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A Research Proposal

Presented to
Ms. Aynul Hyatt G. Bashier
Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation
Marawi City

In the partial fulfillment

of the Course Requirement in
Practical Research 2
A.Y. 2023-2024

Abdul Cader, Ryhan D.

Ameen, Saliha A.
H. Amer, Joharah H.A.
Mahdi, Nawal D.
Sadick, Sofaira G.

December 2023

First and foremost, the researchers are grateful to Allah (S.W.T) for providing them

with courage and perseverance needed to complete this study.

The researchers would like to express their gratitude to Ms. Aynul Hyatt G. Bashier.

We are extremely thankful of our research instructor’s long patience in helping us all


The researcher would like to thank their beloved parents for their support to make

this research paper successful.

To the respondents, we are grateful for your thoughtfulness and involvement in our

research. Finally, to our members thank you for working hard to complete this research.

The researcher would want to express their gratitude to everyone who helped them

complete the study.

Breakfast is commonly regarded as the most important meal of the day. Breakfast
skipping, on the other hand, is common among adolescents. The purpose of this study
was to determine the effect of skipping breakfast on the academic performance of grade
12 students. This study employed mixed-methods research with 186 respondents
chosen at random. The researchers carried out the details of this study using survey
questionnaires. Breakfast consumption is associated with a variety of positive
outcomes, while skipping breakfast has a negative impact on academic performance,
according to the findings of this study.

the skippers were not only facing difficulties to elevate their academic performance
and achieved inadequate level of academic performance by not taking their breakfast.
Many non-skippers also had inadequate level of academic performance. Therefore,
there can be other factors may influence academic activities among the respondents
rather than skipping breakfast.

Keyword: breakfast skipping, academic performance

TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………………………i

ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………. ii


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………………iv


Background of the Study………………………………………………………… 6

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………... 7

Scope and Limitation……………………………………………………………... 7

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………… 7

Conceptual Framework…………………………………………………………... 8

Definition of Terms………………………………………………………………. 9



Research Design………………………………………………………………....15

Research Locale…………………………………………………………………...15

Research Sample………………………………………………………………... .16

Research Instruments…………………………………………………………….17

Data Collection Procedure……………………………………………………….17

Data Analysis………………………………………………………………………18

RESULT …………………………………………………………………………….19






Appendix A…………………………………………………………………….….…28

Appendix B ………………………………………………………………………....29

Appendix C ……………………………………………………………...……….…30



Breakfast is the first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning. Breakfast

has been suggested to positively affect the learning of students in terms of behavior,
cognition, and school performance.

When you wake up from your overnight sleep, you may not have eaten for up to

10 hours. Breakfast replenishes the stores of energy and nutrients in your body. Eating

breakfast plays an important role in regulating appetite, hormone levels, and the number

of calories we burn throughout the day. Breakfast eaters tend to perform better in

school. Breakfast eaters have better test scores, improved memory, and focus, and are

less likely to be absent or tardy. According to a website managed and authorised by the

Department of Health, State Government of Victoria, Australia

When you wake up from your overnight sleep, you may not have eaten for up to

10 hours. Breakfast replenishes the stores of energy and nutrients in your body. Eating

breakfast plays an important role in regulating appetite, hormone levels, and the number

of calories we burn throughout the day. Breakfast eaters tend to perform better in

school. Breakfast eaters have better test scores, improved memory, and focus, and are

less likely to be absent or tardy. According to a website managed and authorised by the

Department of Health, State Government of Victoria, Australia

This study aims to explore the relationship between skipping breakfast and

the academic performance of Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation’s grade 12

students. Nevertheless, breakfast can be considered as one of the aspects that can

help students to focus on their studies.

Statement of the Problem

Specifically, the study aims to address the following research questions.

1. What is the impact of skipping breakfast on the academic performance of students?

Positive or negative?

2. What are the specific positive effects to students of skipping breakfast?

3. What are the specific negative effects to students of skipping breakfast?

4. What are the causes of why students skip breakfast?

5. What could be the possible recommendations that may encourage students to avoid

skipping breakfast?

6. What is the correlation between skipping breakfast and the student’s academic


7. What are the possible strategies that will encourage regular breakfast consumption

among students?

