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13, 2020

Probabilistic Mapping of August 2018 Flood of

Kerala, India, Using Space-Borne
Synthetic Aperture Radar
Sonam Futi Sherpa , Manoochehr Shirzaei , Chandrakanta Ojha, Susanna Werth , and Renaud Hostache

Abstract—Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging provides an environment and often causes loss of human lives [1], [2].
all-weather sensing technique that is suitable for near-real-time Likely triggered by recent changes in the global climate, the
mapping of disasters such as floods. In this article, we use SAR frequency of severe floods is increasing worldwide [3]–[5]. For
data acquired by Sentinel-1A/B satellites to investigate a flood event
that affected the Indian state of Kerala in August 2018. We apply instance, in the USA, the number of extreme precipitation events
a Bayesian approach to generate probabilistic flood maps, which [6] and tropical cyclone has increased since 1900 [7]. Chang
contain for each pixel its probability to be flooded rather than et al. [8] report an increase in flood damage for six Korean cities
binary flood information. We find that the extent of the flooded since 1971, where possible causes of flooding include extreme
area begins to increase throughout Kerala after August 8, with the
summer precipitation and deforestation.
highest values on August 9 and August 21. We observe no apparent
correlation between the spatial distributions of the flooded areas Further, the Xinjiang autonomous region of China has expe-
and the rainfall amounts at the district level of the study area. rienced increased losses from flooding due to excessive rainfall
Instead, larger flooded areas are in the districts of Alappuzha and since 1987. Dottori et al. [9] indicate that future floods will
Kottayam, located in the downstream floodplain of the Idduki dam, likely impact different regions unevenly, with the highest losses
which released a significant volume of water on August 16. The
expected to occur in Asia. India has experienced some of its
lack of apparent correlation is likely due to two reasons: first, there
is often some delay between the rainfall event and the flooding, worst floodings in recent years. In June 2013, unprecedented
especially for rather large catchments where flood waves need some floods and landslides caused more than 5000 casualties and
time to reach floodplains from higher elevations. Second, rainfall widespread property loss in Uttarakhand state in North India
is more abundant at overhead catchments (hills and mountains), [10]. Dobhal et al. [11] suggested that changing climate causing
whereas flood occurs further downstream in the floodplains. Fur-
continuous melting of snow and glacier in the surrounding
ther comparison of our SAR-based flood maps with optical data
and flood maps produced by moderate resolution imaging spectro- Chorabari Lake and the heavy precipitation on June 16 and
radiometer highlights the advantages of our data and approach for 17 led to the outburst of the glacial lake resulting into severe
rapid response purposes and future flood forecasting. flooding. In 2015, a massive flood in Chennai in the state of Tamil
Index Terms—Kerala 2018 flood, probabilistic flood map, Nadu caused damage of nearly US$ 3 billion [12]. Recently, on
synthetic aperture radar (SAR). May 3, 2019, extremely severe cyclonic storm Fani made a rare
landfall over the southeastern part of India, when entering from
I. INTRODUCTION the Bay of Bengal. The resulting flood event led to a devastating
XTREME flooding due to natural or anthropogenic causes humanitarian crisis, which forced the evacuation of almost 1
E poses a significant threat to human society, economy, and million people to temporary shelters in Odisha [13].
Availability of data from earth observation satellites improves
Manuscript received October 26, 2019; revised December 24, 2019 and Jan- communities’ capacity for timely response to flood events, as
uary 19, 2020; accepted January 20, 2020. Date of publication February 17, 2020;
date of current version March 17, 2020. The work of Sonam Futi Sherpa and they provide an efficient way of mapping flood extent over a large
Manoochehr Shirzaei was supported in part by NASA Grant 80NSSC170567. area. Various satellite altimetry data are used to estimate runoff
Chandrakanta Ojha and Susanna Werth are supported by NASA under Grant remotely, which is useful for river inundation mapping [14],
NNX17AD98G. The work of Renaud Hostache was supported in part by the
National Research Fund of Luxembourg through the CASCADE Project under [15], and for evaluating the performance of hydrologic models
Grant C17/SR/11682050. (Corresponding author: Sonam Futi Sherpa.) [14], [16]. Further, Khan et al. [17] showed optical satellite
Sonam Futi Sherpa, Manoochehr Shirzaei, and Chandrakanta Ojha are observations as a cost-effective tool for gathering hydrological
with the School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State Univer-
sity, Tempe, AZ 85287 USA (e-mail:;; data in the sparsely gauged and ungauged basin around the world. However, these optical datasets become less useful when
Susanna Werth is with the School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona cloud cover becomes substantial over the area.
State University, Tempe, AZ 85287 USA, and also with the School of Geo-
graphical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ In contrast, synthetic aperture radar (SAR) datasets exhibit
85281 USA (e-mail: significant promises due to the broad spatial coverage, fre-
Renaud Hostache is with the Department of Environmental Research and quent repeat intervals and most importantly, the all-weather
Innovation, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, 4362 Esch-sur-
Alzette, Luxembourg (e-mail: day or night image acquisition capabilities [17]. In SAR im-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSTARS.2020.2970337 ages, smooth open water appears as dark areas since most of

