• Success! You’re able to fix the engine through know-how/guts, +1
Rep with General Crew. Heart- The anomaly broadcasts on all frequencies a
• Failure! Your body is blasted with radiation, absorbing most of
it and saving the engine. You’re in bad shape, however, -1 demand, but the language is unknown!
Durability • Your initial observation comes off to others as a
hilarious joke. What did you say and who laughed
loudest? They really needed that (best friend)
Diamond- Ship is teleported to an unknown region of space, • The laughter is cut short by a stern voice snapping
and sensors are down! everybody back to reality. They are not amused by
• You run to a station to try and get a read on the your inexperience (antagonist)
situation, but somebody shoves you out of the way! • You are assigned to work with someone on a language
They’re not handling this well and looking to take it model. What element of their character leads to a
out on somebody (antagonist) breakthrough? You make a good team (Friendly
• Someone steps up to calm the group, organizing people acquaintance)
into teams. What is your assigned task? You take • The anomaly communicates through vibration! A
comfort in this show of leadership (Friendly choreographed dance is organized to vibrate the ship
acquaintance) correctly. Something about you or your partner nearly
• Your task takes you near the ship’s observatory, there throws the balance off, what is it? It was touch and
you find someone consulting old star charts. How do you go, but you did it! (coworker)
help them find what they’re looking for? They’re • Resolution- Now that you can talk, the demand is
grateful, but seem distracted (coworker) clear- it wants The Robot! The anomaly manifests on
• You recognize a nearby system, it was where you first the ship! Test Durability -Or- Interface.
awoke! Pointing this out sends a wave of relief through • Success! You convince the anomaly through words/force that
you’re not worth the trouble, +1 Rep with General Crew.
the crew. Someone else is from this planet, what a • Failure! The anomaly won’t leave, but takes up residence in
small galaxy! (best friend) your chassis. Its giving off a strange odor… -1 Interface.
• Resolution- The sensors are still down, and you’re the
only one who really knows where the ship is. Its up to
you to get everyone back to a space station for You should now have your 4 primary relationships assigned to
repairs. Test Interface -Or- Speed. each of the 4 primary crewmates. Despite your Rep score,
• Success! You guide the ship/crew where it needs to go, +1 Rep these relationships will stay static for the rest of the
with General Crew. game. You may ease tensions between yourself and your
• Failure! You wind up out of fuel and in a desperate spot when a Antagonist, but there will always be something about you they
neutral junk trader finds you. You wind up trading some servos for
a tow -1 Speed just don’t trust. Things may get strained with your Best