Scope and Limitation

This study mainly focused on Grade 12 Students from Ibn Siena Integrated

School Foundation (Ibn Siena), Marawi City. The respondents of the study were

composed of 180 students. Especially, it will help certain groups such as learners in the

sense that skipping breakfast has an impact on academic performance. The researcher

aims to know whether there are positive or negative impacts of skipping breakfast and

the causes for skipping breakfast.

Significance of the Study

The study may be beneficial to the following:

Students. The result of this study can help the students to raise consciousness

among grade 12 students toward the positive and negative effects of skipping breakfast

on academic performance.

Teachers. The results of this study can be used by senior high school teachers to

better comprehend the circumstances of students who frequently skip breakfast.

Additionally, it will assist them in formulating plans for helping pupils to enhance their

academic achievement.

School Administrator. This study's findings can help school administrators create

strategies and programs for students who miss breakfast.

Future Researcher. Future Researchers doing studies that might be connected to

this one will use this study as a source of data or related material.

Conceptual Framework

This study focuses on how skipping breakfast affects Grade 12 students at the

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation's academic performance. The chart below

depicts the study's flow.

Impact of Skipping Academic Performance RECOMMENDATION.


Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the study.

Definition of Terms

For readers to completely comprehend the content of this study, the following

terminology is operationally defined:

Breakfast. In this study, it refers to meal eaten in the morning is the first meal of the

Skipping Breakfast. In this study, it refers to Missing your morning meal and

getting ready for your day's activities.

Appetite. In this study, it refers to Any of the instinctive desires necessary to keep

up organic life.

Nutrients. In this study, it refers to substance or ingredient that promotes growth,

provides energy, and maintains life.


This chapter presents the related literature and studies both foreign and local

sources that help in familiarizing information that is relevant and like the present study.

Breakfast is frequently regarded as the most essential meal of the day. (Gibney,

M.J., et al.,2018) and missing it has an impact on people's physical and mental health.

Undergraduate students at universities around the world often skip meals, especially
morning. In addition, missing breakfast may impact body energy levels throughout the

day, and it's challenging to cover up for this morning energy by consuming nutrients

throughout the rest of the day (Handuwala & Fernando (2022)).

According to Deshmukh-Taskar et al. (2010), children who consistently eat

breakfast are more likely to have favorable nutrient intakes, which include higher intakes

of dietary fiber, total carbohydrates, and lower intakes of total fat and cholesterol.

Additionally, breakfast plays a significant role in a regular intake of micronutrients

(Balvin Frantzen et al., 2013). Iron, B vitamins (folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin,

vitamin B, and vitamin B2), and vitamin D levels are approximately 20-60% higher in

breakfast eaters than in breakfast skippers (Gibson, 2003). Aside from consuming

particular nutrients, having breakfast has been connected to better dietary choices.

Children who eat breakfast are more likely to eat nutrient-dense items like cereal and

fruits than those who skip it. Furthermore, skipping breakfast increases the likelihood of

using vitamin supplements (Keaki-Rahkonen et al., 2003).

According to Cueto, S. (2001) the effects of coffee (4 mg/kg) and breakfast (1.89

MJ) on mood, cardiovascular health, and cognitive function were investigated in two

tests. Breakfast raised heart rate and affected mood in the first experiment, but it had no

effect on sustained attention task performance. Breakfast had no effect on a semantic

memory task, but it did increase performance on free recall and recognition memory

tasks and decrease accuracy on a logical reasoning challenge. On the other hand,

caffeine enhanced performance in the tasks involving recognition memory, logical

reasoning, free recall, and semantic memory. Overall, our findings demonstrate that

eating breakfast can enhance performance on some cognitive tasks, but not all of them,

and that these modifications differ significantly from those brought on by caffeine and

those that are seen after lunch.

Regular attendance and maintaining a healthy weight are two positive outcomes

that have a correlation with consuming breakfast (Spence, C. 2017). Regular breakfast

eaters also exhibit a greater range of positive effects, such as increased enthusiasm,

interest, energy, mental alertness, joy, and willpower during the morning to noon period

(Gardner, M. P., et al., 2014). Additionally, eating breakfast improves concentration and

lowers daytime attention and cognitive deficits (Adolphus, K., et al.,2016). Having

breakfast can also help you maintain your body mass index (BMI) within normal bounds.

