Bording An Aeroplane and Accelerating Down The Runway For Take-Off

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Newton’s laws of motion are three fundamental laws which describes the relationship

between a body and forces acting upon it. These laws are present everywhere in our daily life

and are widely used to describe the motion of a small atomic particle to celestial bodies in the


The first law also known as law of inertia states that if an object is in rest, then it tends to stay

in rest and if an object is in motion, then it tends to stay in motion if there is no external force

applied on it (NASA Glenn Research Center, 2023). The second law of motion states that the

acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and the third law

of motion states that there is an equal and opposite reaction for each and every action (NASA

Glenn Research Center, 2023).

Here in this problem the computer technician travels from one place to another to repair a

computer system using different modes of transportation. Following are the newton’s laws of

motion applicable to different modes of transportation and repair processes itself:

1. Bording an aeroplane and accelerating down the runway for take-off:

When the aeroplane is at the runway it stays in rest. According to Newton’s first law

of motion it stays in rest until there is no force is applied on it. When the pilot starts

the engine a force stars acting on the aeroplane due to the thrust of the engine. A

resistance force is also acting on the plane on form of friction to the tyres and air

resistance. When the force exerted by engine exceeds the net friction and air

resistance the aeroplane starts accelerating in the forward direction. The acceleration

of the plane is proportional to the engine thrust minus friction and air resistance.

2. Take-off the plane at the end of runway:

The take-off and ascent process of the aeroplane involves all three laws of motion. At the end
of runway, the lift force acting in upward direction exceed the gravitational force acting in
downward direction. During the ascent process the aeroplane continues to accelerate in
upward direction until it reaches a desired altitude. Now the plane starts moving in the
forward direction due to engine thrust acting in the forward direction. The wings of plane
demonstrate the newton’s third law of motion as air applies equal and opposite force to match
the engine thrust and wings lift (Dynamics of Flight, n.d.)
3. Landing of the aeroplane

As the aeroplane approaches its destination the pilot decreases the engine thrust.

Hence according to Newton’s second law of motion the forward force acting on the

aeroplane decrease which cause it to decelerate. When the aeroplane touches the

runway a friction force acts on its tyres which opposes its forward motion. This action

is also an application of Newton’s second law of motion. Now the pilot starts applying

breaks which is a clear demonstration of Newton’s third law of motion as it generates

the force exerted by the runway on the tires in the opposite direction.

4. Journey in the rental car

The journey in the rental car on the highway involves all three laws of motion.

Initially the car is in rest and according to Newton’s first law of motion it stays in rest

until a force is provided by engine of the car. As we press the accelerator the car

accelerates and its speed increases. This process is governed by Newton’s second law

of motion. When the car takes the entrance ramp you press the accelerator to match

the speed of the traffic which is again an application of newton’s second law of

motion. While driving on the highway you try to maintain a constant speed which is

an application of Newton’s first law of motion. When the car takes the exit ramp you

apply the brakes to decelerate and finally when the car comes to a stop at end point of

the journey then Newton’s third law comes into application because as the breaks of

the car are applied the car exerts a force on the road and in return the road exerts an

equal and opposite force which brings the car to the stop.

5. Removal of the defective module

When the module is inside the computer it stays in rest due to Newton’s first law of

motion. When you pull the handle a force acts on it and it resist it up to a limit

according to Newton’s second law of motion but when the applied force keep

increasing the module is ejected from the computer system which is an application of

the Newton’s second law of motion.

6. Insertion of the replacement module

Initially the replacement module stays is in rest according to Newton’s first law of

motion. Now as you push the replacement module in its slot it experiences resistance

from the slot demonstrating the third law of motion. When you increase the push, the

module moves into its designated slot. Hence all three laws of motion acts in the

insertion of the replacement module.

Hence Newton’s laws of motion might have formulated centuries ago but they are

fundamental to understand this physical world and can be experienced in our day to day lives.

They are universal in nature and are applied in all aspects of lives. In this problem the journey

of this technician in both aeroplane and rental car demonstrates the Newton’s laws of motion.

The repair process also governs by these laws.

NASA Glenn Research Center. (2023, August 7). Newton’s Laws of Motion | Glenn

Research Center | NASA. Glenn Research Center | NASA.



Dynamics of flight. (n.d.).


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