Friend, but in the end they’ll be there for you.
1A) Bandits from Beyond the Stars! 1B) A Triangle… of LOVE!?
Opening: The ship is doing a routine patrol on the outskirts of Opening: You notice that two of your crewmates have been at odds
Union space when bright red and chrome ship suddenly rounds a nearby lately, barely speaking to one another, and very short-tempered when
moon- shields at full and weapons powered! Will the ship survive they do. It seems to hinge around a 3rd crew member that you don’t
this surprise attack? know quite as well (use the Crewmate Generator to generate a role,
Who are these brash attackers? (Draw 1) species, 1 skill and 1 flaw, then name them!)
• Spade- The dreaded Roswell Greasers, on the prowl to Rumble some Which of your two associates are feuding (Draw 2, re-draw a repeat)
Squares. • Spade- Best Friend
• Diamond- Wayward mercenaries fresh off a job from the Hortus Empire. • Diamond- Friendly Acquaintance
• Club- A Diodenysian party barge, looking to steal some booze. • Club- Coworker
• Hearts- A Saxum war-rock captained by a lesser Count, seeking glory in • Hearts- Antagonist
Primary Events
Primary Events • You are in the canteen with two of your crewmates. What tips you off
• You’re at your station when the ship appears. How do you attempt to that they’re not getting along? You attempt an icebreaker.
help? • Tell a little joke! What is the gist of it? Test Interface
• Raise the shields! Test Speed -OR- Computing • Success! Tensions begin to ease, +1 rep w/ both crewmates
• Success! You’re able to raise them just in the nick of time! Gain • Failure! It’s made things worse… how? -1 to next event’s draw.
+1 to the next event’s draw. • Loosen up with some alcohol? Test Durability
• Failure! Too slow! The ship is rocked with the initial volley, -1 • Success! Everyone gets a little more direct about the situation,
Durability for the rest of this episode. +1 to next event’s draw
• Hail the oncoming ship! Test Durability -OR- Interface • Failure! You forgot, you don’t drink! -1 Computing
• Success! You’re just diplomatic (or threatening) enough to give • The three of you aid in an ongoing crisis [A plot secondary event]
the enemy pause! Gain +1 to the next event’s draw • You noticed during that last event that your two associates were
• Failure! Your words are ignored, and your actions are questioned! distracted by a 3rd crewmate. How does each try and impress this person?
-1 Rep with your Antagonist. You decide to learn more from them
• The ship is under assault! The shields are holding for now, but its only • Ask them about their romantic preferences. Test Interface
a matter of time before the shots start getting through! What are their • Success! What is this person after? Does it sound like either of
demands? Your friendly acquaintance turns to give you an order your associates? +1 to next event’s draw
• “Prepare the internal defenses!” Its time to brace for a boarding. • Failure! Uh oh, it seemed to this person that you were very
What weapons do you arm yourself with? Test Durability awkwardly flirting! -1 Rep w/General Crew
• Success! You’re in a good position, and well armed. +1 Rep with • Talk up one of your friends over the other. Test Rep w/ General Crew
your Friendly Acquaintance. • Success! You’re a great wing-bot! +1 to next event’s draw