A study by Adolphus, Lawton, and Dye found that breakfast positively impacts

classroom behavior and academic performance in children, particularly in younger

children under 13. This effect is more evident in well-nourished, undernourished, and

low-SES children. Additionally, breakfast frequency positively affects school grades and

achievement test scores, especially in mathematics. These findings are ecologically

valid and relevant to students, parents, teachers, and policymakers. Moreover, research

indicates that children's behavior, cognitive function, and academic achievement are all

positively impacted by breakfast (Hoyland et al., 2009).

According to Ma, X., Chen, et al., (2020) results of meta-analysis proved that

skipping breakfast raises the possibility of becoming overweight or obese and is linked

to these conditions. Research shows that those who skip breakfast tend to consume a

diet that is higher in fat and has lower intakes of vitamins and minerals than those who

eat breakfast, which increases the risk of developing gastrointestinal disorders in later

life. When breakfast is skipped, there are less carbohydrates in the morning, which

lowers blood sugar levels and affects how well students perform both mentally and

physically. Because skipping breakfast makes students hungrier and more likely to eat

during lunch, especially unhealthy foods, skipping breakfast is generally associated with

a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) among university students of all ages. Absence from
breakfast also causes a decrease in energy levels during the day. The findings of this

study could be used to inform the development of an intervention that encourages

students to eat breakfast on a regular basis (Handuwala, L. H. H. I. S'., et al.,2022).

According to Sanderson et al. (2010), kids who skip breakfast are more likely to be less

physically active and to have lower levels of cardio-respiratory fitness.

Approximately 18-25% of students and 36% of teenagers skip breakfast

(Schusdziarra, V., Hausmann., et al.,2011)according the same surveys 36.4% of

students who attend classes in the FHCS and EUSL skip breakfast (Handuwala, L. H.

H. I. S'., et al.,2022). According to other studies, 23.58% of school-age children skipped

breakfast (Sivapatham, V., & Nadarajah, S. 2017). According to similar studies that also

showed similar findings, 95.2% of students thought that breakfast was the most

important meal of the day. It's possible that students were underinformed about the

dangers of skipping breakfast and the advantages of eating a healthy meal (Abaidoo, B.


During their morning lectures, 80% of the participants reported feeling more

energized because they had eaten breakfast. In response, 20% of participants said that

they had felt better after skipping breakfast; these included decreased discomfort and

travel-related nausea or vomiting (40.4%), weight loss (23.7%), lower blood sugar levels

(20.2%), and 33.3% of other effects. The majority of students (74.2%), according to the

responses collected, have low energy levels; in addition, they have poor memory

(19.2%), weight imbalance (gain or loss), illnesses like peptic ulcers (41.5%), and 7.9%

of other negative effects (skipping breakfast). In total, 86% of students report negative

outcomes (Handuwala, L. H. H. I. S'., et al.,2022). A study conducted in Sri Lanka

(Sivapatham, v., & Nadarajah, S. 2017)found that students who skipped breakfast

received lower grades than those who did not, and that there was a highly significant
statistical relationship between breakfast skipping and attendance, indicating that

skippers missed school more often than non-skippers. The study has indicated that

eating breakfast may contribute to improvements in mood, including satisfaction

(Wesnes et al., 2003), motivation to learn or focus (Hoyland et al., 2009), and general

"cognitive functioning" (Mahoney et al., 2009). One potential mechanism could be the

increased functioning of the central nervous system due to the energy and nutrients that

breakfast provides; glucose may be particularly important in this regard (Kennedy| et al.,


A Manila Times article claims that 2.7 million Filipino children miss one meal every

day. The Philippines is in a better position than Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand to

address malnutrition, according to Neil Olney, country director of Save the Children.