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see

the incident radar signal is specularly reflected away from the where the determined status of any given pixel is represented
antenna [19], resulting in a low backscatter recording, whereas, by a probability value in the continuous range [0, 1]. Their
nonflooded terrain scatters the signal in many directions and method is based on the Bayes inference mixture modeling [46]
produces higher backscattered intensity [20]. As a result, the and begins with assigning a primary probability density function
mapping of water bodies in SAR images is relatively straightfor- (often a uniform) to each pixel indicating the prior probability
ward. The side-looking geometry of SAR satellites and emerging of a pixel being flooded or nonflooded. The choice of this prior
objects (e.g., vegetation, trees) can, however, pose a challenge to probability is arbitrary [44], and the chosen value may impact
the SAR-based flood mapping effort [21]. Speckle noise due to the final results. However, the sensitivity analysis conducted by
the interference between the radar return from individual scatter- Guistarini et al. [44] shows an acceptable performance in terms
ers within a pixel is another issue hampering a straightforward of reliability and that little is gained by attempting to estimate
SAR image interpretation [22]. Moreover, pixels associated with prior probabilities from validation data when choosing a prior
radar shadow, or smooth surfaces (e.g., highways, tarmacs, flat probability of 0.5 following Westerhoff et al. [43]. But one may
roofs, parking lots) may exhibit backscatter intensity similar use hydrological models [52] to predict the flood extent within
to that of inundated areas [23]. SAR based methods of flood the study area, which can be considered as an informative prior
mapping include [23]: simple visual interpretation [18], [24], distribution.
[25], image change detection techniques [26]–[31], supervised Next, the method uses the histogram of SAR backscatter
classification [32], [33], region growing algorithms [34]–[37], values to estimate the marginal probability density function of
object-oriented image analysis techniques [28], [38], and his- backscattering value for a given pixel. Finally, it evaluates the
togram thresholding and interferometric SAR coherence [39], Bayes relationship for each pixel to calculate the conditional
[40]. flood probability of a pixel. Moreover, such probabilistic flood
Some flood detection approaches use a combination of the maps are handy for operational purposes. For example, Hostache
methods above to map water bodies. For instance, Pulvirenti et al. [53] show that their assimilation into a flood forecasting
et al. [41] used fuzzy logic and a theoretical model of radar system allows substantially improving prediction accuracy.
return signal from inundated pixels to mitigate the impact of Therefore, due to the ability to characterize the uncertainty
vegetation on flood classification. Shen et al. [42] integrate associated with the each pixel class, compared with traditional
SAR image classification based on statistics, morphological deterministic approach, this article applies the Bayesian frame-
processing, multithreshold-based compensation, and machine- work developed by Giustarini et al. [44] to a set of SAR images
learning correction to propose an unsupervised semi-real-time acquired by Sentinel-1 C-band satellites over the Kerala state
flood detection algorithm. Further, Westerhoff et al. [43] offer of India (see Fig. 1) before, during, and after the flood event
an automated flood mapping approach that obtains global maps in August 2018. Our method generates a priori distribution
of water bodies by evaluating the conditional flood probability functions of backscattering values for flooded and nonflooded
of a pixel given its backscatter value and incidence angle. In pixels using ensembles of observed SAR amplitude histogram.
recent works, Giustarini et al. [44] and Matgen et al. [45] Next, we apply a Bayesian framework to update a priori dis-
propose a combination of thresholding region growing and tribution functions using observed SAR backscattering values
change detection for automatic flood extent detection within a at individual pixels and obtain the posterior flood probability
single SAR image. Chini et al. [46], building on the work of distribution of a pixel. We compare the probabilistic flood map
Matgen et al. [45], develop a hierarchical split-based approach obtained from the SAR-based Bayesian approach against the
(HSBA) that searches for tiles of a variable size allowing the flood extent obtained from visual inspection of available optical
parameterization of the distributions of flooded and nonflooded data acquired by Sentinel-2, Landsat satellites, and images from
pixels. This advancement results in a more robust estimate of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS).
flood extent [47].
Most flood mapping algorithms provide an estimate of flood II. STUDY AREA AND DATASETS
extent in the form of a binary map [48]. Despite their use-
fulness, such binary maps do not provide any information on A. Study Area
the uncertainty associated with the pixel class. Given a SAR Kerala is a state of India located between the Arabian Sea
image and pertained mapping algorithm, Schumann et al. [49] to the west and the Western Ghats to the east. It receives 90%
recognize two primary sources of uncertainties that include the of its rainfall during six monsoon months and has an average
parameters used to set up a classification algorithm and the annual precipitation of about 3000 mm. In August 2018, the
flood image geocoding. Further, Baldassarre et al. [50] analyze Kerala state experienced 53% above average rainfall during the
uncertainty stemming from the available SAR images and the monsoon season, leading to large scale flooding [54]. The Idduki
applied classification procedure and point out that the optimal reservoir in the Idduki district received the highest water inflow
parameters of the model depend on the type of satellite image of about 2532 m3 /s on August 15 and touched the full reservoir
used to evaluate the model as well as on the particular method level (FRL) of about 732.43 m on August 17. On August 16, a
used to derive the flood extent [51]. This work further highlights peak discharge of 8800 m3 /s was recorded at the Neeleshwaram
the need for a transition from deterministic binary wet/dry gauging station, which was likely due to the release of water from
maps to a fuzzy flood extent. Giustarini et al. [44] propose an the upstream Idukki reservoir. Furthermore, other dams such as
SAR-based Bayesian framework to estimate flood probabilities, the Kakki dam near the Pamba river basin in Pathanamthitta

Fig. 1. (a) DEM of Kerala obtained from SRTM with inset map of India. In total, 14 districts of Kerala state and river network of the state are labeled in the
figure. (b) Slope map of Kerala. Shown are major dams and reservoirs and G&D sites in the panel. (c) Two SAR paths path 63 with two frames 1 and 2 and path
165 with three frames 1, 2, and 3 for the study area.