• Failure! “You’re weapon is only as good as your grip, and you’re • Failure! You accidentally tell a very embarrassing story, what
holding it the wrong way…” -1 Rep with your Friendly was it? -1 Rep with the friend you were trying to talk-up
Acquaintance. • Things have come to a head, your associates are in a heated argument.
• You try and distract yourself from the tense crisis happening around you What was the catalyst? Its time to set things back to normal!
[B Plot Secondary Event] • Tell the object of their affection that its time to choose! Test Rep
• Its the final showdown! The hatch doors blow open and the attackers pour w/ General Crew
in. What do they look like? What do they say? You’re shoulder to • Success! You have started two people on the path of a whirlwind
shoulder with your Best Friend- what’s your plan? romance! You suppose it will last? +1 Rep W/crewmate you set up
• Blast them out an airlock! Test Computing • Failure! You’ve spoiled the chances of anybody getting together,
• Success! A rush of atmosphere roars through the corridor! Once it you might never get this love stuff… -1 Interface
subsides, what is left of them?. +1 Rep w/Best Friend • Tell your crewmates that this is all too distracting, its time to
• Failure! The blast is too much for your Best Friend, they lose bury the hatchet! Test Interface
their grip and begin to fly toward the vacuum of space! You’re • Success! You remind them of their shared history, what event do
just able to grab them, but your servos are pushed to their you bring up? They decide this isn’t worth losing each other
limit! -1 Durability over. +1 Rep with both crewmates
• The best defense is a good offense! Test Durability • Failure! This fight won’t be so easily ended, who do you wind up
• Success! You execute a perfect pincer maneuver, catching the going with after the conflict? -2 Rep w/crewmate you left behind
pirates off guard! +1 Rep with your Best Friend, +1 Durability Epilogue: After a time things seem to return to some kind of normal, one way
• Failure! You wind up absorbing a devastating attack which blows a or another. What have you learned about relationships from all this mess?
sizable chunk out of your face. Thankfully your Best Friend uses
the distraction to finish them off. -1 Interface Secondary Event
Epilogue: The smoke clears, and repairs get underway. What was your main • You have noticed two of your crewmates aren’t focused on the task at
take-away from this taste of the chaotic nature of the galaxy? hand, which two? They inform you of their shared interest in the same
person. How do you get them to refocus?
Secondary Event • Talk some sense into them! Test Interface
• An ongoing pirate attack has the crew scrambling, how do you help out? • Success! They agree to talk this out- LATER! +1 Rep with both
• Keep morale up! What exactly do you say? Test Interface crewmates
• Success! Its a hit, everybody knows they can weather this crisis! • Failure! They begin to argue worse than before! -1 to next
+1 Rep General Crew event’s draw
• Failure! You are soundly ignored, why would you even say that at • Smack some sense into them! Test Durability
a time like this!? -1 Rep General Crew • Success! They snap out of it- amusing those around you. +1 Rep w/
general crew
• Failure! They smack back! -1 Durability or Speed