According to him, 1.5 million Filipino children go hungry at night, and 2.7 million children

between the ages of 0 and 10 are compelled to miss at least one meal every day. In the

meantime, food insecurity affects 64% of children in Muslim Mindanao's autonomous

region, meaning that their families don't know if they will eat at all. With 45 percent,

Socsargen (South Cotabato, Sarang-gani, and General Santos City) is next. At 7.5%,

the Cordillera autonomous region has the lowest rate of food security. In all, there is

food insecurity in 40% of the nation's homes and 24% of people live in extreme poverty,

which translates to 1 in 10 families being extremely poor. According to Olney,

malnutrition causes stunting in children. The stunting rate among Filipino children is

thirty percent, which is like that of impoverished African countries like Ghana (34%) and

Kenya (33%). This implies this number of stunted Filipinos is 3.6 million. "The

development of children, economic progress, and people's ability to escape poverty are

all being hampered by malnutrition."We are helping save and tap the full potential of
millions of Filipino children by tackling child malnutrition alongside poverty and food

security," he said. Save the Children Philippines launched its "Lahat Dapat" campaign

on Thursday, a program that aims to ensure that no child is left behind in the fight to

provide them with nutritious food in their first three years of life. Pilapil, (2015).


This chapter will explain the method adopted by this study and will mention every

component involved in the conduction. Moreover, this chapter provides a detailed

explanation of the selected mode of analysis used and the data collection method.

Research Design

The study used a mixed method design. It allows researchers to explore both the

breadth and depth of a subject, providing a richer and more nuanced perspective. A

concurrent nested design is a specific approach in mixed-method research. In this

design, quantitative and qualitative data Collection are nested within each other to
address a single research question or objective.

To determine the particular positive and negative effects of skipping breakfast on

the academic performance of Grade 12 Senior High School students in Ibn Siena

Integrated School Foundation and to achieve the objectives of this study, the

researchers used a concurrent nested research design. This study critically aims to

collect data gathered from providing survey questionnaires with open-ended questions

to help explain or provide context for quantitative results and vice versa.

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation in Biyaba-

Damag, Marawi City. The Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation, Inc. (Ibn Siena) is a

joint venture of the MARKAZOS SHABAB ALMUSLIM FIL FILIBBIN, INC. and the

RANAO COUNCIL, INC. based on the initial agreement of the two organizations, the

establishment of the ISISF is the first step in their ultimate goal of establishing an

International Islamic University in the Philippines.

The Ibn Siena is the first integrated school establishment in Marawi City and in

Lanao Del Sur, and perhaps the whole country. It integrates the Department of

Education (DepEd) curriculum with those of the Madaris (Arabic School) resulting to a

curriculum that is unique to ISISF. The school aims to become a model school in the

Muslim communities in the Philippines producing a curriculum that is truly responsive to

the true needs of Muslim Filipino.

Figure 2. Map of Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Research Sample

The respondents of this study were Grade 12 students of the Ibn Siena

Integrated School Foundation. The researchers used simple random sampling to select

the participants in this study. The participants were comprised of 10 sections: six

sections of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), two sections

of Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM), and lastly, two sections of

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS). The total number of participants in this

study is 186: 42 male and 144 female. The researchers will use Slovin’s formula to

determine the appropriate sample size for this study.

Slovin’s (1960) formula for sample size:

n = N / (1+Ne2)

n is the sample size

N is the population size

e is the margin of error

1 is a constant value

Research instrument
Survey Questionnaire used by the researchers to carry out and determine the

details of this study. The respondents’ profile, including name, section, age, sex, and

economic status, as well as the first quarter general average of morning subjects, is the

primary focus of the first section of the questionnaire. Our survey questionnaire has the

purpose to know if there are negative and positive effect of skipping breakfast on the

academic performance of the student.

The researchers utilized an adapted survey questionnaire from a reseach paper

of Leyte National Highschool’s grade 12 General Academic Students, the researchers

are as follows: Carbonilla, Nina Kyle; Postrero, Judy; Soria, Dave Vincent; Villena, John

Kenneth; Dianito, Ronald; Loyola, Marielle; Jusay, Melinda; Loraniel, Delloro; Dula


A Likert scale, which typically has a 3-5 or 7-point scale for measuring how

much people agree or disagree with a statement, were used to design the second

section. The researchers plan to introduce open-ended questions in the third section.

This was carried out to collect data from the sample population that was both

quantitative and qualitative.

Data Collection Procedure

The researchers used two phases of data gathering techniques to collect

sufficient and relevant data to address the objectives of this study.

For the first phase, the data gathered by the researchers collected from

published research materials and documents about the effects of skipping breakfast on

the internet to find the right and proper research instrument for this study. For the

second phase, the researchers provided survey questionnaires to the grade 12 students

at the Ibn Siena integrated school foundation to collect data from their responses. The
researchers employed close-ended questions for the second part of the survey

questionnaire by using the Likert scale and embedded open-ended questions for the

third part. Furthermore, to ensure proper responses from the participants and avoid

ambiguity, simple English language was used in designing the questions.