district, Malapuzha reservoir in Palakkad district, and Idamala- B. Datasets

yar reservoir in Ernakulam district experienced high inflow and
increase in water level that leads to spill over during this intense 1) SAR Data: We use a large set of SAR images acquired by
rainfall [55]. C-band Sentinel-1A and B satellites with Terrain Observation
In summary, the combination of several factors worsened with Progressive Scans acquisition mode and revisit time of six
the flooding in Kerala. These factors included above-average days before and during the flood event to map and compare the
seasonal rainfall before August 8, persistent excessive rain from flood extent. Images during floods are from descending paths
August 8, and already high reservoir storages before the flood 63 and 165 having incidence and heading angles of 34° and
event [54]. The flood affected all the aspects of human lives, –168°, respectively, and are acquired on the dates of August 2,
including socioeconomic conditions, transportation, infrastruc- August 14, August 26, September 7 and August 9, August 21,
ture, agriculture, and livelihood, with damages amounting to August 27 and September 2 (see the Appendix). A flood-free
more than US$ 3.8 billion [56]. reference amplitude image is also generated using a set of
Fig. 1 shows Kerala’s digital elevation model (DEM), its slope SAR images acquired before the flood event [27], [57]. The
map, and its 14 administrative districts, as well as the location preflood SAR dataset includes 23 SAR images acquired in path
of its reservoirs and gauging/discharge (G&D) sites. The state 63 between July 14, 2017, and July 21, 2018, and 31 images
divides into three geographic regions, eastern highlands (rugged collected in path 165 during July 21, 2017, and July 28, 2018. For
and cool mountainous terrain), the central midlands (rolling radar data processing, comprising single look complex (SLC)
hills), and western lowlands (coastal plains). The region has generation, radiometric calibration, and coregistration, we use
a maximum elevation of about 2630 m a.s.l. and the slope of Gamma processing software [58], [59]. We use the L1 data
the area ranges from 0° to 15°. The state has a long flood format, including SLC products, orbits, and calibration XML
history. In 1924, unprecedented flooding overwhelmed the river files. Each path includes two partially overlapping frames, and
networks of Kerala, causing losses of life, property, and crop. each frame comprises three subswaths. After calibrating SLC
The primary driver of flood event was the rainstorm of July images, we concatenate the overlapping frames within each path
16–18, 1924, associated with the Southwest monsoon. In 1961, and then select a portion of the concatenated SLC that covers the
intense precipitation led to severe flooding and inundation of the entire study area. The radiometric calibration accounts for the
entire state of Kerala, damaging more than 50 000 houses and effect of spatially variable incidence angle on the SAR amplitude
115 000 acres of paddy [55]. and yields pixels whose scattering properties reflect the physical

Fig. 2. SAR log-transformed intensity images acquired on (a) path 63 for dates August 2, August 14, August 26, and September 7, as well as (b) path 165 for dates
August 9, August 21, August 27, and September 2. Also, the flood-free reference log-transformed intensity images generated by stacking preflood acquisitions of
both paths are provided. Pixels of darker grayscale (< –5 dB) are associated with water bodies.


properties of the illuminated surface. To reduce the speckle 2) Precipitation Data: Precipitation data from the TRMM
effects in SLC products, we applied a multilook factor of 30 and Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA), combining mul-
5 in range and azimuth direction and yielded a pixel resolution tiple satellite-based precipitation measurement missions from
of ∼70 m × ∼70 m. Further, we precisely coregister SAR the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
images acquired in each path to their respected master image were acquired to understand the precipitation pattern during
[60] using the satellite ephemeris data and a reference Shuttle the period August 1–September 7, 2018. We use the daily
Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) DEM at 30-m resolution accumulated precipitation generated from the global research-
[61]. Finally, the median values of the returned signal amplitude quality three-hourly TMPA 3B42 product (see Table I). Here,
at the location of precisely collocated pixels are used to calculate we use the variable precipitation (HQprecipitation) (see Table I),
a flood-free amplitude image (see Fig. 2). which provides full coverage within the 50° latitude bands as it

Fig. 3. Aggregated precipitation for each district of Kerala and cumulative over each district. Bars show the aggregated precipitation between two consecutive
SAR acquisitions (source:

merges the combined microwave-infrared estimates with gauge for corresponding flood dates and before the flood. On February
calibration over land. Specifics of this dataset can be found 6, 2018, the Operational Land Imager on the Landsat 8 satel-
in [62]. lite (30-m resolution) acquired preflood images (bands 6-5-3).
Fig. 3 shows the time series of cumulative precipitation for On July 3, August 7, August 12, August 22, and August 27,
each district of Kerala, spanning the period August 1–September the multispectral instrument on the European Space Agency’s
7. Also, bars indicate the aggregated precipitation between dates Sentinel-2 satellite acquired flood and postflood images (band
of SAR acquisitions. The cumulative precipitation is the high- 11-8-3). Details of the data acquisition dates are provided in
est in three northernmost districts of Kerala, reaching almost Table II.
800 mm from August 1 to September 7, 2018. The districts These datasets are discussed in Section V-A. To further val-
of Thiruvananthapuram, Idduki, and Pathanamthitta have the idate the flood maps obtained from Sentinel-1A/B SAR acqui-
lowest cumulative precipitation, with values lower than 400 mm. sitions, for the same dates, we collect the three-day composite
Comparing the single-day precipitations, the districts of Kasar- flood extent data provided by the NASA near-real-time (NRT)
god, Kannur, and Kozhikode received, on August 14, peak values MODIS Global Flood Mapping initiative (https://floodmap.
of 401, 315, and 244 mm, respectively, whereas the districts of We also acquire the daily cloud re-
Thrissur, Ernakulam, and Alapuzha received peak precipitation trieval fraction data calculated from the 1-km resolution MOD06
of 310, 309, and 315 mm, respectively, on August 21. Fig. 4 product oversampled at 5-km spaced pixels1 . The details of the
shows the cumulative precipitation between the dates of SAR MODIS NRT flood maps are presented in Table III, and the
acquisitions aggregated over Kerala’s districts. Note that the attribute of the MOD06 product is given in Table IV.
color range is different for each panel due to significant temporal
variations in the amount of precipitation.
3) Optical Data: To compare and discuss the probabilistic
flood map generated from SAR, we processed optical datasets 1 [Online] Available:

Fig. 4. Spatial distribution of precipitation aggregated between two consecutive SAR acquisitions and accumulated over each district. Note: Precipitation color
bars of each panel have different scales and are not similar (source:


The name formatting for Sentinel-2 product and Landsat 8 is YYYYMMDDThhmmss and YYYYMMDD, respectively.

III. METHOD follows [44]:

A. Flood Extent Mapping p (σ ◦ /F ) p (F )
p (F/σ ◦ ) = (1)
p (σ ◦ )
To map the flood extent, we use a statistical approach that        
implements the Bayes theorem. Given the log-transformed p σ 0 = p σ 0 /F p (F ) + p σ 0 /F̄ p F̄ (2)
backscattering intensity (σ ◦ ) of a pixel, the conditional prob- ◦
where p(σ /F ) is the probability of recording a given backscat-
ability of a pixel being flooded, p(F/σ ◦ ), is estimated as ter value σ o for a water pixel (F ), and p(σ 0 /F̄ ) is the probability


The name formatting is YYYYDDD. The tile name formatting is LONGLATI, where LONG and LATI are the longitude and latitude of upper left corner of 10° produce
tile. The composite name formatting is XDYOT, where X indicates the imagery number of days for the product window, Y represents the number of observations required
over the window, for a pixel to be labeled water and T indicates terrain shadow masking, for example, 2D2OT represents 2 days imagery, 2 observations required, and
terrain shadow masking applied.


The name formatting is YYYYDDD.hhmm.

of recording a given backscatter value σ ◦ for a nonwater pixel To set up the HSBA, we consider the backscattering value
(F̄ ). The backscatter probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the water pixels to be less than –15 dB. Next, we begin
of water and nonwater pixels are assumed to be Gaussian [63], with splitting the SAR image into blocks using the so-called
[64]. Also, p(σ 0 ) is the marginal probability of recording a given quadtree algorithm, with the smallest tile size being 1000 ×
backscatter value σ ◦ for any pixel. The terms p(F ) and p(F̄ ) are 1000 pixels. In each tile, the distribution of the water pixels
the prior probabilities of a pixel being flooded and nonflooded, (i.e., pixels with value < –15 dB) is compared with that of the
respectively. In a Bayesian framework, p(F ) represents the prior remaining pixels. Since the goal is to identify tiles with a precise
probability of a pixel being flooded, prior to the backscatter bimodal distribution, we employ Ashman’s D statistic [46] with
intensity being measured, and p(F̄ ) = 1 − p(F ). Following a coefficient of 2.6. This statistic compares the mean of the
Westerhoff et al. [43], the noninformative prior is chosen as two distributions with respect to their variances and indicates
p(F ) = p(F̄ ) = 0.5, namely the chance of a pixel being flooded if their difference is statistically significant. Once the tiles with
is same as being nonflooded. Giustarini et al. [44] show that precise bimodal distribution are identified across the image, their
the posterior probability distribution of flooded pixels depends pixels’ values are combined to generate final distributions. Fig. 5
weakly on the choice of prior values. However, one may use shows the intensity histogram for all pixels located within the
hydrological models [52] to predict the flood extent within the bimodal mask (black curve), the parameterized Gaussian curves
study area, which can be considered as an informative prior (rescaled Gaussian PDFs) of the water (blue curve) and no water
distribution. (red curve) pixels, as well as the best fitting bimodal curve to
To estimate p(σ ◦ /F ) and p(σ 0 /F̄ ), two PDFs are needed all (green curve) pixels located within the bimodal mask. Here,
to represent the intensity of flooded pixels and that of the water and no-water are used interchangeably with flooded and
background. To this end, we apply the HSBA proposed by Chini nonflooded, respectively, from now onwards except for preflood
et al. [46]. This approach uses a quadtree decomposition and conditions.
searches for tiles of variable size, enabling the parameterization A visual inspection suggests a good agreement between the
of the water and nonwater backscatter PDFs. In other words, this observed histograms and the fitted Gaussian distributions. Also,
method searches for an ensemble of image subtitles of variable the bimodal distribution of intensity histogram indicates that
size, called bimodal mask hereafter, exhibiting a bimodally the HSBA successfully identified flooded and nonflooded pixels.
distributed histogram. For some dates, such as August 9, there is some overlap between

Fig. 5. Flooded and nonflooded pixels histograms. The yellow and magenta curves are, respectively, the best fitting Gaussian distributions to flooded (F),
nonflooded (F̄ ) pixels log-transformed intensity histogram for (a) path 63 and (b) path 165. The log-transformed intensity histograms are shown in black, and the
cyan curve is the best fitting bimodal Gaussian distribution to these histograms.