14 15
2A) The New Kids in Town 2B) Forget me Lots!?
Opening: A new planet is interested in Union membership! The ship Opening: You wake up in your charging pod with a start. Your cycle
has been dispatched to initiate diplomatic relations, and hopefully is incomplete, and it seems that the ship is on emergency power.
convince them of the merits of joining up. Use the Other species Your crewmates are wandering around aimlessly, confused and dazed.
tables to generate the inhabitants of this planet, give them a name! What could be going on!?
What drew this planet toward the Union in the first place? (Draw 1)
• Spade- Interested in joining for defense reasons Primary Events
• Diamond- Interested in new species, exploration of far space, and trade • You approach a random ensign, they’re asking you who and where they are.
• Club- Scientifically curious as to the advancements Union tech. Have you met them before? You decide to-
• Hearts- Interested in cultural exchange, maybe a new market for their • Check the crew manifest! Test Computing
own cultural products. • Success! Oh, this is clearly [write a fun name, you’ll get to
look back and laugh later] +1 Rep w/ General Crew
Primary Events • Failure! This person isn’t on the manifest… Detain them! They put
• While en route to the surface, the shuttle begins to rock. It seems the up a real fight -1 Durability
atmospheric conditions weren’t as calm as you’d anticipated. What do you • Get them to calm down! Test Interface
see outside? How do you respond? • Success! You get them to realize that identity is something that
• “Hold on tight, folks” navigate through the worst of it Test Speed can fluctuate over the course of one’s life. They’ll be able to
• Success! The crew is impressed by your ace pilot skills! +1 Rep discover it, once they’re not looking so hard. +1 on next event’s
w/General Crew draw
• Failure! The shuttle is rocked, everyone falls over -1 to next • Failure! You learn that not everybody is ready for a harsh lesson
event Draw in existential philosophy… -1 Rep w/ General Crew
• “Hold tight, folks” Scan for an easier way through Test Computing • It seems some kind of amnesia wave has hit the crew! You find your
• Success! You glide between the worst of it and land as soft as a antagonist and best friend on the bridge, attempting to address an
cloud. +1 to next event Draw ongoing crisis (The A Plot). How does each react to you? You attempt to
• Failure! While you’re goofing off with the computer the ship is remind one of them of your relationship
knocked back and fourth -1 Rep W/General Crew • Tell your best friend about the good times! Test Rep w/ Best Friend
• You take a moment to check out the planet (B Plot Secondary Event) • Success! “Of course, its you!” +1 on next event’s draw
• You are greeted by the alien delegation and ushered to a lavish feast!. • Failure! They don’t remember you and say something hurtful… -1
Describe the most interesting dish. How do you proceed? Rep w/Best Friend
• Scan the food, just in case! Test Computing • Remind your antagonist about the good times? Test Rep w/Antagonist
• Success! Something’s not right- this has been intentionally • Success! “Oh, yeah- sure!” They’re lying to seem polite. -1 to
poisoned! You stop a crewmate from eating +1 Rep to crewmate of next event’s draw
your choice • Failure! “Oh lord… its you.” They’ve regained a part of
• Failure! Strange, this sort of tastes like poison! -1 Durability themselves! +1 to next event’s draw
• Chomp on down! How’s it taste? Test Durability • You help them address the crisis [A plot secondary event]
• Success! You feel a strange poison coursing through your body, • You meet up in the science lab with another crewmate to discover what’s
but its having an unexpected reaction! +1 Speed going on. Who is here? Thankfully they also seem unaffected. You
• Failure! You feel a strange poison coursing through your veins, discover-
it’s unfortunately having its intended effect -1 Computing • The secret to a cure is within THEM! Test Interface -OR- Computing
• The aliens only wanted to steal your ship and reverse engineer its • Success! You notice a pattern within their brain waves/demeanor
technology! How are you getting the crew back to the shuttle? that can be used to synthesize a cure! Gain +1 Rep w/General Crew
• Charm your way passed the guards Test Interface • Failure! You get the needed material after a rather invasive
• Success! One of your crewmates had been flirting with one of the process. -1 Rep w/this crewmate
guards this whole episode, they decide to let you escape! Ask for • The secret to a cure is within YOU!? Test Durability -OR- Speed
pointers later, +1 Interface • Success! Your crewmate is able to pop open your cyberbrain to
• Failure! This momentary distraction allows your crew to get to imprint a synth-spray card. Modern medicine is incredible! Gain
the shuttle, but you are kicked viciously on the way out -1 +1 Computing
Durability • Failure! This process HURTS. It works, but it really REALLY
• Run… RUN! Test Speed HURTS! -1 Rep with this crewmate
• Success! You make it to the shuttle and fly away with flash AND Epilogue: The crew slowly regains their wits and your work, such that it
style! +1 Rep W/General Crew was, is commended. What did you learn about identity that will stick with
• Failure! You are forced to leave Ensign Bradley behind, a massive you going forward?
loss to the crew -1 Rep w/General Crew
Epilogue: Back on the ship and licking your wounds, you look down on the Secondary Event
alien world one last time before jetting away. What do you think of the • A primary crew member seems to have lost their memory! You’ve been told
deception? How does it color your opinion of diplomacy? to keep an eye on them, how do you pass the time?
• Try to relate by comparing your awakening to what they’re going
Secondary Event through! Test Interface
• An alien delegation is taking a tour of the ship, its up to you to make • Success! They feel a little less alone. This, they won’t forget!
a good impression! +1 Rep with this crewmate
• Show them the Canteen and sit for a meal Test Interface • Failure! They find this comparison insensitive, and then say
• Success! They’re charmed by the way you eat. +1 to next event’s something insensitive to you. This, YOU won’t forget… -1 Rep with
Draw this crewmate.
• Failure! They’re horrified by the way you eat. -1 Interface
• Pull up an informative video on Union History, Test Computing
• Success! It paints you very flatteringly! +1 to next event’s Draw
• Failure! Oh no the ATROCITIES! Crush the monitor, -1 Durability