Data Analysis

In analysing the output from the responses of the Senior High School students on

the questionnaires, the researchers adopted a fundamental approach. The researchers

used the frequency and percentage in analysing the data to calculate the number of

responses to a specific question that was stated in the survey questionnaire. It was

used to calculate the responses of the participants for interpreting the results. To get the

average response for the Yes or No option from each survey questionnaire, a

statistically weighted mean was also used.

1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution.

Formula: P = ∑𝒇𝒙/𝑵 x 100

Wherein: P = Percentage

∑f = the total number of skippers who answer the question

N = total number of respondents.

2. Weighted Mean.

Formula: X = ∑𝒇𝒙/𝑵

Wherein: X = Weighted mean

Σfx = sum of f and x, where f is the frequency of the answers and x is the

equivalent of every answer.

N = total number of answers in every item.


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered in this study.

Specifically, the study aims to address the following research questions.

Table 1:
Respondents According to age N=186

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent

17 years old 26 14.0 14.0 14.0

18 years old 97 52.2 52.2 66.1
Valid 19 years old 49 26.3 26.3 92.5
20 years old 14 7.5 7.5 100.0
Total 186 100.0 100.0

It shows that out of 186 respondents, 26 or (14.0%) of them aged 17 years old. However, 97 or

(52.2%) of the respondents were 18 years. 49 or (26.3%) of the respondents were 19 years old and

14 or (7.5%) of the respondents were 20 years old. It implies that half of the respondents were 18

years old.

Table 2:
Respondents According to Gender N=186

Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Female 114 61.3 61.3 61.3
Valid Male 72 38.7 38.7 100.0
Total 186 100.0 100.0
It shows that out of 186 respondents, there were 72 or (38.7%) of them were male and 114 or

(61.3%) of the respondents were female. It implies that majority of the respondents were


Table 3:
Socio Economic Status Percentage Distribution of the Respondents.

Economic Status Monthly Income

Above Average Above ₱30,000
Average ₱15,000 - ₱29,999
Below Average Below ₱15,000

Economic Status
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Above Average 32 17.2 17.2 17.2
Average 83 44.6 44.6 61.8
Below Average 71 38.2 38.2 100.0
Total 186 100.0 100.0

. It shows that out of 186 respondents, there were 32 or (17.2%) of them were above average

and has parents’ monthly income of 30,000php and above, 83 or or (44.6%) of the respondents

were average with parents’ monthly income of 29,000php - 15,000php and 71 or (38.2%) were

below average with parents’ monthly income of 15,000php or below . It implies that majority of

the respondents were average with parents’ monthly income of 29,000php - 15,000php.

Grading Scale First Subject Grade Description

90 and above Outstanding
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
85 – 89 Very Satisfactorily
Percent Percent
80 – 84 Satisfactorily
Outstanding 85 45.7 45.7 45.7
75 – 79 Fairly Satisfactorily
Very Satisfactorily
Below 75 30 Did 16.1 16.1
Not Meet Expectations 61.8
Valid Satisfactorily 69 37.1 37.1 98.9
Fairly Satisfactory 2 1.1 1.1 100.0
Total 186 100.0 100.0
Second Subject Grade
Frequency Percent Valid Cumulative
Percent Percent
Outstanding 85 45.7 45.7 45.7
Very Satisfactorily 32 17.2 17.2 62.9
Valid Satisfactorily 68 36.6 36.6 99.5
Fairly Satisfactory 1 .5 .5 100.0
Total 186 100.0 100.0

1. What is the impact of skipping breakfast on the academic performance of

students? Positive or negative?