the two histograms. For the pixels whose intensity values fall the pixel with a conditional flood probability larger than 0.99 is
within the overlap zone of the histograms, the conditional flood considered.
probability obtained from (1) may remain unchanged compared Note that in Fig. 6, we observe no flooded/water pixels
with the a priori one. around some of the river networks (blue curves) determined
HydroSHEDS database. This is because these rivers are only
possible flow paths that are determined based on the 3 arcsec
IV. RESULTS SRTM DEM [65], some of which may never experience flow
Fig. 6 shows the results of probabilistic flood mapping for the or are too narrow to be mapped by our SAR dataset. Moreover,
SAR images acquired in path 63 on August 2, August 14, August some of these rivers may only be a depression in DEM, which
26, and September 7, as well as path 165 on August 9, August are labeled as a river in the global datasets. Therefore, although
21, August 27, and September 2. A value close to 1 represents the HydroSHEDS dataset provides useful information regarding
a high probability of a pixel being water and therefore flooded. the river networks at a global scale, the individual channels and
The bottom row provides the conditional flood probability of rivers may not represent actual inland endorheic basins. That is
a pixel before the flood period, where the probability of ∼1 why, some of the blue curves are not identified as water pixels
(i.e., the conditional probability of a pixel being flooded/water) in Fig. 6.
marks existing water bodies and permanent rivers such as the Fig. 7(b) and (c) zooms and focuses on three of the preflood
Vembanad Lake. The pixels with an estimated probability of near and after flood zones of probabilistic maps for the paths 63 and
0 are likely not flooded or no water and are distant from water 165. These three zones are highlighted in Fig. 7(a) with square
networks and reservoirs. Within the northern part of Kerala cov- boxes. The zoomed preflood maps [see Fig. 7(b) and (c)] show
ered by the path 63, clusters of pixels with significant conditional perennial water bodies identified by pixels with a water probabil-
flood probability mark traces of river networks such as Murat, ity of ∼1 (all flood). Zone 1 in northern Kerala is characterized
Kuttyadi, and Beypor as well as the Chaliyar river network. by a significant increase in the flooded areas. Zone 2 in southern
Concerning southern Kerala covered by path 165, pixels with Kerala similarly shows an increase in the number of pixels with
significant conditional flood probability mark the Vembanad a probability of ∼1, however, on August 9, the majority of the
and Periyar lakes and around river networks (see Fig. 6). Note pixels are characterized by a probability of ∼0.5, which indicates
that we did not show pixels with probability < 0.1 for only that the conditional flood probability of a pixel remains similar to
visual purposes (in Fig. 6 only) but for all other calculations that of the initial value. On this date, the intensity histograms for

Fig. 6. Conditional flood probabilities at the time of Sentinel-1A/B SAR acquisitions for (a) path 63 and (b) path 165. Pixels with probability < 0.1 are not
shown. The bottom row shows flood probabilities for preflood images, whereas pixels with high flood probability mark the existing water bodies. A purple polygon
outlines Kerala’s state. River networks obtained from Hydrological data and maps based on Shuttle Elevation Derivatives at multiple Scales (HydroSHEDS) are
marked in blue (source: Note that these rivers are possible flow paths that are determined based on the 3 arcsec SRTM3 DEM and some
of them may never experience flow or are too narrow to be mapped by our SAR dataset. Moreover, some of these rivers may only be a depression in DEM, which
are labeled as a river in the global datasets.

flooded and nonflooded pixels overlap between –15 and –25 dB the northern and southern paths are different, we combine the
(see Fig. 5). acquisitions in path 63 with the one of nearest date in path
Zone 3 locates south of Vembanad Lake, whose wetland 165 and discard the duplicate pixels to obtain flood area and
system is the largest in India. The flood maps show a significant percentage for an interval whose beginning and end are marked
increase in the inundated area compared with the preflood map, with either path acquisitions. Next, we consider pixels with the
which lasts at least from August 9 to September 2. Although the conditional probability of a pixel being flooded greater than
negative impact of sea-level rise and permanent coastal flooding 0.99 and calculate the flood area per pixel as the probability
on wetlands is well known [66], the wetland plants response to times the area of the pixel (∼70 m × ∼70 m). We find that
periodic soil saturation resulting into flood such as that of the from August 2 to September 7, the distribution of flood area
Kerala flood is somewhat unclear [67], which mainly depends on percentage per district remains mostly steady. The most sig-
several factors such as vegetation type, inundation duration, and nificant flood area percentages of 12% and 6% are obtained
wetland elevation. In particular, soil saturation due to flooding for the districts of Alappuzha and Kottayam, respectively, from
can cause soil anoxia, which can be harmful to a wetland’s August 14 to August 21. For this period, a total area of 523 km2
ecosystem [68]. is flooded within the state of Kerala. In terms of the flooded
To calculate the flooded area and its percentage on each area, the districts of Alappuzha and Kottayam experienced the
district of Kerala, we combine the flood maps obtained from most extensive flood covering an area of 168 and 122 km2 ,
both paths (see Fig. 8). Given that the acquisition dates for respectively.

Fig. 7. Close-up map of flood probability at selected sites in Kerala, whose locations are shown in panel (a). (b) Flood map for the zone 1 in north Kerala covered
by path 63 on August 2, August 14, August 26, and September 7. (c) Flood maps for zones 2 and 3 in south Kerala covered by path 165 on August 9, August 21,
August 27, and September 2. The bottom row on both panels (b) and (c) shows flood probabilities for preflood images, where pixels with high flood probability
mark the existing water bodies.