16 17
3A) A Thaw in the Ice? 3B) Master of Ceremonies
Opening: One of the Unions powerful rival space-nations has decided to have Opening: Its a special day for one of your crewmates- the
a sit-down conference to discuss easing tensions. The ship has been assigned anniversary of their birth! A worthy cause for celebrations, and
to accompany a diplomatic team. (Create a lead diplomat using the Crewmate you’ve been made the official event planner. Can you throw the
Generator to generate a role, species, 1 skill and 1 flaw, then name them!)
Who is coming to the peace talks? (Draw 1) perfect party?
• Spade- The Saxums Whose Birthday is it, Anyway? (Draw 1)
• Diamond- The Astro Conglomerate Spade- Best Friend
• Club- The Hortus Empire Diamond- Friendly Acquaintance
• Heart- The Order of Orion Club- Coworker
Hearts- Antagonist
Primary Events
• You meet the Union diplomats in the hangar bay, what are you first Primary Events
impressions of each other? What is your official position on the away • Its time to send out the invitations! How well do you know the party
team? subject? How will you gather the list?
• Piloting the shuttle, Test Speed • Search the computer for the most likely guest candidates! Test
• Success! The team has a smooth ride and arrives in a good mood. Computing
+1 to next event’s Draw • Success! You’ve cross-references the listed hobbies to find the
• Failure! The ride was bumpy and everybody’s grumpy… -1 to next best matches +1 to final event Draw
event’s Draw • Failure! You found the “Invite All” button! -1 to final even Draw
• Translation help, Test Computing • Subtly ask around the nodes of gossip! What do you ask, specifically?
• Success! You discover the perfect translation for a common idiom! Test Interface
What was it? +1 to next event’s Draw • Success! You know who likes who, and what the active feuds are.
• Failure! You accidentally discover several new insults! What were +1 to final event Draw
they? -1 to next event’s Draw • Failure! A lot of people seem to be busy the day of the party…
• You settle in before tomorrow’s conference. (B Plot Secondary event) strange! -1 to final even Draw
• The conference begins on a tense note. What does the other delegation • According to Ensign Bradley no party is complete without “Special
look like? How do you attempt to break the tension? Entertainment”. What do you suppose those quotation marks mean? Who do
• Tell a funny anecdote, Test Interface you book
• Success! They’re rolling the aisles! What was your joke? Gain +1 • A traditional Ranna staged combat match Test Durability
Rep w/General Crew • Success! You take several chops across the chest without flinching
• Failure! Maybe its lost in translation? What was your attempted much, they agree to perform! +1 to final even Draw
joke? -1 to next event’s Draw • Failure! The last thing you remember was the folding chair, you
• Do a STUNT, everybody loves a stunt! Test Durability don’t think they’ll be at the party… -1 the final even Draw
• Success! You flawlessly execute a feat of strength, agility and • A traditional Human Barbershop Quartet. What’s the name of the ship’s
daring. What was it? +1 Rep w/General Crew official quartet? Test Speed
• Failure! You did something to hurt yourself, but not in a cool • Success! You’re able to book them last minute, they’re far more