1 1.00 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree
2 1.51 – 2.50 Disagree
3 2.51 – 3.50 Agree
4 3.51 – 4.00 Strongly Agree

Impact of Skipping Breakfast Mean Interpretation

Eating breakfast helps me to improve my academic
2.97 Agree

Eating breakfast gives me advantages and benefits for

3.03 Agree
my daily school performance.
I get low scores when I skip breakfast. 2.37 Disagree
I am aware of the negative effects of skipping breakfast
3.12 Agree
on my health.
I can concentrate well in class whenever I skip
2.24 Disagree
I easily understand concepts and lessons taught in 2.17 Disagree
class when I skip breakfast.
I still perform well in class when I skip breakfast. 2.63 Agree
I skip breakfast because of a lack of time. 3.02 Agree
I skip breakfast because we are lacking in the financial
1.95 Disagree
I skip breakfast because I am concerned with my
1.98 Disagree
physical image.
I skip breakfast because I am not hungry in the
2.46 Disagree
Total Mean 2.54 AGREE

The study resulted that skipping breakfast have impact on academic performance of

students both positively and negatively. Skipping breakfast does not help students to

improve their academic performance, it negatively impacts their daily school

performance, students are unable to concentrate well in their class, it is difficult for

students to grasp class concept and lessons easily. The results of our study are similar

to the study of the following authors: (Handuwala, L. H. H. I. S'., et al.,2022); (Adolphus,

K., et al.,2016); ( Ma, X., Chen, et al., 2020); and (Sivapatham, v., & Nadarajah, S.


2. What are the specific positive effects to students of skipping breakfast?

1. loss of weight

2. Reduce blood sugar

3. Reduce discomfort in traveling

4.feeling tired when the stomach is full

3. What are the specific negative effects to students of skipping breakfast?

1. low memory

2. low energy

3. weight imbalance (weight gain or loss)

4. Disease such as ulcer

4. What are the causes of why students skip breakfast?

The majority of students skip breakfast due to a lack of time, don't feel hungry in

the morning, are concerned with their appearance and lack of financial aspects,

and don't have a wide enough selection of foods. The same can be said of the

findings of Handuwala, L. H. H. S’ et al.,2022. According to a similar study that

showed similar findings, 80% of the participants reported feeling more energized

because they had eaten breakfast. In response, 20% of participants said that

they had felt better after skipping breakfast; these included decreased discomfort

and travel-related nausea or vomiting (40.4%), weight loss (23.7%), lower blood

sugar levels (20.2%), and 33.3% of other effects. The majority of students

(74.2%), according to the responses collected, have low energy levels; in

addition, they have poor memory (19.2%), weight imbalance (gain or loss),

illnesses like peptic ulcers (41.5%), and 7.9% of other negative effects (skipping

breakfast). In total, 86% of students report negative outcomes (Handuwala, L. H.

H. I. S'., et al.,2022).

5. What is the correlation between skipping breakfast and the student’s

academic performance?

Table 4

The correlation between skipping breakfast among the respondents and their
academic performance.

Cramer’s Significance
Value Level
0.312 0.934 Null No Correlation
g Breakfast

The result shows that, the skippers were not only facing difficulties to elevate their

academic performance and achieved inadequate level of academic performance by not

taking their breakfast. Many non-skippers also had inadequate level of academic

performance. Therefore, there can be other factors of which were not identified in this
study may influence academic activities among the respondents rather than skipping


6. What are the possible strategies that will encourage regular breakfast

consumption among students?

According to the respondents, sleeping and waking up early are possible strategies

for students to eat their breakfast regularly.

In one study, researchers had people eat breakfast as soon as they woke up in order

to help them shift to sleeping and waking earlier. Kamada, I., Truman, L., Bold, J., &

Mortimore, D. (2011).

7. What could be the possible recommendations that may encourage

students to avoid skipping breakfast?

Most of the respondents recommend that students sleep and wake up early and

effectively manage their time to prevent skipping breakfast.

According to a website (American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition

[Copyright © 2023]), set an earlier bedtime to get up in time to eat breakfast.



This study aimed to understand the impact of skipping breakfast on the academic

performance of Grade 12 students at the Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation.

Eating breakfast is very important, and it may actually affect an individual’s overall

performance. Nevertheless, breakfast can be considered one of the aspects that can

help students focus on their studies.

Skipping breakfast has a negative and positive effect, according to the findings of

this study. There are positive effects of skipping breakfast, such as weight loss, reduced

blood sugar, reduced discomfort when traveling, and feeling tired when the stomach is

full. The respondents have responded that there are negative effects of skipping

breakfast, such as low memory, low energy, and weight imbalance. Also, the respondent
has responded that they experience that they can't concentrate well in class and that

they can't easily understand concepts and lessons taught in class whenever they skip

breakfast. Respondents also agree that eating breakfast helps improve academic

performance. The reasons why students skip breakfast. The majority of respondents

reasons why they skip breakfast is because of a lack of time; another possible reason is

that they are concerned about their physical appearance, are not hungry in the morning,

or lack of financial aspects.