V. DISCUSSION Next, we compare the flood map from the SAR-based

Bayesian approach for August 21 with that obtained from the
A. Flood Extent: SAR Versus Landsat and Sentinel-2
optical image for August 22 to further investigate the ability of
Optical Datasets
our approach for identifying water/flood (see Fig. 10). We chose
Fig. 9 shows the optical images of the southern part of August 22 because this date was the only one with minimal
Kerala before, during, and after the flood event. The images are cloud cover over the study area, providing useful optical data.
false-color, where dark blue represents flood water, and bright To generate the binary flood map from the optical image, we ap-
green is vegetation. Fig. 9(a), which exhibits the least cloud ply adaptive histogram thresholding using Otsu method imple-
cover, shows the existing water bodies such as the Vembanad mented in MATLAB through function “otsuthresh.” Fig. 10(b)
lake. Despite our effort to identify images with minimal cloud shows the optical flood map, where the primary water body of
coverage, the prevalence of clouds tempers with our ability to the Vembanad lake is identified in agreement with that of the
assess the flood extent on most dates. In general, the presence of SAR-based flood map in Fig. 10(a). Although clouds in the
clouds and cloud shadows significantly impacts the usefulness optical image are falsely flagged as flooded areas, we further
of spectral bands of the optical sensor for flood extent mapping focus on six zones [blue boxes in Fig. 10(a)] to perform a detailed
[69], [70]. A comparison of the images with the least cloud cover comparison between the SAR-based probabilistic flood map and
[see Fig. 9(a) and (e)] shows, however, a drastic increase in the optical flood map.
flood extent area. This provides the first-order validation for the This comparison indicates the overall success of the SAR-
flood map obtained through our SAR-based Bayesian approach based approach for detecting river networks and small wa-
(see Fig. 10). ter/flood, for example, in zones 1, 2, 3, and 5 in Fig. 10(a).

Fig. 8. (a) Percentage of the flooded area. (b) Total flood area concerning the preflood conditions for each district. Each interval is marked with the date of SAR
acquisition in path 63 and the nearest one in path 165. Districts with the highest flooded values are labeled.

However, it misses zone 4, where optical image indicates a associated with each pixel class. Noteworthy, for SAR-based
water body, whereas the SAR-based approach places near-zero flood mapping surface, vegetation can be a significant source
flood probabilities. Noteworthy that the optical-image-based of uncertainty and may cause a mixed volume/surface scat-
flood map does not depict river networks and small impound- tering depending on the radar wavelength, which reduces the
ments visible in zones 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the probabilistic ap- accuracy of the probability density function associated with
proach. Also, in optical image clouds are mistaken for wa- nonflooded pixels [44]. Moreover, other nuisance, such as wind-
ter bodies as underlined in zone 6, whereas the SAR-based induced roughening or speckle noise, can reduce the accuracy
map inherently is independent of weather conditions and cloud of quadtree classification [44]. However, the strength of the
cover. returned signal from a vegetated surface and other landform
Moreover, on all other dates, optical data are not suitable for remains significantly larger than that of the water body. Note
detecting water bodies because of the presence of the cloud. that our Bayesian framework requires only a bimodal distribu-
In such a case, SAR image sensors have the advantage of being tion of pixels backscattering properties, namely flooded versus
able to acquire useful data regardless of weather conditions [18], nonflooded pixels. As long as the distribution of flooded pixels
[44]. Therefore, flood maps created from SAR images present is well constrained, the remaining pixels (land, rock, vegetation)
a coherent source of flooding information and holds significant can be considered as nonflooded. Nevertheless, the water body
value for operational purposes. underneath dense vegetation may not be identified using C-band
Furthermore, the probabilistic flood map from the SAR-based observations, which is a limitation of the dataset used but not
Bayesian approach was able to characterize the uncertainty the method.

Fig. 9. Optical images of Kerala recorded during the year 2018 (see also Table III). (a) Landsat 8 (bands 6-5-3), and (b)–(f) other images are from Sentinel-2
satellite (bands 11-8-3). Dark blue areas indicate flooded water and green represents areas covered by vegetation.

B. Flood Extent: SAR Versus MODIS Optical Datasets such, the NRT MODIS flood maps provide further validation
for our results obtained through the probabilistic flood map
Fig. 11 shows NASA NRT MFD and cloud fraction in percent- based on SAR images. Such MODIS flood detection provides
age for the flood dates, August 2, 9, 14, 21, 26, 27, and September consistent and independently verifiable information [71] and is
2 and 7, respectively. These dates were selected to be consistent one of the significant resources for validation of flood map from
with those of Sentinel-1A/B acquisitions, to allow for additional our Bayesian SAR-based framework.
validation and comparison with our probabilistic flood maps. In contrast to flood maps produced using SAR datasets, the
The presence of complete cloud cover on the images of August NRT MODIS flood maps ideally can identify daily changes in
9, 14, and 27 make it difficult to detect any flooded areas for these the flooded areas. However, the presence of clouds during acqui-
periods through the NRT MODIS flood maps. Few floodwaters sition reduces the detection capability of the MODIS sensor, as is
are seen on August 21, August 26 and September 2 because of evident in Fig. 11(b)–(g). This highlights the advantage of flood
the cloud cover. The dates of August 2 and September 7 have mapping using SAR acquisitions over that of MODIS as well
the lowest cloud covers of 0-5%, which allows MODIS data to as other optical satellite images, whose interpretation becomes
detect many flooded areas in the region. On these two dates, challenging due to cloud coverage. Despite cloud removal al-
most of the floodwater is detected near the Vembanad lake in gorithms developed for MODIS datasets [72]–[74], SAR-based
Kottayam and Alappuzha districts [see Fig. 11(a) and (h)]. As approaches show significant promises thanks to the increased

Fig. 10. Comparison of probabilistic SAR-based flood map for (a) August 21 and optical flood map for (b) August 22, focusing on the flood pattern near Vembanad
lake. Six zones (blue boxes) from 1 to 6 are selected for comparison between these two maps.