way. What did you do? -1 Durability popular than you assumed! +1 to final event Draw
• Things have gotten to a deadlock over a seemingly small issue. What is • Failure! The quartet is otherwise engaged that day, but they know
it? The delegation looks to you, as an informal member of the Union… a good jug band! -1 to final even Draw (not because jug music is
• Make a reasoned case as a neutral party, Test Computing bad, this just isn’t a good one)
• Success! You point out something that everyone had missed, what • A situation takes you away from planning (A Plot Secondary Event)
was it? +1 Interface • The guests are hidden, the lights are out, and the guest of honor is
• Failure! You start to make a point by kinda give up part way about to walk through the door. What decoration are you most proud of?
through. Nobody is impressed. -1 Rep W/General Crew • “SURPRISE!” Special test, draw 2 cards + or - the bonuses you’ve
• Make a case that slightly favors one side, but in a slick way where accrued this episode
nobody notices, Test Interface • Any Face Cards- the party is a hit! You have grown closer to the
• Success! You manage to snag a sweet deal. What was it, and who Birthday Buddy and everyone has a great time! +2 Rep with this
does it favor? +1 Computing crewmate, +1 Rep with general crew
• Failure! Everybody sees through your one-sided deal, you’re • No Face Cards- The party is a disaster. What goes especially
dismissed. -1 Rep W/General Crew wrong? -1 Rep with the Birthday Buddy and -1 to general crew, you
Epilogue: Whether or not this meeting is the first of many, or a false start party pooper!
toward peace, you’ve had a solid taste of interstellar diplomacy. What kind Epilogue: Social gatherings are very important to biotic lifeforms, it
of flavor has it left in your proverbial mouth? seems. When the guests all leave and you’re alone with the guest of honor,
what do they say? Would you plan something like this again?
Secondary Event
• The ship is carrying a foreign Ambassador en route to an important Secondary Event
conference on Errata Prime. They request a stop off at the canteen. • You’ve been invited to a birthday party! Whose party is it anyway? It
• Introduce them to your Antagonist, maybe they’d get along? Test Rep doesn’t matter because you’ve picked the perfect gift!
w/Antagonist • Something from the heart! What’s the gift? Test Rep w/ the birthday
• Success! They play it cool and make polite conversation. The ice buddy
begins to thaw even between the two of you. +1 Rep w/Antagonist • Success! “You’re so thoughtful!” +1 rep w/ this crewmate
• Failure! The conversation quickly becomes an argument. What • Failure! “Oh… thanks.” You’re mortified! -1 to next event’s draw
about? Not the best impression to leave… -1 Rep w/Antagonist • Something you ready about in their personal log! What’s the gift?
• Sit with Ensign Bradley, he’s good with people. right? Test Rep w/ Test Speed
General Crew • Success! “Wow! How did you know?” +1 rep w/ this crewmate
• Success! What a cut up! You learn a thing or two +1 Interface • Failure! “How did you… know?” -1 Rep w/this crewmate
• Failure! Oh Bradley… no… You learn all the wrong lessons from
this -1 Interface