Academic performance, measured through the first subject’s grade in the morning,

showed that a majority of students performed outstandingly (45.7%), the same in the

second subject, followed by satisfactory (37.1% and 36.6%), very satisfactory (16.1%

and 17.2%), and fairly satisfactory (1.1% and 0.5%). The study, however, found no

correlation between skipping breakfast and students' academic performance.


Considering the overall result, the skippers were not only facing difficulties to

elevate their academic performance and achieved inadequate level of academic

performance by not taking their breakfast. Many non-skippers also had inadequate level

of academic performance. Therefore, there can be other factors of which were not

identified in this study may influence academic activities among the respondents rather

than skipping breakfast.


The researchers would like to recommend future researchers to investigate the

factors linked to skipping breakfast based on the findings and conclusion of this study.

and look more closely into the mechanisms underlying the relationship between
skipping breakfast and academic achievement. This will broaden teachers' and

students' knowledge in addition to being beneficial to the education sector.


Hoyland, A., Dye, L., & Lawton, C. L. (2009). A systematic review of the effect of

breakfast on the performance of children and adolescents. Nutrition Research


Keski-Rahkonen, A., Kaprio, J., Rissanen, A., Virkkunen, M., & Rose, R. J. (2003).

Breakfast skipping and health-compromising behaviors in adolescents and adult.

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 57,842-853

Wesnes, K. A., Pincock, C., Richardson, R., Helm, G., & Hails, S. (2003). Breakfast

reduces declines in attention and memory in schoolchildren. Appetite,41,329-331.

Ma, X., Chen, Q., Pu, Y., Guo, M., Jiang, Z., Huang, W., … 7 Xu, Y. (2020). Skipping

breakfast is associated with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-

analysis. Obesity research& clinical practice, 14(10)1-8

Gibney, M.J., Barr, S. I., BEllisle, F., Drewnowski, A., Fagt,S., Livingstone, B., … &
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Letter to the Principal

December 2023

Alim Moctar D.Bato

School Principal
Marawi City

Dear Sir.

Assalamu Alaikom!

In partial fulfillment of our requirements for our subject Practical Research 2

(Research in the Daily Life 1), we grade 12 students of ABM namely: Abdulcader,
Ryhan – Ameen, Saliha – H.Amer, Joharah – Mahdi, Nawal – Sadick, Sofaira would
like to ask for permission to conduct a research study entitled THE IMPACT OF
In connection with this, we would like to ask your good office to allow us to conduct our
research study in your vicinity. Rest assured that the data we will gather will remain
absolutely confidential and to be used in academic purpose only.
We believe that you are with us in our enthusiasm to finish the requirement as
compliance for our subject and to develop our well-being. We hope of your positive
response on this humble matter. Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly

Respectfully yours,
The Researchers

Recommending Approval:

Approved By:


School Principal

Informed Consent Form

Dear Participants,

We are Ryhan D. Abdulcader, Saliha A. Ameen, Joharah H.A. H.Amer, Nawal

D. Mahdi, and Sofaira G. Sadick from Accountancy, Business, and Management

(ABM) 12. We are conducting this survey for our research study entitled “The impact

of skipping breakfast on the academic performance of grade 12 students at the

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation.” The purpose of this study is to know if

there are negative and positive effect of skipping breakfast on the academic

performance of the student.We kindly request that you answer the indicated questions

in this survey. Moreover, the researchers ensure that your identity and answer will be

treated with confidentiality. Thank you for your cooperation!

Survey Questionnaire


Dear Participants,
We are Ryhan D. Abdulcader, Saliha A. Ameen, Joharah H.A. H. Amer, Nawal D. Mahdi, and Sofaira G.
Sadick from Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) 12. We are conducting this survey for our research
study entitled “The impact of skipping breakfast on the academic performance of grade 12 students at the Ibn
Siena Integrated School Foundation.” The purpose of this study is to know if there are negative and positive effect
of skipping breakfast on the academic performance of the student. We kindly request that you answer the indicated
questions in this survey. Moreover, the researchers ensure that your identity and answer will be treated with
confidentiality. Thank you for your cooperation!