Fig. 11. NASA NRT Global Flood Mapping initiative MFD of three-day composite (source: for the flood dates of Sentinel-
1A/B acquisitions. Red color indicates flooded pixels. The background is the MODIS cloud fraction data (in percentage) for the respective flood dates (source: Zero value indicates no clouds, whereas 100 means the entire pixel is covered by clouds.

frequency of acquisition provided by various space-borne and and ever-growing problem for managers as it reduces the lifetime
airborne SAR missions. In addition to this, the SAR-based of the dam or increases the demand for maintenance [80]. Under
Bayesian approach provides more information on uncertainty some conditions, up to half of a reservoir’s volume can be filled
associated with each pixel than optical flood maps such as NRT up with sediments [81], which significantly reduces the reservoir
MODIS alone. capacity over time. Thus, the operating schedules need to be
revised frequently, which is time-consuming and expensive.
Also, intense precipitation and storms cause an increased rate
C. Flooding and Precipitation Pattern of sediment deposition [82]. Interruption of sediment transport
We find no apparent correlation between the spatial distribu- flow by dams or removal of sediment from the channel by gravel
tion of aggregated precipitation (see Fig. 4) and the flooded area mining may lead to a condition where flow downstream of a dam
percentage (see Fig. 8). Instead, most flooding occurred near the becomes sediment starved, which accelerates channel incision
lake Vembanad in the Alappuzha and Kottayam districts, despite and induces channel instability [83]. This process might have
relatively lower precipitation in those areas. For instance, the worsened the flood severity during August 2018 in the state of
aggregated precipitation values for Alappuzha from August 9 to Kerala.
August 13 and August 14 to August 20 were 59 and 103 mm, To reduce dam flooding, we suggest to frequently update
respectively, whereas those of Kottayam were 55 and 96 mm, the operating schedules to incorporate the effect of extreme
respectively. climate changes such as intense precipitation, to account for
On the other hand, from August 9 to August 13 and from variable carrying capacities of downstream channels as well as
August 14 to August 20, the highest precipitation values of to examine a wide range of extreme rainfall forecasts [84]. We
89 and 231 mm occurred in the districts of Ernakulam and further suggest restoring the continuity of sediment transport
Pathanamthitta, respectively (see Fig. 4). The fact that there is and finding alternatives to rivers for reducing sediment delivery
no spatial correlation between local flood extents and rainfall from mining activities, in response to the increased risk of river
is expected for two reasons: First, there is potentially some and reservoir sedimentation [83].
delay between the rainfall event and the flooding, especially for
rather large catchments: flood wave need some time to reach the VI. CONCLUSION
floodplains from mountainous areas or hills. Second, rainfall is We applied a Bayesian framework to generate probabilistic
potentially concentrated at the overhead catchments (hills and maps of the August 2018 flood in Kerala, India, using SAR
mountains) whereas floods occur more at the downstream in the images acquired by Sentinel-1A/B satellites. The method uses
floodplain. As a consequence, the flood extent is not necessarily an HSBA for classifying the SAR image into two classes of
observed close to the place where precipitation was abundant. flooded and background pixels. The probability density function
Further, the absence of spatial correlation may be related to associated with each class is then used to compute, for each
the fact that the significant dam reservoirs [see Fig. 1(b)] were al- pixel its probability to correspond to water, given the recorded
ready full due to earlier rainfall throughout 2018, and the August backscatter. The obtained probabilistic flood maps indicate that
precipitation led the dam to overtop [75]. Overtopping a dam is overall flooding occurred after August 8 and culminated on
often a precursor to its failure, and thus excess water may be August 14 and August 21. Also, extensive flooding occurred
released through spillways to avoid the failure. During August, alongside river networks and adjacent to lakes with two districts
more than 35 dams opened their spillways to release the flood of Alappuzha and Kottayam experiencing most flooding. We
runoff. Specifically, the Idduki dam of Idduki district opened observe no correlation between the spatial distributions of the
its spillways gates for the first time in 26 years after the storm flooded areas and the rainfall amounts at the district level of
of August 15–17 (Central Water Commission, Government of our study area. Instead, higher flooded areas are observed in
India Study Report, 2018). The release of excess water from the southern districts such as Alappuzha and Kottayam located
dams can overwhelm the downstream channel networks and downstream floodplain of one of the major dams of the state,
likely contribute to the flooding observed in Alappuzha and Idduki dam. Two major reasons for observation of no apparent
Kottayam districts (see Figs. 6 and 8). Dams are often built correlation might be due to, first, there is often some delay
to provide flood protection to downstream land and population between the rainfall event and the flooding especially for rather
through the provision of storage and controlled discharge of large catchments where flood waves need some time to reach
flood inflows [76]. The operating schedule determines the inflow floodplains from higher elevations. Second, rainfall is more
and outflow to and from a dam, which is used by managers to find abundant at overhead catchments (hills and mountains) whereas
a balance between flood control, irrigation, power generation, flood inundation occurs further downstream in the floodplains.
and conversation [77]. However, dams also introduce a new We suggest that the flood severity in these states is exacerbated
component to the flood risk due to the possibility of dam failure by the release of water from the upstream reservoirs, such as the
and overtopping [78], [79]. Mishra et al. [54] argue that the Idduki dam, which were already full due to precipitation during
high reservoir storage before the extreme precipitation in August 2018. We show that in contrast to flood maps obtained from
2018 likely worsened the flooding in Kerala. The roles of dams optical images MODIS datasets, our SAR-based probabilistic
in causing flooding in the Periyar Basin of Kerala state of India flood extents are not affected by cloud cover. Thus, this approach
are discussed in [72]. can be used in semi-real time for mapping floodwater and
Though the effects of sediments are not much discussed. In associated damage, where the surface is not visible from space
India, erosion, and reservoir sedimentation had become a costly due to the weather condition and the nighttime.