18 19
4A) A Distressing Development 4B) Virtual Insanity
Opening: The ship has received a distress beacon from a fellow Union
ship! All haste is made to address the situation and aid in any way Opening: Its not all duty aboard the ship, you and a few crewmates
possible. But what exactly went wrong…? are currently letting off some steam in the virtual reality chamber.
Where is the distressed ship? (Draw 1) You and two associates are playing out an exciting old earth story
• Spade- Near a Saxum asteroid belt called “The Lord of the Rings”
• Diamond- Just beyond the Conglomerate boarder Who stands with you? (Draw 2, redraw any duplicates)
• Club- in orbit around a Hortus garden world • Spade- Best Friend “You have my sword”
• Hearts- in an unaligned system (use the Other Species table to generate • Diamond- Friendly Acquaintance “and you have my bow!”
the inhabitants) • Club- Coworker “And MY Axe!”
• Hearts- Antagonist “I thought I was going to be Gandalf…”
Primary Events
• You pull up to the distressed ship, what kind of ship is it? What is Primary Events
it’s mission? Your hails go unanswered, maybe something wrong with their • You are portraying the might wizard Gandalf. Describe your costume.
coms? You’ve been captured by the wicked Saruman, how do you escape?
• Scan to diagnose the problem. Test Computing • Whisper to a butterfly, Test Interface
• Success! It seems like some kind of anomaly has knocked out • Success! You are whisked away by great eagles! +1 to next event’s
everything aside from life support! +1 to next event’s Draw draw
• Failure! There’s some ionic interference keeping you from getting • Failure! Looks like you’ll have to jump from the tower, breaking
anything useful… -1 to next event’s Draw a leg -1 Speed
• Pilot a shuttle to investigate closer. Test Speed • Kick Saruman's Ass! Test Durability
• Success! You fly close enough to see the surviving crew in the • Success! “I’m gonna show you a trick that Varda showed me when
windows with signs explaining the crisis! +1 to next event’s draw you weren’t around…” +1 to next event’s draw
• Failure! You get too close to the ship, a failing system explodes • Failure! Old guy is tougher than he looks. You limp off. -1
rocking the shuttle! -1 Durability Durability
• The captain assigns you to the away team, its time to warp over to the • You’re called away by ship business during your daring escape [A Plot
other ship and see if you can help! You eventually come upon a group of Secondary event]
injured survivors! • You and your crew are making your way through the mines of Moria- but
• Calm the crowd, no sense in panicking. Test Interface someone has alerted the goblins! Which fool was it? What wisdom do you
• Success! Your words are a needed balm in an intense situation. +1 share?
Rep w/General Crew • “Fly, you fools!” Test Speed
• Failure! You words are a lemony juice in an open cut! -1 Rep w/ • Success! Show them the meaning of speed! +1 Rep w/Crewmate of
General Crew your choice
• Administer first aid! Test Computing • Failure! You get bonked by a thrown rock -1 Computing
• Success! You help those you can, quickly diagnosing and • “Fight, you fools!” Test Durability
administering care. +1 Speed • Success! You draw the Foe Hammer… +1 Rep W/Crewmate of your
• Failure! Your bad care causes a patient to thrash, hitting you choice
HARD -1 Durability • Failure! You are hammered by a foe! -1 Interface
• You get a moment of downtime as the survivors are ferried to the ship. • The exit is in sight, but a deep roar comes from a chasm. It is Durin’s
[B plot secondary event] Bane, the great Balrog and servant of Morgoth. What does it look like?
• As the last of the survivors are unloading an enemy ship appears on What do you do!?
radar. Seems the locals are not taking kindly to your intrusion, and • “You Shall Not PASS!” cast a cool spell, Test Computing
they’re coming in HOT! • Success! You buy the others time to escape! +1 Rep w/Both
• Out Maneuver the enemy, get out fast! Test Speed crewmates
• Success! You’re able to escape unscathed, describe your daring • Failure! Everybody is eaten by the Balrog. -Rep w/Both crewmates
maneuver! +1 Speed • Attempt to Seduce the Balrog, Test Interface
• Failure! The ship limps away, very much scathed. -1 Durability • Success! You’ll need a few minutes, but your crew escapes! +1 Rep
• Power up the weapons, and FIGHT! Test Durability w/Both Crewmates
• Success! You disable the enemy ship and leave without further • Failure! This was a bad idea, I don’t know why I as a game
incident. +1 Durability designer even suggested it. -1 Durability
• Failure! You destroy the ship, this act will be remembered… -1 Epilogue: The Fellowship exits the mines, ready for next week’s adventure.
Rep w/General Crew Why do you think its important to relive these old stories? Or do you think
Epilogue: You’re able to get the survivors back to a friendly space base. that?
How do they show their gratitude? How do you feel about helping others,
despite the cost? Secondary Event
• You’re taking some time away to relax in the virtual reality chamber, an
Secondary Event old earth story called “The Simpsons” Your boss is coming over for an
• The ship receives a distress signal from a Union ship. Upon unforgettable luncheon, but egads! Your roast is ruined!
investigation, the ship is abandoned!? Once onboard, what do you see? • Purchase fast food and disguise it as your own cooking, Test
• Read the logs! Test Computing Interface
• Success! You discover why they left- why? +1 Rep w/ General Crew • Success! Even you boss admits, you steam a good ham. +1 Interface
• Failure! They’re just… gone. You’re spooked! -1 to next event’s • Failure! I thought we were having steamed clams… -1 to next
Draw event’s Draw
• Search the ship! Test Speed • Use a special command to create a distraction! Test Computing
• Success! You find some survivors! What’s they’re story? +1 Rep w/ • Success! The Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time
General Crew of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within
• Failure! All you find is some distressing stains… ominous. -1 to your kitchen? +1 Interface
next event’s Draw • Failure! THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE! -1 Durability

