Social and Preventive Pharmacy

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B. Pharmacy IV Year II Semester Model Examinations, May-2024
Subject Name: Social and preventive pharmacy

Time: 3 Hours Max Max. Marks: 75

Note: i) Question paper consists of Part A, Part B.

ii) Part A is compulsory, which carries 25 marks. In Part A, answer all questions.
iii) In Part B, Answer any one question from each unit. Each question carries 10 marks and may have
a,b as sub questions.

PART-A (25 Marks)

1. a)Define health give dimensions of good health? [3]
b) What are essential public health services? [4]
c) Write signs and symptoms of malaria? [3]
d) Write down the deficiency diseases of vitamins? [3]
e) What is the treatment of TB? [3]
f) What are the aim and objectives of NMHP? [3]
g) Explain briefly the role of cigarettes and other tobacco products? [3]
h) Principles of school health program? [3]

PART-B (50 Marks)

2. Explain various disease control methods? [10]
3. Describe the socioc-cultural factors related to health and disease

4. What is cancer? Explain its risk factors, diagnosis, preventive measures [10]
5. Explain detailed note on drug abuse and drug dependence

6. Discuss the object, principles and implementation of immunization program [10]

7. What are steps taken by the government to maintain polio free status in India

8. Write objectives and strategies of family welfare programmes [10]

9. Describe briefly the various roles of government within the health sector?

10. Give a note on health care system in India [10]

11. Describe the concept of health education and health promotion in relation to schools

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