Hereby give my permission to the researchers to allow me to respond to a questionnaire in as scholarly research
paper. I understand that their work is for academic purposes.
I hereby given my permission in the form of my signature below:
Name (optional):__________________________________ Sex: __________
Section: __________
 17 years old
 18 years old
 19 years old
 20 years old

Others: _________
Economic Status:
 Above Average (monthly income exceeding Php30,000)
 Average (monthly income range is Php15,000 – Php30,000)
 Below Average (monthly income not exceeding Php15,000)

1st quarter Grade. Average of morning subjects:

1st subject: _______ 2nd subject: _______
Instructions: Please rate the extent to which you agree/disagree with following statements by checking the
corresponding box that indicates your answer:
1= Strongly Agree, 2= Disagree, 3= Agree, 4= Strongly Agree
1 2 3 4
1. Eating breakfast helps me to improve my academic performance.
2. I skip breakfast frequently.
3. Eating breakfast gives me advantages and benefits for my daily school performance.
4. I get low scores when I skip breakfast.
5. I am aware of the negative effects of skipping breakfast on my health.
6. I can concentrate well in class whenever I skip breakfast.
7. I easily understand concepts and lessons taught in class when I skip breakfast.
8. I still perform well in class when I skip breakfast.
9. I skip breakfast because of a lack of time.
10. I skip breakfast because we are lacking in the financial aspect.
11. I skip breakfast because I am concerned with my physical image.
12. I skip breakfast because I am not hungry in the morning.

Open-ended questions:
1. Are there negative effects of skipping breakfast on your academic performance?

2. Are there positive effects of skipping breakfast on your academic performance?

3. What are the reasons why are you skipping your breakfast?

4. How often do you skip breakfast in a week?

5. What can you suggest to minimize the instances of skipping breakfast?

6. Does skipping breakfast affect your academic performance? Why?

Email address:


Name: Ryhan Daud Abdulcader

Nickname: N/A
Birth Date: June 12, 2005
Birthplace: West Poblacion, Balo-I, Lanao del Norte
Mother: Norhanah S. Daud
Father: Jabbar M. Abdulcader


Senior High School

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City
Junior High School

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City


Marawi City

Balo-i Central Elementary School

Municipality of Balo-i

Email address:


Name: Saliha Aloyodan Ameen

Nickname: N/A
Birth Date: August 03, 2004
Birthplace: Paaraba, Ganassi, Lanao del Sur
Mother: Caironesah B. Macapodi
Father: H.Ameen S. Macaalin


Senior High School

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City

Junior High School

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City


Email address:


Name: Joharah H.A. H. Amer

Nickname: Joharah
Birth Date: April 27, 2005
Birthplace: Marinaut, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur
Mother: Norhata M. H. Amen
Father: Coyogan B. H. Amer


Senior High School

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City

Junior High School

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City


As-Salihein Integrated School

Tamparan, Lanao del Sur

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City

Email address:


Name: Nawal Dimangadap Mahdi

Nickname: Nawaliah
Birth Date: November 15, 2006
Birthplace: Raya madaya 1, Marawi City
Mother: Norhaya Onte Dimangadap
Father: Mahdi Paurac Pamnagun


Senior High School

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City
Junior High School

MSU-University Training Center

Marawi City


Jamiatu Janoubel filibbien Inc.

Marawi city

Poona Marantao Elementary School

Marawi City

Jamiatu Janoubel filibbien Inc.

Marawi City
Email address:


Name: Sofaira Grande Sadick

Nickname: N/A
Birth Date: January 14, 2006
Birthplace: Dagook, Lumbatan, Lanao del sur
Mother: Sohayla Grande Sadick
Father: Jalil Bacaraman Sadick


Senior High School

Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Marawi City
Junior High School

Hadiyyah International School

Marawi City

Adventist Medical Center College

Iligan City


Iligan City Adventist Elementary School

Iligan City

Golden City Elementary School

Cavite City

La Verne Academy Inc.

Cavite City

ACM Sherwood Kiddie School

Cavite City

United Methodist Development School

Iligan City

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