APPENDIX 165 used for estimating probabilistic flood maps. Dates and
Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) of the data are provided
Acquisition dates and hours of Sentinel-1A/B, C-band SAR
images acquired in descending orbit geometry of paths 63 and in YYYYMMDDThhmmss format.

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available at [22] L. Giustarini et al., “Accounting for image uncertainty in SAR-based
Daily_7/summary. flood mapping,” Int. J. Appl. Earth Observ. Geoinf., vol. 34, pp. 70–77,
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Sonam Futi Sherpa received the undergraduate de- Susanna Werth received the M.Sc. degree in geodesy
gree in environmental sciences and M.S. by research (eng.) from the Technical University of Dresden,
degree in glaciology from Kathmandu University, Dresden, Germany, in 2006 and the Ph.D. degree in
Dhulikhel, Nepal, in 2015, and the M.S. in science de- hydrology from the University of Potsdam, Potsdam,
gree from the School of Sustainability, Arizona State Germany, in 2010.
University (ASU), Tempe, AZ, USA, in 2018, where From 2006 to 2010, she worked on the development
she is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree with of approaches to integrate observations from satellite
the School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE), gravimetry into global hydrological modeling as a
in the earth sciences program. Researcher with the Hydrology Section of the Ger-
She is also a Graduate Research Associate with man Research Center for Geosciences, Potsdam, Ger-
the SESE, ASU, USA, in the earth sciences program. many. Between 2010 and 2012, she was Postdoctoral
She worked on climate, cryosphere, and hydrology of the high mountain Asia Fellow and Coordinator of a research project on sediment transport modeling in
using in situ and space-based techniques before joining ASU. Her current semiarid environments with the Institute of Geosciences, University of Potsdam.
research focuses on water budget changes, flooding, and probabilistic flood During 2013 and 2014, she was a freelance consultant in Arizona, and in 2015,
mapping using synthetic aperture radar and other remote sensing techniques and she was a Postdoc with Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, to research
understanding of glacier mass changes in the Hindu-Kush Himalaya region using groundwater resources in the African Sahel zone by analyzing observations
gravimetry technique. Her research interests include geodesy and hydro-geodesy of satellite gravimetry. Since 2016, she has been holding a joint appointment
and application of space-based technologies to geophysical and geosciences as Research Faculty with the School of Earth and Space Exploration and the
problems. School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University.
Her research interests include interactions of the water cycle with geophysical
processes associated with the gravity field and with the deformation of the solid
earth, the development of analysis techniques for geodetic remote sensing data
Manoochehr Shirzaei received the M.Sc. degree in to support their application for monitoring and predicting the availability water
surveying engineering (geodesy) from Tehran Uni- resources, and the response of the components of the terrestrial water cycle and
versity, Tehran, Iran, in 2003 and the Ph.D. degree in water resources to changes in earth’s climate system.
geophysics and remote sensing from the University
of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, in 2010.
From 2007 to 2011, he was a Researcher with
the German Research Center for Geosciences, Pots-
dam, Germany, where he developed several advanced
multitemporal InSAR algorithm and heuristic opti-
mization methods with application in volcano rapid
response systems. In 2011, he joined the University Renaud Hostache received the M.Sc. degree in me-
of California–Berkeley as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar to work on aseismic chanics of geophysical media and environment from
and seismic faulting processes along the Hayward Fault. In 2013, he joined Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France, in 2003,
the School of Earth and Space Exploration, Arizona State University, Tempe, the M.Eng. degree in hydraulics and environmental
AZ, USA, as an Assistant Professor and Head of the Radar Remote Sensing sciences from the Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble,
And Tectonic Geodesy Lab, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His Grenoble, France, in 2003, and the Ph.D. degree
research interests include radar remote sensing, signal processing, inverse theory, in water sciences from AgroParisTech, Montpellier,
groundwater hydrogeodesy, tectonics, volcanism, and induced seismicity. France, in 2006.
Since 2007, he has been a Researcher with
Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology
Chandrakanta Ojha received the M.Sc. degree in (formerly Centre de Recherche Public Gabriel Lipp-
physics from the University of Delhi, New Delhi, mann), Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. His research interests include the re-
India, in 2008, the M.Tech. degree in natural resources trieval of hydrological information from satellite earth observation and its
engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology assimilation into flood and drought numerical models for improving forecasts
Bombay, Mumbai, India, in 2011, and the Ph.D. and reducing prediction uncertainty.
degree in civil and environmental engineering from
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, in 2015.
From 2012 to 2016, he was a Research Fellow
with the Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico
dell’Ambiente, a Research Institute of the Italian Na-
tional Research Council, Naples, Italy. Since 2016,
he has been a Researcher with Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA. His
research interests include synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data processing, devel-
opment of advanced multitemporal differential SAR interferometry techniques,
parallel computing, and groundwater modeling.

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