20 21
FINALE A) The Machine Planet FINALE B) Heatwave
Opening: The ship is patrolling a quiet part of boarder space Opening: Tensions on the boarder have reached a fever pitch.
when a strange transmission is detected from an unknown A Union colony is under direct threat of attack and the ship
source. Something about it compels you to investigate. has been dispatched as part of the fleet to defend it!
Who is on the opposing side (Draw 1)
Spades - The Saxums, united under a new ambitious king
Part 1 Diamonds - The Astro Conglomerate, looking for a hostile takeover
• The signal is faint, you might be able to enhance it, or Clubs - The Hortus Empire, with a fleet of mercenaries at their back
convince the captain to get closer. Hearts - Someone new… use the crew section to generate a new species and
• Enhance the signal, how do you do it? Test Computing name them!
• Success! This is a signal… from another Android! +1
Computing Part 1
• The ship is traveling to the contested system, the crew is tense. With a
• Failure! Its still garbled, but it sounds like a calm tone the captain gives an order-
threat! -1 to next event’s draw • “Position us at the front, weapons ready.” Test Durability
• Convince the Captain to investigate, what do you say? • Success! Your nerve holds, you’re on your game! +1 to next
Test Interface event’s Draw
• Failure! The words put your coolant system into overdrive, a
• Success! You approach the signal to discover it’s chill runs through you… -1 to next event’s Draw
coming from another android! +1 to next event’s draw • “Hold toward the rear, we need to get a look at things.” Test
• Failure! You incessant whining finally wears the Computing
everyone down. -1 Rep W/General Crew • Success! You pull up a map of the system, finding the most optimal
position. +1 to next event’s Draw
• The ship enters an abandoned mining system where you • Failure! You scan for enemy ships, and get a stack overflow error…
discover an entire colony of machines transformed by the -1 to next event’s Draw.
same anomaly that gave you sentience! You’re invited down • An eerie calm falls over the bridge as you look out at the line of enemy
to the surface! ships. Suddenly the alert klaxons fire to life! You’re not sure who fired
the first shot, but now it hardly matters
• Go with a crewmate, who do you choose? Test Rep w/ • BATTLE STATION! Test Durability
Crewmate. • Success! You fire into the enemy line, are you shooting to disable
• Success! They are eager to go, +1 to next event’s or destroy? +1 Rep w/General Crew
draw • Failure! The ship is rocked with laser fire, tossing everyone
around the cabin! -1 Durability
• Failure! They think you should go alone… -1 Rep w/ • EVASIVE MANEUVERS! Test Speed
Crewmate • Success! You move through both enemy and friendly fire,nimbly
• Request to go alone. Test Interface dodging to relative safety. +1 Rep w/General Crew
• Success! You head to the planet’s surface, what do • Failure! Despite your best efforts, you move into an enemy trap!
The ship is blasted mercilessly! -1 Durability
you see? +1 to next event’s Draw • The battle rages on, you’ve been assigned to assess damage and help the
• Failure! This mission is far too important, a full wounded. To your horror you find your friendly acquaintance, gravely
team is sent! -1 to next event’s Draw injured by an exploding panel!
• You’re greeted by the machine elders of this world. What • Get them to the infirmary! Test Speed
• Success! You drop your friend off with the doctors, hopefully
were they before the change? You are welcomed with open they’ll be able to help +1 Rep w/Friendly Acquaintance
arms. • Failure! You get them in the door, but your Friendly Acquaintance
• Take the tour of the colony. Test Computing is limp in your arms… -1 Speed, Interface or Computing
• Success! You learn about how Androids live outside • Attend to their wounds! Test Computing
• Success! You bandage them up, it seems like they’ll make it! +1
the Union, how is it so different? +1 Computing, Rep w/Friendly Acquaintance
Speed, OR Durability. • Failure! You’re pushed away by a triage team, you’re doing more
• Failure! You’re overwhelmed, its so much to take in. harm than good! -1 Rep w.General Crew
No Bonus
Epilogue: The Elders take you to their inner chambers and ask Epilogue: Another tremor shakes the ship around you, but this
you simply if you will join them. You have a place here, you one seems different. Outside a nearby viewport you see Union
can make a life how you see fit. Unfortunately, the ship you ships exploding left and right. The frantic voice of the
traveled here on will have to be destroyed- the outside captain crackles to life over the intercom “Attention all
universe cannot know about this place, it is too soon. END crew, abandon ship! Attention, all crew… abandon ship!” END

Will the ship survive? Would a paradise like this survive Will you be able to escape? Will your friends? If you
being exposed? Will you live out your days here, in robo- survive, will you stay to fight the war or is this a bridge
heaven? too far?
Find out next time on I’m Robot! Found out next time on I’m Robot!

22 23
Android’s Log…
20 years ago: A mysterious spacial anomaly
ripped through the galaxy. Machines built by
other civilizations across the galaxy suddenly
gained sentience after being bathed in a
shimmering silver light.

Why did this happen? Who knows! But suddenly

governments across known space had to deal with
billions of new citizens.

You were awoken in the Galactic Union, a

coalition space-faring nations focused on
exploration and diplomacy. In an effort to ease
Androids into Union society, a new position was
created on every ship in the fleet. Those
Androids that didn’t want to just stay a food
processor or whatever, could serve a period of
time on a ship. There they could learn about the
world, and the species that populate it, until
they ultimately decide what they want to do with
their newfound sentience.

Yesterday: You have finished your training, and

now find yourself assigned to a starship. Your
original body has been modified to operate within
the confines of your new home, and now its time
to make some friends, and learn your place in
the galaxy!

For updates to I’m Robot, as well as other

Games, check
Or scan the above QR Code!

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